Tal Afar, 86, 104
Taliban, 4, 55, 128, 130–34, 161–62, 226–27
tariffs, 193, 228, 229, 293–94
taxes, 46, 155
Tel Aviv, 192, 290
terrorism (terrorist attacks), 21–24, 29–30, 41, 229, 289. See also Islamic terrorism; and specific attacks
alleged cross-border, 271–75
media coverage of, 101–3
travel ban and, 97–98, 100–107
by U.S. citizens, 97–98, 101, 105–6, 271, 272, 274–75
THAAD (Terminal High Altitude Area Defense), 137–38
al-Thani, Tamim bin Hamad, 178–79, 242
Thomas, Raymond “Tony,” 120, 123
Thucydides, 109
Tillerson, Rex, 179–81, 299
Abrams and, 62–63
Afghanistan and, 133, 140, 145, 150
“axis of adults,” 14, 16, 251
background of, 13, 58–59
briefing of July 20, 2017, 3, 7, 12–15
“Club of Two,” 8, 9–10
at Exxon, 13, 58–59, 176, 180, 187
firing of, 188–89
Iran nuclear deal and, 185, 187, 188
lack of focus of, 140
North Korea and, 162, 216
Qatar blockade and, 178–81
Saudi Arabia and, 58, 172, 176, 178–81
secretary of state appointment, 58–59, 62–63
Syria and, 112–13, 140
travel ban and, 105
UNRWA and, 196
Todd, Chuck, 43
Townsend, Frances, 24, 48
trade, 4, 7–8, 14, 56, 62, 310
trade deficit, 10, 11–12, 15, 55, 292n
transgender military ban, 241
Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), 7, 129, 292
travel ban, xxi, 23, 93, 95–105
Trudeau, Justin, 228
Truman, Harry, 36, 77–78, 115
Trump, Donald
Access Hollywood tape, 46, 82
Afghanistan policy. See Trump, Donald, and Afghanistan
America First policy of (Trump Doctrine), 4, 9, 10–11, 13, 15, 68, 71, 128, 138, 150, 163, 191, 207, 245, 253–54, 289, 300
attacks on intelligence agencies, 230, 296–99
briefing of July 20, 2017, 3–16
bullying of, 299–300
cavalier approach to national security, 194–95
Charlottesville Unite the Right rally and, 155–56
China and trade, 73, 207, 291–95, 308
CIA visit, 68–69
climate change and, xix–xx, 7, 295–96
commander in chief role, 287–302
conspiracy theories of, 17, 19, 299–300, 310, 318–19
COVID-19 pandemic and, xx–xxii, 314–17
defense budget of, 288
election of 2016. See Trump, Donald, and election of 2016
election of 2020, 316–17
election of 2020 fraud claims, xv, 318–19
embrace of dictators, xix, 207, 291
ending America’s foreign wars, 259–68
hostage-takers and, 160–61, 161n
impeachment of, 309–11
inaugural address of, 67–68
Independence Day speech of 2019, 287–88, 300–301
Iran and, 281–83, 302
Iran nuclear deal, 12–13, 184–89, 191–92
ISIS and, 109, 115–16, 119–24
Islamophobia of, 19–20, 21–23, 37–38, 96, 100, 226, 271
last year in office, 313–20
“misinformation conversation,” xxi–xxii
national security strategy of, 24–25, 231–32, 293
NATO and. See Trump, Donald, and NATO
North Korea and, 213–22. See also Trump, Donald, and Kim Jong Un
photo op at St. John’s Church, 311–13
presidential transition of. See Trump, Donald, presidential transition of
revolt of the generals, 237–55
Russia and, 226–33. See also Trump, Donald, and Putin
September 11 attacks, xv–xvi, 19, 20
South Korea and THAAD, 137–38
State of the Union (2019), 259–60
Syria policy. See Trump, Donald, and Syria
terrorism and the border, 271–75
travel ban of. See travel ban
Ukraine phone call, 309–10
Trump, Donald, and Afghanistan, 13–14, 125, 127–53, 259–60, 289
Biden’s withdrawal, xvi–xvii
Camp David meeting, 157–59
meeting of May 2017, 135–37
meeting of July 19, 2017, 147–50
meeting of July 26, 2017, 153–54
meeting with veterans, 146–47, 148
Prince plan, 140–44
rules of engagement, 139–40
skepticism about war, 127, 129, 130, 134–36, 150
“South Asia strategy,” 158–60, 159n, 161–62, 259
Taliban peace negotiations, xvi–xvii
U.S. withdrawal of troops, 260–68
Trump, Donald, and 2016 election, 20, 21–25, 35–43, 96, 100, 109, 115–16, 127, 169, 176–77, 207, 223, 301
Trump, Donald, and Kim Jong Un, xvii–xviii, 42, 216, 217, 218, 219–21, 245, 246, 289, 291, 297
DMZ meeting, xvii, 221, 290, 299
Hanoi meeting, xvii, 220–21
“love letters,” xviii
Singapore summit, xvii, 219–21, 246
Trump, Donald, and NATO, xviii–xix, 4, 11, 188, 226–29, 245–46, 300
Brussels July 2018 summit, 228–29, 245
defense spending, 11, 225–26, 226n, 245
disdain and interest in withdrawal, 10, 50, 67, 147, 228, 248, 253–54, 291, 301
Trump, Donald, and Obama, 41–42, 288–89
“birther” conspiracy, 17, 19
presidential transition meeting, 41–42
Trump, Donald, and Putin, xviii–xix, 67, 69–70, 207, 227–30, 291, 300
Trump, Donald, and Saudi Arabia, xix, 10, 165, 167–81, 192, 205, 208–9, 242, 282
Khashoggi’s murder, 165, 203–4, 205–8
MBS, xix, 167–68, 172, 282, 291
Qatar blockade, 178–81
state visit, 172–73, 175–77, 207
Trump, Donald, and Syria, 205, 241–42, 280, 289–90
Trump, Donald, presidential transition of, 45–67
cabinet picks, 48–67
chaos of, 59–61
Christie and, 45–47
Russian interference in election of 2016 and, 63–67
secretary of defense, 49–51
secretary of state, 56–59
Trump, Donald, Jr., 107
Trump, Eric, 314–15
Trump, Fred, 107
Trump, Ivanka, 90, 154, 192, 194, 281
Trump, Mary Anne MacLeod, 107
Trump Bedminster Golf Club, 50, 157, 267
Trump border wall, 56, 251, 271–72, 274
Trump rallies, xx, 96, 165, 220
Tsai Ing-wen, 73
Tubaigy, Salah Mohammed, 201–2
Tumulty, Karen, 238
Turkey, 121, 201, 204, 248–50
coup attempt of 2016, 41
Syria and, 248–49, 254–55
Tyson, Mike, 277