Aaron, Line of
adh-Dhib, Mohammad
Aeneid (Vergil)
Against Heresies (Irenaeus)
Agrippa, Marcus Vipsanius
Akh (shining one)
Akhet (to blaze)
Alexander the Great
Allegro, John
Amduat (“The Book of What Is in the Far-World”)
American School of Archaeology (Jerusalem)
American School of Oriental Research (Jerusalem)
Ancient Christian Gospels (Koester)
ancient Egypt
Coptic Church
and Jesus’s early years
Jewish community in
See also Egyptian mysticism; Temple of Onias
ancient Greek mysticism
Ancient Philosophy, Mystery, and Magic (Kingsley)
anointing of Jesus
Antiochus, Epiphanes
Antiquities of the Jews (Josephus)
antiquities market. See dealing in antiquities
Antony, Mark
apostolic succession
Apuleius, Lucius
Archelaus (son of Herod)
Arius (the “heretic”)
Asclepius (Hermes)
al-Ashraf, Khalil
Augustus Caesar
Ba (soul)
Babylonian mysticism
Baia site
exploration accounts
as initiation site
and Robert Paget
Bar Kochba
Bartlett, Douglas William Guest
Bauval, Robert
Benjamin of Tudela
Bernard of Clairvaux
Beyond Belief (Pagels)
Biblical Archaeology Review (journal)
Bleeker, Claas
“Book of Amduat”
“Book of the Dead”
“Book of Enoch, The”
“Book of Gates, The”
Brandon, Samuel
British Museum, Western Asiatic Department
Broschi, Magen
Brown, Dan
Bruce, James
California State University at Long Beach
Cassius, Dio
Catholic Modernist Movement
Catholic University of America
Chrysostom, John
CIA (U.S. Central Intelligence Agency)
Claremont School of Theology (California)
Clement, Bishop of Alexandria
Coffin Texts
Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith
consolamentum (sacred rite)
Constantine, Emperor
Conversations with Eternity (Temple)
Copeland, Miles
Coptic Church
Council of Carthage
Council of Hippo
Council of Nicaea
impact of
intent of
opposition to
creating Christianity
centralizing power
and the Dead Sea Scrolls
establishing authority
and the Gnostics
pagan influences
recording the New Testament
Vatican control and
virgin birth and celibacy
See also Council of Nicaea; women and the Church
crucifixion controversy
Gospel accounts
images at Rennes le Château
and Pontius Pilate
surviving crucifixion
Zealots and the
Da Vinci Code, The (Brown)
Damasus I, Pope
David, Line of
Dead Sea Scrolls
Holy Grail
and Jesus
and the Jewish revolt
in medieval France
and meshiha
and the Romans
Dead Sea Scrolls
“Book of Enoch”
creating Christianity and the
fate of the
and Qumran
and the role of Jesus
scholarly response to
Temple Scroll
and the Vatican
and the Zealots
Dead Sea Scrolls of St. Mark’s Monastery, The (American School of Oriental Research)
dealing in antiquities
Dead Sea Scrolls in Kuwait
the Jesus papers
nature of
politics and history
Did Jesus Die? (BBC program)
Divine Light. See Far-World
djet (time in suspension)
Dominican Inquisition. See Inquisition
Dominicans, Order of
Domitian, Emperor
Driver, Godfry
Dupont-Sommer, André
École Biblique et Archéologique
Egypt. See ancient Egypt
Egyptian mysticism
the Far-World
and Hermetic texts
historic record and
and the Pyramid texts
temple/pyramid sites
Eisenman, Robert
Eisler, Robert
Elephantine Island temple
Eleusinian Mysteries
Eliade, Mircea
Emmaus site
Encyclopaedia Judaica
Enki (god of wisdom)
Ephorus (historian)
Epic of Gilgamesh
Essene Odyssey (Schonfield)
Études (journal)
Eunapius (Greek teacher and historian)
Eusebius (church historian)
ancient Greek mysticism
Baia site and
Egyptian beliefs
Jewish mysticism
“kingdom of heaven” as
and Parmenides
prehistoric origins of
sed festival and
See also Egyptian mysticism; initiation; Jewish mysticism; “kingdom of heaven”
