Chapter 18



A phone rang. Had been ringing. Kept fucking ringing. Fallon opened an eye and looked through her hair at the clock. Six in the morning. What the hell? She was too warm and comfortable in Brody’s arms to want to get her stupid cell phone. The sound was coming from downstairs and grated her nerves even though she could barely hear the noise.

It stopped and she relaxed, snuggling back into Brody with a satisfied sigh. He was still asleep but already half hard. One big hand was nestled between her thighs while the other curved over her breast, and his lips were pressed to her neck. She was sore in all the right places but hadn’t had nearly enough sleep.

The damned phone started ringing again. With a groan she slipped out of bed, ready to murder the asswipe who was interrupting her sleep. She padded down the stairs and had to smile. Their clothes were still tossed all over the living room.

Fallon found her phone in the purse Jamie convinced her she needed. She didn’t wear dresses, so her pockets worked since she didn’t carry much. Brody liked the dress, so maybe she’d wear them more. Now, the purse made more sense.

She knelt down and pulled her phone from the purse.

It stopped ringing, and she sat back on her heels to look at the display. Another missed call from Jackass. The last ten calls were all from Isaac. The first one was the night before.

Okay, now she was awake. She quickly dialed Robert.

“What’s wrong, Fallon?” Robert yawned into the phone.

“You might want to get Preston to trace Isaac’s phone. I keep getting calls from his number.”

“What?” He blurted out and she heard him moving around frantically. “No. You think he’s been healed? Or Malachi just has his phone?”

“Does it matter?” she barked. “Either way the calls are bad news.” She started back up the stairs. “Whoever is calling has called ten times. I couldn’t keep ignoring the phone after a point. Isaac shouldn’t have my new number, neither should the Dales. There’s no contract so it wasn’t like he could call the phone company for it.”

“You’re right, this is bad. We’ll be over soon. Don’t answer his calls,” Robert commanded before he hung up.

No shit. She hurried back up the stairs and tossed the phone on the dresser.

Brody sat at the edge of the bed with a puzzled look. “Everything okay?”

“No.” She started pacing. “I have a bunch of missed calls from Isaac. Robert and Preston are on their way.”

Brody pulled her into his lap and wrapped her in his arms. “Are you all right, Fallon?”

She sighed heavily, letting his heat warm her. “Little tired, but we have to deal with this.” She kissed him briefly before getting up. “I’m going to hop in the shower real quick.”

“Good idea.”

They were ready in ten minutes. She hurried into her clothes and rushed downstairs to start some coffee. The doorbell rang as soon as she turned on the machine.

Brody answered the door, and brought Robert and Preston into the dining room.

“Morning,” Robert said.

“Your clothes are still all over the living room.” Preston chuckled.

Rolling her eyes, she tossed her phone to Preston and turned back to the coffee machine. “It’s early and I’m bitchy. Give me shit, and you won’t get caffeine.”

“Better listen to her.” Brody murmured as he walked past her, brushing his fingers over her shoulder and down her arm. That simple touch offered so much comfort.

Preston’s brow quirked up, but he played the messages on the speaker. Isaac’s voice filled the room, and he sounded liked he was in serious pain. Good, she hoped he hurt worse than anything he ever felt for scaring Brody.

There was something she didn’t understand, though. Isaac kept screaming about their bond.

“I don’t get it.” she looked to Robert. Isaac had to be making that shit up. “I know we never bonded. I feel the bond with Brody. I never had anything with Isaac. Nothing.”

“Fallon,” Preston said, and she met his gaze. “I hate to tell you this, but I think he did bond with you. Cats don’t bond the same as wolves. If you were any type of werecat, you would have bonded.”

“That’s not even possible,” she snapped.

“It is possible, but not common.” Preston sighed. “You’re not a werecat, so his bond is one-way. Why do you think he always pressed you to let him change you?”

“What?” She covered her mouth. Then dropped her hand. “You really think that he…” She shook her head and Brody turned her around to look into her eyes.

“Shh, whether or not he bonded, it doesn’t matter. He still hurt you. He still tried to take you against your will,” Brody said softly. She knew that, she just couldn’t understand how the fuck Isaac could do that to her in the first place.

Preston cleared his throat and added, “Like I said, cat’s work differently. He clearly feels a bond when you don’t, but Isaac has been borderline nuts since he became a weretiger. You leaving didn’t help his frame of mind.”

“Stop. I almost feel bad for him but his choices are his own.” She refused to take the blame for his mistakes. “I can’t change the past, but I won’t feel guilty because I couldn’t be what he wanted He tried to take me against my will so he can fuck off and die.” she stepped away from Brody and looked into his eyes. “Isaac knew what Malachi had done to me. He knew, and he’s still helping that piece of shit. I’m going to kill him.”

