Dark Torment



I’m excellent at my job. Both of them, really.

Prosecutor by day, killer by night. 

It’s my job with the District Attorney’s office to put killers behind bars where they belong. But at night, I’m the worst of them.

Thing is, I’m not your typical serial killer. I know the difference between wrong and right. I just don’t care. 

I don’t have something in my brain telling me that taking someone’s life is okay, or that I’m doing God’s work. I don’t have a voice in my head screaming ‘Whore. Kill.’ or any other bullshit other killers spew in order to try and get away with a lesser sentence. 

I never set out to be the animal I’ve become, but it’s everything I never knew I needed. 

Knowing I’m the reason someone else lives or dies is a powerful drug that I came across by chance a few years ago. I was on my way home from an evening jog when I found a woman crying for help a bit off the beaten path. Someone had stabbed her and left her to die without a single ounce of remorse. 

Now, let me start by saying that, until this point, I assumed I would be like everyone else and call for help immediately. Then, doing everything I could to stop the bleeding… but I didn’t. 

Her pooling blood called to something deep and dark in my soul as I made my way closer to her. Her screams and cries had stopped as her eyes filled with so much hope, thinking I was someone there to save her. 

I felt like a fucking god when she looked at me like that, but it wasn’t enough. 

Saving her life wasn’t what called to me. 

I found myself jealous of the man who had done this to her. Attempted to take her life like this before leaving her to die. Jealous and curious. 

Why leave her behind instead of enjoying the thrill of the kill?

There was no way she would survive if I didn’t get her the help she needed immediately, and that was the whole point in choosing this time of night and this specific trail. 

I wanted to know what it had felt like to slice a knife through such sweet skin. How it felt to control her existence like that. Normally, I would never hurt a woman, but she was already marked for death. 

It was in that moment, as I watched her dying, that I could feel that control. That power. 

I leaned over her body and asked her what her name was. 

“Chr—ist—ine,” she gurgled out, and I smiled. 

“Don’t worry, Christine. I’m going to make it all better.” 

She smiled up at me weakly in thanks before I pulled off my shirt and wrapped it around her throat. 

She tried to cry out, but my hands cut off her voice box. Her eyes grew wide, and she began to panic. 

Squeezing my hands tighter around my shirt, I felt her trying to gasp for breath as I held her down. Her tired body flailed as she desperately tried to fight back, but she was too weak and had lost too much blood.

That was the night I felt just how incredible it was to take someone’s life, and I became addicted. 

When she stopped breathing and the life left her body, I called the police. When they arrived, I was covered in her blood, but they didn’t question it. To them, I was just a passerby who tried to help her before she succumbed to her injuries. 

All they did was ask questions. What happened? How did I find her? Do I know who she is? Did I see anyone else?

Not once throughout the investigation did anyone think I was responsible for her ultimate demise because of who I am in the city of Chicago. I realized I could get away with murder if I just played my cards right, and so it began. 

I never stick to the same type of kill, I take forensic countermeasures, and I’m never identified as a suspect.

I live my double life in peace, finding victims on the dark net that someone else in this pathetic world wants to be rid of. 

It’s easier than choosing victims at random and taking the chance that a pattern can form for the police to trace.

Here’s the catch. 

I need to feel the life drain from their body, so I only take on the jobs that want bloody and dark revenge. Where they want the victims to suffer at the hands of some deranged killer, or to make it look like a robbery gone terribly wrong. 

If you want clean and dry, go elsewhere. 

If you want fucked up and twisted, I’m your guy. The only thing I won’t do is defile women and children, and I will never kill a child.

My mother would come back from the grave to murder me so fucking fast if I even thought about it. As a daughter to an Irish mobster, she’d be willing to look past murder, but raping women before killing them? Or harming kids? Never. 

 If a job comes across my path that involves women or children, I just push it on to someone else. I don’t take chances like I did with my first kill, and I don’t allow the guilt to eat me alive because I’m still letting the contracts happen. If someone wants them dead bad enough, it will happen no matter what. But I don’t have to help that along.

If I were going to kill a woman, it would need to be clear they deserve it, and I can’t do the proper research to guarantee that they deserve to die without possibly getting caught. 

I’ve stuck by those rules for years, and it’s done me well. Until I came across this newest job.


Target: Olivia Breton

Age: Twenty-one

Sex: Female

Job: Dog Groomer

Reason for job: Has something I need and can only receive in death.

Type of job: As dark and traumatizing as possible. Make it look like a psychopath let loose on an innocent victim. 

Pay: $100,000 


Again, normally I would just ignore the contract and leave the job for someone else with fewer morals, but the picture attached to the file has my head spinning. 

Before me is the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on. Her large green eyes are filled with innocence and light, like I’ve never seen from anyone else. People like her aren’t supposed to exist. 

God, the way her thick hair is falling in her face while she’s reading a book is enough for me to crave pulling her into my lap and gently wrapping my arms around her adorableness. As a man who stays as far from commitment as I can get, that’s a startling revelation.

That’s only the tip of the iceberg, though. She’s voluptuous and curvy, looking like a goddess I want to spend hours worshipping. I love that she’s not skinny, but round in all the right places to take a hard pounding and beg for more. 

She’s soft and exquisite, and absolutely perfect beyond human comprehension. I want to see more of her and feel her body and soul surrendering to my touch.

I’m already rock hard, ready to lay claim to this sweet woman without so much as a second glance or doubt in my mind.

Not even having to think about it, I click accept on the job, making sure no one else will ever harm a delectable creature such as little Miss Olivia Breton. 

I will become her shadow and find the person who wants her dead, so I can eliminate the threat on her life. 

Then, I will make her mine. 


Job Accepted: Yes. 

Timeframe: Ten weeks for maximum planning. 

Type of kill: Bloody vengeance.


I send the acceptance, and within an hour, the down payment is in my offshore account. 

She’s safe, but as soon as I find the person responsible for this hit, they won’t be. 

Gripping my hardness, I start stroking myself to the picture of her fuckable body, thinking about all the things I will do to her. I squeeze myself tight like I’m inside her sweet little hole, picturing her moaning from my every thrust. 

“You’re officially claimed, Olivia. Be a good girl for Daddy while you wait.” 

I cum all over my hand like nothing I’ve ever felt, and I know she will be the only woman I ever feel again.