Classes, methods, and namespaces

Object-oriented programming (OOP) is one of the primary ways to program in many languages, and sometimes the only way. Classes are the primary way OOP is implemented in most object-oriented languages, and Python uses classes as well. While functions are great and can do a lot of work, you'll see that OOP is very powerful as well. Plus, many Python libraries and APIs use classes, so you should at least be able to understand what the code is doing.

One thing to note about Python and OOP is that it's not mandatory to use classes in your code. As you've already seen, Python can do just fine with functions. Unlike languages such as Java, you aren't tied down to a single way of doing things; you can mix functions and classes as necessary in the same program. This lets you build the code in a way that works best; maybe you don't need to have a full-blown class with initialization code and methods to just return a calculation. With Python, you can get as technical as you want.