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Abrams, Albert, 164–66
ackee fruit, dangers of, 90
Actinomyces bovis bacterium, 169
Chinese healers and, 28–29
Chinese healers and modern alternative practitioners, 41–42
placebo response and, 223–24, 226, 231–34
Adams, Douglas, 250–51
Adams, Samuel Hopkins, 67–68
Adamson, Peter, 188, 189
Ader, Robert, 234–35, 236
ADS herbal tea, 74
Ageless Body, Timeless Mind (Chopra), 39
lifestyle’s effect on, 121
role of free radicals and inevitability of, 122–24
Somers and anti-aging regimen, 118–22
Burton and, 141
Mercola and, 243
Pauling and, 57
Weil and, 242
Alacer Corporation, 2
Albert, Eddie, 85
albuterol, 242
alcohol, in patent medicines, 67
Allen, Woody, 121
alternative medicine. See also quacks and quackery
consumers’ responsibilities for health care decisions, 255
factors attracting people to, 21–22
need for scientific studies of, 5–6
popularity of and distrust of modern medicine, 1–5, 40–43
Alzheimer’s disease, ginkgo biloba and, 99
American Academy of Neurology, 154–55
American Academy of Pediatrics, 77
American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists, 117
American Association of Retired Persons (AARP), 77, 84
American Cancer Society
Burzynski and antineoplastons, 179
Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act, 84
hormone replacement, 117
American College of Physicians, 84
American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, 117
American Heart Association, 84, 103
American Journal of the Medical Sciences, 235
American Medical Association, 117
American Nurses Association, 84
American President, The (film), 137
American Society of Clinical Nutrition, 77
Aminocare, aging and, 192
Anatomy of an Illness (Cousins), 240
Andriole, Gerald, 101
Angell, Marcia, 94
anthrax, 31
Chronic Lyme treated with high-dose, intravenous, 149–51
dangers of high-dose, intravenous, 151–52
used to treat Lyme disease, 145–46
antineoplastons. See Burzynski, Stanislaw, antineoplastons and
antioxidants. See free radicals
aristolochia, dangers of, 90–91
ascorbic acid, 32
asthma, alternative medicines and, 242
ATF Fitness, 92
Buttar’s treatments and, 204–5, 209–10, 214, 219
McCarthy and, 128–29, 130–33, 134, 139
parents and grief versus acceptance, 135–37
research into causes of, 133–34
sales of remedies, 137–38
secretin and, 134–35
vaccines and, 132, 134, 138, 142, 206–7, 215
Autism Research Institute, 129
Autism Science Foundation, 135
Avery, Oswald, 31
Ayurvedic medicine, 37, 38–39
Bainbridge, Billie
cancer of, 174–75, 189
money raised for treatment of, 175, 191
treated with antineoplastons, 190–91
Bainbridge, Sam and Terri, 174–75, 191, 245
Baker, Abe, 53
Baker, Carol, 157–58
Banting, Frederick, 210
Barton, Joe, 185
Bass, Milton, 76, 79
Bass, Scott, 79
Baylor Medical College, Burzynski and, 176–77
Bechler, Steve, 141
Beck, Victoria, 134
Behar, Joy, 114
“Behaviorally Conditioned Immunosuppression” (Ader and Cohen), 234–35
BeneFin, 171
Benjamin Bye’s Soothing Balmy Oil cancer cure, 164
Bergsagel, Daniel, 181
Berlin, Isaiah, 65
Best, Charles, 210
beta-carotene, 57
Pauling’s claims for, 56, 58, 59
Bilateral Nasal Specific (BNS) therapy, 244
Billings, Josh, 240
bioidentical hormones, molecular structure and risks of, 115–17
Blackstein, Martin, 181
Blau, J. N., 227
bloodletting, 29–30
Blumenthal, Richard, 140–41, 143
sues IDSA over Chronic Lyme treatments, 153–58
as U.S. senator, 159
Borrelia burgdorferi bacterium, 144
Botox, Somers and, 124–25
botulinum toxin, 125
Bradford, Robert, 14, 16, 17
BRAF gene, cancer treatment research and, 187
breast cancer, Somers and, 112–13
Brody, Howard, 156, 157
Brown, Loren N., 10–11, 12, 13, 16, 19–20
