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Each species is listed under its English and scientific name; no distinction is made between entries for eggs, larvae or adults. A page reference may encompass more than one appearance of an item on a single page. Any entry qualified by a sex designation refers to the adult insect. Where a term is abbreviated in the text, the abbreviation follows the index entry for that term.

Prefixes to page numbers indicate the location of (B) boxes, (F) figures, (M) distribution maps, and T (tables).

absence of free water:

and egg survival, 35, 91

and larval survival, 138

absolute numbers. See population size

Acarina. See Hydracarina

accompanying behaviour, adult, B218, 219

acetate gel electrophoresis, 142

active behavioural mode, larva, T119

Aeschnophlebia longistigma, 107

Aeshna affinis, 193

Aeshna caerulea, 18, 28, 45-47, T100, F120, 124, 159, B167, T170, B172, B205, 266, 287, 288, 320, M324

Aeshna cyanea, 17, F18, 22, 45, 47, 73, 82, 92, 96, 98, T100, 110, 118, T119, F121, 134, 138, 140, 144, F146, B163, F163, 163, F165, F166, T170, TT179, F180, 188-9, F190, 199, 200, 202, F213, 220, F221, 222, 228, 231, 233, 237, F239, 239, 242, 252, 253, F263, 295, 323, M325

Aeshna grandis, 12, 23-4, 45, 47, F80-1, 88, F90, 91, T100, T170, 189, 191, 193, 217-8, 242-3, 260, F263, 295, M326

Aeshna isosceles, 29, F30, 45, 47-8, 74-5, T100, F101, 197, 287, 291, 298, 299, F299, 320, M327

Aeshna juncea, F28, 28, 45, 48, 91-2, T100, 117, 124, 132, 135, 137, 160, T170, 191, 235-7, 242-3, F263, 288, M328

Aeshna mixta, 22, 45, F46, 47-8, 72, 92, T100, T171, 174, 181-2, 188, 198, 201, 204, 206-8, 213, 217, 232, 295-6, F297, 323, M329

Aeshna subarctica, 79, B76

Aeshna viridis, 74

Aeshnidae, B5, 13, 16, 45-51, 62, 82, 87-8, 91-2, T100, F115, 116-8, T135, B154, 211, 216, 228, 233, 250, 253, 255, 258, 280, 283

aestivation, 181, 183

age, adult, determination of, 175, F176-7

aggressive behaviour

female, 235

larva, 134

male, 209, 234-5, 238, 241

See also density, repertoires

agonistic behaviour, larva, 134, 142, 148

agriculture, 287, 305, 307

Agriocnemis pygmaea, 134

Agrion (newsletter), 11

alpha male, 241

alternative reproductive behaviour, 241, 242

See also satellite males

amniotic fluid, 105


as definitive hosts of Trematoda, 131

as oviposition substrates, 82

as predators of adult, 199, 230

as predators of larva, 132

Anax ephippiger, 45-6, 51, 206, 216, 219, 316, M330

Anax imperator, B5, 13, 17, 22-3, 45-8, F49-50, 72, F77, 79, 87, 93, T100, B108, F108-9, 115-6, 118-9, 121, 137, 141, 145, F147, 147-8, 152, 156, F158, 158, F159, 159-60, T161, 161-2, B163, F163, 163, F165, 166, F166, T170, 173, T179, 185, 189, 191, 217, F237, 237-8, 263, 270, 294-6, 317, 323, M331

Anax junius, 45-6, 50, 87, 134, 159, 184, 206-7, 212, 221-2, 253, 317, M332

Anax parthenope, 45-6, 50-1, 85, 88, 92, 193, 253, 294, F295, 316, M330

Anotogaster sieboldii, 244

antipredation behaviour

adult, 92-3, 201-2

larva, 113-4, 132-4, T135

Apis mellifera, as prey, 216, 222, B223, 252

apolysis, B145


as predators of adult, 197, 199, F200

as prey of adult, 214

Argia moesta, 96

Arrenuridae. See Hydracarina

Arun Valley, 29, 51

Ashton Water, 303

Ashton Water Dragonfly Sanctuary, F303, 303

assimilation efficiency, B127, 127, 144

Austrolestes colensonis, 35, 107, 110

autotomy by larva, 113, 135


as definitive hosts of parasites, 131-2

as predators of adult, 91, 158-161, T161, 197-8, F198

as predators of larvae, 132

Avon Valley, 306 Azure Damselfly. See Coenagrion puella

Azure Hawker. See Aeshna caerulea

Balfour-Browne, Frank, 268

Banded Darter. See Sympetrum pedemontanum

Banded Demoiselle. See Calopteryx splendens

Basingstoke Canal, 293

basking, adult, F63, 184, F187, 187-8,

Bath, W. Harcourt, 268

bats, See Chiroptera

BDS. See British Dragonfly Society

Beautiful Demoiselle. See Calopteryx virgo

Beckitt, William, 266

bees. See Apis mellifera

Benfleet, 286

Berne Convention, 300

Beynon, Tim, 272

biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), 138-40, 291


by adult, 214, 221-3

by larva, 129, 223, B224

Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP), 300, 303, F304, 306,

Biodiversity Convention, 300-1

bioindicators, Odonata as, 140-1

biological oxygen demand. See biochemical oxygen demand

Biological Records Centre (BRC), 270, 275

biomass, larva, 127, 129

biotope, B70

birds. See Aves

Black Darter. See Sympetrum danae

Black-tailed Skimmer. See Orthetrum cancellatum

blastokinesis. See katatrepsis

Blue-tailed Damselfly. See Ischnura elegans

Bough Common, F30

Boyeria irene, 73, 139, 193

Brachythemis leucosticta, 219

Brachytron pratense, 29, 45-7, 51, 69, T100, 103, 116, 118, F120, 134, T135, T170, F248, F263, 287, 291, F293, 296, 304, 320, 324, M334

