The receptionist was not at her desk but Garth knew Vale often asked her to help out in other ways when he needed assistance. He’d have to ask Vale for help in reaching her, as soon as he could catch him at a less-than-busy moment. He wanted to know who had been asking for him recently.
He went searching for Vale and, to his astonished delight, found him with Lynette and the newly named JT. Even as Garth hesitated, JT saw him and with a screech of delight ran to him.
Garth gathered his beloved boy in his arms, holding him close to his chest and then a little away.
He pretended to stagger and look aggrieved.
“JT, you’ve gained five pounds. You’re heavy, lad. Can’t you see how you’re weighing me down?”
Jamie-Timmy buried his face in Garth’s neck and laughed. Garth blinked the sudden moisture from his eyes and carefully set the boy on his feet, still keeping a tight hold on his small hand.
“So you’ve changed your name to JT? A very sensible solution. Easy for us confused adults to remember.”
JT giggled. “You’re so funny, Mr. Garth. I’ve missed you so much. Lynnie was hoping we’d see you today too.”
Garth shot a startled look at Lynette, and to his surprise she blushed and nodded. Her face ablaze with embarrassment, she took a small step forward.
“I’ve never thanked you properly for taking such excellent care of my newly named JT. He’s told me about the rides you gave him in your car. I’m not sure any car can be as beautiful as he describes yours. I have a lot to thank you for.”
The rides. The times he’d lifted JT in his arms, carried him to his Bentley, surrounded him with pillows and tucked a blanket around him. He’d wanted the child away from the clinic atmosphere of the clinic and Jamie, no, JT, damn it, had loved those times too. The boy had always returned to the clinic smiling and lighter of heart.
Even as he grinned at them both and told them he’d enjoyed the rides too, a thought punched his mind and his gut. Warrick could have seen them. Was he insane enough to injure a child to get his perverted revenge?
Most definitely. And if Warrick went after the child he’d have no compunction in destroying Lynette. He’d probably kill her after he raped her.
He had to get her to safety. But how to get her to go with him to Alfheimer, where that easily defended property would protect her. No one could gain access to the mansion without being spotted. Inhabited by elves, and imbued with their power, Alfheimer was the only place she and JT would be safe.
He took a deep breath and then smiled at them both.
“How about a ride right now? Miss Lynette probably hasn’t seen much of the countryside and southern England is ablaze with autumn beauty.”
This much was true. Huge sunflowers and the smaller saffron abounded and the beautiful musk thistles with their big purple flowers towered over the smaller plants. The tall ones you could easily see from the car. Garth knew if he stopped and got out to explore he’d find many kinds of smaller plants nestled among the taller grasses. Not now, not when his beloved pair were in danger.
“It even smells like flowers when you drive through a spot I know. Will you both go with me?”
He must get Lynette and JT to safety. At Lynette’s shy nod he picked up JT, put his hand under her elbow and ushered them to his car.
Even as he did so he sensed the depraved Warrick reaching out to find a victim of his madness. Lynette would probably have a fit when she found out he’d essentially kidnapped them both but he wanted them sequestered in Alfheimer. He’d get them safely in the house and deal with her reaction later. He couldn’t let Warrick near either of them.
If it turned her against him again he’d simply have to wait it out. His reactions to both her and her darling nephew were so strong there was no way he’d let her escape him now. His elfin senses had to be right. With renewed resolution, he smiled at her, holding JT, and handed them both into the car. Unsure of his elfin abilities, he decided to try to drop an invisible shield about the two precious ones as Lynette drew JT on her lap. When his inner mind heard the shield click into place he grinned. He didn’t know if he could produce a second one but he’d do without one as long as these two were safe. As he walked around to the driver’s seat he felt a shield click into place around his own body. Good, his father knew they were coming, had protected his son and was on the alert. He’d be tracking them until they were all safe at Alfheimer.
When they reached Alfheim he savored Lynnette’s indrawn breath of astonishment. The vast estate often produced such a reaction. Spacious fields of grain spread on each side of the driveway. Almost ready to harvest, the tall, heavy stalks marched through the first few acres. Soon it would be cut and carefully stacked into piles of hay, lots and lots of hay piles, enough to provide the large stables with fodder for the coming winter. Now the plants with their stalks waving in the breeze were a lovely and almost sensuous sight.
The smells of a warm, early fall were all around them.