Federn, Walter
Ficino, Marsilio
First Vatican Council
Fitzmyer, Joseph
Flusser, David
Frogs, The (play, Aristophanes)
From the Omens of Babylon (Baigent)
Galen (Marcus Aurelius’s doctor)
Gallus, Cestius
Gelasius I, Pope
General Council of Bishops
Gichon, Mordechai
Gnostic Gospels
Gospel of Mary
Gospel of Philip
Gospel of Thomas
mysticism and
secret Gospel of Mark
Gnostics See also Cathars
Godfrey de Bouillon
Gospel accounts
anointing of Jesus
birth of Jesus
Council of Nicaea and
creating the
Jesus’s early years
Jesus’s mysticism
messianic prophecy and
validity of
See also Gnostic Gospels
Gospel of Mark (secret)
Gospel of Mary
Gospel of Philip
Gospel of Thomas
Grail Knight (Perceval)
Greek mysticism
Greek philosophers
Greek Ptolemaic rulers
Gregory I, Pope
Guillem, Count of Toulouse
Guzman, Dominic de
Hadrian, Emperor
halakhah (legalistic Judaism)
Hancock, Graham
Harding, Gerald Lankester
“Harper’s Song”
Hermes Trismegistus
Herod Antipas
Herod, King
History (Eunapius)
Hogan, John
Holy Blood, Holy Grail (Baigent, Leigh, Lincoln)
Holy Grail
Horbury, William
Huntington Library (California)
Iamblichus of Apamea
Ignatius, Bishop of Antioch
Inge, William
ancient Egyptian mysticism
and ancient Greece
Dead Sea Scrolls
Jacob’s ladder
and oracles of the dead
process of
See also Egyptian mysticism; Far-World; Jewish mysticism; “kingdom of heaven”
Innocent I, Pope
Innocent III, Pope
campaigns of the
Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith
and the First Vatican Council
methods of the
and the Pontifical Biblical Commission
witchcraft and women
See also Vatican
Institute Catholique
Irenaeus, Bishop of Lyons
Israeli Antiquities Authority
James (brother of Jesus)
Jesus of faith. See creating Christianity
Jesus of history
after the crucifixion
anointing of
Church’s rewriting of
and the Dead Sea Scrolls
early teen years
and Egypt
existence of
future discoveries
interpretation and
Jesus papers
marriage of
and Temple of Onias
as Zealot
Jesus in India
Jesus as mystic See also “kingdom of heaven”
Jesus papers
Jewish mysticism
Book of Enoch
early influences on
Jacob’s ladder
Jewish War, The (Josephus)
John the Baptist
John Paul II, Pope
John XXIII, Pope
Johanan ben Zakkai
Jones, Keith
Joseph of Arimathea
Josephus, Flavius
Antiquities of the Jews
and the Essenes
and Jesus
Jewish War
and the Romans
writings recently discovered
and the Zealots
Judas of Galilee
Judas Iscariot
Julian, Emperor
Kando (antiquities dealer)
Keeper of Genesis (Bauval and Hancock)
Khufu at Giza (pharaoh)
Kibbutz Kalia
King, Karen
“kingdom of heaven”
apostle Paul and
as Far-World
Gospel of Mary
Gospel of Thomas
nature of
secret Gospel of Mark
Kingsley, Peter
Kittim (Romans)
Knights Templar
Koester, Helmut
Lazarus’s initiation
Leigh, Richard
Leo I, Pope
Leo XIII, Pope
Lestai (brigands)
Levada, William
Lewis, David
Lilley, Alfred
Lincoln, Henry
Loisy, Alfred
Lucuas (Jewish leader)
Magdalene, Mary See also Mary of Bethany
Malleus Maleficarum (Dominicans)
Egyptian historical sites
Holy Family’s migration
Judea and Galilee
Mar Saba monastery
Marcion/Marcion community
Mark, Burton
marriage of Jesus
Martyr, Justin
Mary of Bethany
Medici, Cosimo de
Mesopotamian secret teachings
messianic prophecy
Holy Family’s flight and
Jesus’s entry into Jerusalem
and Mary Magdalene
“Messiah of Aaron and Israel”
“the Star”
Metropolitan of the Syrian Jacobite Church
Milik, Joseph
Miniero, Paola
Miscellanies, The (Clement)
Modernists (Catholic Modernist Movement)
Muret, Marc-Antoine de
