Chapter 7 Review Questions

1. What are the five parts to a dynamic speech?

2. Describe the three different types of audience analysis.

3. What are the five rules for writing a quality purpose statement?

4. Which part of the speech is most important to you, the audience?

5. Which part of the speech is most important to you, the author? Why?

6. Who writes the speech?

7. What order do you use to deliver the speech?

8. In what order do you construct the speech?

9. Suppose you were delivering a speech with this purpose statement: By the end of my speech my audience create a great personal brand. Identify three organizational strategies you could use. Which would work best?

10. How are the introduction and conclusion different?

11. How many times should you tell your audience your main points during the course of the speech?

12. Which quote from this chapter resonates with you the most?