Next came the beginning of the lawns leading eventually to Alfheimer. Stables could be seen on both sides of the drive and JT let out a shriek when he first saw one of the horses being exercised.
“Oh Mr. Garth, can I please ride one of them?”
Garth grinned. “Do you remember what I taught you, JT?”
The boy was bouncing on Lynette’s lap. “No, but I’m sure I will. I’ll do exactly as you say. Please, Mr. Garth.”
Garth ruffled his hair. “I’m sure we can arrange something but you’re right about one thing, you’ll have to do exactly as I say. Horses can wonderful but they can also be dangerous. Are you willing to wait ‘til I pick out the right horse and give you lessons?”
The child’s eyes were round and worshipful. “Oh yes, Mr. Garth. I promise.”
Lynette gave him a worried look. “I don’t understand, Garth. I thought this would be a short visit.”
She’d gone back to a defensive mode and Garth knew he had to step carefully indeed. Right now nothing mattered but keeping Lynette and JT here where they belonged.
Garth flashed his best smile at them both, praying it would be enough, at least until he had them safely sequestered.
“Come meet my parents, Lynette. Maybe they’ll help reassure you and change your mind.”
Her silent acquiescence was dubious at best. She’d meet his parents but she wasn’t about to concede more than that. Still Garth heaved a sigh of relief. His parents would disarm her, especially his beautiful, caring mother. He’d soon have her at Alfheimer. Then he wouldn’t let her go.
Her safety was the important thing.
* * * * *
Garth’s spirits lifted as he saw his parents waiting for them on the steps leading to the front entrance. They both must have come from riding, as they wore their riding clothes, and his mother’s beautiful hair was bound back with a bright scarf. Garth knew she liked her hair free and flowing when she rode and that his father liked it best that way. Her dark auburn hair was truly lovely, as was Brielle. Her years in England had almost obliterated her native French accent but she still had a slight trace that Garth had always found charming.
After he lifted JT from the car, he handed Lynette out. He couldn’t resist a slight peck on her cheek and she blushed. His mother smiled, stepped forward immediately and grasped Lynette’s hands.
“You’re as lovely as I expected you to be. You are so very welcome.”
She crouched down beside JT and shook his hand. “Welcome to you too, Master JT. I’m sure you’ll find enough delights here to keep you occupied.”
JT grinned his little boy’s grin and shook hands with the lovely lady. “Does that mean I can ride one of your pretty horses?”
Lynette gasped. “Jamie-Timmy, I thought I’d taught you better than that. You don’t ask for things the minute you meet somebody.”
JT looked only slightly abashed. The others’ smiles seemed to assure him he hadn’t been too bad.
“I’m sorry, Lynnie. But the horses are so pretty.”
Arden shook the small boy’s hand. “They are indeed pretty. And your Mr. Garth is an excellent horseman, as you know. If you obey his instructions I’m sure we’ll have you riding in a few days’ time.”
Brielle smiled at them both. “Would you like some milk and cookies? And Miss Lynette, would tea suit you better? Then you can go inspect your rooms. I’ve put you in adjoining rooms, as I know that’s what you prefer.”
Lynette flushed. “I don’t understand, ma’am. I thought this was too be a short get-acquainted visit. I think I’d like to talk to Garth privately if I may.”
The angry look she flashed at him almost made Garth roll his eyes. No matter. She was staying here where she and JT were safe. His job was to convince her. No way was he letting her leave Alfheimer and its protective safety until Warrick was eliminated in some way. He preferred having him dead, and he dearly hoped he’d have the privilege of bringing that about. But with Crutch after the wicked bastard, as well as several other elves in his family, it was probably a question of who got to him first.
He turned to his mother with his sweetest smile. “Maybe you could take JT for his milk and cookies in the kitchen? I’d like to speak to Lynette in the library.”
Taking her hand, he started to drag her away. She hesitated, literally digging her heels into the carpet until she checked that JT had taken his mother’s hand and was trotting along beside her, chatting happily. She frowned for a moment and glanced at his father. Seeing Arden’s grin must have convinced her she’d get no help there. Flipping her hair back over her shoulder, she glared at Garth but turned to go with him.
Garth’s smile widened. Getting her alone at last was exactly what he wanted. He’d try words first and then he’d kiss her breathless. Feeling his cock rise at the thought, he wasn’t sure he’d start with the words at all. Kissing her sounded much more inviting.
