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Abbott, Diahnne

Abbott, John

Abbott and Costello



“The Hollywood Palace”

and Jerry Lewis

“The Jerry Lewis Show”

“Will the Real Jerry Lewis Please Sit Down?!” (animated series)

Academy Awards

and comedy

Jerry Lewis as host

Acapulco Film Festival

Adams, Joey

Adler, Jerry

AGVA (American Guild of Variety Artists)

and Jerry Lewis

Alberghetti, Anna Maria

Alda, Robert

Alexander, Willard

Allardice, James

Allen, Steve

Allen, Woody

Allyson, June

Alpert, Larry

Ambassador Hotel (Catskills)

Ambrose, Sammy

American Film

American Coalition of Citizens with Disabilities

American Museum of the Moving Image (NYC)

Amory, Cleveland

Amsterdam, Morey

Anastasia, Albert

Anderson, Judith

Andersson, Harriet

Angeli, Pier


Archerd, Army


Arizona Dream (Lewis film)

Arlen, Alice

Arness, James

Arnold, Danny

Arnold, Edward

Arren, Charlotte

Arthur, Eugene

Arthur Hotel (Lakewood, N.J.)

Artists and Models (Martin & Lewis film)

Aspin, Les

At War with the Army (Martin & Lewis film)

auteur theory

Avrom Buchom Cheldem School

Backus, Jim


Baja Marimba Band

Baker, George

Baker, Herbert

Baker, Phil

Balalyan, Richard

Balin, Ina

Ball, Lucille

Ballard, Kaye

Bally’s Hotel (Las Vegas)

Barclay, Michael

Barnes, Clive

Barney’s Beanery

Barr, Leonard

Barrymore, John, Jr.

Barty, Billy

Bates, Barbara

Bates, Peg Leg

Baum, Charles

Bay, Susan

Baylos, Gene

Beachcomber Club (Miami)

Beaudine, William

Beaumont, Charles

Beck, Marilyn

Beebe, Hank

Bee Gees

Begelman, David

Bela Lugosi Meets a Brooklyn Gorilla (Mitchell and Petrillo film)

Belafonte, Harry

Bell, Hal

Bellboy, The (Lewis film)

Beloin, Ed

Beltzer, Kenneth

Ben Ammar, Tarak

Benayoun, Robert

Bendix, William

Bennett, Robert

Bennett, Tony

Benny, Jack

Benson, Gary

Bergen, Polly

Bergman, Buddy

Berle, Milton

and Jerry Lewis

Bernhard, Sandra

Betz, Sarah

Biaggi, Mario

Biegger, Jeanne. See Martin, Jeanne

Big Mouth, The (Lewis film)


Birch, Sammy

Bishop, Joey

Black, Lou

Blackburn, Norman

Blackman, Joan

Blaine, Vivian

Blanc, Michel

Boeing Boeing (Lewis film)

Bogdanovich, Peter

Boggs, Haskell

Bonjour, Monsieur Lewis (Benayoun)

Boone, Pat

Boone, Richard

Boros, Julius

Borscht Belt

tummlers and headliners

Boston Globe

Boston Herald American

Boston Phoenix

Bowers, William

Boy (film, d: Lewis)

Brandt, Bob

Bregman, Buddy

Brice, Fanny

Bridges, W. James

Broca, Lino

Broder, Jack

Broderick, Johnny

Brodsky, Elizabeth (“Buhddie”). See Weisenthal, Elizabeth Brodsky

Brodsky, Jean. See Epstein, Jean Brodsky

Brodsky, Joseph (grandfather)

Brodsky, Rachel. See Levitch, Rachel Brodsky Brodsky, Rose. See Katz, Rose Brodsky

Brodsky, Sarah. See Rothberg, Sarah

Bromfield, John

Brooks, Mel

“Brother, Can You Spare a Dime?” (Harburg/Gorney song)

Brown, Arthur (son)

Brown, Charles

Brown, Lillian

Brown, Lonnie (daughter)

Brown, Lou

Brown, Russ

Brown’s Hotel (Catskills)

premiere of You’re Never Too Young

Bruce, Lenny

Brynner, Yul

Buchwald, Art

Bukatman, Scott


Burns, George

Burr, Raymond

Burrows, Abe

Burton, Richard

Bush, George

Butterworth, Donna

Buttons, Red

Byrnes, Edd “Kookie”

Cabot, Sebastian

Caddy, The (Martin & Lewis film)

Caesar, Sid

Caesar’s Palace (Las Vegas)

Cahan, Abraham

Cahiers du cinéma (French film journal)

Cahn, Sammy

Callas, Charlie

Callas, Maria

Calleia, Joseph

Calloway, Cab

Calonico, Esther. See Lewis, Patti

Calonico, Giuseppe (Patti’s father)

Calonico, Joseph (Patti’s brother)

Calonico, Mary (Patti’s mother). See Farina, Mary

Calvet, Corinne

Campbell, Judith

Campo, Pupi

Canby, Vincent

Cannell, Stephen J.

Cannes Film Festival

Cantor, Eddie

Capitol Records

Capp, Al

Cappella and Patricia

Capra, Frank

Carmel, Roger C.

Carol, Lily Ann

Caron, Leslie

Carr, Vicki

Carradine, John

Carrey, Jim

Carson, Johnny

Carter, Jack

Caruso, Dee

Carver, Ron

Castle, Nick

Catcher in the Rye, The (Salinger novel)

Catskills. See Borscht Belt

Cavett, Dick

Chamberlin, Jeffrey

Chandler, Jeff

Chaplin, Charles

influence on Jerry Lewis

Charash, Leon

Charles Baum’s Society Orchestra


Checker, Chubby

Chelsum, Peter

Chez Paree (Chicago)

Chiquita and Johnson

Chodan, Lucina

Choder, Jill

Christon, Lawrence

Cinderfella (Lewis film)

Cinéma journal

Circus, The (Chaplin film)

Ciro’s nightclub (Hollywood)

Citron, Herman

City Lights (Chaplin film)

Clair, Philippe

Clark, Fred

Clayton, Bob

Cobb, Karlene

Coca, Imogene

Cohen, Alexander H.