Brown, Marco, 13
Buckley, Christopher, 246
Burgdorfer, Willy, 144
Burr, Richard, 180
Burrascano, Joseph, 147
Burton, Dan, 141–42
Burzynski (documentary), 174, 180
Burzynski, Stanislaw, antineoplastons and, 173–94
actual organic compounds in, 184
Bainbridge and, 174–75, 190–91, 245
Burzynski’s early work, 175–76
corporate interest in, 186
“discovery” of antineoplastons, 176–77
false hope given by, 188–89
independent reviews of, 180–85
promotion of and claims about results, 173–74, 177–80, 182, 188, 192–94
toxicity of, 183
usual drug review process and lack of published study, 186–88
Burzynski Breakthrough: The Most Promising Cancer Treatment and the Government’s Campaign to Squelch It (Elias), 179–80
Burzynski Research Institute, 177, 178, 180, 183
Buttar, Rashid, and chelation therapy, 202–19
allegations against, 217–19
autism treatment and, 204–5, 209–10, 214, 219
cancer treatment and, 217–19
costs of treatments, 210–12, 217–18
dangers of treatments, 214–17
Jennings and, 205–8, 209, 210
limited usefulness of chelation and care needed for, 203, 214
other illnesses treated with, 203–4, 211–12
refusal to have products tested, 209–10
religion and, 203, 205–6
theory of, 202–3
trust required of patients, 212–14
urine testing and, 205, 208–9
vaccines and, 215–17
Caballero, Dr. Benjamin, 59–60
calcium, bone strength and, 104–5
California, University of at San Francisco, 101
California Lyme Disease Association, 153
Cameron, Ewan, 54, 56
Canadian Bureau of Prescription Drugs, Burzynski and antineoplastons, 182
cancer. See also cancer “cures”
antioxidants and, 123
specificity in treatments of, 193
Cancer Control Society, 74
cancer “cures,” 163–72. See also Burzynski, Stanislaw, antineoplastons and
Abrams’ machines, 164–66
Buttar and chelation, 217–19
in 1800s, 164
Gerson’s diet, 170–71
Hoxsey and colored medicines, 166–68
Ivy and Krebiozen, 168–70
Koch and glyoxylide, 166
Lane and shark cartilage, 171–72
Pauling and vitamin C, 54–56
Steve Jobs and, 163–64, 171
Cancer Letter, The, 186
Canter, Arthur, 235
Caplan, Art, 232, 233, 248–49, 250
capsaicin, dangers of, 91
Cardiovascular Institute and Complementary Medicine Program, of Columbia University, 27
Carnes, Bruce, 120, 122, 123
Carrey, Jim, 206
castor beans, dangers of, 90
CBS This Morning, 173, 179
CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
Buttar’s treatments and, 213, 214
Chronic Lyme disease and, 152
hepatitis B vaccine and, 216
Celebrex, 102
Chagnon, Denis, 7–8, 9
Chain, Ernest, 210
Chamberlain, Stewart, 43
Chamlee’s Cancer Cure, 164
Chancey, Jocelyn, 178
Chapman, Paul, 187
Chávez, Endy, 249
chelation therapy. See Buttar, Rashid, and chelation therapy
Chemie Grünenthal, 71
acupuncture and, 28–29
wish for modern medicine in, 42
chiropractic manipulations
dangers of, 242, 244–45
Palmer and, 39–40
cholesterol, garlic and, 100
chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine, 102, 237
Chopra, Deepak, 37, 38–39, 43
costs of products of, 245–46
Chronic Lyme disease, politicized science and, 140–59
alternative treatment industry and methods, 146–49, 236–37
Blumenthal’s suit against Infectious Disease Society of America, 153–58
high-dose antibiotics, dangers of, 151–52
high-dose antibiotics, given for, 149–51
high-dose antibiotics, placebo studies and, 151
Lyme disease and antibiotics, 145–46
Lyme disease first diagnosed, 143–44
Lyme disease stages and symptoms, 145
other diseases blamed on Chronic Lyme, 146
Chugai Pharmaceuticals, 186
cinchona bark, 98
Clegg, Daniel, 102
Cleveland Clinic, 60
“Closer Look at Therapeutic Touch” (Journal of the American Medical Association), 34
Cluff, Leighton, 235
Coburn, James, 82
Coca-Cola, 67
cocaine, in patent medicines, 67