By the time he got her in the library his self-control was almost gone. He’d kept her hand firmly in his so she couldn’t escape. The feel of her and the scent of her hair inflamed him. He shut the door behind him and leaned against it, looking at her with such hot eyes she dropped her own and blushed. The blush did it for Garth. The lovely pink seemed to flood her body, her neck and her arms betraying its extent. He took two steps toward her, grabbed her to him and lowered his head so that his lips and hers were only a breath apart. Her astonished eyes held no fright in them so he didn’t even try to hold himself back. He brought her lower body against his and held her glued to him with one big hand, captured her head with other and showed his love for her in his passionate kiss.
Then he pulled back and spoke in a husky whisper.
“Did you truly think all my concern is for JT? Don’t you know I’ve barely been able to keep my hands off you from the first moment I saw you?”
She shook her head, her eyes fastened on his, her own doubtful but with a light beginning to gleam. She said nothing for a moment as she stood motionless and continued to stare at him. Then she spoke in a low whisper.
“Garth, I was afraid to hope you even liked me. I’ve been rude to you. I’ve taken JT from you. You’re a powerful elf from a powerful family. I know well you love JT. But I can mean nothing to you except an obstruction to what you really want.”
“By all the elves,” he breathed. “How could you be thinking such erroneous thoughts and I not know it?”
In his mind he knew the answer. He’d refused to enter her thoughts and he’d never imagined such thing. For an elf, he’d been unusually dense. At least she was giving him a chance to correct her badly mistaken position.
She was staring at him with an almost frightened expression. That he couldn’t have. Their love would prove to be a wonderful, life-changing experience and the sooner she realized his sincerity, the better.
He debated going to the door and locking it but decided it wasn’t necessary. His father would have mentally put the library off-limits to any of the staff. They’d have the privacy he desperately wanted.
He turned back to her, determined to be honest with her, no matter the outcome. If his intuition had any validity, she would accept that honesty and give him her own. He took her hands in his but did not attempt to kiss her again.
“I want you, Lynette. I want you now and for the rest of my life. In my arms and in my bed.”
Her searching eyes roamed over his face and then fastened on his lips. Her face glowed with hope and beginning delight.
“Do you really mean that, Garth? If you do I’m glad you found us some privacy.” Her eyes widened. “Are you going to kiss me now?”
His whole body shuddered in an effort not to take her on the spot.
“I want to do much more than kiss you, Lynette. Will you accept my love and let me show you what I mean?”
She never moved her eyes from his. Garth thought she could probably see into his soul, which was fine with him. Suddenly she smiled.
“Are you going to begin with kissing me? Then let’s get started.”
Garth wasn’t at all sure she even knew how far he hoped to lead her but he had all the permission he needed. He picked her up in his arms, cradling her there for a moment as he kissed her deeply, and then he carried her over to the big sofa and laid her on it. She looked up at him, nothing but molten anticipation in her eyes, and his cock swelled. Not that it hadn’t already been semi-erect but now he only hoped he didn’t spurt all over her like an untried boy before he’d brought her the pleasure she only suspected.
Kissing her lips, he probed with his tongue until she opened to him and then he plunged in. To his delight she tried to imitate his motions and used her own tongue to explore his eager mouth. This soon became too much for his impatient cock so he reached beneath her skirt and found the band of her panties. Pulling them down and off, his hands caressed her hips and her flat stomach, his touch growing nearer and nearer her clit. He barely touched it and she writhed against him, inflaming him so that he knew he had little time.
Garth had wanted to go more slowly, introducing her gradually to all the delights they would share, but her enthusiastic response set him on fire. He unfastened his trousers and stepped out of them. Now only his undershorts attempted to restrain his cock and they weren’t nearly enough. He saw her staring at his big prick and that only aroused him more.
Stepping out of his shorts, he let his cock spring free.
Lynette gasped, her eyes glued to his pulsing erection.
Garth’s grin was strained.
“This is what you do to me, Lynn. It’s proof of how much I want you.”
Lynette said nothing but continued to stare at his rod.
When she didn’t speak, he moved on top of her, bracing himself on his arms. “You’re mine for all of time. You can probably still stop me but you’ve only got a matter of seconds. If you don’t want me you’d better say so quickly.”
His big cock swayed and he saw her give it one more fascinated glance.
Lynette tightened her arms around him and spread her legs in the instinctive gesture of a woman welcoming her lover.
