Huge thanks as ever to my wonderful agent Caroline Sheldon, and to my editor Cara Chimirri, publicist Becci Mansell, copy editor supremo Helena Newton and the entire brilliant Avon team. Thank you Jenno and Kath for our many holiday capers – you have given me a billion books’ worth of fun and adventures! Thank you dear Marie, Riggsy, Cathy, Liam, Michelle, Tania, Jennifer, Mickey and the Curries for our decades of friendship. Big thanks to Elise Allen’s coaching group – Anne, Annie, Christobel and Mif, I love our get-togethers. Special thanks to Sue Baker for helping me with vet-related info – you’re always so supportive and it’s hugely appreciated. Thank you Mandy Pearce for lending me the name ‘Minnie’ for the dog in this novel, and to Lisa W for (unwittingly!) giving me lots of story ideas which I find myself storing away for future use. Special love and hugs to Elisabet Corlin. As ever thank you to Jimmy – this time for encouraging me to sneak off to a hotel in Perth to tackle the final chapters, and to Sam, Dexter and Erin for always lifting my heart. You are the best.