Breckland, 288

British Dragonfly Society (BDS)

awards, 278

Conservation Officer, 277-8, 305

Dragonfly Conservation Group (DCG), 11, 273-4, 303

Dragonfly News, 11, 274

Dragonfly Recording Network (DRN), 273, 276-7, 305,

foundation, 11, 272

grants, 278

Journal, 11, 274

local groups, 274-5, 305

Management Fact Files, 278

Migrants Recording Scheme, 276, 279

nomenclature, 6

Odonata Recording Scheme (ORS), 271-2, 275

patron, 303

periodicals, 274

Rare Dragonfly Project (RDP), 276, 300, 304

website, 279

British Red Data List, 300, 320, 321,

British Waterways, 277

Burnham Beeches, 275

burrowers (larval type), F53, F55, 78-9, 117, T119, 122, F123, 124, 139

Caliaeschna microstigma, 139

Calopterygidae, 2, 6, 31, 33, 51, B70, B72, 85, 87, T100, 101, 138, 140, 152, 202, 217, 228-9, 234, 245, 253, 258, 263

Calopteryx dimidiata, 77

Calopteryx haemorrhoidalis, 78, 131, 197, 215, 230, 245, 251

Calopteryx maculata, 192, 202, 238, 249

Calopteryx splendens xanthostoma, 194, 238

Calopteryx splendens, 23, 31, 33, 77, 78, 85, 112-3, 131, 139, 167, T170, 178, 191, 220, 231, 236, 237, 239, 242, 250-2, 256, 263

Calopteryx virgo, 26, 31, F32-3, 33, 78, 85, 94, 96, B104, 106, 139, B167, T170, T179, 220, F229, 230-1, F231, F236, 236, 239-40, 242, 256, F263, 287, M346


adult, 200

larva, 116, 121, 134, F136

cannibalism, 116, 119, 132-3, 138

See also intra-odonate predation

carbamates, as pollutants, 140

Castle Marshes, 74

caudal appendages, larva, 2, 13, F37, F113, 113-4, 134-5, 148, 269

caudal lamellae. See caudal appendages

Ceratopogonidae, as ectoparasites, 197

cercariae of Trematoda, invasion of larva, 131

Cercion calamorum, 240

Ceriagrion tenellum, 17, 28, 38-40, 75, 86, F113, F168, T171, F195, 197, 238, 287-8, 290, M347

Cestoda, as parasites of larva, 132

Cham, Steve, 276, 316

Charpentier, Toussaint de, F263

Chasers, 59, 61-2, F153-5, F201, F229

Checklist of British species, 309-12

Chelmick, Dave, 270, 272

Chiroptera, as predators of adult, 199

claspers (larval type), F46, 78, 118, T119, F120, 124, F131, 132, T135, F146, 279

climate change, 129, 173-4, 181-2, 193, 217, 288, 291, 294-5, 298, 306-7, 325, M329, M331, M357, M369, M371-2

Clonfin, Loch, F290

Clutch size. See oviposition

Coenagrion armatum, 40, F263, 268, 285-6, 320, M336

Coenagrion hastulatum, 18, F19, 23, 38, 40, 117, 132, 167, 169, T171, 193, 196, F263, 266, 320

Coenagrion lunulatum, 23, 29, 38, 40-1, F40-1, 271, 287

Coenagrion mercuriale, 26, 38, 41-2, 75, 79, 89, F109, F113, 160, F168, T171, 191-2, 196, 204, 208, F263, 266, 287-8, 299-301, F301-2, 303, 306, 318, 320, M339

Coenagrion puella, 13, 22-3, 38, F39, 42, 86, 88-9, 92, 94, F95, 95-6, 106, 133, 169, T171, 173, T179, 189, 191, 195-7, F199, 200, 203, 235, 243-4, 255-6, F263, M340

Coenagrion pulchellum, 13, 29, F30, 38, 42, 86, 88, T171, F263, 268, 287, 320, M341

