Despite all the evidence against it,
I thought I’d be wise
when I reached sixty.
The truth, I’ve discovered,
is we don’t grow wise,
we grow careful.
We stop taking chances,
learn to hedge our words,
and not commit.
Then we grin like the Cheshire cat,
and shake our heads at the young, the brave, the naive.
But now and then a spark flares
to show our souls
haven’t turned to ashes.
I dreamt last night that I asked
a handsome stranger to come home
and stay in my bed
until we’d done
everything I’d missed
for the last ten years.
When he was completely exhausted,
I forced him to give me
his brother’s address.
It must have been a dream
but I’m not giving up the address
scrawled on my sheet
till I’ve checked it out.