w SEIT & Pmc\\oo\

Free for the speech delay, behavior problems, & sIo\n learner


The speech delay will appreciate the free classes, we're sure.

Picture #139


Everybody;Take care of Hind / It is the season Fawn is

born about this time. It may be case, if you approach

him, his mother deer being full of maternal love gives you. a. kick by her forfeet.

Don't get kicked; take care of your hind!

Someone made a stamp that says "Norrh"?

Picture #140

Somebody paid for this sign.

Picture #141
Picture #142
Picture #143

for Sfetroero,

Go back toward your

Oh, of course. Restrooms are toward your behind.

Picture #144

Somebody call Dateline!

Picture #145
Picture #146
Picture #147
Picture #148
Picture #149