coffee enemas, 12, 15, 17, 20, 130, 133, 170, 243
cognitive dissonance, theory of, 233
Cohen, Dr. Arthur, 8–9
Cohen, Marsha, 77
Cohen, Nicholas, 234–35
echinacea and, 102–3
vitamin C and, 51–54
Coleman, Cliff, 18
Collier’s, “Great American Fraud,” 67–68
Committee for Freedom of Choice in Cancer Therapy, 14
Consumers Union, 84
Copenhagen, University of, 59
Courchesne, Eric, 133
Cousins, Norman, 240, 253–54
Cowan, Donald, 53
Cowell, Simon, 119–20
coyotillo plant, dangers of, 90
Crick, Francis, 50
Curry’s Cancer Cure, 164
deception, placebo response and, 231–32
Deer, Brian, 142
Defeat Autism Now (DAN), 129, 130
dementia, ginkgo biloba and, 99
Department of Justice, Chronic Lyme disease suit and, 155
depression, St. John’s wort and, 99–100
Diamond, John, 42, 228
Diehl, Harold, 53
Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA), 83–84, 86–87, 91–92
vitamins and Vioxx and, 87–89
dietary supplements. See supplements
diethylene glycol, in patent medicine, 70–71
diets, Gerson’s cancer cure diet, 170–71
digitalis, 98
Dilling, Kirkpatrick, 20–21, 22, 74
disease and illness
ancient beliefs about, 27–29
18th-century advances and 19th-century controlled studies, 29–30
mood and, 235
Oz’s promotion of ancient beliefs, 32–40
diagnostic advances and, 31
Pauling and, 50
Dole, Bob, 75, 76
Dr. Oz Show. See Oz, Mehmet
drugs, natural products contrasted, 89–92. See also pharmaceutical industry, evolution of oversight of
Dublinsky, Neal, 179
Durham’s Pure Leaf Lard, 69
Durovic, Stevan, 169, 170
Dynamizer (cancer cure machine), 165, 166
Ebers Papyrus, 239
echinacea, 103
Edward, John, 35–37
Einstein, Albert, 49
Eisenberg, Peter, 185
Elan Pharmaceuticals, 186
Elias, Thomas, 179–80, 188
Elixir Sulfanilamide, 70–71
Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer (Mukherjee), 192–93
endorphins, placebo response and, 230–34
energy imbalances, ancient medicine and, 28–29
environmental factors, autism and, 133–34. See also Buttar, Rashid, and chelation therapy
ephedra, Indiana and, 141
Epping, Linda, 242
Ernst, Edzard, 90, 244–45
estrogens, “natural” versus manufactured, 115–17
ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), autism and, 130
Fabricant, Daniel, 92
faith healing, Oz and, 32–33, 241
fava beans (Vicia faba), dangers of, 90
Federal Trade Commission
Blumenthal and Chronic Lyme disease, 155
Lane and shark cartilage, 172
Feminine Forever (Wilson), 115
Fenton, Diana, 9–10
Fenton, Jodi, 180
Ferreri, Carl, 244
Festinger, Leon, 226
fever therapy, treatment of Chronic Lyme disease and, 152
Fields, Howard, 230–31
Finland, study of vitamins and antioxidants, 58–59
Fleming, Alexander, 31
Florey, Howard, 210
flu, homeopathic medicine and, 238–39
flu vaccine, 206–7
folic acid, birth defects and deficiency of, 106
Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 70
bioidentical hormones and, 117
Burzynski and antineoplastons, 177, 180, 185
Buttar’s treatments and, 211, 219
cough and cold medications and children, 239
laetrile and, 17–18
Mercola and, 248
PLX4032 cancer treatment approval and, 187
Proxmire bill to ban regulation of vitamin contents, 73–78
Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (1938), 71
Kefauver-Harris Amendment (1961), 72
Food, Drug, and Insecticide Administration, 70
Food, Drug, Cosmetic, and Device Enforcement Amendments (1991), 78–79
Fortunato, Joseph, 61
foxglove, 98
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, 59
free radicals
Pauling’s claims about, 58–61
role in aging, 122–24
Fried, Dr. Michael, 102
Friedman, Henry, 184–85, 187
From Chocolate to Morphine: Everything You Need to Know About Mind-Altering Drugs (Weil), 37–38
Fulbright, William, 75
