te digo, i tell you, compañero, mírame bien,
look at what you see, lo que soy, what I am,
te digo, i tell you, compañero, mírame bien,
i am not looking for the moment, compañero,
i am not looking for a fly-by-night relationship,
i am looking to grow, to be independent,
to be assertive, to educate myself,
i am looking for equality, on all levels, personal,
family, societal, i am looking for comprehension,
for tranquility, for dialogue,
i am looking to survive the ups and downs,
without humiliation, so think twice, compañero,
before you think about our future happiness,
you must understand what i am, compañero,
don’t underestimate me,
don’t crowd me,
don’t exploit me,
it is your responsibility, tu responsabilidad,
to respect me, compañero,
and if you do, the treasures of my ultimate desires
will be nurturing you constantemente,
to make you a stronger man
as you make me a stronger woman.
i’ll give you everything, everything,
i’ll give you todo, all, compañero,
i’ll give you the universe,
secretly for your private moments,
and you will give me back
the same commitment so that
we will never suffer from an
unemotional and cold goodbye.
i love you,