Coenagrion scitulum, 42, 268, 285-6, 320, M342

Coenagrionidae, 38-45, 93, T100, 106, F113, 117, 135, 152, T171, 224, 258, 316

cohort splitting. See larval development

Coleoptera, as predators

of adult, F80, 89

of larva, 132, 133

collecting dragonflies

adults, 4, 8-9, 178, 272-3, 280, 299, 312-318, B314-5, 316-8

code of practice, B314-8

larvae, 142-3, F142, 279, 313

See also voucher specimens

colour, adult, 186

change during maturation, F176, 186

change, reversible, 185

forms, 45, F177-8, 186


of adult, 111, 193-4, 208, 216

of larva, 130, B130

Common Agricultural Policy, 307

Common Blue Damselfly. See Enallagma cyathigerum

Common Club-tail. See Gomphus vulgatissimus

Common Darter. See Sympetrum striolatum

Common Hawker. See Aeshna juncea

commuting flights, B205

competition, adult, 202-3, 226, 228

compound eye,

adult, 1, 211, F211

larva, 1

ultraviolet sensitivity, 71

conservation, 269, 272-3, 284, 288, 304

Key Sites, 272

need, 285

practice, 299

priorities, 308, 319-321

prospects, 305

Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), 319-321

contact guarding See guarding

‘convenience polyandry’, 252

cooling behaviour, adult. See thermoregulation


duration, 59-60, 249-51

formation of wheel, 245, F247-8, F296

frequency, 254

marks, 160

stages, 249-50

termination, 257

See also mating

Corbet, Philip Steven, 11, 269-70, 272, 278

Corbet, Sarah Alexandra, 82

Cordulegaster bidentata, 78, 139

Cordulegaster boltonii F26, 26, F54-5, 54-5, 72-3, 78, 80, 102-3, 111, T119, 122, F123, 124, 129, T135, 139, 147-8, 166, T170, 192-3, 201, 208, 220, 232, 238, 263, 288, M343

Cordulegaster insignis, 139

Cordulegaster picta, 139

Cordulegastridae, 54-5, T100, T135, 138, 228, 233, 250, 253, 255

Cordulia aenea aenea, 13, 22-3, 56-8, 92, T119, 121, 124, 132, T135, 149, F149, 152, T170, 174, 178, 220, 232, 233-4, 239, 243-4, F263, 275, 282, 287-8, 320, M335, F123, F149, F190, F232, F285

Cordulia aenea amurensis, F56, 137, 178, T179, 230, 233, 240, 244, F240

Corduliidae, 13, 56-7, F56-7, T100, 117, 121, 130, 152, 204, 216, 229, 233, 237, 246, 253, 255, 283, 275 Cornmill Meadows Dragonfly Sanctuary, 275, F304, 304

Coryphaeschna ingens, 222

Cotswold Country Park, 289, F289

Countryside Council for Wales, 274, 300

Countryside Restoration Trust, 288, 305

courtship, 31, 78, 230, 245, 252

Crenigomphus renei, 156

Crocothemis erythraea, 60, 294, 317, M344

Crocothemis servilia, 60, 223, B224, 316

Crustacea, as prey, 124

Curry, Henry, 272

Curtis, John, F265, 265

Daguet, Caroline, 278

Dale, James C., 265, F122

DARTER recording software, 277

Darters, 58-67

Dawlish, 316

death feigning. See reflex immobilisation

deep burrowers (larval type), T119, 124

defence behaviour

adult, 201-2

larva, 113, 133-7

density, adult response to, 233-5, F239, 239, F240

description, of British species, F261-4, 263,

desiccation. See absence of free water


egg, 98-9, 102-3, 110

larva, 144-8, B145

See also aestivation, diapause, siccatation


adult, 206

egg, 60, 97-9, 103, 110, F169, 173 larva, 162, F166, 173

diaphragm, larva, 2, 3, 114, F115

diel patterns, adult

basking, 184, 187

flight, 184-189

hatching, 107

oviposition, 92-3


adult, 214-6

larva, 124-5


as commensals, 111, 194, 208

as parasites of adult, 197

as predators of adult, 199

as prey of adult, 216-8, 222

as prey of larva, 280

dispersal, adult, 73, 78, 203-4, 209, 282

dissolved oxygen concentration, 138

distribution of British Odonata, 16-18, 20, 173, 269, 270-1, 275, 284, 287, 295, 305, 319, F322, 323-72


adult, 202, 209, 228, 238, 241

larva, 134

Donovan, Edward, 263

Downy Emerald. See Cordulia aenea

Dragonflies in focus, 277

Dragonfly Conservation Group (DCG). See British Dragonfly Society

dragonfly, names, 4-8

Dragonfly Project, 304

Dragonfly Recording Network. See British Dragonfly Society

Dragonfly Society of the Americas, 6

DragonflyIreland, 276-7

drinking, adult, 183-4

See also evaporative cooling, thermoregulation

Dunn, Roderick, 272

ecdysis, 97, 107, B145, F146

ectothermy, adult, 186-7

See also thermoregulation


arrangement of sets, 84, 85

burster, 106

development, 98-9, 103, 110

diapause, 98, 99, T100, 103, 110, F169, F173

external morphology, 97, 101-2, F101-2

fertilization, 102, 252

hatching, 105-6, F106, F108

lifetime production, F95

parasitoids, B104, 105, 110

vitelline membrane, 106, F106

embryonic development, 97-9, 102-3, 110

Emerald Damselfly. See Lestes sponsa

EM50 value, F163, 164

emergence, 195, 280

curve, 152, 162, F163, 163, B163, F166, 173-4, F163, F166

diel pattern, 156, F158-9, 158-9, 161, 183

divided, 159, F159, 161

duration, 156

inverted, 149, F150

mortality, 149, 158-60, F158, T161, 183

posture, 148, F149, 152

protandry, 161

searching movements, 148, F149

seasonal pattern, 160, 162, F166, 189

stages, 152, B153, F153-8

total numbers, 152

Emperor Dragonfly. See Anax imperator

Enallagma cyathigerum, 23, 38, 42, 73, 78, 85, 87, 89, 91, 131, 133, T171, F185-6, 185, 191, 196, 202, 214, 239, 249, 250, 256, F263, M348

