The Frugal Bride could not have been a success without the dedication, love, and support of many people:
To the hundreds of brides, mothers of brides, grooms, and wedding party guests, especially Barbara B., Sarah S., Yanina F., Kelly K., Liz N., Kim R., and many others too numerous to list who contributed their ideas to this book, I thank you.
To all of the hard-working staff at Prima Publishing and Random House—especially my acquisitions editor, Denise Sternad, who easily convinced me to take on another wedding project; my forever patient project editor, Michelle McCormack; and my always receptive and perky publicist, Jennifer Dougherty Hart.
To my friends and fellow brides: Joanne, Adena, Nancy, Mollie, Debbie, Marci G., Marci M., Holly, Lexi, Staci, Nora, Julie, Lori, Adrienne, Janine, Nikki, Haley, Colby, and Cheryl.
To Adam and Jen, Glenn and Lisa, Mike and Robin, Bobby and Tracy, and especially Karen and Jedd, for real-life inspiration.
To my creative and funky Web designer extraordinaire, Karen Gledhill (check out her brilliant work at
To Gloria, whom I couldn’t live without—for your caring love and dedication to my family. You are always there. Te quiero mucho mucho mucho. And to Stephanie and Eric for being such special friends to my boys.
To those talented individuals and my esteemed colleagues who showered my work with their kind and generous words, I sincerely thank you for your praises: Connie Olson Kearns (my very own extraordinary wedding coordinator), Elizabeth Arrighi Borsting, Maria McBride-Mellenger, Michelle Merker, and Carley Roney.
To my relatives for your love and support: Linda, Alan, Lauren, and Evan; Karen, Danny, Benjamin, Sammy, and David; proud Grandma Lois; my e-mail pal Auntie Jill and Uncle John; my special “summer” cousins Eric, Amy, Theo, and Lucy; Gail, Andrew, Jacqueline, and Danielle; Marc, Kim, Jessica, and Blake; and Grammy Terry.
To Mom and Dad Muchnick for continuing to cheer me on.
To Mom and Dad Clumeck, for encouraging me to dare to fail gloriously and savor the passing moment; the best of times is now. And Dad, thanks for being such an amazing proofreader.
To Justin, may your fantastic imagination and passion for trucks, rescue heroes, and life bring you continued joy and happiness. You’re my buddy, my best friend, and special gift.
To smiley Jake, you win me over with your warmth, good nature, and determination. I am blessed to have you as my newest son and look forward to watching you grow and become your own person.
And last, but certainly not least, to my patient, loving, relaxed, brilliant, handsome partner in life and crime, Adam. How can I keep writing glowing acknowledgments to you, my inspiration for it all? Without your unforgettable proposal, this entire adventure would not have culminated in this wedding, honeymoon, and amazing journey that keeps going on and on. Where has the time gone? How did we get here? You are my happily ever after. I love you always and forever.