Cohen, Mickey

Cohen, Paul

Cohen, Roy

Cohn, Harry

Cohn, Roy

Cole, Nat “King”

Coleman, Cy

Coleman, Max

“Colgate Comedy Hour”

Columbia Artists Management

Columbia Pictures

The Big Mouth

break with

costs and earnings

Don’t Raise the Bridge, Lower the River

Film Industry Workshops

Hook, Line & Sinker

Three on a Couch

Combs, W. F.

Como, Perry

Connick, Harry, Jr.

Constantino, Nick

Cookie (Lewis film cameo)

Copacabana nightclub (NYC)

Coppola, Francis Ford

Corey, Joseph

Costanzo, Mindy

Costas, Bob

Costell, Dave

Costello, Frank

Costello, Lou

Coughlin, Father

Cracking Up (a.k.a. Smorgasbord) (Lewis film)

Crane, Bob

Crane, Harry

Crawford, Joan

Crocetti, Angela Barra (Dean Martin’s mother)

Crocetti, Bill (Guglielmo) (Dean Martin’s brother)

Crocetti, Dino. See Martin, Dean

Crocetti, Guy (Gaetano) (Dean Martin’s father)

Crocetti, Jimmy (Vincenzo) (Dean Martin’s uncle)

Crocetti, Joe (Giuseppe) (Dean Martin’s uncle)

Crosby, Bing

Crosby, John

Crosby, Norm

Cross, Perry

Crowley, Pat

Crowther, Bosley

Crystal, Billy

Curtis, Tony

Cushing, Peter

Cutler, Harry

Daily Mirror (London)

D’Amato, Skinny

Damon Runyon Memorial Fund

Damone, Vic

Darcy, Georgine

Darin, Bobby

Davidson, Bill

Davidson, Michael

Davis, Bette

Davis, Billy

Davis, Sammy, Jr.

Davis, Willie

Day the Clown Cried, The (Lewis unreleased film)

Dayton, Dan

Deauville Hotel (Miami)

DeBakey, Michael

Decca Records

DeFore, Don

DeHaven, Carter

DeHaven, Gloria

Delarue, Georges

Delatiner, Barbara

Delgado, Mucio (“Moose”)

Delicate Delinquent, The (Lewis film)

DeMille, Cecil B.

Denney, Bruce

De Niro, Robert

Denton, Charles

Depp, Johnny

Detroit Free Press

DeVore, Charlie

DeVore, Sy

De Witt, George

DiBacco, Ambrogio

DiBenedetto, Irma

Diller, Phyllis

Dino’s Lodge (Martin’s restaurant)

Disability Rag

Disorderly Orderly, The (Lewis film)

Dolenz, George

Donlevy, Brian

Donahue, Phil

Donohue, Jill

Don’t Give Up the Ship (Lewis film)

Don’t Raise the Bridge, Lower the River (Lewis film)

Dorita and Valero

Dorsey, Jimmy

Dorsey, John

Douglas, Gordon

Douglas, Kirk

Douglas, Mike

Downs, Hugh

Dru, Joanne

DuBrow, Rick

Duke, Maurice

Duke, Patty

Duke Ellington orchestra

Dunaway, Faye

Durant, Jack

Durante, Jimmy

Durgin, Don

Durocher, Leo

Ebbins, Milton

“Ed Sullivan Show” (CBS)

Edelman, Herb

Edouart, Farciot

Edwards, Vince

Eglash, Jack

Ekberg, Anita

Ellenstein, Meyer

Entman, Gerald

Entratter, Jack

Ephron, Nora

Epstein, Barney (uncle)

Epstein, Jean Brodsky (aunt)

Errand Boy, The (Lewis film)

Ervin, Mike

Esquire magazine

Esther and Her Sailing Swing Band

Etaix, Pierre

Evans, George

Evans, Lee

Everette, Chad

Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime (Especially Himself) (Marx)

Fabray, Nanette

Fadiman, Clifton

Falana, Lola

Falk, Peter

Family Jewels, The (Lewis film)

Fapp, Daniel

Farber, Jim

Farina, Mary (Patti’s mother)

Farina, Mike

Farrell, Glenda

Fazenda, Louise

Feld, Fritz

Feldman, Marty

Feldman, Shepard. See Fields, Shep

Fields, Freddie

Fields, Shep

Fields, W. C.

Film Culture

Finkel, Bob

Finklehoff, Fred

Finnerman, Gerald-Perry

Fio Rito, Ted

Fischetti, Charlie

Fischler, Alan

Fisher, Eddie

Fitzgerald, Ella

500 Club (Atlantic City)

Flamingo Hotel (Las Vegas)

Fleming, Judge Macklin

Fleming, Rhonda

Flood, Jim

Foch, Nina

Fonda, Henry

Fontainebleau Hotel (Miami)

Ford, Tennessee Ernie

Forrest, Artie

Forrest, Marcy

Forrest, Richard

Fowler, Gene


Frances, Anne

Frank, Melvin

Frank Olivier dancers

Franken, Steve

Franz, Eduard

Fred Fischer, Inc.