“Amen, sister,” Preston said before dialing the cell company.

“We’ll get him,” Brody promised.


* * * *


Brody had to wonder what was going on in Fallon’s head. She sat on the counter, staring out the window. Preston was still on the phone sweet talking someone at the phone company.

Brody leaned against the counter next to her and took her hand. “Are you okay?”

Her gaze swung to his. “I will be when we finish dealing with this mess.” She shook her head and shrugged. “I’m just having a hard time understanding how the hell he can claim he loves me if he’s willing to… fuck, it doesn’t matter. I wish I had realized how fucked in the head he was before we ever got started.”

Unsure what to say, he moved in front of her and took her hands. She leaned forward and put her head on his chest. He wrapped his arms around her, offering whatever comfort he could give. He couldn’t imagine what she was feeling.

Preston finally hung up. “Well, I know where they are now. They aren’t far from where you were hunting the other night. They were shielding like a bitch. They’re only about twenty minutes further up the mountains. I found records of a whole network of tunnels built up there. I couldn’t find an entrance, and I couldn’t dig up the blueprints.”

“Tunnels?” Brody asked. “I’ve never heard of any tunnels out there.”

Preston shrugged nonchalantly. “They were built during the Cold War by some mogul. Took some time, but I managed to dig up the contracts for the work. The project was huge and hushed because the underground system was supposed to become the guy’s underground kingdom in case a world war erupted.”

“Sounds like Malachi’s style.” Robert looked over at Preston. “Where is this mogul now?”

“Died two years ago. The property was sold to DMM Inc. So the Dales.”

“And that didn’t ping your radar?” Fallon asked.

Robert smoothed down his sweater. “Sorry, Fallon, They fell off the face of the planet for years. We haven’t been watching for them. We all thought you killed Malachi.”

“Perfect,” Fallon muttered, pushing Brody back so she could hop down. “Look, Robert, whatever you’re planning, we’re going. You’re going to need my help to get through their shields, and I’m the only reason we stopped their operation for as long as we did the last time.”

“You’re bringing Brody?” Robert asked with a raised brow.

“Yes. And you should at least call Slater and see who else he suggests. This is their town, and I know the Council doesn’t like involving outside help, but we’re already involved.”

“She’s right.” Preston gave Robert a grave look. “Maybe if you had brought some backup last time, things wouldn’t have played out the way they did.”

“Let’s not play what-if. I made sure that can’t happen again. Not with the wards on your tattoos.” Fallon sighed. “You can’t stop Brody and me from going. I still suggest you call Slater. I know you’ll have to file a report to the Silver Council, but personally, I don’t care.”

Robert ran a hand through his hair. “Yeah, well I kept you out of most of the last report. I would do the same now. I’ll call Slater though.”

Preston eyed Fallon. “Did you tell Brody what Malachi made Robert and Tremaine do last time?”

“No.” She looked away from everyone and took a deep breath. “He should know, I just… I don’t talk about that day.”

Brody took her hand. “You don’t have to talk about what happened. I don’t need to know.” As much as he wanted to understand, he didn’t want to dredge up painful memories. Especially when she had to work with one of the men forced to hurt her. God, the whole thing was a disaster.

Robert spoke up. “Fallon, I can tell him if you can’t.”

“Yeah, you probably should,” she said weakly. The fact she couldn’t tell him, made the whole thing seem worse than he imagined.

“Tremaine was my partner before he left the Silver Council. The Dales mission was his last. He quit after that, but it doesn’t matter now.” Robert cleared his throat. “Tremaine and I were sent to take Malachi and the Dales down. I made the mistake of telling Fallon that they had Jess and Damon. She went off the wall, and insisted that she was going with us.”

Fallon crossed her arms over her chest. “Yeah. And think back. Would you really have been able to get through their shields without me?”

“No,” Robert grudgingly admitted. He turned back to Brody. “Tremaine and I both have our own talents, but neither of us could have broken those shields without her help.”

“And she’s the only reason you guys got out of there, alive.” Preston added.

Robert nodded. “Yeah. She got us into their underground catacombs. She’s the one who found where they were keeping their prisoners. Before we could free anyone, they managed to overpower us. Drug her, and take us into a dungeon.”

Fallon walked away, wrapping her arms around herself. Brody hated letting her distance herself, but she needed her space.

Her voice was so quiet. “The drugs kept me from using my magic or shifting. Thankfully, I burned through whatever they gave me pretty fast or things would have been even worse.”

