This book was possible only because of the generosity and support of so many. First and foremost were those members of the Chosen Few who gave unsparingly of their time and energies, inviting me into their homes, sharing lunches and dinners, and spending long periods on the telephone, trying their best to remember joys and sorrows from their pasts. I thank Jon Albert, Jason Baldwin, Scott Beeson, Conrad Begaye, Charles Bell, Jonathan Benton, Aaron Davis, Adam Delaney, Jeddah Deloria, Michael Denton, Scott Derry, David Dzwik, Ian Eads, Jared Gilmore, Gabriel Green, Matthew Gobble, Justin Grimm, Brian Guttersen, Erik Haass, Tyler Hanson, Brian Hissong, Michael Johnson, Justin Kalenits, Will Krupa, Chris McKaig, Matt Myer, Erich Phillips, Ryan Pitts, Sean Samaroo, Mike Santiago, Jeffrey Scantlin, Adam Schick, Kain Schilling, Kyle Silvernale, Jacob Sones, Tyler Stafford, Shane Stockard, James Takes, Jake Walker, Kyle White, and Nathan Wright.
Family and friends of the fallen were especially kind and gracious sharing details about lost loved ones, along with photographs, videos, letters, diaries, and personal e-mails. I’m grateful to Sergio Abad’s great aunt, Sorangel Herrara; Jonathan Ayers’s parents, Bill and Suzanne Ayers; Jason Bogar’s mother, Carlene Cross; Phil Bocks’s mother, Peggy Bocks; Jonathan Brostrom’s parents, David and Mary Jo Brostrom, and his friend, Amanda Wilson; Matthew Ferrara’s mother, Linda Ferrara, and his brothers, Andrew and Damon; Israel Garcia’s widow, Lesly Garcia; Jason Hovater’s sister, Jessica Davis; Matthew Kahler’s widow, Vicki Patterson, and his mother, Colleen Kahler; Joe Lancour’s mother, Starla Owens, and his father, Rob Lancour; Sean Langevin’s widow, Jessica Langevin, and his mother, Roxane Langevin; Jeff Mersman’s father, Robert Mersman, and his uncle, Mark Mersman; Matthew Phillips’s widow, Eve Phillips; Pruitt Rainey’s father, Frankie Gay; and Gunnar Zwilling’s brother, Alexander Zwilling.
I’m grateful for the help of the medevac crew members who rescued the wounded at the ambush and Wanat, including Eric Doe, Clayton Horney, Justin Madill, John Morales, Peter Rohrs, Chris Ryan, and Ben Seipel, as well as A-10 pilots Andrew Wood and the late Dan Cruz, who contributed selflessly of his time and memories and, tragically, died before publication. My gratitude also goes out to the Apache pilots Jimmy Morrow and Brian Townsend who fought at Wanat.
Bill Ostlund’s support in providing a mountain of documents and ready access for any questions was unparalleled and absolutely critical to writing this book. Other current and former officers and officials to whom I’m indebted include Chris Cavoli, Erik Malmstrom, Jeffrey Schloesser, Jesse Sheehan, and Paul Stevenson. Don Wright, deputy director of Army Press at Fort Leavenworth, which includes the Combat Studies Institute, graciously invited me to Kansas to see a virtual tour of the Waigal Valley and learn more about what happened to Chosen Company. I also wish to thank Frank Shirer, chief of the Historical Resources Branch of the US Army Center of Military History. Researcher John Beckham’s generous and kind assistance was indispensable. Professional arborist Tim DeCoste willingly assisted me with identifying trees populating the Ranch House battle site and the mulberry that was a magnet for rocket-propelled grenades over Topside.
USA Today allowed me to work part time in order to research and write this book, and for that I’m grateful. I would also like to thank my editor at the newspaper, Owen Ullmann, for his valuable support; my book editor, Robert Pigeon, for his steady guidance and many kindnesses; and my agent, Jill Marr, for her eternal optimism. For their encouragement and willingness to listen, I want to thank Ray Locker, Jim Michaels, Rick Paddock, Doug and Kathie Ross, Dana Theus, Liz Szabo, Greg Toppo, and Tom Vanden Brook.
Absolutely crucial to the completion of this book was the assistance of my good friend, Denise Kostbar, who selflessly gave of her time and energy to transcribe interviews, proofread transcripts, and share her thoughts, feelings, and tears of compassion for the Chosen Few.
More than anyone I am indebted and fortunate for the love and support of my wife, Faye Fiore. She carefully read the manuscript more than once, offering brilliant writing insights, thoughtful editing, and boundless encouragement. She alone saw my dream of writing this book and helped make it happen. I will cherish her forever.