Freeman, Kathleen

Freeman, Mickey

Freeman, Mona

Freeman, Y. Frank

Frome, Milton

Frontier Hotel (Las Vegas)

Funke, Lewis

Funny Bones (Lewis film)

Furmanek, Bob

Gabor, Eva

Gabor, Zsa Zsa

Gannon, Al

Garcia, Jerry

Gardella, Kay

Gardiner, Reginald

Gardner, Gerald

Garland, Judy

Garms, Lee

Garrett, Thomas “Snuff”

Gar-Ron Productions

Gary Lewis and the Playboys

Gaynor, Mitzi

Gehman, Richard

Geisha Boy, The (Lewis film)

Gelbart, Larry

Gerard, Michel

Gerard, Tillie and Jimmy

German-American Bund

Gershwin, Jerry

Giancana, Sam

Gibson, Henry

Gillette, George

Glass Hat nightclub (NYC)

Gleason, Jackie

Gillespie, Dizzy

Gluck, Herb

Glucksman, Ernest

Gobel, George

Godard, Jean-Luc

Golan, Gila

Goldberg, Whoopi

Goldenson, Leonard

Goldstein, Ruby

Goodman, Lee

Gorin, Igor

Gorme, Eydie

Gorney, Jay

Gorshin, Frank

Gould, Jack

Gould, Raymond

Grable, Betty

Graham, Sheila

Graham, Virginia

Granoff, Bud

Grateful Dead

Gray, Barry

Gray, Mack “Killer”

Gray, Pete

Grazer, Brian

Green, Abel

Green, Jack L.

Greenbaum, Gus

Greshler, Abner (Abbey) J.

financial dealings

and Martin and Lewis

Martin and Lewis, separation from

as producer

seeding the audience

Greshler, Violet

Griffin, Merv

Gross, Harry

Grudens, Richard

Gumbel, Bryant

Halsman, Phillippe

Hamilton, Neil

Hammer, Stephen

Hammerstein, Oscar

Harburg, Yip

Hardin, Glen D.

Hardly Working (Lewis film)

Harrah’s (Lake Tahoe)

Harris, Phil

Harry James orchestra

Hart, Moss

Hartman, David

Hartman, Edmund

Havana-Madrid nightclub (NYC)

Haver, June

Hawks, Howard

Hayakawa, Sessue

Hayes, Harold

Hazen, Joseph

Head, Edith

Hellzapoppin’ (Broadway show)

Herman, Woody

Hersholt, Jean

Heyer, Bill

Hirano, Robert

Hirschberg, Lynn

Hoberman, Jim

Hogan, Ben

Holliman, Earl

Hollinger, Hy

Hollywood or Bust (Martin & Lewis film)

Hollywood Reporter

Holman, Russell

Hook, Line & Sinker (Lewis film)

Hope, Bob

Hopper, Hedda

Hover, Herman

Howard, Bob

Howard, Cy

Howard, Ron

Humphrey, Hal

Hunnicutt, Gail

Hurricane (NYC nightclub)

Hurt, William

Hussey, Ruth

Hutton, Betty

Hyams, Joe

Hyer, Martha

I Laffed Till I Cried: Thirty-Six Years of Marriage to Jerry Lewis (Patti Lewis’s autobiography)

“I’ll Always Love You” (Martin recording)

Ince, Thomas

Instruction Book for Being a Person (Lewis book)

International Herald Tribune

Irvington (New Jersey), anti-Semitism in

Isaacman, Alan L.

It’s a Mad Mad Mad Mad World (Lewis film cameo)

It’s Only Money (Lewis film)

“I’ve Always Been Scared” (Lewis/Davidson Look article)

Jahr, Cliff

Janover, Michael

Jarrod, Dick

Jazz Singer, The (Jolson film)

Jazz Singer, The (Lewis TV version)

Jazz Singer, The (Neil Diamond TV version)

Jenkins, Dan

Jerry Lewis Cinema Corporation

lawsuits against

Jerry Lewis in Person (Lewis autobiography)

Jerry Lewis Just Sings (Lewis album)

Jerry Lewis Playhouse (Brown’s Hotel)

Jerry Lewis Productions. See under Paramount Pictures

“Jerry Lewis Show, The” (ABC)

and network censors

“Jerry Lewis Show, The” (Metromedia)

“Jerry Lewis Show, The” (NBC)

Jerry Lewis Theater (Hollywood)

Jerry Lewis’s restaurant (Sunset Strip)

“Jerry’s Kids”

Jerry’s Orphans

Jessel, George

Jewish comedians as directors

Jewish immigrants and show business

See also anti-Semitism

Jimmy Dorsey band

Johnson, Chick

Johnson, Lyndon

Jolson, Al

Jones, Jack

Jones, Paul

Journigan, James

Julian, Emilio

Jumping Jacks (Martin & Lewis film)

June Taylor Dancers

Kael, Pauline

Kagan, Jeremy

Kahn, George

Kahn, Madeline

Kallen, Kitty

Kanter, Jay

Kantor, Hal

Karp, Jack

Karras, Alex

Katz, Harry (uncle)

Katz, Judy (cousin)

murder of

Katz, Marshall (cousin)

Katz, Natalie (cousin)

Katz, Rose Brodsky (aunt)

Kaye, Bob

Kaye, Danny

Kaye, Irving (“Googs”)

as Jerry’s manager

Kazan, Lainie

Keaton, Buster

Keeler, Ruby

Keller, Emma

Keller, Jack

Kelly, Grace

Kelly, Kevin

Kelly, Wallace

Kemp, Evan J., Jr.

Kennedy, John F.

birthday party (White House)

Kenney, Stuart

Kiel, Richard

Kilgallen, Dorothy

King, Alan

King, Larry

King, Sonny

King of Comedy, The (Lewis film)

Kirk, Phyllis

Kirkwood, Jim

Kiss Me, Stupid (Martin film)

Kissel, Howard

Kleiser, Randy

Knight, Arthur

Kogan, Jack

Kooper, Al

Korshak, Sidney

Kramer, Stanley

Kroll, Jack

Krupa, Gene

Kuhn, Fritz

Kusturica, Emir

LADIES (“Life After Divorce Is Eventually Sane”)

Ladies’ Man, The (Lewis film)

the set

Lanchester, Elsa

Land, Lor-Ann

Landis, John

Lane, Abbe

Langdon, Harry

Lastfogle, Abe

“Late Night with David Letterman”

Latin Casino (Philadelphia)

Laurel, Stan

Laurel and Hardy

Lawford, Peter

Lawrence, Steve

Lazarus, Emma

Lear, Norman

Lee, Christopher

Lee, Kathryn

Lee, Lee Ann

Lee, Peggy

Legrand, Michel

Leigh, Carolyn

Leigh, Janet

Leigh, Suzanna

LeMelle, Wilbert J.