Enallagma exsulans, 214

Enallagma praevarum, 131

encounter site. See rendezvous

endothermy, 158, 183, 187

See also thermoregulation

energetics, 225

energy balance, 126, 219-20

budget, 126, B127

efficiency, 126, B127, 127

flow, T128

transformation, B127, F128

English Nature, 273, 300

Environment Agency, 274, 278, 300

Epallage fatime, 139

Ephemeroptera, 2

epibionts, of larva, B130

Epiophlebia superstes, 107

Epiophlebiidae, 3

Epping Forest, 275

Erythromma najas, F20, 23, 38, 42-3, 71, 88, 132, 156, T170, 178, 220, B284, M349

Erythromma viridulum 23, 38, 43, 88, 277, 295, M350, F296

escape behaviour, larva, 134-5

Esmee Fairburn Foundation, 277

EU Habitats Directive and subsidies, 288, 300

Evans, W.F., 266

evaporative cooling, 91, 183-4

See also thermoregulation

Eversham, Brian, 275

extinction, 286, 291, 307, M336, M342, M363

extraction industries, 289-90

exuviae, 13, F128, 149, F151, 152, 283, 313

eye. See compound eye

faecal pellets, 114, 125, 126, F128, 143, 215-6

Farming and Wildlife Advisory Group, 273, 288, 305,

fecundity, 94-5

clutch size, 94

interclutch interval, 94

and weather, 94-5


adult, 212, 216

capture success, 217-8, B218

economic significance, 221-4, B223-4

handling prey, 216


capturing prey, B114-5

predatory sequence, 116-8, F118

prey type, 124-5

female choice, 254, 257

fertilization. See egg

final-stadium larva (F-0), B145

first-stadium larva. See prolarva


as oviposition substrates, 83

as predators, 78, 112, 117, 132, 135, 137

as prey, 124

Fish Pond, F77

fliers and perchers, 45, 59, 184, 187, 232-3, 312


diel periodicity, 189, 217, 228

mechanism, 210

weather effects, 189

flight, type, 235, F236

hovering, 234

patrol. See patrol flight.

See also repertoires

flying season, 173, 189, F190, 193, 202-3, 230

foraging, adult, 212, 215, 225

diel pattern, 215

efficiency, 217-8

modes, 215, 218

strategies, 217, B218

See also accompanying behaviour

foraging, larva, 116, 126

modes, 213-4

versatility, 116

forestry, 288-9, 305, 307

Fort, Tom, 306

Four-spotted Chaser. See Libellula quadrimaculata

Fraser, Frederick C., 269

French, Graham, 277


as definitive hosts of Trematoda, 131

as predators of adult, 191

Gambles, Robert Moylan, 269

Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust, 288

garden ponds, 280, B281-2

Gardner, Eric, 269, 271

gleaning, 214, 224

global warming. See climate change

Gomphidae, 51-4, F52, T100, 130, 152, 255

Gomphus flavipes, 156

Gomphus simillimus, 102

Gomphus vulgatissimus, 23, 51, F52-3, 53, 102, 122, 130, 138-40, T170, F263, 287, 291, 319-20, M351