“Malachi enthralled both Tremaine and I. Younger vampires wouldn’t have been able too, but Malachi is a few thousand years old and too strong for either of us. We were too arrogant and didn’t avoid eye contact like we should have. Such a stupid mistake.” Robert’s voice broke, and he closed his eyes. “Whatever he suggested, we had to do. He had her tied up. He made us rape her.”

Robert stopped a moment as tears fell down his face, his hands clutching the edge of the counter. His eyes were haunted when he finally met Brody’s gaze. “I couldn’t fight the suggestion, I tried. Oh God, I tried, but I had no control. Whatever that monster commanded, I had to do.”

Fallon whispered, “He couldn’t stop and he hated every second. So did Tremaine, but Tremaine gave himself over to the suggestions, hoping to end it faster.” She shuddered.

“Tremaine hurt you worse.” Robert stared at Fallon. “I tried to fight. I only went as far as Malachi commanded. Christ, I didn’t want to do any of it.”

“I know, and I know Tremaine hoped his way would just make it end faster. Unfortunately, Malachi is too sick and twisted to let anything change his plans. Hell, maybe if I could have just dealt with what was done, things would have been better, but I couldn’t.” She twisted and tied her hair up in a knot. “The drugs were wearing off and my magic was coming back. So when Tremaine bit my shoulder and shoved himself into me, I lost all control. I couldn’t think anymore, but I managed to push you away. Too hard, damn near killed you, but I got you to move before Tremaine started pounding into me. I don’t even know what I did to him. I know I burned the hell out of him and the ropes before I went after Malachi.”

Robert turned back to Brody. “Malachi was on fire when he flew out of the cave in broad daylight. I was sure he would die.” He shook his head, pressing his palms against his eyes. “I wish I’d listened. I would have found him, would have brought the council to him and rid the world of that scum.”

“Don’t. Most vampires would have died, but he’s old, really fucking old which makes him a lot harder to kill. That was ten years ago, Robert. I think there’s a reason he hasn’t come to find me sooner. He’s still limping and he moves like he’s still hurting. I don’t think he’s fully recovered. I think that’s why he didn’t try anything when he found us the other night.”

“Let’s hope he’s not fully recovered.” Robert said.

Fallon turned to Brody, her eyes full of tears. “I lost control of my magic and nearly killed Tremaine. I don’t remember what I did or how, but I left him with third degree burns from chest to thigh, and his hands. He was a mess until we got him to the healers. I could have killed him.”

Brody couldn’t find words. He didn’t know what to think. He was convinced Robert and Tremaine weren’t at fault. Fallon had been through hell and all he wanted to do was comfort her. “Fallon,” he whispered, wishing he knew what to do.

She looked up but didn’t move. The shadow of doubts darkened her eyes. “After hearing that, you aren’t afraid of me—of what I can do?”

“No, not of you. You protected yourself. I don’t care what happens. We’re going to end this today.” He hoped he could keep that promise.

“I’ll call Slater,” Robert said.

“I’m sure he’ll want to get this over with quickly.” Brody replied.

“Right, I’m just going to change.” Fallon turned to go up the stairs.

Brody followed her up to their room. She was already in the closet. “Why are you changing?”

“If we’re going up against vampires, dark mages, and a bunch of cats, I want my leathers.”

“Wouldn’t they restrict your movement?”

“No, they’re soft, and enchanted.” She turned toward him and shrugged. “They offer more protection than the wards Gabriel did for me.” She tossed him the vest and started pulling her sweats down. “See, soft?”

He ran his fingers over the leather. They were black and soft like suede. “They are.” He smiled up at her as she pulled the pants up and laced them up the front. They hugged her curves like a second skin. Then she took her tank top off and he held up the vest. “What? No shirt underneath?”

She shook her head. “I have bracers, but I don’t put those on until after I put the vest on.”

He tossed the garment to her. The vest covered her, but there was a thin strip of flesh between her waistband and the vest, and only the very top part of her cleavage showed. She looked really fucking hot in her leather. Fallon went back to the closet and came back with the bracers. They covered her from wrist to just below her elbow. Then she pulled on a pair of combat boots.


* * * *


“Call her,” Malachi whispered in his ear.

“She won’t answer. She hasn’t answered the last fifteen calls.” Isaac’s voice broke as pulled at his hair. “She hates me. She bonded with a werewolf!” He screamed until his voice broke, and his insides threatened to burst through the stitches. Fallon wanted nothing to do with him. He wanted to die.