Leonard, Jack E.

Leonard, Sheldon

Lessing, Norman

Lester, Buddy

Letterman, David

Levitch, Danny. See Lewis, Danny

Levitch, Gertrude (Jerry’s aunt)

Levitch, Hannah (Jerry’s grandmother)

Levitch, Morris (Jerry’s grandfather)

Levitch, Jerome. See Lewis, Jerry

Levitch, Rachel (“Rae”) Brodsky. See Lewis, Rae

Levy, Dr. Marvin

Levy, Parke

Lewis, Anthony Joseph (Jerry and Patti’s son)

and the divorce

relations with father


telethon participation

Lewis, Christopher Joseph (Jerry and Patti’s son)


and the divorce

relations with father


Lewis, Danielle Sarah (Jerry and Danielle’s daughter)

Lewis, Danny (father)


health and death

and Jerry’s career

as Jerry’s father

cast in Jerry’s projects

reviews and press

and women

Lewis, Gary Harold Lee (Jerry and Patti’s son)

and the divorce

Gary and the Playboys

on “Hullabaloo”

military career

as a performer

recording and singing career

relations with father


“This Diamond Ring”

Lewis, Jerry

bar mitzvah


education (general)

education (Jewish)


4-F status


Lewis, Jerry (career)

agents and managers. See also MCA; William Morris Agency


awards and honors

catch-phrases and stock-phrases

Charlie Chaplin, influence of

as a clown

comic persona, ix

Dean Martin, friction, breakup and feud

Dean Martin, reconciliation with

earnings and finances. See also Jerry Lewis Cinema Corporation

and England

fan clubs and

and gangsters

influence of, x–xi

influences on

and Milton Berle

production company

professional behavior and temperament

and the Rat Pack

work habits

and writers

Lewis, Jerry (clubs and stage)

and Abner Greshler

Abner Greshler, separation from

burlesque circuit

club act




and the phrase “ladies and gentlemen”

seeding the audience

“Sex and Slapstick”

singing Jolson songs

as a solo act

tours (national and international)

Lewis, Jerry (clubs and stage: venues)

Ambassador Hotel (Catskills)

Arthur Hotel

Bally’s Hotel (Las Vegas)

Brown’s Hotel (New York State)

Caesar’s Palace (Las Vegas)

Chez Paree (Chicago)

Damn Yankees (Broadway show)

Deauville Hotel (Miami)

500 Club (Atlantic City)

Fontainebleau Hotel (Miami)

Frontier Hotel (Las Vegas)

Glass Hat nightclub (NYC)

Goodwin Stadium (ASU)

Greek Theater (Los Angeles)

Harrah’s (Lake Tahoe)

Hellzapoppin’ (Broadway show)

JFK birthday party (White House)

Moulin Rouge (Hollywood)

Newark YMHA

Palace Theater (NYC)

Palmer House (Chicago)

RKO Palace (NYC)

SAG testimonial dinner

Sands Hotel (Las Vegas)

USO tour

Lewis, Jerry (clubs and stage) (with Dean Martin)

Beachcomber Club (Miami)

Chez Paree (Chicago)

Ciro’s nightclub (Hollywood)

Copacabana nightclub (NYC)

500 Club (Atlantic City)

Flamingo Hotel (Las Vegas)

Havana-Madrid nightclub (NYC)

Martin-Lewis Day (Atlantic City)

meeting Martin

Palladium (London)

Paramount Theater (NYC)

Riviera nightclub (New Jersey)

Roxy Theater (NYC)

Sands (Las Vegas)

Slapsie Maxie’s Café (Los Angeles)

Lewis, Jerry (films)

Abner Greshler and

Acapulco Film Festival

assuming a female role

cameo appearances

Cannes Film Festival

The Catcher in the Rye

The Day the Clown Cried

and Frank Tashlin

French appreciation of

Funny Bones

and Hal Wallis

Hal Wallis, problems with

home movies (Gar-Ron Productions)

Jerry Lewis Camera Exchange

and Mitchell and Petrillo

moviemaking, interest in

Par ou t’es rentre? On t’as vu Sortir

Portnoy’s Complaint

Retenez Moi … ou je fais un malheur


screen tests

“That’s Life”

USC film lectures

video assist

See also Columbia Pictures; Paramount Pictures (Jerry Lewis Production); Paramount Pictures (York Productions); Serendipity; Twentieth Century Fox; United Artists; Wallis-Hazen

Lewis, Jerry (films as director)

The Bellboy

The Big Mouth


The Errand Boy

The Family Jewels

Hardly Working

The Ladies’ Man

The Nutty Professor

One More Time

The Patsy


Three on a Couch

Which Way to the Front?

Lewis, Jerry (films as producer)

The Bellboy

The Big Mouth


The Delicate Delinquent

The Errand Boy

The Family Jewels

The Geisha Boy

Hook, Line & Sinker

The Ladies’ Man

The Nutty Professor

The Patsy

Rock-a-bye Baby

Three on a Couch

Which Way to the Front?

Lewis, Jerry (films as writer)

The Bellboy

The Big Mouth

The Errand Boy

The Family Jewels

Hardly Working

The Ladies’ Man

The Nutty Professor

The Patsy


Lewis, Jerry (films with Dean Martin)

Artists and Models

Boeing Boeing

The Disorderly Orderly

Don’t Give Up the Ship

It’s Only Money

Jumping Jacks

Hollywood or Bust

Money From Home

My Friend Irma

My Friend Irma Goes Abroad

My Friend Irma Goes West

Sailor Beware

The Sad Sack

Scared Stiff

The Stooge

That’s My Boy

Three Ring Circus

Visit to a Small Planet

Who’s Minding the Store?

