Kimberly wasn’t answering any of my calls, so I decided to come to her job to see what was up. I knew her lunch was coming up soon, and I hoped she’d let her guard down so we could talk about what happened. I still recalled her soft moans in my ear from how we’d made love and her scratching my back up. I let Charlie run the bar for me while I stepped out for the next few hours. Kimberly kept telling me something about her shoes being the reason for our encounter, and I didn’t understand what she was talking about. I knew the woman that frequented my bar was the same woman I wanted to make things official with and it didn’t matter about any damn shoes or her anti-love agenda.
It was about noon near Times Square, the sun was shining and cabs were honking. Bike riders and buses continued on about their business as my stomach was in knots, not knowing if she would freak out about me being there at her job to profess that I’d like to have something serious with her outside of our night together. The door of her office building opened right as I was starting to enter and I bumped right into her because she had her head down, typing away on her phone.
“Oh...Sorry,” she said, finally looking up at me. Pushing her glasses up further on her nose, she looked shocked at my presence.
“My fault,” I replied, stepping to the side of the door and letting her coworkers walk outside of the building. I held her palm walking us to the side of the building, pushing the loose strand of hair behind her ear. She looked so sexy yet sweet at the same time. I knew her experiences in the past hadn’t worked out as far as the type of men she’d dated. But I knew that I could give her the patience and pleasure she needed to become more confident in what we could be as a couple. I was ready to build something real.
“Jerome, what are you doing here?” Kimberly questioned as she glanced over my shoulder.
I released her hand, tucking my hands in my pockets, grinning at her nervousness.
“You ignored my calls, and I wanted to see what’s up with you,” I replied.
Kimberly crossed her arms over her chest, biting her bottom lip.
“Sorry, it’s just after our night together I didn’t know how you would feel about me afterward.”
I leaned over and kissed her lips, wrapping my hands around her waist, pulling her in close to my chest and leaving all doubts about us in the past.
“Does that explain how I feel about you?” I asked.
She nodded her head, standing on tippy toes, pecking my lips.
“I want you, the woman that comes into my bar that orders a shot of scotch but can never take the full shot down in one chug. The girl that loves watching the History channel and talking about how Greeks and gods are her favorite past subject to study in college.”
“She sounds like a real prize,” Kimberly joked.
Tapping her nose gently, I pushed my erection against her stomach so she could feel what she did to me.
“More than a prize, she’s a Queen, and should be treated like one at all times. Never forget that.”
“Who’s watching the bar?” she asked, changing the subject.
“Charlie. I told him I would bring you by later after our date tonight.”
“I don’t recall you asking me out on a date,” she teased, snaking her arm in mine as we started walking down the street.
“That’s because I was too enraptured with your soft lips to remember the second reason for me coming here.”
“Sorry to distract you.”
“Are you heading to lunch?” I questioned.
Kimberly nodded, checking the time on her watch.
“Yeah, I have about an hour and a half because my boss left for the day. So, I tend to take a little longer heading back.”
“Good, let’s go to the bistro across the street and talk.” We came to a stop at the crosswalk, and I clicked the buzzer waiting for the sign to cross.
“What do you want to talk about?”
“What about us?”
The light changed, and we headed toward the restaurant across from her job and three blocks from my bar. I held the door open for her as she walked inside. The hostess seated us right away since the place wasn’t ultimately crowded like an ordinary Friday afternoon. Taking the menu out of her hands, she told us our waitress would be with us soon.
“Baby, I want to say that the night we spent together was more than what I’d ever imagined.”
“You’re just saying that,” she replied.
Shaking my head, I lifted her hand and kissed her.
“It doesn’t matter if it was some magical shoes, or you were finally noticing how sexy you are. I want to see where this goes between us.”
“I don’t know, Jerome.”
“Listen, you’ve been hurt in the past. I get it but keeping yourself from being happy is not what you need or want. Give me a chance to show you that we could be happy.”
“What if you find out in three months from now or six that I’m not worth the time?”
“That will never happen because you’re priceless, and I see the real you, baby.”
Kimberly stared into my eyes as a slow smile crept upon her lips.
“Okay. We can try dating and see where that goes,” she said, holding her hand out for a shake. I smirked, taking her hand, sealing the deal with a handshake and kiss.
“Officially dating.”
“Yep, before we sleep together again, I have to tell you those shoes are no longer in my possession.”
