Chapter 38

A little later the same night

“Will I be all right?” she said. “No one will know I did anything wrong?”

Justice snatched up her panties and bunched them over her mouth. “I told you not to talk. I hate a woman to talk when I’m busy. Say another word and you’ll be swallowing these.”

Little wonder that no one had a clue what was happening. He, Justice, ran them around, confusing them more with every move he made.

He kept his hand where it was and held her against a wall in the closet. “You’re going to like this,” he said. More important, he was going to get what he needed: she would do what he wanted, when he wanted. Everything must come together quickly now.

She’d happily taken off her own underwear when he’d told her to. “You follow orders really well.” He considered how he wanted this to happen. He didn’t have much time, so it had to be fast.

But he also had to be satisfied.

He grabbed first one, then the other of her wrists and trapped them in manacles hanging by chains from the low ceiling.

She started to shriek.

“Shut your fucking mouth,” he said, pushing his face into hers.

Everything but her underpants was still on her body. He hauled her skirt above her waist. Too bad he had to do so much of this by feel.

She felt just fine. But he couldn’t locate what he wanted to use quickly enough.

He laughed aloud. He was slipping. From its sheath against his side, he removed the Italian knife. He gave himself a second to think, to make a decision. Then he reconsidered.

Still laughing, he plunged the handle of the knife between her thighs and inside her.

The chains rattled, she threw herself back and forth, her knees hitting at him as if she were a dancing marionette. Gasps of breath jolted from her. Why didn’t she try to scream and shout again? Why didn’t she beg?

If she thought he’d stop because she didn’t beg him to, she was wrong.

Three more times he sunk the knife handle into her.

She jigged and puffing sounds came from her throat.

Time to use the part of his knife he loved the most. He withdrew it and felt her sag.

He flicked out the blade, pulled the neck of her top away from her body and positioned the knife inside. Swiftly, expertly, in one swift slash, he slit her clothes open until they fell away. He sheathed the knife and felt her.

Big breasts. That’s the way he liked them. Her destroyed bra still hung from her shoulders. That was a picture he could see and like in his mind.

He had a pole stiff enough to do pull-ups with.

Pinching, squeezing, he pushed her breasts together.

She was panting again.

Women were so predictable; this kind played the game of “nice” when they were as raunchy as they came.

Pursing his mouth, he drew hard on one breast, sucked, knowing how he would mark her. She swung, shoving herself harder into his face.

If he had fifteen more minutes, he was lucky.

The zipper on his pants opened loudly, and he pulled himself out. Once he started, he gave her a little piece of news with each thrust.

“You made a big mistake.”

Using only his penis, he lifted her from the floor.

“You tried to make deals with me.”

He didn’t give her feet a chance to settle on the floor again.

“You’re sorry now.”

This time the chains jumped.

“Listen closely.”

He was getting too close, and he hadn’t finished talking. Pulling out didn’t make him happy.

“I’m getting everything I want. No one will get in my way. Don’t try. Give me what I want, when I want it.”

One more slam and he came. He clutched at handfuls of her torn clothing for balance, but he wasn’t like other men. He recovered almost instantly.

“It’s too bad there’s another potential problem to get rid of. Someone was careless. Was it you?” He shoved his face into hers. “We both know it was. You didn’t think I’d find out we’ve got a crazy lady who knows too much, did you? You should know me better.”

“No one would believe her—”

“Shut up. She won’t be left around to tell inconvenient tales—you’ll help take care of that for us.”

When she was out of the manacles, he said, “Don’t do anything stupid. And be ready when I come for you.”