See also Wallis-Hazen; York Productions

Lewis, Jerry (philanthropy)

Damon Runyon Memorial Fund benefit

Muscular Dystrophy (MDA)

Red Cross benefit (Irvington)

telethon, coining of the term

Lewis, Jerry (press and public relations)

breakup with Martin

the British press

critics and journalists, relations with

French film press


Little Boy Blue


negative press

The Nutty Professor promo tour

publicists. See Flood, Jim; Keller, Jack; Skidmore, Fred

publicity and promotions

trade papers ads

Lewis, Jerry (press: reviews)

club act (solo)

club act (with Martin)

film (solo)

film (with Martin)

MDA telethon

television and radio (solo)

television and radio (with Martin)


Lewis, Jerry (private life)


addiction to drugs

and alcohol

and anti-Semitism

children, relationship with

and cigarettes


“creed book”

FBI files


generosity and gift giving


hotel robbery

insecurity and loneliness of

intruders and stalkers

parents, relationship with


pinky ring

and psychiatry

sexual boasting and sexism

suicide attempt


and women

Lewis, Jerry (private life: marriage to Patti)


marital problems



wedding (Jewish)

wedding band

Lewis, Jerry (private life: marriage to SanDee)

adopted daughter



Lewis, Jerry (private life: residences and property)

Amalfi Drive house (Pacific Palisades)


boats (ship wreck)

KJPL radio station

Lehigh Avenue apartment (Newark, N.J.)

1110 Tower Road (Beverly Hills)

Palm Springs vacation home

St. Cloud Road (Bel Air)

Lewis, Jerry (recordings)

Capitol Records

Decca Records

Jerry Lewis Just Sings


Lewis, Jerry (recordings with Dean Martin)

Capitol Records

“That Certain Party”

“The Money Song”

Lewis, Jerry (television and radio)

ABC TV shows

Academy Awards broadcast (1956)

“Comic Relief”

“Ed Sullivan Show”

Emmy Awards broadcast

Fight for Life (NBC TV film)

guest appearances


The Jazz Singer

“The Jerry Lewis Show” (ABC)

“The Jerry Lewis Show” (Metromedia)

“The Jerry Lewis Show” (NBC)

KJPL radio station

“Late Night with David Letterman”

NBC TV shows

“Permanent Waves”

“The Phil Donahue Show”

“Saturday Night Live” (NBC)

“The Tonight Show” (guest host)

“Will the Real Jerry Lewis Please Sit Down?!” (ABC animated series)

“Wiseguy” episodes

Lewis, Jerry (television and radio with Dean Martin)

“The Colgate Comedy Hour”

guest appearances

“The Martin and Lewis Show” (NBC radio)

“Toast of the Town” (TV show)

writer’s contract

Lewis, Joseph Christopher (Jerry and Patti’s son)

and the divorce

relations with father


telethon participation

Lewis, Kimberly (Anthony and Sharon’s daughter)

Lewis, Marlo

Lewis, Patti (Jerry’s 1st wife)




and Dean Martin


as Gary’s manager


and Jerry’s parents

Jerry and SanDee’s wedding

LADIES (“Life After Divorce Is Eventually Sane”)

marital problems


meeting Jerry



wedding (Jewish)

Lewis, Rae (mother)


and Jerry

and Jerry and Patti’s marriage

and Jimmy Ritz

Lewis, Ronald Stephen (Jerry and Patti’s son)

and the divorce

relations with father


telethon participation

Lewis, SanDee (Jerry’s 2nd wife)

adopted daughter



Lewis, Sara Jane (Jinky) (Gary’s wife)

Lewis, Sarah Jane (Gary and Jinky’s daughter)

Lewis, Scott Anthony (Jerry and Patti’s son)


and the divorce

relations with father


Lewis, Sharon (Anthony’s wife)

Lidsky, Isaac

Life magazine

L’il Abner (Lewis film cameo)

Limelight (Chaplin film)

Lindberg, Sven

Linkletter, Art

Linn, Edward

List, Eugene

Living It Up (Martin & Lewis film)

Lloyd, Emily

Logan, Joshua

London Sunday Times

Look magazine

Lopez, Angel

Loren, Sophia

Lorre, Peter

Los Angeles Daily News

Los Angeles magazine

Los Angeles Mirror

Los Angeles Mirror News

Los Angeles Times

Low, Warren

Lowenstein, Alan

Lucas, George

Luft, Sid

Lugosi, Bela

Lund, Deanna

Lund, John

Luster, Dr. Henry

Lynn, Diana

Lyon, Herb

Lyons, Arthur

Lyons, Leonard

McCall’s magazine

McCartney, Paul

McCoo, Marilyn

McDonald, Bill

McDonald, Elizabeth. See Martin, Elizabeth

McDonald, Frank

McDonald, Marie

McGavin, Darren

McGiver, John

McGovern, Maureen

McGrady, Mike

McGuire, Don

McInerney, Jack

McIntire, John

McKay, Ernie

Mackin, Tom

MacLaine, Shirley

McMahon, Ed

MacMichael, Florence

McNamara, James

McNear, Howard

Mainstream magazine

Malle, Louis

Malone, Dorothy

Manners, Jayne

Mansfield, Jayne

Marceau, Marcel

Marcellino, Muzzy

Marsalis, Wynton

Marshall, George

Marshall, Marion

Mart, Paul

Martin, Dean

as a boxer (Kid Crochet)

as a dealer


4-F status

Martin, Dean (career)

dealing with hecklers

Dean Martin Day (Steubenville)

earnings, selling percentages of

earnings and finances

Jerry Lewis, friction, breakup and feud

Jerry Lewis, reconciliation with

Havana-Madrid nightclub (NYC)

managers and agents


nose job

and organized crime

reviews and press

as a singer

stage persona

Martin, Dean (clubs and stage) (with Jerry Lewis)

