All page numbers refer to the 2020 print edition
References in italics indicate illustration figure numbers
Aalto, Alvar 87, 146; 68–9
Adam, Robert 206
Adjaye, David 253–4
Adler, Dankmar 50; 34
Adler, David 127, 131
aesthetic movement 8, 27, 28–33
Ahlschlager, Walter W. 108
Aida, Takefumi 210
Alcock, Rutherford 27
Allen, Davis 142; 119
Allom, William 125
American Bar 67; 47
Arad, Ron 195; 171, 172
Archigram group 174; 149
Archizoom group 174; 150
Armani 249; 221, 222
art deco 9, 90–118, 173, 205, 215; 99
art nouveau 8, 21, 23, 33, 36–49, 52, 54, 61, 65, 91, 173
Art-Workers’ Guild 18
Arts and Crafts Exhibition Society 18
arts and crafts movement 8, 12, 14, 15–26, 34, 36, 38, 41, 44–5, 49, 61, 65, 86, 87, 157
Ashbee, C.R. 18, 23
Associated Artists 121
Atelier Elvira 47; 30
Atelier Martine 96
Auditorium Building 50; 34
Aukett Associates 212; 188
Baillie Scott, Mackay Hugh 21–2, 25, 41, 57; 8
Bakker, Gijs 236
Bakst, Léon 96
Balazs, André 190
Baldwin, Billy 139; 117
Banham, Reyner 169, 170
Barba, Javier 185; 161
Barcelona Pavilion 78, 79; 60
Barry, Sir Charles 14
Bassani, Luca 239
Bassett-Lowke, W.J. 58, 60
Bauhaus 68–9, 72–9, 87, 144; 52–6
Bawa, Geoffrey 11, 245–8; 219
Baydar, Gülsüm 9, 241
Beaux-Arts 34–7, 50, 125, 127
Beeton, Mrs 12
Behnisch and Partners 209; 186
Behrens, Peter 67, 68
Bell, Vanessa 26
Bellini, Mario 155, 200; 178
Bernard, Oliver Percy 115; 96
Bertoia, Harry 149, 152
Bertsch, Karl 91
Biba 173, 174; 148
Bing, Samuel 43, 44, 45, 55
Blackie, Walter 57
Blerot, Ernest 41
BMW plant 221; 196
Boulestin, Marcel 103
Brand, Stewart 183
Brandt, Edgar 99, 108
Brandt, Marianne 74
Branzi, Andrea 174
Breuer, Marcel 73, 75, 88–9, 90; 53, 54, 57
Brewer, Cecil 88
British Museum 225; 201
Brown, Eleanor see McMillen, Eleanor
Bugatti, Carlo 49; 33
Bunshaft, Gordon 141–2; 118
Burden, Jane 17
Burges, William 14–15
Burj Al Arab 254, 257; 225, 226
Burne-Jones, Edward 17, 18
Capella, Juli 213; 189
Casa Batlló 49; 32
Casson, Dinah 206
Casson, Hugh 158, 238
Castel Béranger 42; 26, 27
Castellvi, Jaume 213; 189
Celtic influence 41, 54
Century Guild 28–9; 18
Chandigarh 11, 147, 243, 244; 216
Changing Rooms 189
Chanin Building 106; 86, 87
Chareau, Pierre 100, 102; 81
Charleston Farmhouse 26; 15
Chermayeff, Serge 89, 104, 115; 84
Chew, Khuan 254
Choromanski, Rodney 251; 223
Clendinning, Max 178; 156
Cliff, Clarice 117
Coates, Nigel 206–9, 210; 185
Coates, Wells 89, 90
Codman, Ogden 121–2, 125; 100
Colefax, Lady Sybil 128, 131
Colombo, Joe 200; 179
Connor, David 209
Conran, Terence 173, 183–4; 160
Constructivism 72–3
consumer culture 10, 160–90; 137–41
Contemporary Style 165, 167–8
Cook, Peter 174
Council of Industrial Design (CoID) 157, 165, 167
Cranbrook 149, 151–2, 163, 165
Crane, Walter 18, 61
Cranston, Catherine 55, 58
cubism 93, 95
Cumming, Rose 135; 114
Czajkowski, Joseph 27
Dalí, Salvador 132, 133; 111
Dannatt, Adrian 195
D’Aronco, Raimondo 49
David B. Gamble House 25; 14
Davies, David 197
Davis, Stuart 111
Day, Lewis F. 18
Day, Robin 165
de Beistigui, Charles 132; 110