“After I’m done with you, the shoes will be a lasting memory, baby,” I said, winking and letting the waitress place two glasses of water down on the table.
“Hello, I’m Meredith, your waitress, what can I get for you today?” she asked, removing her pen and notebook ready to take our order. Kimberly’s eyes rose in shock, spilling her water on the table.
“It’s you!” Kimberly screamed as she pointed at the waitress. I looked at the waitress, and she seemed surprised by her outburst.
“Kimberly, what are you talking about?” I questioned, trying to get her to sit down.
“She’s the woman that gave me the shoes at your bar. Don’t you remember?” Kimberly stated, grabbing the waitress’s hand so she couldn’t move.
“I’m sorry, ma’am, I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Meredith replied.
“Yeah, baby, I don’t remember her either.”
“Jerome, I’m not crazy, it’s her.”
“Okay, but didn’t you say the woman was some old lady?” I questioned.
“ has to be her,” she stuttered out.
“Sorry, I’m only twenty-seven. If you need a few more minutes, I can come back,” Meredith responded.
“Yeah, give us a few more minutes.”
“Maybe I’m going crazy and don’t even know it. I need to leave,” Kimberly told me, standing up, and I jumped up, stopping her from leaving in her current state.
“Wait! Baby, calm down. Let’s eat and talk about this.”
“She seemed so real, though. Her eyes, hair, that small scar across her eyebrow.”
“You probably need to eat something. How about we get another waitress?” I offered as Meredith walked back to our table.
“Are we ready to order?” Meredith asked.
“Have you ever been to Red Light District’s bar three blocks from here?” Kimberly asked.
“No, sorry, I just moved to New York a few days ago and started this job today,” Meredith replied.
“Oh. Okay, I’m just tripping. You’re right. I need to eat something,” Kimberly joked.
Forty minutes after we ate and talked, Meredith brought the check over, and I pulled my card out to pay as Kimberly boxed up her food for us to leave. We’d decided that night was our first official date at the new Italian restaurant that opened on Third Avenue. Signing the check, we stood up together, and I dropped her hand when I heard a gasp out of her lips. I looked back over my shoulder, and Kimberly stared at Meredith as she laughed with a coworker near the counter.
“What’s wrong?” I inquired.
“The both of them are wearing red high heel shoes.”
“What’s wrong with that?”
“They’re the same shoes I was given when we had our night together,” Kimberly reminded me.
“How about I get you a pair for tonight?”
She slapped my chest, and I chuckled, kissing her forehead.
“That’s not funny,” she said, rolling her eyes.
“Shit, I’m not joking.”
“I don’t want you to think I’m crazy.”
“What I think is that you’re a smart, funny, sweet, and sexy as hell woman that I want to get to know and date. Can I do that, please?”
She huffed, poking her lip out.
“What about sex?”
“We’ll go at your pace. But let me be clear, Kimberly, you are more than enough for me, baby, and the shoes, in my opinion, were a bonus. I like you and want you as you are,” I replied.
“Then Jerome Lawrence, let me get out of here so I can finish my shift. I want to see what else we can explore at the Red Light District tonight,” Kimberly teased, slipping her tongue in my mouth.
“Mmmmm...maybe I should close up early so we can have the place to ourselves.”
“I’d like that.”
We walked out of the bistro laughing, and I noticed Kimberly peer over again at Meredith through the window, and Meredith winked her left eye in acknowledgment. Kimberly stopped in her tracks.
“You good?” I inquired.
“Uhm. Yeah, I just got a chill all of a sudden.”
“Well maybe I should take you straight home instead of back to work.”
“No, I’ll be fine. Besides, I want to make sure I get the perfect outfit for tonight,” she said, changing the subject.
“You’re perfect already, baby, never forget that.”
“As long as you’re in my corner, I won’t,” she replied, leaning her head on my arm. I wrapped an arm around her, bringing her in closer as we walked back, talking about plans for the rest of the week and getting to know each other better outside of the Red Light District.

I hope you enjoyed Kimberly and Jerome’s story. If you want more contemporary romance “Temptation? That is a standalone contemporary, sports, curvy girl romance. Check it out here
Check out Mafia romance here “Antonio and Sabrina Book 1”
Please also check out my Heart of Stone Series” with a host of characters intertwined.
Have you checked out “She’s All I Need” click here