Everyone at Bluebird.

Thank you Carole for your collusion and collaboration, your faith and good ideas, for helping me to create a series of books with consistent ideas.

Thank you Jodie for your innovative and passionate attitude to PR and promo, which can be, lets face it, a tricky business.

Laura, Alex and Hockley for your work on the book and the audiobook.

My team: Charlie and Jengo thank you for your brilliant work on this book. Thank you for letting me into your heads.

Other mentors who have aided me and my family: Tom and Beth Kerridge, you are great family role models, fine parents, lovely friends, great people.

Noel and Sara, Matt and Katie, Gee and Nadine, Karl and Rowan, couples, families, friends; thank God we don’t have to do this alone.

Sharon and Nicola. As always.

James Ohene-Djan you have been a good mate for a long time, thank you.

Noel Fitzpatrick, thank you for the wizardry with our untenable animals and your example as a high functioning madman.

Bob Roth thank you for teaching me to meditate and for being a decent, beautiful, soulful brother on the path.

Deirdre and everyone at the David Lynch Foundation.

Noreen Oliver for being strong for the vulnerable.

Everyone at BAC O’Connor, Kendra, Tony.

Paul Busby and everyone at Genesis gym for creating a space for intensity and intimacy, friendship and competition. Ryron and Rener Gracie for the charismatic ass-kicking.

Jonathan Ross and Jane for being good and generous friends, for showing me the way in early days and staying tight when we were in a jam.

David and Wen Banks-Baddiel and Ez and Dolly for being a family we aspire to be like.

Sandipan and everyone in the Krsna consciousness movement for your support and kindness, for believing in the power of the unseen world.

Wednesday night brotherhood, my family of wounded soldiers, pirates, ne’er do wells and mystic lunatics.

Jason, always invaluable, incessantly beautiful.

Sy, reminding me to stay close to God.

Jeff, James, Perry. Thank you.

Emma Kenny, thank you for the guidance you have given us and the passion for play.

Jay and Kestrel for the Shamanic warmth and dream insights.

Debora thank you for taking such wonderful care of us.

Dear Dan for the soulful fitness.

Ian Rickson, gentle direction.

Bernard and Lesley. Thank you for being good grandparents and for raising Laura to be such an extraordinary partner.

Laura, for everything.

And Mum and Dad, my first mentors, thank you for the love and determination.