de Silva, Minnette 11, 245–6; 218
De Stijl 69–72, 79; 51
de Wolfe, Elsie 122–6, 128, 133, 140; 101–2, 103
Dean, Martin 180
Deanery Gardens 22; 9
deconstruction movement 209
Décoration Intérieure Moderne (DIM) 103–4
Del Marle, Félix 51
del Renzio, Toni 171
Delamarre, Jacques 106; 86
Delaunay, Sonia & Robert 96
Derieux, Mary 160
Derngate 58, 60; 40
Derrida, Jacques 209
Design and Industries Association (DIA) 88, 89, 160
Deskey, Donald 112; 93, 94
Deutscher Werkbund 67–9, 73, 79
Diaghilev, Sergei 96
Diller Scofidio + Renfro 222–3; 198
disposable furniture 174, 176
Dixon, Tom 195
do-it-yourself 10, 168, 189, 217; 145
Dorner, Marie-Christine 206
Doucet, Jacques 92; 76
Draper, Dorothy 135; 113
Dresser, Christopher 23
Drew, Jane 243
Dreyfuss, Henry 109
Droog Design 236; 212
Dubreuil, André 195
Duffey, Mrs E.B. 12
Dufrêne, Maurice 98
Dufy, Raoul 96
Dunster, Bill 187; 166
Dupas, Jean 98
D’Urso, Joseph Paul 193; 170
Duveen, Charles 135
Duveen, Edward 125
Duveen, Joseph 119, 135
Eames, Charles 149, 151, 152; 127, 132
Eames, Ray 149, 151, 152; 132
Earl, Harley 165; 142
Eastlake, Charles Locke 31–2; 21
Eden Project 221–2; 197
Edis, R.W. 28; 17
Eiffel, Gustave 37
Elkins, Frances 126–7, 133, 140
Endell, August 47; 30
Espée, Baron Roland de l’ 133
expressionism 69, 112, 209
4-you Youth Savings Bank 234; 211
Fallingwater 84; 67
Farnsworth, Dr Edith 141
Farrell, Terry 206; 184
The Fauves 96
Feininger, Lyonel 69
Festival Pattern Group 165, 167
Fisher, Douglas 171
Flato, Paul 137
Follot, Paul 98, 100, 104; 78
‘Fool’ group 183
Foster, Norman Robert 195, 217, 225–6; 173, 195, 201–2
Fowler, John 131, 137
Francis W. Little House 51–2, 71; 35
Frank, Jean-Michel 132–3; 111
‘Frankfurt kitchen’ 77; 59
Frankl, Paul T. 117–18; 98
Frederick, Christine 77–8
Frick, Henry Clay 125
Fry, Maxwell 243
Fry, Roger 26
futurist movement 87, 111
Gallé, Emile 43–4
Gardner, James 239
Garnett, Cloughley, Blakemore Associates 177; 151
Garnier, Jean Louis Charles 34; 23
Gaudí, Antoni 37, 49; 32
Gauguin, Paul 36, 38, 41
Geddes, Norman Bel 109
Gehry, Frank 186, 209; 164
Gherkin Building 217; 195
Gibbons, Cedric 112; 95
Girard, Alexander 145; 121
Glasgow School 47, 54–5
Glasgow School of Art 54–5, 58; 41
Godwin, E.W. 31
gothic revival 14–15, 17, 32
Grand Designs 217; 191
Grant, Duncan 26
Graves, Michael 199; 176
Gray, Eileen 100; 80
green design 184–9, 210, 217
see also sustainability
Greene, Charles Sumner 23, 25; 14
Greene, Henry Mather 25; 14
Greville, Mrs Ronald 36
Grimshaw, Nicholas 222; 197
Gropius, Walter 8, 68, 69, 73–4, 75, 79, 83, 88–9, 90; 55, 56
Grosse Schauspielhaus 69; 49
Groult, André 92–3, 103; 74–5
Guggenheim Museum 148, 230; 125
Guimard, Hector 37, 42–3, 49; 26, 27
Habitat 183–4, 187, 195; 160
Haby, François 47
Hadid, Zaha 221; 196
Hadley, Albert 140
Hamilton, Richard 169; 146
Hamnett, Katharine 195; 173
Hankar, Paul 41
Harris, Harwell Hamilton 147; 122
Harrison, George & Patti 183
‘Haus am Horn’ 73, 74; 52
Havana Tobacco Company 47; 29
Heal, Ambrose 88
Heatherwick, Thomas 253; 224
