Rona Altrows’s “A sprinter with pluck and panache” received first prize in the limerick category in the 1995 Orillia International Poetry Competition, a contest that was run for some years in honour of Stephen Leacock. Rona Altrows’s play/short story hybrid “Blue Thread” was first published in the fall 2001 issue of Fireweed. In 2010, “Blue Thread” appeared in her short story collection Key in Lock.
Susan Calder’s “Adjusting the Ashes” won the Alberta Views 2003 Short Story Contest, and was published in Alberta Views magazine in November 2003.
Louise Carson’s “Long Ago and Far Away” was published in her collection Mermaid Road in 2013 by Broken Rules Press, and is used with permission.
Donna Caruso’s “Eating Beets During Menopause” appeared in Carte Blanche, fall 2014, and on their website at, and is used with permission.
Heather Dillaway’s “Fact or Fiction” was excerpted from a longer piece titled “What Menopausal Women Want to Hear.” The piece was originally published as a blog post at re:Cycling, for the Society for Menstrual Cycle Research, on November 7, 2013 ( The excerpt is used with permission.
Carolyn Gage’s creative nonfiction piece was originally published as “Menopause and the Ugly Duckling Syndrome” in Off the Rag: Lesbians Writing on Menopause, edited by Lee Lynch and Akia Woods (New Victoria Press, 1996).
Margaret Macpherson’s “Autumn Fields” was originally published in her collection Perilous Departures (Signature Editions, 2004), and is used with permission.
Noah Michelson’s interview with Tori Amos, “Go. Rock.” was excerpted from a longer interview originally published in Huffington Post as “Tori Amos On Taylor Swift, Fame, And Embracing Menopause,” on May 5, 2014 and is used with permission.
Lynda Monahan’s “Woman Burning” appears in her collection Verge (Guernica Editions, 2015).
Jane Silcott’s “Threshold” was previously published in Eighteen Bridges on December 7, 2011 (, and in her book Everything Rustles (Anvil Press, 2013). Reprinted with permission.