His breathing gusting in relief, Garth placed his thick cock at her entrance. She was pulsing and hot and he pushed some of the way in. She flinched and tried to draw away and Garth cursed himself for a miserable fool. Of course she was a virgin and he was puncturing the membrane proclaiming her innocence of brutish men like him.
In spite of his qualms he knew he could not stop. His rod pressed into her and he went into her passage a little farther. With her sudden relaxing around his cock, he knew she was accepting him. His own response was instinctive, as he immediately moved farther into her vagina even as he reveled in the fact he was her first. And that he’d be the only lover she’d ever know.
He flexed his hips, glorying in the sensation of her hot body tightening around his cock. Placing two of his fingers against her sensitive nubbin of pleasure, he massaged her clit even as he pushed into her. She thrashed against him and as she groaned he sensed she was both fearful and delighted with the sensations so new to her. Keeping up the stimulation of her clit, he pushed his full length into her clutching passage.
She gave a small scream and Garth was powerless to hold back. Four full plunges, one following quickly on the other, and orgasm struck him with a force he’d never before experienced. Her vagina throbbed around his cock, bringing him to spasm again and again.
Finally he felt her legs go limp as she gasped and then sighed.
He didn’t pull out of her. He simply held her in his arms and kissed her nose.
“Lynn, that was incredible. I thank you, my love.”
For a moment she seemed speechless and then she punched his shoulder.
“Garth, you are one big man. Get off me before I’m squashed.”
Her words were so completely unexpected he let out a snort of laughter and then disengaged himself. Looking down at her delectable body as he attempted to stand almost sent him back onto and into her. She was tiny compared to his large frame. She’d been a virgin and he’d better be cautious. The way he’d pounded at her she was doubtless sore.
His longing look must have been amusing, as she sat up and laughed.
“Garth, I want to do it again too. But this sofa is too narrow to be comfortable. Maybe we should try the floor.”
Garth stared at her and broke into laughter. “You must have been a courtesan in your previous life. Love, I’ll take you any place and any time I can. As often as you permit. The floor sounds wonderful.”
Her eyes had been darkening as he talked. Without another word she gracefully stretched out on the floor and reached up her arms.
His cock pulsing even larger than before, or so it seemed to Garth, he still stopped to reach for some pillows and put them under her head and her hips.
As he leaned over to kiss her and take them both on an even more intimate and intense journey into love, his elfin voice sounded in his head.
‘JT is on his way.’
With a muttered curse Garth stopped and gave her his hand to pull her up. Her look of anticipation changed to pure astonishment. Before it worsened into doubt, Garth kissed her forehead.
“JT is on his way. He’ll be bursting through the door any minute.”
He reached for his undershorts and gave them to her for a towel. Her shapely legs were wet with his cum and her own juices. After only a second she grabbed his shorts, dried herself off and then frantically started to dress. Garth grabbed the makeshift towel and stuck it under one of the pillows he’d thrown on the sofa. He hurriedly began to pull on his pants.
Fortunately he saw the humor of it and grinned. She glared at him a moment and then she too succumbed to a bigger smile. They were both chuckling when the door flew open and JT barreled in. He was such a far cry from the child Garth had first seen in the clinic, he thanked his elfin relatives for helping to cure this precious boy.
“Lynnie, Garth’s cook makes the best cookies in the world. I ate six.”
Garth ruffled his hair. “She’s very good indeed but she’s my father’s cook. I get to enjoy her goodies, though, anytime I want.”
JT stopped still and stared at him. “Mr. Garth, why is your shirt buttoned all crooked? It looks funny.”
There was a silence as Lynette snorted with mirth and Garth foundered. Finally he managed to speak in what he hoped was a nonchalant tone.
“So it is. Can’t imagine how that happened.”
Fortunately JT lost interest as he swiveled and looked around the room. “Wow, I never saw so many books.”
Lynette moved to his side, pointing out one book after another that had titles fascinating to a boy. By the time she’d taken one down and opened it to a section on airplanes JT was entranced and Garth was correctly buttoned.
When Arden and Brielle joined them shortly afterward, Garth tried to ignore his father’s knowing grin. Arden turned to JT and told him lots of interesting things were associated with libraries. Garth harrumphed.
Lynette didn’t look at all disconcerted but she seemed too amused to feel much else. At least he sensed he’d overcome her objection to staying at Alfheimer. Amusement wasn’t a bad thing, after all.
He gave a smaller, almost unnoticeable harrumph and then grinned.