Henk Vos 227; 203
Herzog & de Meuron 223, 225, 231, 257; 200, 207
Heynen, Hilde 9, 241
hi-tech movement 191–5, 205
Hicks, David 122, 137, 139–40, 254; 115, 116
Hill House 57–8; 31, 38–40
Hill, Oliver 114–15
Hillier, Bevis 173
Hitchcock, Henry-Russell 83
Hoffmann, Josef 61, 62; 43, 44–5
Holden, Charles 89; 72
Home, George 147
Hopkins, Michael 193; 169
Horta, Victor 37–41, 42, 43, 49; 1, 24, 25
Hotel du Petit Moulin 229–30; 205
‘The House of an Art Lover’ 21, 57; 8
Hulanicki, Barbara 173; 148
Hunt, Richard Morris 34
Hunt, William Holman 15; 4
Icehotel 217; 192–4
Ideal Home Exhibition 167, 170; 147
IKEA 189; 167
Inchbald, Michael 137
Innes, Jocasta 206
Inside Out Homes 11
International Style 83, 87, 109, 117, 144, 147, 158, 243
Ionides, Basil 114
Iribe, Paul 92, 103
Irving Place 122–5; 101–2
Irving Trust Company 108–9; 89
Jahn, Helmut 226
Jallot, Léon 13
James, Edward 133
Japanese design 8, 18, 27, 36, 70, 209–10
Jeanneret, Pierre 243; 216
Jencks, Charles 199–200, 206; 177
Jestico & Whiles 229; 204
Jiřičná, Eva 195; 174
Joel, Betty 127; 106
Johnson, Philip 83, 144–5, 222; 120
Johnson Wax Building 111–12; 92
Joubert, René 104
Jucker, K.J. 74; 58
Jugendstil 45, 47
Kahn, Ely Jacques 106
Kandinsky, Wassily 73, 75
Kauffman, Edgar 144
KCA International 254; 225, 226
Kellogg, Dr John Harvey 124
Kelly, Ben 195
Khnopff, Fernand 38, 61
Klein, Calvin 239
Klein, Naomi 234
Klimt, Gustav 61, 64
Knoll, Florence 142, 152
Knoll Furniture Company 142, 152; 118
Kodak shop 54; 37
Koolhaas, Rem 230; 206
Kroa, Joan 193
Kruisherenhotel 227; 203
Kurokawa, Kisho 210; 187
La Farge, John 36
Lacroix, Christian 229–30; 205
Lalique, René 102; 82, 83
Lanvin, Jeanne 99; 79
Larkin Building 52; 36
Larrea, Quim 213; 189
Lazzarini, Claudio 239; 214
Le Corbusier 8, 11, 67, 79, 81–3, 100, 132, 147–8, 157, 191, 193–4, 243, 248; 62–5, 123–4, 220
Legrain, Pierre 95; 76
Lennon, Dennis 238
Lenygon, Francis 119
Lescaze, William 145–6
Lethaby, W.R. 18–19
Lewis, E. Walmsley 115; 97
Leyland, Frederick 30
Liaigre, Christian 190
Liberty, Arthur Lasenby 27–8
Liberty’s 27–8; 16
Lissitsky, El 72, 73
Lloyd’s Building 191; 168
Locher, Mira A. 186; 165
Loewy, Raymond 91
Loos, Adolf 65–7, 81; 46, 47
Losch, Tilly 133, 135; 112
Lovell House 84; 66
Lukens, Victor 180; 157
Lutyens, Sir Edwin 22; 9
McClelland, Nancy 126
Macdonald, Margaret 55; 31
McGrath, Raymond 89, 112, 114
McKellar, Susie 241
McKim, Charles Follen 35
McKim, Mead and White 34–5
Mackintosh, Charles Rennie 20, 44, 54–61, 91; 31, 38–40, 41
Mackmurdo, A.H. 29; 18
Maclntyre, Alex 182
MacMillan, Donald D. 160
McMillen, Eleanor (Eleanor Brown) 126, 133, 135, 140; 104–5
McNair, Herbert 55
Magistretti, Vico 155
Maki, Fumihiko 210
Malmaison 229; 204
Mandarina Duck 236; 212
Marbury, Elisabeth 122
Mare, André 95
Martin, Edward 140
Matchworks 223; 199
Matisse, Henri 26, 96, 140
Maugham, Syrie 128–31, 140; 107, 108
May, Ernst 77
Meier-Graefe, Julius 43, 44–5
Memphis Group 10, 199, 200, 204–5, 206; 180
Mendelsohn, Erich 69, 88–9
Mendini, Alessandro 200
