How do you know when your plants are doing fine? Check the leaves. The condition of the leaves is a good indicator of the plant’s health. Healthy, happy plants have naturally strong, green leaves.
But what happens when the leaves don’t look healthy? It’s never easy to give a simple answer here. The reason is usually so complex that it can easily end in frustration. Here are a few tips, based on my own experience.
The leaves are curling up and shrivelling Not enough water. If the leaves are shrivelling, drooping and look wrinkled, this is a sign that your plant needs to fill its cells with water. For a long drink, put the pot in a filled sink or in a bucket and allow the plant to soak up water. After a few hours you’ll see the plant perking up again as the cells in the leaves and stem fill with water.
The leaves have brown patches Sun damage, dry indoor air, lack of nutrients, not enough water, pests. Cut away the damaged and brown leaves. After a few weeks, your plant will usually put out new leaves. If it’s winter, spray the plant with water and wipe the leaves with a damp cloth. This will remove any dust and add moisture to the leaves. Dry indoor air is a common cause of leaves drying out and producing brown patches.
Try carefully rinsing the plant with lukewarm water in the shower.
The leaves are becoming pale or turning light green Lack of nutrients. If the plant is losing its colour, it may need more plant food. Perhaps there aren’t enough nutrients left in the soil, in which case the options are feeding or repotting. Most plants also need plenty of light. Move the plant to a brighter place, such as on a windowsill. If the plant isn’t getting enough light and if you have also over-fed it, cut out or reduce the amount of fertilizer you give it.
The leaves are turning yellow Root rot from too much water, not enough light, too much plant food, pests. Yellow leaves are the surest sign of an unwell plant. The most common cause is over-watering, which leads to root rot. If the soil is waterlogged, cut back on the watering and allow the soil to dry out thoroughly. Remove any yellow leaves.
There are small black spots, a coating or white patches Insects and pests.