Reader Questions
1. What does the Sunday morning blues mean to you?
2. Shante, Misha and Deandrea were all first ladies of churches. Were they the traditional, stereotypical first ladies? Explain.
3. Is the role of the church first lady changing? If so, in what way?
4. Shante had a secret sin. Do you think this is common in the ministry, and should all secret sins be exposed?
5. Deandrea left her psychological practice and her life as she knew it to help Jarrod with his ministry. Do you feel she made the right decision?
6. Misha had the gift of prophetic vision. Should she tell everything she sees?
7. How could Misha’s gift interfere with her and her husband’s ministry?
8. Do you feel conferences are an effective way to minister? Please explain your answer.
9. Do you feel people should know all the challenges leaders of the church have within their own personal lives?
10. Can church leaders find balance in every area of their lives and still provide effective ministry to their congregants?