Metcalf and Associates 163
Mewès and Davis 36
Meyer, Adolf 68, 69, 73
Meyer, Hannes 75, 77
Michelazzi, Giovanni 49
Mies van der Rohe, Ludwig 8, 77–9, 83, 87, 90, 141, 144, 152; 60, 61
Miller, Herman 152; 131
minimalism 8, 10, 195, 197, 239
Mitterrand, François 205
Mlinaric, David 137
modernism 8, 9–10, 11, 23, 64–90, 160, 163–5, 168–70, 174, 191, 197, 199, 206 post-war 141–59, 165 transnational 242–4
Moholy-Nagy, László 73, 90; 54, 56
Moller House 67; 46
Mondrian, Piet 70
Morris, William 8, 15–20, 23, 26, 27, 28–9, 32, 33, 38, 41, 144; 5, 6
Moser, Koloman 62; 43
Mourgue, Olivier 177; 152
Muche, George 73
Müller, Albin 91
Murakami, Takayuki 186; 165
Murdoch, Peter 176
Museum of African Design (MOAD) 251
Museum of Contemporary Art Africa (MOCAA) 251–2; 224
Museum of Modern Art 83–4, 144, 146, 149, 160, 200, 209, 223
Muthesius, Hermann 45, 67, 68
Nash, Paul 133–5; 112
NATO (Narrative Architecture Today) 207
NBBJ 232; 208
Nelson, George 152, 167
Neutra, Richard 83–4, 147; 66
Neville, Kelly & Masoko 191
New Brutalism 157, 195
The New Spirit 195
New Victoria Cinema 115; 97
Nike 232–4; 209, 210
Noguchi, Isamu 152; 131
Normandie 102; 83
Office for Metropolitan Architecture (OMA) 230; 206
Olbrich, Joseph Maria 61
Oldenburg, Claes 174, 178; 153
Omega Workshops 26; 15
Op Art 174
The Orchard 20–1; 7
Orphism 96
Oud, J.J.P. 79
Ozenfant, Amedée 79, 81
Pahlmann, William 137
Palais Stoclet 64; 44–5
Paolozzi, Eduardo 169
Papanek, Victor 185
Paris Expositions 26–7, 37, 38, 44, 81, 91, 92–3, 97–100, 103, 105, 112, 191
Paris Opéra 34; 23
Parish, Mrs Henry II 140, 206
Parr, Tom 137
Parsons, Charles Alvah 159
Pavillon de l’Esprit Nouveau 81; 63
Pawson, John 239; 215
Peach, Harry 88
Peacock Room 30; 20
Perriand, Charlotte 82; 65
PHICO Group 186; 163
Piano, Renzo 191
Pick, Frank 89
Pickering, Carl 239; 214
Pirroni, Marco 209
Plesner, Ulrik 246, 248
Poelzig, Hans 69; 49
Poiret, Paul 96–7; 77
Ponti, Gio 154–5, 238; 133
pop art/design 10, 159, 171–83, 230
Post-Colonialism 11, 242, 245, 247–8, 254, 256
post-impressionism 26, 36
post-modernism 10, 190–214
Post Office Savings Bank 61–2; 42
Potvin, John 9
Prada 230, 231–2; 207
Prouvé, Jean 155; 134
Pugin, A.W.N 8, 14, 15
purist movement 79, 81
Purkersdorf Sanatorium 62; 43
Putman, Andrée 204, 205; 182
Quant, Mary 173
Quibel, Raymond 82
Quickborner Team 142
Race, Ernest 165; 143
Radio City Music Hall 112; 93
Ramakers, Renny 236
Random International 258
Rateau, Armand-Albert 99; 79
recycled furniture 10, 195, 215–16; 172
Red House 17–18, 25; 5
Reebok 232; 208
Reich, Lilly 79
Reichstag 225–7; 202
Reid, Whitelaw 35
Remy, Tejo 236
Rene Gonzalez Architects 257; 227
Riemerschmid, Richard 68; 48
Riesman, David 161
Rietveld, Gerrit 70–1; 50
Riley, Bridget 174
Robsjohn-Gibbings, Terence Harold 135, 137
rococo revival 42–3
Rodchenko, Alexander 72
Rogers, Richard 191; 168
Rossetti, Gabriel 17, 19
Ruhlmann, Emile-Jacques 92, 98; 73
Ruskin, John 15, 18, 19
Russell, Gordon 88, 156–7; 10, 71
Saarinen, Eero 149, 151, 152, 247; 126, 129–30
