File I/O

File creation is extremely easy with Python: you simply create the variable that will represent the file, open the file, give it a filename, and tell Python that you want to write to it.

If you don't expressly tell Python that you want to write to a file, it will be opened in read-only mode. This acts as a safety feature to prevent you from accidentally overwriting files. In addition to the standard w to indicate writing and r for reading, Python supports several other file access modes:

When using standard files, most of the information will be alphanumeric in nature, hence the extra binary-mode file operations. Unless you have a specific need, this will be fine for most of your tasks.

A typical command to open a file to write to might look like this: open('data.txt', 'w'). An optional, third argument can be added for buffering control. If you used open('data.txt', 'w', 0), then the data would be immediately written to the file without being held temporarily in memory. This can speed up file operations at the expense of data integrity.

Here is a list of common Python file operations:

Python has a built-in garbage collector, so you don't really need to manually close your files; once an object is no longer referenced within memory, the object's memory space is automatically reclaimed. This applies to all objects in Python, including files.

However, it's recommended to manually close files in large systems; it won't hurt anything and it's good to get into the habit in case you ever have to work in a language that doesn't have garbage collection. In addition, Python for other platforms, such as Jython or IronPython, may require you to manually close files to immediately free up resources, rather than waiting for garbage collection. Also, there are times when system operations have problems and a file is left open accidentally, resulting in a potential memory leak.

The location of the file you are working with can be indicated as either an absolute path (a specific location on a drive) or a relative path (the file location in relation to the current directory); if no path is provided, the current directory is assumed.