Grand Canal, F294

Great Silver Diving Beetle, as predator, F80

green corridors, 288

Gregarinida. See Protozoa,

Grosvenor Museum, 4

growth, 112, F165

rate, 162, 164, 167, B168, 169, 172

ratio, 144-5, B145

guarding, 255

contact, 256

non-contact, 256

precopulatory, 87, B255

postcopulatory, F83-4, 226-7, 250, 252-3

sentinel position, 38 habitat, B70

biotope, B70

latency, B76

niche, B70

secondary, 22, B76, 308

selection, 69-97, 203, 298

sink, B76

source, B76

stem, 22, B76, 96, 257, 276, 308

types in Britain, 21-31, B70

See also wetland types

habitat change, related to

canals, 293

climate, 294-8, 306-7

extraction industries, 289-90

forestry, 288-9

water abstraction, 306

water quality, 291, 307

habitat management, 288, 305

Habitats Directive, 300

Hagenius brevistylus, 202

Hairy Warriorfly. See Brachytron pratense

Hammond, Cyril O., F267, 270-1

handling adults, 312-3

Harcourt Bath, W, 268

Harris, Moses, 263, F264-5

Hatchet Pond, F23

hatching. See egg

Hawkers, 45-51

Hayter-Hames, Jane, 269

head-arrester system, 119, 212, 312, F213

Heath, John, 270


as predators, 133, 137

as prey, 214

hibernation, 183

HicklingBroad, 285, T135

hiders (larval type), F57, 78, T119, 121-2, 124, 280, F123

highest steady density, B283

Hirudinea, as predators of larvae, 132

hoarding, adult, 217

hockey-stick posture, female, 244

homing. See philopatry

Honey Bees. See Apis mellifera

Hughes, Ted, xv

Hunting. See foraging

Hydracarina, as parasites, 194-7, F195


as parasitoids, 91, 95, B104, 105, 110, 194, 209

as prey, F105, 216-7, 222, B223, 252


British Odonata, B14, B15, 21-23, 141

Early-stadium larvae, 141-2

immature adult. See prereproductive period

immersion, adult. See evaporative cooling

insect growth regulators, as pollutants, 140

instar. See stadium


adult, interspecific, 234-42, 252-3

larva, 113

interclutch interval. See fecundity

International Commission for Zoological Nomenclature, 4

International Journal of Odonatology, 11

intramale sperm translocation (IST), 246, 253

intra-odonate predation,

adult, 216

larva, 132-3

Irish Damselfly. See Coenagrion lunulatum

Ischnura elegans, 21, 23, 38, 43, 73, 85, 87, 92, 132, 134, 138, 140, F150, T171, 173, 175, F176-7, 178, 186, 188-9, F190, 195-6, 202-3, 212, 214, 217, 228, 244, 249-50, 256, 268, 271, M352

Ischnura hastata, 103

Ischnura pumilio, 38, 43, 45, 75, 85, 101, 107, T171, 178, F178, 187, 250, 255, F263, 287, 290, 320, M352

Ischnura ramburii, F248

Ischnura verticalis, F105

jet propulsion, larva, 3, 114, 159

Johnson, Ian, 273

Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC), 274, 277, 319

kairomones, larva, 135

katatrepsis, 103

Keeled Skimmer. See Orthetrum coerulescens

Key sites, 275-7, 279

Killarney National Park, F29

Kimmins, Douglas, 268

Kirby, William Forsell, 263, F263

Koenigswarter de, Kari, 303

labial protraction, F115

labial strike. See labial protraction

labium, larva, 1,3, B5, 13, B114-5, F115, 134, B145, 147-8, Large Red Damselfly. See Pyrrhosoma nymphula

larval development, 189

cohort splitting, 167

regulated, 169-73, B172

See also seasonal regulation, voltinism

Latchmoor, F27

latitude compensation, 164, 169

Lea Valley, 275, 289

Lea Valley Park Authority, 275, 304

Leach, William Elford, B5, 263

lead, as pollutant, 140

legislation, 299-303

Lesser Emperor. See Anax parthenope

Lestes barbarus, 34-5, 69, 183, 193, 294, M354

Lestes disjunctus australis, 189

Lestes dryas, 29, F34, 34, 36, F81, T171, F190, 263, F263, 266, 271, 287, 320, M355

Lestes nympha, 266

Lestes sponsa, 23, 34, F35, 36, 70, F81, F83, 84, 67-8, 95, 98-9, 103, 135, 144, F169, 169, T171, 175, 181-3, F182, 188, F190, 196, 202, 216, 227, 250, 252, 256, M356

Lestes virens, 183, 252

Lestes viridis, 34, B76, 107, 161, 183, 185

Lestidae, 6, 34-6, T100, 103, 152, 216,

Leucorrhinia caudalis, 235

Leucorrhinia dubia, 59, F60, 61, 124, 132, 134, T161, T170, 175, 178, 193, 198, 230, 235, 239-40, F263, 266, 298, F298, 320, M360,

Leucorrhinia pectoralis, F190

Libellula depressa, 22, 59, 61-2, F61, 79, F101, 107, T119, 122, 138, F153-5, T170, 173, 200, F201, 230, 243, 252, F263, 287, 295-6, M357,

Libellula fulva, 21, 23, 59, 62, 122, T170, 243, F263, 287, 291, 320, M358

Libellula quadrimaculata, 59, 62, 122, 131-2, T135, 138, T170, 173, 197, 202, 220, 228, F229, 240, 242-3, F263, M359 Libellulidae, 13, 16, 58-60, F64, 92, T100, 130, T135, 141, 148, 152, 198, 229, 233, 241, 256, 283,

life cycles,

Types, B167-8, T170-1, 172, 174, 181,

See also seasonal regulation, voltinism

lifetime reproductive success (LRS), 55, 95-6, 254, 256

light-growth effect, 164

Linnaeus, Carolus, 4, 260, F262-3

localisation, male, 228-30, 233-5

longevity, adult, 191, 254, 284

See also survivorship

Longfield, Cynthia, F267, 268-70, 286

Lough Beg, F29

Lucas, William, 268

MacKenzie Dodds, Ruary, 303


as cues for habitat selection, 71, 73-5, 78-9

as larval refuges, 133, 139, B281

as oviposition substrates, 79

as perches, 133

as predators, 199, F199

See also proximal cues

Mahoney, George, 279

maiden flight, 152, 158, 160, 197, B205

male-female encounter. See rendezvous, territory

Malgassophlebia, 105

Mammalia, as beaters, B218, 219


adult, 209, F221, 282, F285, 312,

larva, 209

mark-recapture, F192, B283-4,

mate choice, by female, 254


success, 230

systems, 254

See also copulation

maturation. See prereproductive period

McGeeney, Andy, 272

McLachlan, Robert, 266, F267

Merritt, Robert, 271-2, 275

metals, as pollutants, 140

metamorphosis, B5, B145, 173, 189

external signs, 147-8, F147

mortality during, 137

synchronization, 162, 164

metapopulations, B76

microbials, as pollutants, 140

microhabitat, larval, B70, 70, 143

mid-air foraging, 213-5

Migrant Hawker. See Aeshna mixta

Migrant Recording Scheme. See British Dragonfly Society

migrant species, 16, 48, 50-1, 60, 62, 64-7, 87, 181, 206-7, 294-5, F295, M330, M332-3, M344, M368-70,

