Leaf cuttings

A lot of plants can be propagated from the leaves of the parent plant, especially those with thick leaves, such as succulents, which are ideal for taking leaf cuttings. Summer is a good time to do this.


How to propagate succulents from leaf cuttings.

1 Use seed and cactus compost. You don’t need a deep pot.

2 Water the surface of the compost.

3 Cut leaves from the parent plant, either gently by hand or by using a clean, sharp knife, ideally selecting ones located at the base of the plant.

4 Place the leaves on the potting compost with the cut edge in contact with the surface of the compost.

5 Keep the surface of the compost moist by spraying it with water a few times a week.

6 After three to four weeks, you’ll notice small roots forming, and eventually small rosettes.

7 Using a spoon, transfer the cuttings to larger pots, where they can grow bigger.

Silver vine (Scindapsus pictus)