Spring of senior year was coming up fast, and I was not looking forward to it. Every day Arthur would go to the mailbox, looking for letters from the graduate schools, and come back empty-handed. I began getting a daily stomachache. Waiting for those responses was like being on death row. I was fairly certain I was not going to be accepted by any of the schools. Yes, I had very good grades, what with all my grinding work, but, well…Greenberg is blind. Nevertheless, I held on to the notion that something was possible. Something like an appeal or a pardon or the arrival of the cavalry in the nick of time. In a word: hope.
The first letter I received was from Princeton—a rejection. I do not recall exactly what it said, but the wording was formal and empty. It had nothing to do with me as an individual. Its text was almost certainly the same sent to many other applicants. Holding the letter as if it were a dead mouse, I took it to my anthropology professor, Margaret Mead, who had written me a recommendation. She was one of my advisers, and I was working for her as a research assistant. She was unpretentious and outspoken, and she had succeeded in a world dominated by men.
As I sat in her office, she picked up the telephone to Princeton. “The dean of the graduate school, please,” she said while my heart pounded ever harder. Soon she was bellowing: “What the hell gives you the right to reject Greenberg? He’s met all of your requirements and then some.” A dreadful pause. The man probably responded that Princeton simply did not think I could handle their reading loads because I was blind. (This was before people were able to sue for such comments.)
“Goddamn it,” Mead yelled. “Your reading lists are no tougher than Harvard’s or Yale’s. This is outrageous behavior on your part.” She slammed the phone down. I never really heard the words she then used to console me. I staggered out of her office but had no place to go. I bumped into a concrete bench and sat on it for hours. Hard work and diligence would yield success, wouldn’t they?
The worst part was that I thought the dean at Princeton might be right. I probably could not keep on this way, spending another four or five years earning a master’s degree and then a PhD, all the while listening to tapes and readers. I wasn’t sure if the proper metaphor was Job or Sisyphus, but one of them surely fit.
Meanwhile, I still had my ongoing studies at Columbia to attend to, and the occasional side highlight as well. Ike’s visit, for example. During a cocktail reception for seniors at his palatial residence, John Palfrey, the dean of Columbia College, told me that former president Dwight Eisenhower would soon be visiting the campus where he had served as president before resigning to campaign for the White House and asked if I would like to meet him.
When I told Arthur about the invitation, he approved. “A great opportunity,” he said. “Great fun. But what will you say to him?” Before I had time to respond, he shouted, “I’ve got it, I’ve got it. You want to make a lasting impression, right? Here’s what you do. When you’re introduced, get real close to him, face to face, look him straight in the eye, and say ‘blue mud.’” Typical Arthur.
The day of the meeting arrived. It was a small gathering, men murmuring in the room. I had just entered when a military aide took my arm and escorted me to a back corner. There stood the man who had charted perhaps the greatest victory of the century—the Allied landing at Normandy—and then had led the entire country through a period of relative peace and prosperity. The introduction was formal. “Mr. President, Sandy Greenberg.” At that, his hand was obviously extended toward me. For a moment, I hesitated. Then I thought, “blue mud.” I found and clasped his hand. “Mr. President, it is an honor to meet you.”
“Thank you, Sandy,” he answered. I did not respond, and he broke the silence. “I understand that you have excelled at this university of which I am so proud.” He said he understood I was going through a rough patch at school. I do not know how he knew this. I said I was, to some extent. He then took on a firmer, stiffer tone, perhaps of the same steel he had used to command his troops. He went on to tell me that much of his life was spent fighting the odds. He had been down before, like me, he explained. At one point, he had become the object of ridicule among his friends for having stayed in the military when everyone else left to make money. He had spent sixteen years as a major, he said, before he was promoted to lieutenant general. Sixteen years! That was nearly as many years as I was old. He was no stranger to failure, no stranger to languishing.
“There were many who underestimated me,” he said. “Many of my setbacks were not short-lived, either. Despite them, I never lost confidence in myself.” I told him I was very much aware of his accomplishments but until now did not understand how he had personally approached the enormous challenges he had confronted. It was clear that he was aware I had been moved by his words. I believed, or wanted to believe, that he had faith in me.
The inspiration lingered as I made my way back to my room.Then it was gone. All I could think was: Princeton rejected me.
One day Arthur came back from the mailbox with a whole bundle of letters from the graduate schools to which I had applied. “The results are in. Would you like me to read them to you?” he asked. Although I could hardly bear the thought of being humiliated in front of my friend, I had no choice. His dedication to the process had been unflagging.
“Is there one from Harvard?” I muttered. “Open it, please.”
The sound of him undoing the envelope seemed to go on endlessly. The letter finally unsheathed, Arthur stood up and in an exaggerated British accent read, “It is with great pleasure …”
Harvard wanted me to join its graduate program in government. The letters from the other schools read more or less the same, but we both knew it would be Harvard for me. I fell back on my bed, overwhelmed, as Arthur laughed. A friend brought in a bottle of Scotch. Arthur ran into our bathroom, grabbed a large glass, and poured it full of whiskey. Jerry ran in, and they both towered over me as I drank the entire glass.
There was more good news. First, I was elected president of my class. Then one day Norman Cantor, my professor of British constitutional history and one of my most important advisers, asked me to join him in his office. Cantor, who had been at Oxford as a Rhodes Scholar, had told me early in my junior year that “you can’t be an educated man without attending Oxford.” To that end, he had wanted me to apply for a Rhodes Scholarship, but Detroit had intervened. Undaunted, he now said that he had another idea for me about Oxford, but first he had a more pressing item to discuss. He leaned back in his chair and said with great satisfaction, “Sandy, you’ll shortly be receiving some very good news which, I might add, is well deserved. You have been elected to Phi Beta Kappa.” He paused, waiting for my response.
“Professor Cantor,” I stammered, “this news is overwhelming.” I held back tears. We often look back on early successes as lesser things, but at the time this meant everything to me. Phi Beta Kappa membership was an honor bestowed by my own faculty. It was as if, having been held underwater, I was finally able to resurface.
Professor Cantor was more set on getting me to Oxford than I had imagined. Because I could no longer apply for a Rhodes Scholarship—it did not permit married students, and I was now planning to marry Sue—he suggested that I apply instead for a Marshall Scholarship. I told him I would have to talk about it with Sue. Also, it seemed premature to talk about Oxford at all; I first had to figure out how I was going to get a doctorate while paying rent in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Even before that, and most immediately, I had to actually graduate from Columbia.
The podium was stationed in front of the statue of Alexander Hamilton. I stood as straight as I could. It was a languid spring day, and the smell of recently cut grass was heavy. The mortarboard sat uncomfortably on my head, tilted to the right, its tassel brushing my face. The graduation gown clung to my ironed shirt. My fellow members of the Class of 1962 and their families sat on lacquered wooden chairs in front of me. Behind me sat the dean of the college.
The audience quieted, but I remained silent for a moment. This spot, sheltered from the city, had been the heart of my college life. I could not avoid thinking of how much my life and I had changed since my high-school graduation four years earlier.
The wooden chairs creaked and clattered. The click of a nearby camera caught my notice; I supposed that Sue’s father was taking a picture. I began to speak …