Gann, Carrie, 48
Garcia, Jane, 203–4
Gardner, Christopher, 100
garlic, cholesterol and, 100
General Nutrition Centers, 61, 94
Generation Rescue, 206–7
Gershon, Anne, 156
Gerson, Max, 170–71
Gerson Institute, 171
Gibson, Mel, 84–85
Gilmartin, Ray, 88
ginkgo biloba, 99
Gleevec, 193
glucosamine and chondroitin, 102, 237
glyoxylide, cancer and, 166
God Is My Broker: A Monk Tycoon Reveals the 7½ Laws of Spiritual and Financial Growth (Buckley and Tierney), 246
Goldberg, Paul, 186–87
Goldberg, Whoopi, 85
Goldwater, Barry, 75
Golf for Enlightenment (Chopra), 246
Gooch, Sandy, 79
Gordon, Newton, 230–31
Goss, Randy, 179
Gostin, Lawrence, 140, 158–59
Graf, Jeanine, 190–91
“Great American Fraud” (Collier’s), 67–68
Greek medicine, 27
Green, Saul, 184
Greenfield, Russ, 237
Hahnemann, Samuel, 39
Hakonarson, Hakon, 133
Hall, Harriet, 43
Hall, Kelsey, 180
hallucinogens, Weil and, 37–38
Halstead, Bruce, 74
Harkin, Tom, 97
Harris, Michael, 65
Hart, Fred, 73
hashish, in patent medicines, 67
Hatch, Orrin, 80–81, 85–86
Hatch, Scott, 81
Hayflick, Leonard, 120, 122, 123–24
Healing and Preventing Autism: A Complete Guide (McCarthy and Kartzinel), 129
heart disease
lack of free radicals and, 123
omega-3 fatty acids and, 103–4
Hemingway, Mariel, 82
hepatitis B vaccine, 216
hepatitis C, milk thistle and, 102
Herbalife International, 81
herbal remedies, dangers of, 91
Herbert, Victor, 20–21
Herceptin, 193
Hipp, Steve, 178
Hippocrates, 28, 98
Hippocratic Oaths: Medicine and Its Discontents (Tallis), 41–42
Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, The (Adams), 250–51
Hodgkin’s disease. See Hofbauer, Joey
Hoefer-Janker, Hans, 13
Hofbauer, Joey
alternative medical treatments administered to, 7, 9–14, 22
death of, 18
diagnosed with Hodgkin’s disease, 7–8
legal battles over treatment, 9–14, 16–21
traditional treatments recommended, 8–9
Hofbauer, John and Mary, 8–11, 21–22, 74
Hoffman-La Roche, 57
homeopathic medicine
Hahnemann and, 39
placebo response and, 237–38
Hong Kong, wish for modern medicine in, 42
hormone replacements, “natural” versus manufactured products and, 115–17
Horton, John, 12–13
Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters, 67
How and Why We Age (Hayflick), 120
Hoxsey, Harry, 73, 166–68
humors, in ancient medicine, 28
Humphrey, Hubert, 75
Hurley, Dan, 77–78, 81, 87
Hutt, Peter Barton, 77, 79
hyperbaric oxygen chambers, autism and, 131
Imboden, John, 235
immunosuppression, placebo response and learned, 234–37
Indian (Ayurvedic) remedies, dangers of, 91
Indiana, politicized science and, 141–42
Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA)
advises against certain Chronic Lyme treatments, 153
sued by Blumenthal and activist groups, 153–58
Ingelfinger, Franz, 16–17, 18
Inside Edition
Burzynski and, 182
Jennings and, 206, 207
International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society (ILADS), 153, 154–55
Irons, Victor Earl, 74
Iscador, 113
“Is This the End of Popping Vitamins?” (Wall Street Journal), 61
Ivy, Andrew, 168–70
Jacobs, Joseph, 182–83
Jacoby, Susan, 126, 127
Jasen (NY judge), 17–18
Jemsek, Joseph, 147
Jenner, Edward, 30, 210
Jennings, Desiree, 205–8, 209, 210
Jimison, Marcus, 217–18
jimsonweed, dangers of, 90
Jobs, Steve, 163–64, 171
Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, 59–60
joint pain, glucosamine and, 102, 237
Jones, Dr. Charles Ray, 154
Jones, Jenny, 85
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 49
Journal of the American Medical Association
Blumenthal and, 140–41
Burzynski and antineoplastons, 184
“Closer Look at Therapeutic Touch,” 34
study on vitamin E, 60
“Vitamins for the Prevention of Colds,” 53
Jungle, The (Sinclair), 69
