
I am neither an ophthalmologist nor an optometrist.

My friend, the book you are holding in your hands is the fruit of my passion for understanding the visual mechanisms of the eye. This understanding includes the dynamics of healing visual errors. It is the fruit of my personal experience and theoretical knowledge. I have had a great formal education, but some ideas and concepts must develop outside “the ivory towers.” In this sense, you learn by doing—which is how I did it. A great deal of direct experimental data suggests the nature of the expected solution, but you must incorporate this knowledge in your work to clear your distance vision.

If you are looking for detailed and direct academic certifications to justify your work in using the methods explained in this text, I recommend viewing the following websites:

(official website)

(Power Vision System Support Forum)

If you are ready to listen to the voice of someone who once suffered from the frustration of not seeing distant objects clearly, then please take the time to assess the contents of this book.

My Story

I knew I could do it, sooner or later.

I knew that nothing is impossible for the one who believes he can do it.

I knew that one day I would get my clear sight back and I would succeed in seeing with my own eyes. I had faith that I could do this without becoming a slave to minus-lens glasses. I knew that I would see all the fantastic details and colors (that a nearsighted person can only imagine) without the “chains” of minus-lens glasses.

Up to the age of fifteen I was normal (so-called emmetropic). I had perfect sight or the proverbial 6/6 or 20/20 vision. For some reason, I began to become myopic, and I was prescribed my first pair of minus-lens glasses. Like many nearsighted people, I got into an intellectual “tunnel in the fog.”

This is the situation in which you get caught up in using increasingly stronger and stronger minus-lens glasses—inevitably and inexorably leading to an ever-increasing degree of nearsightedness. I could never stand the glasses. I have always had a physiological rejection of them and judged them as something that did not belong on my face. Above all else, I was certain that I could restore my vision—somehow—despite the fact that I did not know how to do it at the time.

During those years I evaluated everything, groping in the fog of my myopia for a better solution. The fact that I was myopic, compounded by the distorted opinions I was given by eye health professionals, was frustrating and suffocating me.

I read over and over again thousands of books on the issue of “improving your sight.” I attempted to use the proposed techniques many times. I tried to understand the mechanisms of correct vision, asking people who could see well what was going on at the moment when they were focusing on something. I was obsessed and fascinated at the same time.

I tried various methods of visual reeducation, including the expensive Accommotrac Vision Trainer (explained more fully later). Though I had gone down this path a thousand times, the results were practically nothing. I was losing my trust in the possibility that somewhere and somehow I would find the correct solution. However, I did not give up hope. I started trusting in science again and continued with my studying.

I have left behind the “fog” of –2.25 and –2.00 diopters (D) of myopia.

A friend of mine once said, “The time comes for the one who knows how to wait.” The time comes for the one who knows to wait, how to persevere, and has faith. To this I add, “Sooner or later the solution comes.” This solution will look like an unexpected prize. Actually, the solution is open to you if you believe in scientific truth and in the ability to solve problems. I prepared this book as a technical guide and a testament. I also wrote it for open-minded people who wish to follow my path out of myopia.

I know perfectly well that I am going against the present therapeutic theory (Donders-Helmholtz) concerning visual errors. These errors include myopia and farsightedness. I feel my mission is to spread the knowledge that will make people cry in joy at their restored vision—even if it means going against the present establishment in optometry and ophthalmology. I do not enjoy doing this, but sometimes fundamental change requires that we learn how to stand and fight.

Those of you who proceed with trust and perseverance will see with your own eyes flashes of clear vision, and in this process will recognize a gradual improvement in your vision. It is my responsibility to promulgate the scientific truth that will make you free of minus-lens glasses for nearsightedness.

I spent about twelve years of my life looking for and experimenting with various methods to heal my nearsightedness. I had always believed that I would be able to eventually clear my distance vision. I traveled in the fog of doubts that traditional optometry instilled in me. This is the “science” that insists that nothing could be done and that prevention would always be impossible. I was expected to accept this point of view as though there were objective facts to back up this opinion. I learned later that quite a few optometrists themselves believe that prevention is possible by the proper understanding and aggressive use of the plus lens—for prevention.

I have always believed in the possibility of healing our bodies and empowering ourselves as individuals to take control and solve the problem of nearsightedness. It takes a transformation in you if this goal is to be achieved. In order to “cure” someone’s physical sight, it is necessary to change his or her internal visualization and understanding of the necessity of prevention. We are all searching for means to heal ourselves at many levels, whether we are aware of it or not.

What I Learned from My “Ex-Myopia”

Myopia has been a great lesson in life for me and is a source of an important education. Restoring my natural sharp sight—by studying—has led me to profoundly change my attitude in many different ways. Even my interaction with people has greatly improved.

The process of renewing my sight has led me to see and understand a great many academic and scientific issues that I was not interested in earlier. Most important, it has helped me cure and heal my relations with many other people. I understood that I was the one who had created, by myself, a barrier that blurred my sight, separating me from others.

