Discussion Guide

Only With You is a modern retelling of Jane Austen's Emma.


How does Emma's relationship with Knight change during the story? Does their relationship really change or does Emma's perception of their relationship change?


Even though Knight is in love with Emma, he sees her flaws. Have you ever loved someone despite their flaws? How did you try to address your loved one's flaws? How have the people in your life tried to address your flaws?


Emma thinks she know what's best for everyone around her, and often she is correct. Does this give her the right to meddle in their lives? Have you ever known what is best for someone in your life? Did you interfere? If so, how did it turn out?


For readers who have read the original source material


In Jane Austen's Emma, Emma's mother is dead, but in the Jane Austen Academy series, Emma's mother is alive. Does this significantly change Emma's motivations in the story? How does Emma's mother's absence in the original source material have the same or a different effect on Emma and the story than her larger-than-life presence in the Jane Austen Academy material?


In both stories, Emma is presented as being very lucky, well-off, and beautiful. Do these qualities make it easier or harder for you to relate to Emma or like her as a main character? In your life, are you attracted to these qualities? Why or why not?