Nag Hammadi texts See also Gnostic Gospels
Naydler, Jeremy
Neferhotep (Egyptian priest)
neheh (cyclical time)
Nero, Emperor
Nestorian Christian communities
Netherworld (Temple)
Odyssey, The (Homer)
On the Mysteries of Egyptians (Iamblichus)
“On the Soul” (Themistius)
Onias III (high priest)
oracle of the dead
Oracle of the Sibyl
Pagels, Elaine
Paget, Robert
Palestine Archaeological Museum (Rockefeller Museum)
papal infallibility
Parmenides (Presocratic philosopher)
Parpola, Simo
Passover Plot, The (Schonfield)
Paul, Saint (apostle)
Pauline Christianity
Perceval (Grail Knight)
“Perfects” (Cathars)
peshers (commentaries)
Peter, Saint (apostle)
Petrie, Flinders
Phaedo (Plato)
Philo of Alexandria
Pilate, Pontius
Pius IX, Pope
Pius X, Pope
Pliny the Younger
Plutarch (Greek historian)
Poimandres (Hermes)
Pontifical Biblical Commission
Presocratic philosophers
Prisicllian, Bishop of Ávila
Pyramid texts
qed (trance)
Quirinius census
Quirke, Stephen
Qumran site
Ra (sun god)
Ranke-Heinemann, Uta
Ratzinger, Joseph
Redemptoris Mater (John Paul II)
Rennes le Château
Revue biblique (journal)
Revue de Qumran (magazine)
Robinson, James
Rockefeller Museum (Palestine Archaeological Museum)
and the crucifixion
and the Dead Sea Scrolls
fall of Judaea
Herodian dynasty
influence on Christianity
the Jewish revolt
and Old Testament prophecy
and the Zealots
Roosevelt, Kermit
Rumi, Jelaluddin
Saunière, Béranger
Schonfield, Hugh
secret Gospel of Mark
sed festival
Seminary of Saint Sulpice
Seneca (Roman statesman)
Shahin, Khalil Iskander (Kando)
Shamanic Wisdom in the Pyramid Texts (Naydler)
Shrine of the Book (Jerusalem)
Sicarii (dagger-men)
Simon Bar Koseba (Bar Kochba)
Siricius, Pope
Sirlet, Cardinal
Skehan, Patrick
Smith, Morton
“sons of Aaron”
Spyridonides, Kyriakos
Star of Bethlehem
Star prophecy
Starbird, Margaret
Stations of the Cross
Stephen I, Pope
Strabo (Roman historian)
Stroumsa, Guy
Suetonius (Roman historian)
Sukenik, Eleazar
Tabor, James
Tacitus (Roman historian)
Teacher of Righteousness
Tehuti (Thoth)
telos (completion)
Temple of Denderah
Temple of Horus
Temple of Jerusalem
Alexandrian Jews support of
destruction of
and Herod
and Therapeutae
Temple of Onias
closing of
founding of
legitimacy of
use of solar calendar in
Temple, Robert
Temple Scroll
Temple of Yaweh
Teresa of Ávila
Tertullian (early Church writer)
Thurii graves
Tiberius Alexander
Titus (son of Vespasian)
Tree of Life
Trypho (Jewish teacher)
Tyrell, George
UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization)
UNIDROIT (International Institute for the Unification of Private Law)
U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
Valerian, Emperor
apostolic succession
Church corruption
control of mysticism
crusade against the Cathars
Dead Sea Scrolls and
and Jesus of history
Jesus papers and the
and the Knights Templar
and the Modernists
19th century history
papal infallibility
suppression of historic documents
See also Inquisition; women and the Church
Vaux, Roland de
Vergil (Publius Vergilius Maro)
Vermes, Geza
Vespasian, Emperor
virgin birth
“Vision of Theophilus, The” (legend)
Walker, Dennis
Wente, Edward
Western Asiatic Department, British Museum
Woman with the Alabaster Jar (Starbird)
women and the Church
celibacy and priestly succession
cult of virginity
marriage of Jesus
Yadin, Yigael
in ancient Egypt
and the apostle Paul
and the Dead Sea Scrolls
early messianic community
Jesus as a
Jesus’s betrayal of the
and Josephus
Judas of Galilee
political aims of the
ritual purity of the
and the Romans
ziggurat at Eridu