Saarinen, Eliel 149
Salon d’Automne 82, 91, 95; 28
Sambourne, Linley 30–1
Sarabhai, Mrs Manorama 248; 220
Scandinavian design 86–7, 137
Schindler, Rudolph M. 83
Schmidt, Karl 68
Schröder House 70; 50
Schultz, Howard 237
Schütte-Lihotzky, Grete 77; 59
Scott, Sir Giles Gilbert 223
Seagram Building 141, 222–3; 198
Sert, Jose-Marie 98–9
Shaw, Richard Norman 29, 31; 19
Shekhtel, Fedor 48
Singapore 243–4; 217
SITE Projects Inc. 209
Skidmore, Owings and Merrill (SOM) 141–2; 118, 119
Slesin, Suzanne 193
Smirke, Sir Robert 225
Smithson, Alison & Peter 157, 169, 170; 147
Solomon, Barbara Stauffacher 180; 158
Solvay, Ernest 38
Sommaruga, Giuseppe 49
Sottsass, Ettore 200; 181
Sowden, George 205
Sparke, Penny 9, 241
Speer, Albert 87
Sportes, Ronald Cécil 205; 183
Sri Lanka 11, 245–8; 218, 219
Starbucks 236–7
Starck, Philippe 205
Stepanova, Varvara 72
Stevenson, Isabelle 160
Stickley, Gustav 23; 11–12
Stile Liberty 49
Stirling, James 157, 169
Strand Palace Hotel 115; 96
Straub, Marianne 167
streamlining 109, 111–12, 161
Street, G.E. 17
Süe, Louise 95
Sullivan, Louis 37, 50, 65; 34
surrealism 132–3, 135, 139, 155, 183
sustainability 10, 215–41
Swedish modernism 137, 157
symbolism 36, 48
Talbot, Suzanne 100
Tassel House 37–8, 42; 1
Tate Modern 223, 225; 200
Tatlin, Vladimir 72
Taut, Bruno 69
Taylor, Michael 140
Teague, Walter Dorwin 109; 90
technology 10, 36–7, 212–14, 217, 241–2, 248–9, 257–8
Tenisheva, Princess 48
Terragni, Giuseppe 87; 70
Terry, Emilio 132; 110
Terry, Quinlan 206
Tiffany, Louis Comfort 33, 44, 49, 121; 22
Torp, Niels 185–6; 162
transnational interiors 242–58
Trent, William Edward 115; 97
Tugendhat House 79; 61
Turin exhibition 49, 52; 33
Union des Artistes Modernes 100
the Unit 234; 211
Urban, Joseph 105; 85
Urban Splash 223; 199
Utility scheme 156–7; 135
Vallin, Eugène 28
Van de Velde, Henri 41–2, 43, 44–7, 49, 67, 68; 29
van Doesburg, Theo 70, 71, 72
Van Eetvelde, Baron 38
van Gogh, Vincent 36, 38, 41
Vasarely, Victor 174
Venturi, Robert 199, 206
Ver Sacrum room 61, 62
Victoria and Albert Museum 18, 157, 173
Victorian interiors 8, 12–33
Vienna Secession 60, 61–2
Vignelli Associates 197; 175
Viipuri library 87; 68
Villa Savoye 81; 64
Villard, Henry 35–6
Les Vingt 38, 41
Viollet-le-Duc, Eugène-Emmanuel 37, 49
Virgin 237–8; 213
von Falke, Jacob 120
Voysey, C.F.A. 20–1, 25, 41, 54; 7
Vrubel, Mikhail 48
Wagenfeld, Wilhelm 74; 58
Wagner, Otto 61; 42
Walker, Ralph 89
Walton, George 54, 55; 37
Warhol, Andy 173, 174
Webb, Philip 17, 18, 25; 5
Weedon, H.W. 115
Westmore, Robert & Margery 167
Wharton, Edith 121, 122, 125, 206; 100
Wheeler, Candace 120–1
Whistler, James McNeill 30, 61; 20
Whistler, Rex 131; 109
White, Stanford 35, 125
Whiteread, Rachel 215
Wiener Werkstätte 61, 62, 64, 65, 96, 105; 44–5
Wilde, Oscar 31
Wilmotte, Jean-Michel 205, 206
Wood, Ruby Ross 126, 139–40
World One skyscraper 248–51, 256; 221, 222
Wright, Frank Lloyd 50–4, 65, 70–1, 84, 111, 144, 148; 35, 36, 67, 92, 125
Wright, Russel 146–7
Wright, Tom 254
Zanotta 177–8, 234