
When I came up with the idea for The Dog Park Detectives, I wasn’t sure if it was brilliant or barking mad, so I called my agent. James Wills is a great agent and a terrific sounding board, but when I finished the pitch he was uncharacteristically silent (at which point I was convinced it was a crappy idea). Then he said, ‘It should have been done to death, but for some reason, it hasn’t. Write it. Write it now.’ And as James’s advice is always solid (please don’t tell him I said that), I did.

I couldn’t be happier when he found a home for the series with Simon & Schuster and the legend that is Katherine Armstrong. Kath is more than just the firm hand on The Dog Park Detectives’ lead, elevating it to the story you’re reading now; she’s become a good friend, championing my stories, sharing my love of a good Douro red – and allowing me to spam her with puppy pics! Any mistakes that are in the book are mine alone.

People think that writing is a solitary sport, and if that’s true, publishing certainly isn’t. I am incredibly grateful to have not only Katherine but the rest of the Simon & Schuster dream team (my ‘Publishing Pack’) in my corner. Many, many thanks to Georgie Leighton, Jess Barratt, Rich Vlietstra, Ben Phillips and Amy Fletcher.

So, how exactly did the story come about? Well, shortly after my second spy book (Resistance) was released, my friend and fellow author Kate Bradley offered excellent advice: ‘Always have an idea for something completely different in your back pocket.’ Up until that point, I wrote WW2 espionage… I wasn’t sure what else I could write. As I was muttering that aloud, my dachshund gave me the infamous side-eye, and I realised that it was time to write about what I knew, not just what I had fun researching. Kate, for that advice alone, I owe you wine. A lot of wine.

The Dude is a pandemic puppy, and until I brought him home, I had no idea about the community that flourished around the local dog park. Not unlike a school yard (or how I imagine one to be), our park brought together people from just about every walk of life with at least one common interest: our love of dogs. And while I haven’t written any of my pack into The Dog Park Detectives, they certainly provided inspiration, so a tremendous shout-out (and much love) to the Real Dog Mums of East London, the ever-fabulous Kalpna Chauhan, Claudia Braglia Hernandez, Eser Sarachoglou, Jenna Fong Sing, Jay Ersapah, Opor Ploynita, Chantal Coleman, Petra Losch, Becki Pedley and Imogen Webb. (Apologies if I’ve accidentally missed anyone out!) And a massive thanks to our friend Dan Gustavina, who minds the Dude when I need time to focus on work.

I must stress that Partridge Park and the Dog Park Detectives Pack are fictional, and set in a fabricated area of East London. With the exception of Klaus, who is shamelessly based on the Dude, and my friend Samuel Osman, who convinced me to use his name, all people, dogs and situations are completely made up.

I am immensely grateful to my MOD Squad Beta Readers, Kelly West, Catie Logan and Gerry Cavanagh. My old team didn’t disappoint, cheering me on and rooting out any inconsistencies in the draft.

On the other side of the pond, my brother Stephen has been a rock, and his kids Matthew and Alexandra are ever my shining stars. I am so lucky to be able to call them family. Matthew, I promise: one day we will write that book together!

And let’s not forget naming (but never shaming) the rest of my friends who make sure my glass is half full: Sharon Galer, Martina Tromsdorf, Monique Mandalia-Sharma, Steve Carter, Tom Mac, Alison Turner, Aneta Wojcik, Leigh Oliphant, Lisa Rosier and Zara and Brian Ransley.

Last, but never least, my beloved Dude, who inspired this journey and has been with me every little step of the way. I never realised how much I could love the little monster, but every day I love him more.

He and his four-legged friends approve of this story – I hope you do too.

Blake Mara x