I loved the idea of this book so much that I waited months to start writing it, terrified I couldn’t do Mia and Noah justice. In the end, I’m so unbelievably happy with how it turned out, and it never would have gotten here without the following people.

My agent, Kim Lionetti, for seeing the potential in the story and believing it deserved to be in the hands of romance readers, and my editor, Margot Mallinson, for choosing to work with me, loving Mia and Noah, and bringing this book to its full potential.

Special thanks to my cousin Angela Conrad for answering all my questions about architects and for reading a messy early draft of this book to check those pieces for accuracy.

Thank you to the early readers—critique partners and betas. I’m the worst at keeping a list early on like everyone says I should, so by this point I’m not even sure who all read it, but I’ll do my best: Denise Williams (ride or die), Heather Gearhart (CPFL), Falon Ballard, Haley Kral, Lindsey Jesionowski, Anne Furasek, Staci Klugh, Abby Barnett, Misty Miller, Anna Grissom, Fransen McGinley, and Ashtin Taylor. And a special shout-out to Katie Rose, who not only reads my early drafts but texts me reader reactions in real time, which is my favorite thing in the whole world. To Brittany Kelley for being my daily scream-into-the-void partner as we went through the querying and sub process once again. You’re my favorite. To Lianna, my favorite bookstagrammer, who just happened to stumble across my debut and became one of my favorite Canadians—I hope this one lived up to your expectations.

Thanks to my parents and my sister, who encourage me and are always there for me. To my husband for supporting me and giving me time to write even though he’s the furthest from a romance reader I could possibly find.

And a huge thank-you to all the romance readers out there who continue to buy books like this one and never stop believing in the power of love. You’re the reason I’m able to keep writing, and as long as you want to read them, I can’t imagine I’ll ever stop.