Suckers are small plants, often referred to as pups, that grow out from the parent plant and put out roots, or send out runners on long stems that run along the ground. These pups can be cut and separated from the root system of the parent plant and put in their own pots, where they develop into new plants – which then go on to produce baby plants of their own.
CHINESE MONEY PLANT (Pilea peperomioides)
Taking suckers from a Chinese money plant is easy.
1 Find a sucker and carefully remove the soil from around it. Dig down as deep as you need to.
2 Using a clean, sharp knife, carefully cut the sucker off as far down as you can without damaging the roots of the parent plant.
3 Clean off the soil and put the sucker in a small clear glass or jar with some water. After a few weeks to a few months, it will develop roots. The sucker can then be planted in some potting compost.
4 You can also try planting the sucker directly in compost and hope that it will manage to put down roots. This approach usually works out fine, although short cuts can sometimes end up in disaster.