Beachcomber Club (Miami)

Ciro’s nightclub (Hollywood)

Copacabana nightclub (NYC)

500 Club (Atlantic City)

Flamingo Hotel (Las Vegas)

Havana-Madrid nightclub (NYC)

Martin-Lewis Day (Atlantic City)

Palladium (London)

Paramount Theater (NYC)

Riviera nightclub (New Jersey)

Roxy Theater (NYC)

Sands (Las Vegas)

Slapsie Maxie’s Café (Los Angeles)

Martin, Dean (films with Lewis)

Artists and Models

Boeing Boeing

The Disorderly Orderly

Don’t Give Up the Ship

It’s Only Money

Jumping Jacks

Hollywood or Bust

Money From Home

My Friend Irma

My Friend Irma Goes Abroad

My Friend Irma Goes West

Sailor Beware

The Sad Sack

Scared Stiff

screen tests

The Stooge

That’s My Boy

Three Ring Circus

Visit to a Small Planet

Who’s Minding the Store?

See also Wallis-Hazen; York Productions

Martin, Dean (films without Lewis)

Martin, Dean (recordings)

“I’ll Always Love You”

“Memories Are Made of This”

“The Money Song”

“That Certain Party”

“That’s Amore”

Martin, Dean (television and radio)

Academy Awards broadcast (1956)

“The Colgate Comedy Hour”

guest appearances

“Songs by Dean Martin” (radio show)

“Toast of the Town” (TV show)

Martin, Dean (private life)

and alcohol


marital problems (Betty)

marriage (Betty)

marriage (Jeanne)




and women

Martin, Dean Paul, Jr. (Dean and Jeanne’s son)

Martin, Dick

Martin, Elizabeth (Betty) (Dean’s 1st wife)



Martin, Jeanne (Dean’s 2nd wife)

marital problems

Martin, Stephen Craig (Dean and Betty’s son)

Martin, Tony

Martin-Lewis Day (Atlantic City)

Martin and Rossi

Martini, Nino

Marx, Arthur

Marx, Groucho

Marx, Harpo

Marx Brothers

Massey, Daria

Matthews, Chris

Maxwell, Marilyn

Maxwell, Mitchell

Mayehoff, Eddie

Mayer, Louis B.

MCA (talent agency)

and Martin and Lewis

Martin and Lewis, breakup of act

Martin and Lewis’s NBC contract

Martin and Lewis’s Wallis-Hazen contract

Medrek, William

Melville, Anne-Marie

Memphis Business Journal

Merman, Ethel

Merrill, Dina

Merrill, Robert

Messinger, Lillian

Mexico City El Heraldo newspaper

Meyer, Marvin

Millar, Marjie

Miller, Glen

Miller, Jonathan

Miller, Richard

Miller, Sidney

Millikan, John B.

Minardi, Loel

Minnelli, Liza

Minnelli, Vincente

Minskoff, Jerome

Minskoff, Maggie

Miranda, Carmen

Missildine, W. Hugh

Mitchell, Duke

Mitchell and Petrillo

Mitterand, François

Mobley, Mary Ann

Modern Times (Chaplin film)

Moffitt, Jack

Moiseyev Dancers

Monaster, Nate

Money From Home (Martin & Lewis film)

Money magazine

“Money Song, The” (Martin and Lewis recording)

Monroe, Marilyn

Montreal Gazette

Moore, Del

Moore, Kingman

Moore, Tom

Moorehead, Agnes

Moorman, Charlotte

Morita, Pat

Morrow, Jeff

Mortimer, Lee

Motion Picture Herald

Moulin Rouge (Hollywood)

Mouskouri, Nana

Movie Stars Parade

Mr. Bascom (Great Dane)

Mr. Saturday Night (Lewis film cameo)

Murphy, Eddie

Murray, Jan

Murray, Toni

Murrow, Edward R.

Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA)


controversy and criticism

financial dealings, criticism of


Jerry Lewis’s Parade article

“Jerry’s Kids”

Jerry’s Orphans

“The Phil Donahue Show”


scientific successes


See also Cohen, Paul; Delgado, Mucio; Ross, Bob; Weaver, Pat; Zigouras, Art

My Friend Irma (Martin & Lewis film)

My Friend Irma Goes West (Martin & Lewis film)

Nat Brandwynne orchestra

Nathan, Paul

National Enquirer


“The Colgate Comedy Hour”

Fight for Life (Lewis TV film)

and Jerry Lewis

“The Jerry Lewis Show”

Martin and Lewis’s contract

“The Martin and Lewis Show” (radio)

Nelson, Byron

Nelson, Lori

Nelson, Peter

Nelson, Ralph

New Dollys

New York Daily News

New York Herald Tribune

New York Journal American

New York magazine

New York Newsday

New York Post

New York Times

New York World Telegram

New Yorker magazine

Newark (New Jersey), anti-Semitism in

Newark Evening News

Newell, Vivian

Newman, Lionel

News Chronicle (London)


Newsweek magazine

Niven, David

North, Sheree

Norton, Elliot

Nutty Professor, The (Lewis film)

promo tour

reference to Dean Martin

Nutty Professor, The, II

sequels and remakes

Nuxhall, Joe

O’Brien, Erin

O’Brien, Hugh

O’Brien, Jack

O’Brien, Joan

O’Connor, Basil

O’Connor, Donald

O’Curran, Charlie

Oliver, Susan

Olsen, Ole

One More Time (film, d: Lewis)

Orgolini, Arnold

Orlando, Tony

Osmond Brothers

Ossard, Claudie

Paar, Jack

Palace Theater (NYC)

Palcy, Euzhan

Palladium (London)

Palme, Ulf

Palmer, Patti. See Lewis, Patti

Palmer House (Chicago)

Panama, Norman

Par ou t’es rentre? On t’as vu Sortir (Lewis film)

Parade magazine

Paramount Pictures

contract with Lewis

Lewis film grosses

See also Wallis-Hazen

Paramount Pictures (Jerry Lewis Productions)

corporate entities

costs and earnings




product tie–ins

Paramount Pictures (Jerry Lewis Productions: films)

The Bellboy


The Delicate Delinquent

The Errand Boy

The Family Jewels

The Geisha Boy

The Ladies’ Man

The Nutty Professor

The Patsy

Rock-a-bye Baby

Paramount Pictures (York Productions)

contract with Lewis

costs and earnings


Paramount Pictures (York Productions: films)

Boeing Boeing

The Disorderly Orderly

It’s Only Money

Who’s Minding the Store?