migration, 131, 198, B205, 206-8, 255

Mill, Peter, 272

Miller, Peter, 278

Mollusca, as prey, F118, 214

Monks Wood, 275

monitoring dragonfly populations, 282, B283

Montgomery Canal, 293

Moore, Norman Wilfred, 269-70, 273, 278, 282, B283, 303

Moors River, 58, 291

Morton, Kenneth, 266, F267

Mouffet, Thomas, 258, F259, 260

moulting. See ecdysis

Müller, Otto Friedrich, F263

Murray, Charlotte, 278


common, 4, 6-7, 271

scientific, 4, B5, 6-7

National Biodiversity Network (NBN), 277, 279, 323

National Dragonfly Biomuseum, F303, 303-5

National Trust, 274

Natural England, 273, 300

Nature Conservancy Council (NCC), 272-3

Nehalennia speciosa, 74

Nene, River, 293

Neobasis, 103

Neurogomphus, 124

New Forest, F27, 53, 58, 208, 286,

Newman, Edward, F265, 266

niche, B70, 75, 117

non-contact guarding. See guarding

non-territorial modes, 239, 242, 256, 283

non-trivial flights, 204, B205

Norfolk Broads, 293

Norfolk Damselfly. See Coenagrion armatum

Norfolk Hawker. See Aeshna isosceles

Northern Damselfly. See Coenagrion hastulatum

Northern Emerald. See Somatochlora arctica

Notulae Odonatologicae, 11

obelisk posture, 86, 184

obligatorily univoltine (Type 3) species, B168, F169, T171, 181, 183, F190

Odonata Recording Scheme (ORS), 275


antiquity, 1-2, 210

classification, 2-3

features, 1

Odonatologica, 11

odonatology in Britain pre-1930, 258-268 1930-1960, 268-270 1960-1983, 270-272 1983 onwards, 272-9


advances in, 3, 9

science of, 3-4

development in Britain, 258-279

ommatidia. See compound eye

Onychogomphus uncatus, 137

Ophiogomphus cecilia, 79

optimal foraging theory, 217

Orange-spotted Emerald. See Oxygastra curtisii

organochlorines, as pollutants, 140

organophosphates, as pollutants, 140

Orthetrum brunneum, 193

Orthetrum cancellatum, Fvi, 23, 59, 62, F63, T135, 159, T170, 188, 197, 217, 230-2, 246, 250-1, F263, 295-6, M361,

Orthetrum coerulescens, F21, 59, 64, 122, T135, F156, T170, 193, 220, 225, 230, 240-2, 253, 278, 288, M362

Oscar, 82

Osteichthyes. See fishes

Ouse Valley, 289

oviposition, 227, 252, 280

clutch size and number, 94

diel periodicity, 92-3, 188

duration, 93

endophytic, 31, 79, B80, F81, F88, F101, 105, 197,

epiphytic, B80

episodes, 60, 91, 94

exophytic, B80, F84, 93, 183

group, 88, F88, F101

guarded, 60, 85-9, F88, 92-3, 230

movements, 79-82

ovipositor, F45, 54-5, 60, 80, F81-2, 93, 349

postponed 253, 255-6

predation during, 86, 89, 91-3

rate, 93

scooping, B80

substrate choice, F45, 79, 82-3, 349

surrogate substrates, 96, 110

underwater, 38, 85, 87, 89, 91, 239

Oxygastra curtisii, 56, 75, 233-4, 285-6, F286, 291, 320, M363

Pachydiplax longipennis, 220

Palaeoptera, 2

Pantala flavescens, 64, 137, 206

Paragomphus genei, 156


of adult, B72, 194

of larva, B130

parasitoids, of egg, B104

Parker, Katherine, 278

Parr, Adrian, 276

Parr, Mike, 82

parthenogenesis, 103

particle size, sediment, B119, 124

pathogens, 130

patrol flight, F221, 232-4, F232, 241, F237

peat bogs, 28, F29, 61, 64, B70, 117, 288, 290

Peat Campaign, 274

penis, dual function, F248

perchers, 184, 187-8, 215, 217, 220, 232-3, 312

Perithemis tenera, 244 125

pest suppression. See biocontrol

pharate condition, B145, 194

philopatry, 69 photographing dragonflies, 316

photoperiod, as cue for regulation, B172

Pinniger, E. B. 286

Planaeshna milnei, 107

plant oils, as pollutants, 140

Plathemis lydia, 241

Platycnemididae, 36, 38, T100, 152, 249

Platycnemis pennipes, 21, 23, 36, F37, 38, 53, 73, 77, 79, 86, F88, 88-9, 138, 236, 245, 287, 293, 298, 304, M365

