Practice Speech: Pitch/Elevator
Level: All levels
Time Limit: 60 seconds
Audience: You are walking down the hallway at work and see the elevator doors begin to close. You hurry and just manage to stop the doors from closing. As they reopen, you’re stunned to see the owner of the company you have been dreaming of working for standing on the elevator. Thank goodness, you are on the 36th floor. You have sixty seconds to inspire the owner to read your resume and request an interview.
1. Determine your purpose. What do you want to have happen by the end of the pitch? An interview? Submitting a business card? A sale?
2. Write the elevator speech.
a. Set the Stage. Smile – Attention Grabber. Killer first line.
b. Who are you? What do you do? Be enthusiastic!
c. What makes you unique? What’s next? Share contributions you have made or problems you’ve solved. Provide an example. Consider audience. What makes you the best?
d. Engage with a question. Call for action!
3. Establish a deliberate practice to nail this pitch!
4. Tailor your pitch to different audiences.
Purpose: To fine tune your personal branding pitch.
Skills to Practice: DP1: Set the Stage. DP2: Project DP3: Assess and Cope DP6: Engage, Engage, Engage
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