Paramount Pictures (York Productions: films) (with Martin and Lewis)

At War with the Army

The Caddy

Living It Up


You’re Never Too Young

Paramount Theater (NYC)

Pardners (Martin & Lewis film)

Paris, Jerry

Parnell, Val

Parrish, Leslie

Parsons, Geoffrey

Parsons, Louella

Pasternak, Joe

Patsy, The (Lewis film)

Paul, Steven

Paul Tremain and his Band from Lonely Acres

Payne, Freda

Payne, John

Pearce, Jacqueline

Pearl, Ralph

Pearson, Drew

Peck, Gregory

Penn, Arthur

Penthouse magazine

Pereira, Hal

Perlberg, William

Perry, Lou

Pertwee, Michael

Petrillo, Sammy

Pevney, Joseph

Phillips, Arthur

Piastro, Dianne B.

Picon, Molly

Pierre (chimpanzee)

Piscopo, Joe

Pitnick, Sandra. See Lewis, SanDee

Platt, Oliver

Pleshette, Suzanne

Podell, Jules

Porizkova, Paulina

Portnoy’s Complaint (film version)

Positif (French film journal)

Powell, Dick

Powers, James

Presley, Elvis

Pride, Christopher

Proctor, Joseph Ford

Proser, Monte

Proux, Joe

Quattrone, Cosmo

Quick magazine

Rackin, Martin

Radar, Dotson

Rafferty, Terrence

Raft, George

Ramsey, Al

Randall, Jack

Raphaelson, Samson

Ray, Nicholas

Ray Bloch orchestra

Raymie (film w. Lewis title song)

Reagan, Nancy

Reagan, Ronald

Redgrave, Lynn

Reed, Donna

Reginelli, Marco

Reilly, Betty

Reiner, Rob

Reiser, Paul

Renoir, Jean

Retenez Moi … ou je fais un malheur (Lewis film)

Rice, Cathy

Rich, John

Richards, David

Richards, Dick

Richman, Bob

Richmond, Bill

Rickles, Don

Ritz, Al

Ritz, Harry

Ritz, Jimmy

Ritz Brothers

Riviera nightclub (New Jersey)

Road to Bali, The (Martin & Lewis film cameo)

Roberts, Oral

Robrahn, Judge Reese

Rochester Daily Democrat-Chronicle

“Rock-a-Bye” (Lewis recording)

Rock-a-bye Baby (Lewis film)

Rockwell, Norman

Rodgers, Richard

Rolling Stone

Rooney, Mickey

Rose, Billy

Rosenbaum, Jonathan

Rosenbloom, Slapsie Maxie

Ross, Bob

Ross, Joe E.

Ross, John

Roth, Broadway Sam

Rothberg, Sam (step-grandfather)

Rothberg, Sarah Brodsky (grandmother)

Routledge, Patricia

Rowan, Dan

Roxy Theater (NYC)

Rubirosa, Porfirio

Rudloff, Tex

Rudolph, Jerry

Ruman, Sig

Russell, Leon

Ryan, Ray

Rydell, Bobby

Sachs, Mannie

Sad Sack, The (Lewis film)

Saddler, Donald

SAG (Screen Actors Guild)

testimonial dinner for Jean Hersholt

Sahl, Mort

St. John, Jill

Sailor Beware (Martin & Lewis film)

Sakata, Harold (“Odd Job”)

Salinger, J. D.

Salk, Jonas

San Francisco Chronicle

Sanders, Harlan

Sands, Sonny

Sands Hotel (Las Vegas)

Saper, Jack

Sarnoff, Bob

Sarris, Andrew

Saturday Evening Post magazine

“Saturday Night Live” (NBC)

Saval, Dany

Scared Stiff (Martin & Lewis film)

Schaefer, Fred

Scharf, Walter

Schary, Dore

Scheuer, Phillip K.

Schickel, Richard

Schildkraut, Joseph

Schindler, Merrill

Schine, G. David

Schlatter, George

Schlesinger, Leon

Schmidt, Artie

Schmidtmer, Christiane

Schoenfeld, Joe

Schreiber, Taft

Schwartz, David

Schwartz, Sol A.

Scorsese, Martin

Scott, John L.

Scott, Lizabeth

Scott, Vernon

Scott, Zachary

Screen Associates

Screen Life

Sedway, Moe

Seidelman, Susan

Selznick, David O.

Semom, Larry


Slapstick (Of Another Kind) (Lewis film)

Seven Ashtons

Shadyac, Tom

Shapiro, Bob

Shapiro, Danny

Shapiro, Lawrence

Shatner, William

Shaughnessy, Mickey

Shawn, Dick

Shearer, Harry

Sheinberg, Sidney

Sheldon, Gene

Sheldon, Sidney

Shenson, Walter

Shepard, Scott

Sherman, Alan

Sherry, Herb

Shore, Dinah

Shore, Pauly

Shore, Sammy

show business and Jewish immigrants

Siegel, Bugsy

Silber, John R.