polarized light, 71-2, 110, 203

Pollard Walk, 282, B283-4

pollution, of larval habitat, 38, 48, 53, 74, 139-40, 286-7, 291, F292, 293, 306

pond creation, 288, B281-2, F281, 305

Ponds Conservation Trust, 274

Ponds in Partnership, 274

population, human, 306-7

population size

adult, 152, 239-40

larva, 137

postcopulatory behaviour, 253

See also guarding, tandem

precopulatory behaviour, 245-6

See also guarding, tandem


on adult, 230

on larva, 107, B130, 132

predatory sequence, of larva, 116-7, F118

premating flight, female, 244

prereproductive period, 131, 175, F176, 178-9, T179, F180, F182, 181-3, F186, 189, F190, 191, B205, 206, 215,


adult, 216

larva, 116, 124-5, 280

Procordulia grayi, 139

prolarva, 84, 97, 101, 107, B108, F108, 109-10, B145

protandry. See emergence

Protodonata, 1, 93


as parasites, B130, 131, 194

as prey, 125

proximate cues, B72, 73, 75, 78

Pseudagrion pilidorsum, 87

Pseudostigmatidae, 214

pyrethroids, as pollutants, 140

Pyrrhosoma nymphula, 13, 22, 38-9, F44, 45, 71, 86, 88-9, F101, F114, 124, F125, 126, B127, F128, 132, 134-5, 137-8, 140-1, 148, F157, 160, T161, 162, 166, T170, 173, T179, 189, F190, 191, F192, 193-4, 196,, 212, 237-8, 243-4, F247, 252, 287, M364

Rare Dragonfly Project. See British Dragonfly Society

Ray, John, 260, F261, 263

rearing larvae, 280

recognition, adult, 227, 242, 244-5

See also courtship, proximal cues, visual communication

recording dragonflies, 275-7, 284-5

rectal gills, larva, 280

Red Data Book, 300

reflection-polarization, 71, 203

reflex immobilisation

adult, 202

larva, 134, F136

refuge flight, B205

refusal behaviour, female, 93, 244

rendezvous, 227-8, 233, 238-40, 255, 257

repertoires, adult, 235-7

See also alternative reproductive behaviour, non-territorial modes

reproductive behaviour

functional framework, 226

See also aggressive behaviour, copulation, courtship, intramale sperm translocation, guarding, mating systems, postcopulatory behaviour, precopulatory behaviour, recognition, territoriality, visual communication

reproductive success. See lifetime reproductive success

Reptilia, as predators

of adult, 199

of larva, 132

rescue behaviour, 91

resilin, 211

respiration, larva, 107, 112-4, F128, T128, 131, 152,

Rio Convention on Biodiversity, 277, 300

roosting site, 87, 197, 242, 280

as rendezvous, 87

rotenone, as pollutant, 140

Rother, River, F25

Rothschild, Miriam, 303

Rowe, Richard, 11

Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB), 273

Ruddy Darter. See Sympetrum sanguineum

sampling larvae, 166, 174

sanctuaries, dragonfly, 303

satellite male, 228, 241

Scarce Blue-tailed Damselfly. See Ischnura pumilio

Scarce Chaser. See Libellula fulva

Scarce Emerald Damselfly. See Lestes dryas

Scarlet Darter. See Crocothemis erythraea

Scottish Natural Heritage, 274

searching behaviour, male, 233-4

seasonal refuge flight. See refuge flight

seasonal regulation, 144, F165, 167, B167-8, 169, B172, 173

second-stadium larva, F109, 141

sedentary mode (larval type), B119

Selys-Longchamps, Michel Edmond de, F263, 266

sentinel position. See guarding

Severn, River, 51

sex ratio

at emergence, 152, 161

operational, 85

shallow burrowers (larval type), F55, 59, 117, T119, F123, 124, 280, T135

shared occupancy, 241

siccatation, 183

Silsby, Jill, 272

site attachment, adult. See localisation

site fidelity, male, 231

Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), 319

criteria based on Odonata, 319

Skimmers, F21, 59, 62-4, F63, F156,

Small Red Damselfly. See Ceriagrion tenellum

Small Red-eyed Damselfly. See Erythromma viridulum

soliciting behaviour, female. See premating flight

Somatochlora alpestris, 99, F136

Somatochlora arctica, 56, 80, 93, 99, T100, T170, 174, F211, F263, 266, 287-8, 320, M366

Somatochlora flavomaculata, 117, F136, 234

Somatochlora meridionalis, 233-4

Somatochlora metallica, 23, F24, 56-8, F57, 80, 93, 130, T135, F136, T170, 174, 243, F263, 266, 287-8, 320, M367

Somatochlora semicircularis, F57, 138

Somerset Levels, 290

Southern Damselfly. See Coenagrion mercuriale

Southern Emerald Damselfly. See Lestes barbarus

Southern Hawker. See Aeshna cyanea

Special Areas of Conservation, 300

Species Action Plan, 300

species diversity, 138

species pairs, 78


competition, 85

displacement, 9, 86, 226, 246-7, F248, 249, 251-2

precedence, 226, 253

storage organs, female, 86

transfer, 227, 246, 250

See also intramale sperm translocation

spermatodesms, 253

spermatogenesis, 175, 178

spiders. See Araneida

sprawlers (larval type), 59, F60, 78, 117, F120-3, 121, 279,

spring species (Type 1), 47, 57, 147, F163, B163-4, B167-8, T170, 173-4, F190, 191, 193, 196, 226