Kaiser Permanente, 101
Kaptchuk, Ted, 227
Kartzinel, Jerry, 129–30, 132
kava, Weil and, 244
Kay, Peter, 175, 191
Kelley, William D., 15–16
Kelsey, Dr. Frances, 72
Kennedy, Edward, 17, 75–76, 77, 83
Kessler, David
alternative medicine regulation issues, 78–79, 82, 83–84, 85–86
Burzynski and antineoplastons, 180
Kessler, Gerry, 79–80, 81–83
Kilpatrick, James, 14
“kindly conspiracy,” to promote alternative remedies, 97–98
King, Larry, 124
Kirkman Labs, 91
Klin, Ami, 133
Knight, Patricia, 80
Knockout: Interviews with Doctors Who Are Curing Cancer and How to Prevent Getting It in the First Place (Somers), 192
Koch, Robert, 31
Koch, William, 166
Kraemer, John, 140, 158–59
Krebiozen, 168–70
Krebs, Ernest Jr., 13, 17
Krieger, Dolores, 35
Kunnari, Dustin, 179
accepted as mainstream, 14–18
banned, 19
clinical trials of, 16–17, 18–19
Indiana and, 141
legalized, 14
used to treat Joey Hofbauer, 7, 9–14, 22, 74
Lane, William, 171–72
Lee, Royal, 73–74
Levine, Jon, 230–31
Lind, James, 31–32, 94–95
Linus Pauling Institute, 62
Livingston, Virginia, 12
L-tryptophan, 84
lupus, learned immunosuppression and, 236
Lyme disease. See Chronic Lyme disease, politicized science and
Lyme Disease Association, 153
MacDonald, Alan, 147
MacKenzie, J. N., 235
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, 38
quinine and, 98
treatment of Chronic Lyme disease and, 152
Malisow, Craig, 188
Maris, John, 55, 189
Martin, Jack, 80
Martinizi, Francesco, 131
Maryland, University of, 53
Mayo Clinic
bioidentical hormones and, 117
Burzynski and antineoplastons, 183
McCarthy, Jenny
autism and, 128–29, 130–33, 134, 139
entertainment career of, 128
vaccines and, 132, 134, 138, 142, 206–7, 215
McCarthy, Terrence, 17
McConnell, Zachary, 179
McCulloch, Dr. Art, 203–4
McDonald, Scott, 249
McGovern, George, 75
McGuiness, Kevin, 81
McQueen, Steve, 14–16, 18, 22
measles, mumps, rubella (MMR) vaccine, Burton and, 141–42
“Mechanism of Placebo Analgesia, The” (Levine, Gordon, and Fields), 231
Medawar, Peter, 97–98
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, 183
evolution of treatment of, 115
“natural” and manufactured hormones and, 116–17
Somers and, 113–16
Merck, 87–89
Mercola, Joe, 243
costs of products of, 246–48
Merola, Eric, 180, 188
MetaboLife, 81
Miles, Pamela, 33
milk thistle, 102
Millikan, Robert, 165
Milton, John, 235
Minnesota, University of, 60
mistletoe, 113
Moertel, Charles, 18, 55–56
mood, illness and, 235
Moreno, Tori, 179
in patent medicines, 67
placebo response and, 225, 230
Mother Warriors: A Nation of Parents Healing Autism Against All Odds (McCarthy), 128
Mrs. Gooch’s, 79
Mukherjee, Siddhartha, 192–93
Murray, Polly, 143
Myung-whun, Dr. Sung, 233
Nadama, Tariq, 130
naloxone, 230, 231
narcotics, in patent medicines, 67
National Cancer Institute
Burzynski and antineoplastons, 176, 179, 183, 188
Gerson’s cancer cure diet, 170–71
Hoxsey and colored medicines, 168
Ivy and Krebiozen, 170
Pauling and vitamins, 58–59, 60
National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM), 96–97, 100, 101, 183
National Health Federation (NHF), 21, 22, 73–75, 89
National Nutritional Foods Association (NNFA), 57, 79, 89
Natural Causes: Death, Lies, and Politics in America’s Vitamin and Herbal Supplement Industry (Hurley), 77–78
Natural Mind, The (Weil), 37
natural products, drugs contrasted, 89–92
“Nature of the Chemical Bond, The” (Pauling), 49
Nature’s Bounty, 80
Nature’s Plus, 79
Nature’s Way, 81
Nemeh, Issam, 32, 241
Never Say Die: The Myth and Marketing of the New Old Age (Jacoby), 126, 127
New England Journal of Medicine
on Chronic Lyme disease, 150
“Laetrilomania,” 16
Pauling and Moertel and, 55
Vioxx and, 88