Silva, Henry

Silver, Ron

Silvers, Phil

Silvers, Sid

Simmons, Ed

Sinatra, Frank, the Rat Pack

Skelton, Red

Skidmore, Fred

Skinner, Samuel

Skolsky, Sidney

Slapsie Maxie’s Café (Los Angeles)

Slapstick (Of Another Kind) (Lewis film)

Sloane, Everett

Smirnoff, Yakov

Smith, Bill

Smith, Lee

Smith, Liz

Smithline, Norman “Smitty”

Smorgasbord (a.k.a. Cracking Up) (Lewis film)

Snead, Sam

Snyder, Jimmy “the Greek”

Snyder, Tom

Sobol, Louis

Soho Weekly News

Somers, Suzanne

Sonny and Cher

Spencer, Diana

Spielberg, Steven

Stabile, Claudia

Stabile, Dick

Stabile, Joe

Stack, Robert

Stanley, Pat

Starr, Kay

Staub, Ralph

Stebbins, Helene

Stein, Dr. Bill

Stein, Jules

Steinman, Harry

Stern, Alan

Steve and Eydie

Stevens, Connie

Stevens, Kay

Stevens, Stella

Stewart, James

Stone, Harold J.

Stooge, The (Martin & Lewis film)

Storch, Larry

Strauss, Robert

Strong, Leonard

Sturges, Preston

Styne, Jule

Sullivan, Ed

See also “Ed Sullivan Show;” “Toast of the Town”

Susskind, David

Take the Money and Run (Allen film)

Tartikoff, Brandon

Tashlin, Frank

Tati, Jacques

Taurog, Norman

Taylor, Lili

Ted Fio Rito orchestra

telethon, coining of the term


Tex Beneke’s orchestra

“That Certain Party” (Martin & Lewis recording)

That Kid (Gehman)

“That’s Amore” (Martin recording)

That’s My Boy (Martin & Lewis film)

Thomas, Danny

Thompson, Howard

Thomson, David

Thornburgh, Richard

Three on a Couch (Lewis film)

Three Ring Circus (Martin & Lewis film)

Tillis, Mel

Time magazine

To Catch a Cop. See Retenez Moi … ou je fais un malheur

“Toast of the Town” (Ed Sullivan TV show). See also “Ed Sullivan Show”

Tolkin, Michael

“Tonight Show, The”

Tony Orlando and Dawn

Tormé, Mel

Total Film-maker, The (Lewis/USC film lectures)

Townsend, Scott

Traubel, Helen

Truffaut, François

Tucker, Sophie

tummlers and headliners

Tune, Tommy

Turckheim, Charlotte de

Turner, John

Turner, Lana

TV Guide

TV Story

Twentieth Century Fox

costs and earnings

Twentieth Century Fox (films with Lewis)

Hardly Working

The King of Comedy

Way … Way Out

Unger, Joe

United Artists (films with Lewis) One More Time

UPI (United Press International)

Van Dyke, Dick

Van Heusen, Jimmy

Van Horne, Harriet

Vanity Fair


Vaughan, Sarah

Vernon, Jackie

Vidal, Gore

Vilialonga, Marthe

Village Voice newspaper

Vincent, Romo

Visit to a Small Planet (Lewis film)

Vonnegut, Kurt

Wachsberger, Nathan

Wagner, Robin

Wakl, Ken

Wald, Jerry

Walker, Dave

Walker, Hal

Wallis, Hal

and Jerry Lewis

Jerry Lewis, problems with

Martin and Lewis films, post-breakup

“The Martin and Lewis Story”

and Mitchell and Petrillo

as producer

Wallis-Hazen (production company)


costs and earnings

properties under development

Wallis-Hazen (production company: films)

Artists and Models

Don’t Give Up the Ship

Jumping Jacks

Hollywood or Bust

Money From Home

My Friend Irma

My Friend Irma Goes Abroad

My Friend Irma Goes West

Sailor Beware

The Sad Sack

Scared Stiff

The Stooge

That’s My Boy

Three Ring Circus

Visit to a Small Planet

Walters, Patti and Teddy

Walsh, Charles

Walston, Ray

Warner, Harry

Warner, Jack

Warner, Sam

Warner Brothers (films with Lewis)

Arizona Dream



Which Way to the Front?

Warren, Harry

Warwick, Dionne

Washington Star

Wasserman, Lew

Watkins, Sammy

Watson, Dr. Blake

Way … Way Out (Lewis film)

Wayne, David

Weaver, Pat

Weinberg, Jerry

Weisenthal, Bernie (Jerry’s uncle)

Weisenthal, Elizabeth (“Buhddie”) Brodsky (Jerry’s aunt)

Weitman, Bob

Welles, Orson

Werblin, Sonny

Which Way to the Front? (Lewis film)

White, Jesse

White, Joshua

White, Paul Dudley

Who’s Minding the Store? (Lewis film)

Wiere Brothers

Wilder, Billy

Wiles, Rusty

Wilk, Max

“Will the Real Jerry Lewis Please Sit Down?!” (ABC animated series)

William Morris Agency

Williams, Harrison A.

Williams, Joe

Williams, John

Williams, Robin

Wilson, Earl

Wilson, Flip

Wilson, Marie

Winchell, Walter

Winer, Linda

Winston, Archer

Winters, Shelley

Wolf, Irvin

Wolper, Dave

Wood, John

Woodcock, John

Woodfield, William

Wright, Jim

Wright, Maggie

Wright, Steven

Wyler, William

Wynn, Ed

Wynn, Keenan

Yes I Can! (Davis, Jr.)

Yoelson, Rabbi Moshe Reuben

York Productions. See under Paramount Pictures

Yorkin, Bud

Youngman, Henry

Your Inner Child of the Past (Missildine)

You’re Never Too Young (Martin & Lewis film)

Brown’s Hotel premiere

Zanuck, Darryl

Zanuck, Richard

Zigouras, Art

Zimmerman, Paul

Zukor, Adolph