See also life cycles, seasonal regulation

stadia, 13, B145

stadium 2, 107, F109, 109, T119, 122, 124, 126, 132, T135, 141

Stalham, 268

stenotopic species, 73, 74, 307

Stephens, James, F265, 266

Stour, River, 293

subordinate male. See satellite male

summer species (Type 2), 47, F163, B163-4, 164, B167-8, F168, T170-1, F190

See also life cycles, seasonal regulation

surfactants, as pollutants, 140


adult, F95, 191, F192

larva, 137

Sutton Broad, 285

‘swarming’, 240

Sympecma paedisca, 95, 105

Sympetrum danae, 21, F64-5, 65, T100, F101, 103, T171, T179, F190, 191, 203, 227, 239, 250, 263, 287, M368,

Sympetrum depressiusculum, 87

Sympetrum flaveolum, 65, 193, F263, 294, M369

Sympetrum fonscolombii, 193, F263, 266, 294-5, M370

Sympetrum meridionale, 66, 181, 316

Sympetrum nigrescens, 67, M372

Sympetrum pedemontanum, 66, 294

Sympetrum sanguineum, 13, 23, F66, 66-7, 93, 99, T100, T171, F187, 202, 217, F263, 295-6, M371,

Sympetrum striolatum, 6, 13, F17, 22, 67, F82, 86, 99, T100, F109, T119, F122, 132, T171, 174, 181, 188, 198, 202, 220, 228, 234, 241-2, 244, F263, 295-6, 316, M372,

Sympetrum vicinum, 103

Sympetrum vulgatum, 67, 72, 188, F263

takeoff temperature, 183, 188

Tamar, River, 58, 286


precopulatory, 243, 245-6

postcopulatory, 50, F83-4

See also guarding

Taylor, Pam, 273

temperature effects, 138

adult, 178, 181-2, F182

embryo, 99

larva, 138

teneral stage, 71, 152, 160, 175, 209

territoriality, adult, 221, 228, F229, 234, 236, 238-40, 241, 255, 280, 282-4,

escalation, 236

See also aggressive behaviour, repertoires


Marshes, 266

River, 51

thanatosis. See reflex immobilisation

thermoregulation, adult, 91, 183-4, 187-8

See also ectothermy, endothermy

The Wirral, 94

Thompson, David, 300

Thompson, Robert, vii

Thorne Moors, 266, 290


adult, 235

larva, 113

Thurner, Mike, 277

Thursley Common Nature Reserve, 61, 296

Tillyard, R. J., 11

tin, as pollutant, 140

Toads, as oviposition substrates, 82-3

total numbers. See population size

Trematoda, as parasites, 131

Trentham Park, 83

Tributyltin, as pollutant, 140

Trichoptera, as prey, F118, 124, 129, 216

trivial flights, 204

ultimate factors, B72

ultraviolet light, as cue, 71, 242-3

Vagrant Darter. See Sympetrum vulgatum

Vagrant Emperor. See Anax ephippiger

Van der Lindin, Pierre Léonard, F263

Variable Damselfly. See Coenagrion pulchellum


as predators of adult, 92, 197, 199-200

as prey, 216

visual communication, adult, 242, 256

vitelline membrane. See egg

voltinism, 67-8, 117, 162, 166, 193

See also seasonal regulation

voucher specimens, 273, 299-300, 313, 315-8

Waikaremoana, Lake, 139

Wain, Bill, 272

Wandering Glider. See Pantala flavescens

warriorflies, 45-67

warriorfly, name, 7

wash from boats, 53, 293

wasps. See Vespidae

watercourses, as flyways, 204

water-touching behaviour, adult. See evaporative cooling

Waveney, River, 291

WDA. See Worldwide Dragonfly Association

Wessex Water, 306

West Moors River, 286

wetland types, 75-79

Wey, River, 62, 293

Wheeler, Q., 9-10

White-faced Darter. See Leucorrhinia dubia

White-legged Damselfly. See Platycnemis pennipes

Wildermuth, Hasruedi, 82

Whittlesey Mere, 265

Wicken Fen Nature Reserve, 304

Willow Emerald Damselfly. See Chalcolestes viridis

Wildlife and Countryside Act, 298-9

Wildlife Trusts, 273

wing sheaths, larva, growth ratio, B145

wing-whirring, 158, 183

See also thermoregulation

Winsland, David, 276

Wolbachia, and parthenogenesis, 103

Woodwalton Fen Nature Reserve, 282, 304

Worldwide Dragonfly Association, 11, 82, 313-5

WorldWide Fund for Nature (WWF), 303

Wylye, River, 306

Xanthocnemis zealandica, 117, 139

Yellow-winged Darter. See Sympetrum flaveolum

yolk, 126

Zygoptera, 2, 3, 7, 8, 31, 33-6, 38-45, 78, 84-5, 87, 91-2, B104, 105, 119, 133-5, 137, 152, 156, 161, 191, 203-4, 215, 226, 233, 243, 249

Zetterstedt, Johann Wilhelm, F263, 280