New Jersey, results of Chronic Lyme disease treatments in, 152
9 Steps to Keep the Doctor Away, The (Buttar), 202, 203
Nissen, Steven, 60
No More War! (Pauling), 51
North Carolina, University of, 102
North Carolina Medical Board, Buttar and, 217–19
Northrup, Christiane, 113, 115, 116, 121
Novella, Steven
acupuncture and placebo response, 224, 227
on herbal remedies, 98–99
on Jennings, 207, 208, 209
Null, Gary, 173, 177
Nunn, Sam, 75
“Nuremberg Code, The” (Ivy), 169–70
Nu Skin International, 81
nutritional therapies, laetrile and, 12, 15
O’Donnell, Rosie, 114, 115
Office of Alternative Medicine (OAM), Burzynski and antineoplastons, 182, 188
Old Lyme, CT, 143–44
Olshansky, Jay, 120, 122, 123
omega-3 fatty acids, 103–4
oncogenes, cancer treatment and, 193
Oncology, 54
“One for the Angels” Twilight Zone episode, 198–201
opium, in patent medicines, 67
Oscilloclast, cancer cure machine, 165
oscillococcinum, 238–39
Osler, William, 30
osteoporosis, calcium and, 104–5
oxidation. See free radicals
Oz, Mehmet
acupuncture and, 223–24
Ayurvedic medicine and, 37, 38–39
chiropractic and, 39–40
costs of products and, 248
distrust of modern medicine, 25–27, 41, 43
faith healing and, 32–33, 241
homeopathic medicine and, 39, 237–38
medical training of, 26
popularity of alternative medicine and, 40–43
psychics and, 35–37
therapeutic touch and, 33–35
Ozer, Howard, 184–85
Paine’s Celery Compound, 67
Palmer, Daniel D., 39–40
pancreatic cancer, Jobs and, 163–64, 171
Paradise Lost (Milton), 235
pasteurization, dangers of warning against, 243
patent medicines
dangers of and attempts to regulate, 65–72
examples of, 201
Pauling, Linus
accomplishments of, 48–51
antioxidants and, 58–61
blocking of FDA’s regulation of vitamins, 75
book on vitamins and children and, 129
death of, 62
other claims for vitamins, 56–58
vitamin C and cancer, 54–56
vitamin C and common cold, 51–54
vitamin C and free radicals, 58
vitamin C and side effects, 61–62
penicillin, 31, 210
pennyroyal, dangers of, 91
Penthouse, “Suppression of Cancer Cures,” 173, 177
Peptic Ulcer (Ivy), 168
Peruna, 67
Pfizer, 2
pharmaceutical industry, evolution of oversight of, 65–72
Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, 70–71
Kefauver-Harris Amendment to Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, 71–72
patent medicine, 65–69
Pure Food and Drug Act, 69–70
rigorous testing required of, 95–96
Pharmics, 81
phenylacetic acid (PA), antineoplastons and, 184
phenylacetylglutamine (PAG), antineoplastons and, 184
Phillips, Marvin, 242
Phiten, 249
phocomelia, 72
Pi, Indiana and changing value of, 142
placebo response, 223–40
examples of, 223–26
explanations of, generally, 226–28
history of use of, 239–40
homeopathic remedies and, 237–39
learned immunosuppression and, 234–37
physiological basis of, 228–31
psychological basis of, 231–34
Plexxikon, 187
PLX4032 cancer treatment, 187
Podesta, John, 83
Podesta, Tony, 83
poison-control centers, supplements and, 91–92
polio vaccine, 215–16
Postcards from the Edge (film), 229
“Post-Decision Dissonance at Post Time” study (Knox and Inkster), 233
primrose oil, 85–86
Principal, Victoria, 82
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 50, 54
Proprietary Association of America, 68
prostate cancer
saw palmetto and, 80–81, 101
vitamins and, 48, 60
Proxmire, William, 75–76, 77, 82
pseudoephedrine, 239
Psilocybe weilli (mushroom), 37–38
Public Citizen, 76–77
Pure Food and Drug Act (1906), 69–70
Puritan’s Pride, 80
quacks and quackery. See also specific individuals
alternative therapies recommended without warnings of possible harm, 244–45
conventional therapies warned against, 241–44
examples of, 201–2
high costs of alternative therapies, 245–49