“You can make her want you in time. When you bring her here, you can break her. Then, and only then, will she be yours.” Malachi’s whisper was like a bee in his ear, but Isaac couldn’t swat the pest away.

Isaac was losing his ever loving mind. He could try to tame her, break her, but she would probably just kill him. At least death would set him free of his torment.

“How?” he finally whispered.

“Bring her here. Show her wolf a taste of what you’re going to do to her. Then kill him in front of her. We can take care of the rest. You will finally have your way.” He knew better than to believe, but Malachi gave him a seed of hope.

“Look, just over there at the rack.” His gaze caught on the leather cuffs chained to the table. “Isaac, they’re enchanted. Not even Fallon can break them.”

“Are you sure?” A little smile spread on his face. Maybe he could have her back. The wolf would have no say. She wouldn’t be able to fight.

“Of course I am. Just bring her here and you can break her in.”

“How? I can barely move, she will kill me with her magic.”

“With those chains, her magic won’t be an issue. So drink.” The tall gangly man appeared before him and offered his bleeding wrist. Isaac didn’t want the blood, but before he could blink, he was flat on his back, the monster’s scarred wrist pressed to his mouth and his nose plugged. He was still weak enough he couldn’t fight the vampire, and he was forced to swallow the noxious liquid.


* * * *


The living room was full. Slater and all five of his enforcers milled about. Robert sat on a chair, while Preston stood in front of the fireplace detailing the plan. Hayden and Tomahawk sat on a couch. Then there was Dacia.

Fallon stood at the back of the room, trying to figure out why the hell Dacia was there in the first place. Oh right, that was Fallon’s fault. She was the one who said Dacia might be useful in a fight, and then kept Dacia out of jail. She never meant bringing Dacia on a full on assault was a good idea.

It didn’t help that Dacia kept staring at her. Something was off about her whole demeanor. Or maybe Fallon was paranoid. For the first time, Dacia wasn’t in her designer clothes with mile high shoes. She wore a tracksuit with hiking boots, and her perfectly styled hair was in a tight bun. There wasn’t a trace of makeup on her face. She just looked wrong.

She wouldn’t stop watching Fallon. Every once in a while she would rub her legs like she was uncomfortable. Good. She should be nervous because Fallon wasn’t playing games today. One mistake could spiral everything right into hell.

The whole room seemed crowded. There were too many people in the space. The werewolves all seemed to take up more room than was possible. There was a tension in the air. Everyone kept looking over at Dacia, and Dacia kept staring at Fallon. Hayden watched Dacia like he suspected her of murder in the first.

One more thing that bugged Fallon was that everyone besides Dacia had one of Fallon’s wards. Theoretically, that should be fine because air fey were supposed to be immune to mind control in any form. There was a hole in that theory. Dacia was only half fae, and the theory had never been tested. Then again, air fae are also highly resistant to magic. So chances were Fallon’s wards wouldn’t work on Dacia anyway.

There was too much left to chance in Fallon’s opinion, but Slater made a good case for Dacia to be there. Maybe Dacia would rise to the challenge and prove herself. She deserved the chance. Fallon just wished there was a better way for Dacia to earn their trust.

“Remember,” Preston said, “Fallon and Robert will be looking for the shields. You won’t want to touch the shields if you can avoid them. They can do a number of things.”

“Like what?” one of the wolves asked.

Fallon spoke up. “The most mundane will just be like a clear glass wall, but that’s not what these mages will use. They’re more likely to be a combination of things. I’m guessing they will fry you, send an alarm to the mages who created them, and even trap you in a magical net that will hurt like a bitch. What the shield does will depend on the caster’s magic. So stay behind Robert and I.”

“Are you sure you can find them?” Tomahawk asked.

“Finding them won’t be the hard part,” Robert answered. “Disabling them may be, but we’ll be able to.”

“Do we all understand the plan?” Preston asked.

There wasn’t much of one after they got past the shields, other than find Malachi and whoever else was helping him and take them down. Once the big players were out of the way, the rest of the Silver Council would come in and clear them out.

Everyone seemed to understand. They started for the door.

Fallon still had an uneasy feeling about Dacia, especially when she walked over to Fallon. “I know you don’t trust me, but I hope to change that.”

Well, wasn’t that cryptic? Fallon forced a smile. “Me too.”

Dacia’s eyes widened. “At least you’re honest, but I deserve that.” She turned and walked out the door.

“You trust her?” Fallon asked Brody who stepped up beside her.

“She wasn’t lying,” he said with a shrug. “Slater seems to think bringing her was a safe decision.”

Fallon smirked. “I’ll take that as a no.”