This personal insight may sound strange in a book that presents a scientific approach to the cause of myopia. The work that I did on myself, on my eyes and my growing awareness, has led me to an improved sense of perception—of myself and the entire world. If you take this method seriously, heading through the fog of your own vision and doubts, you too will become able to receive the benefits, which could be useful in all your lifetime engagements. In the end, life can be seen as a challenge and a great adventure. It leads you to see your secret desires becoming reality—not only to develop clear distinct sight, but to also become stronger in order to face your doubts and uncertainties.

I’m overjoyed because of the collateral effects of this body of work that I call “The Power Vision System.” I chose this name because of its reference to inner vision improvement and to the awareness of our personal wishes—deeply hidden desires that need to evolve and help us realize our potential (beyond improving and strengthening our sight from strictly the physical point of view).

I have defeated my myopia, which has always been considered “incurable” by traditional Western medicine. This has caused me to think over the real possibilities in healing someone—beyond the limits of what was previously thought to be possible that have been set by present traditional medicine. I’m sure that medical science, if it were more interested in the patient’s feelings and emotions, could see him or her as a multilevel unity (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual) and could lead us to better results that would surpass merely eliminating or suppressing the symptom. From this viewpoint, a message from our body and soul can move us toward real healing.

What might be the possibilities for a person who restores his own health and, above all, achieves a complete recovery (meant as a total and deep state of well-being and psychophysical harmony)? One’s horizon moves toward the harmony of one’s being, beyond anyone’s expectations. Above all else, ordinary people like you and me, who are always focused on their own little worlds, might be able to solve their major problems. Therefore, I thank my ex-myopia for having given me a chance to embrace myself and my deep desires, as well as for having encouraged me to understand the beauty and the pleasure of giving to myself the images that are reflected in my own eyes.

Bucking Conventional Wisdom

The intellectual resistance most of us put up to innovative ideas is partly caused by the fact that these ideas challenge previous statements that were regarded as “proven.” These beliefs have been approved (by some “experts”) as unchangeable and eternal. These doubtful statements (“the eye does not change”) have become dogma that nobody dares to question.

The new facts are often not easily accepted since they challenge our preconceived notions, which are at the base of the simplistic idea that the eye cannot change. Science is an evolutionary process, and new facts must be recognized and accepted. If we deny this process, then we only perpetuate old problems with intellectually binding dogma of the past. Confining a science within accepted theories means limiting the evolution of fundamental science and research.

The suffocating effects of accepting conventional wisdom without asking questions are well known. Albert Einstein once said something along the lines of, “Imagination is more powerful than knowledge.” This statement is warning us not to close our minds to our objections to the traditional (minus-lens) method of optometry. We must expand our knowledge of the dynamic behavior of the eye. This expansion must be on the basis of deeper insight, which necessarily must challenge the current dogma of “standard practice.”

The present method of dealing with refractive errors (“make it sharp instantly”) seems to be closed and, in my opinion, obsolete. The intellectual resistance to these new ideas comes partly from idleness. But it also comes from the fact that this new concept could disturb already established intellectual authorities and their material positions.

In my judgment, the idea of treating refractive errors under the present (Donders-Helmholtz) system by using corrective lenses is completely out of date. The method and theory are inadequate in light of the large body of existing scientific data that demonstrates that the eye’s refraction power “follows” its visual environment. The classical theory insists that the eye is not capable of doing this. The experimental data says that this is exactly the case with the natural eye when it is explicitly tested.

The duty of medicine is to be at the service of people’s health. This being the case, the medical community must take into account these facts and seek to understand newer methods. In that manner we can work together toward a better solution and cure.

Obfuscation and authoritarianism are not the proper role of science. These words and attitudes are still alive—and will not help us in the process of developing true knowledge of the eyes’ behavior by rational analytic means. Each one of us must be aware of our distance vision and take on the responsibility to maintain clear distance vision and health. Each one of us must be prepared to intervene when required. As for this issue, each one of us could do a great deal on the preventive level. Thus we must learn to share responsibility with others who wish to help us with the preventive process. This must be done before significant negative refractive errors have developed. By this process, you can protect yourself from overaccommodative stress—produced by a confined environment compounded by a strong negative lens—simply by using positive lenses at near distances.

I hope my book can help you open your eyes to the real possibilities of prevention. I believe that in many cases you can cure yourself of functional refractive errors—that is, you can clear your distance vision to normal by using my method.

All nearsightedness is still defined as “incurable” unless you use the palliative of a negative lens. I believe that a great change is developing in this field—where the objective is to free your eyes from nearsightedness. This belief comes through a complete evaluation of the experimental data that demonstrates the true behavior of your eyes. You should widen your own views in the light of the results of these newer scientific truths. I am willing to help you.

My friend, if you have a glint of faith in your mind, and if you follow the instructions in this book, you might well find a new way of seeing. It is possible that a new world is waiting for you at this moment. Trust in your own path of recovery and transformation.