magical thinking and, 240, 249–51
origin of term, 200
Quest for Immortality: Science at the Frontiers of Aging (Olshansky), 120
quinine, 98
Radio-Sulpho Cancer Cure, 164
Radol, 164
Randi, James, 36
Randolph, Scott, 79–80
Raphael, Sally Jessy, 173, 182
recommended daily allowance (RDA), of vitamins, 48
Record, Taylor I., 142
regression to the mean, placebo response and, 227
ancient beliefs about disease and, 27
Buttar’s treatments and, 203, 205–6
faith healing and, 32–33, 241
Rexall Sundown, 80, 81
Richardson, Bill, 83
Richardson, John, 17
Rife machine, Chronic Lyme disease and, 149, 236–37
Rimland, Bernard, 129
Rivera, Geraldo, 173, 178–79, 188
Roberts, Milton, 10–11
Roosevelt, Theodore, 69
Rosa, Emily, 34–35
Rosa, Linda, 34
Rosner, Bryan, 149, 236
RotaTeq, 95–96
rotavirus vaccines, testing of, 95–96
Royal Raymond Rife, 149
Rush, Benjamin, 29
Sabbioni, Marzio, 236
salesmen, 197–98. See also quacks and quackery
in Twilight Zone episode, 198–201
San Francisco Veterans Affairs Medical Center, 101
Saratoga County (NY) Department of Social Service, 9–11, 14, 16, 17
saw palmetto, prostates and, 80–81, 101
Schachter, Michael, 11–13, 18, 21, 22, 132
Schachter Center for Complementary Medicine, 21
Schiff, Crystin, 179
Schmidt, Dr. Alexander, 76, 77
Schwarcz, Joe, 107, 116
Schweitzer, Albert, 253–55
Science, “Sickle Cell Anemia, a Molecular Disease,” 49–50
Scientific American
on Abrams cancer cures, 166
anti-aging and, 123
scurvy, 31–32
secretin, autism and, 134–35
selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), 99–100
dangers of overconsumption of, 60
Pauling’s claims for, 56, 58
in Total Body Formula and Total Body Mega, 91
S. E. Massengill Company, 70–71
Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, The (Chopra), 246
Sexy Forever (Somers), 119
shark cartilage, cancer cure and, 171–72
Sharks Don’t Get Cancer (Lane), 171
Shaw, George Bernard, 33
Sheridan, Richard, 9–10
“Sickle Cell Anemia, a Molecular Disease” (Science), 49–50
sickle-cell anemia, Pauling and, 49–50
Sigma Tau Pharmaceuticals, 186
Simantov, Rabi, 230
Sinclair, Upton, 68–69, 165
Singer, Alison, 135–37
Singh, Simon, 90
60 Minutes, 171–72
Skolnick, Allen, 79
Slack, Robert, 250
smallpox vaccine, 210, 215
Smith, Harry, 173, 179, 188
Snake Oil and Other Preoccupations (Diamond), 42, 228
Snow, John, 30
Snyder, Solomon, 230
Solgar Vitamin and Herb Company, 79
Somers, Suzanne
anti-aging regimen of, 118–22, 126
Botox and, 124–25
breast cancer and, 112–13
Burzynski and antineoplastons, 192–93
career of, 122
entertainment career of, 194
menopause remedies and, 113–16
as salesperson for alternative medicines, 121–22, 127
stem-cell face-lift and, 125–26
South Africa, wish for modern medicine in, 42
Spacek, Sissy, 82
specificity, in cancer treatment, 193
Specter, Michael, 212
Spontaneous Healing (Weil), 38
Sports Illustrated cover jinx, 227
Stanford University School of Medicine, 100
Starlight International, 81
Steere, Allen, 143–44, 145
stem-cell face-lifts, 125–26
St. John’s wort, 99–100
Stober, J. Richard, 244
Stone, Irwin, 51–52
Storl, Wolf, 148–49, 236
Stovall, Ellen, 185
Streicher, Lauren, 116–17
sulfanilamide, 70–71
supplements, 65–93
continued sales of, 93
FDA’s attempts to document supplement efficacy and ingredients, 78–89
FDA’s attempts to regulate vitamins, 73–78
government oversight of pharmaceutical industry contrasted, 65–72
helpful, 103–7
lack of rigorous testing and evidence of claims, 96–103
pharmaceutical testing contrasted, 94–96
potential harm from “natural” products, 89–92
“Suppression of Cancer Cures” (Penthouse), 173, 177
Swazeland, Al, 178
Sweeney (NY judge), 16
swine flu vaccine, 216
Szent-Györgyi, Albert, 32
Tae-woo, Roh, 233
Tallis, Raymond, 41–42
Tartaglia, Anthony, 13
Taylor, James, 102
TD-DMPS (transdermal dimercaptopropanesulfonic acid), 205, 209–10, 211
teasel cure, Chronic Lyme disease and, 148–49, 236
Texas Children’s Hospital, 190–91
thalidomide, 71–72
therapeutic touch, Oz and, 33–35
therapists, placebo response and, 224, 227
thimerosal, in vaccines, 215
ticks, Lyme disease and, 144. See also Chronic Lyme disease, politicized science and
Tierney, John, 246
Time, 57
Time for Lyme, 153
titanium necklaces, 249–50
Toronto, University of, 53
Total Body Formula / Total Body Mega, 91
Toufexis, Anastasia, 57
Trans-D Tropin, 211–12
Trick or Treatment (Singh and Ernst), 90
Burzynski and antineoplastons, 173, 178–79
Jennings and chelation, 207
Twilight Zone, “One for the Angels” episode, 198–201
2012 (film), 41
Under Our Skin (film), 146–47
Undue Risk: Secret State Experiments on Humans (Moreno), 169
unicorn horns, placebo response and, 225
United States Congressional Office of Technology Assessment, 182
United States Department of Agriculture, 66–67
United States Preventive Services Task Force, 104
urine cure. See Burzynski, Stanislaw, antineoplastons and
urine testing, Buttar’s treatments and, 205, 208–9
Utah, supplement industry in, 81
Utah Natural Products Alliance, 81
Utian, Wulf, 117
autism and, 132, 134, 138, 142, 206–7, 215
Burton and MMR, 141–42
Buttar and chelation, 206–7, 215–17
harm done by not giving, 134, 138, 215–17, 243
immunity and, 30
valproic acid, autism and, 133
Vioxx, regulation and testing of, 87–89
Visco, Fran, 185
vitamin A, Pauling’s claims for, 56, 58, 59
vitamin C
dosage issues, 77, 81
evidence-based medicine and, 32
Pauling’s claims about cancer, 54–56
Pauling’s claims about common cold, 51–54
Pauling’s claims about free radicals, 58
Pauling’s claims about lack of side effects, 61–62, 72–73
Vitamin C, the Common Cold, and the Flu (Pauling), 52–53
vitamin D, calcium and, 105
vitamin E
dangers of overconsumption of, 59–60
Pauling’s claims for, 56, 58
prostate cancer and, 48
Vitamin O, placebo response and, 225–26
vitamins, 47–62. See also supplements; specific vitamins
continued sales of, 61
deficiencies of and diseases, 48
failure to meet expectations and dangers of overconsumption of, 48–49, 55–56, 58–61
FDA’s attempts to regulate contents, 73–78
Linus Pauling’s claims about, 49–62
list of, 47–48
Vioxx regulation contrasted, 87–89
“Vitamins for the Prevention of Colds” (Journal of the American Medical Association), 53
Vitamin World, 80
Vit-Ra-Tox, 74
Wakefield, Andrew, 141–42
Wallace, Mike, 171
Wall Street Journal, “Is This the End of Popping Vitamins?,” 61
Washington, George, 29–30
Washington, University of, 102–3
Washington University School of Medicine, 101
Watson, James, 50
Waxman, Henry, 78–79, 82
Weider, Nutraceutical Corporation, 81
Weil, Andrew
conventional therapies discouraged by, 241–42
costs of products of, 245
distrust of modern medicine, 41
failure to warn of treatment dangers, 244
hallucinogens and, 37–38
milk thistle and, 102
spiritualism of approach, 43
Weinberg, Steven, 43
Weissman, August, 123–24
Welch, Cara, 92
Wellborn, Thomas, 179
Wells, Dr. Rupert, 164
When Prophecy Fails (Festinger), 226
Whitaker, Dr. Julian, 180
Whitekin, Martie, 79
Whitworth, Jery, 26–27
Wiley, Harvey Washington, 66–67, 68, 69
Wilson, Dorothy, 84
Wilson, Robert, 115
Winfrey, Oprah
McCarthy and autism, 128–30, 132–33, 139
Oz and, 25
Somers and menopause and aging, 113, 114–15, 118, 119
Winningham, Pamela, 179
Winslow’s Soothing Syrup, 67
witch doctors, 253–54
Withering, William, 98
Wizard of Oz (film), 227–28
Wolfe, Dr. Sidney, 76–77
Women’s Health Initiative, 115
Youn, Tony, 125