Table of Contents
“Should be read by every environmental campaigner”
Title Page
Foreword by Joel Kovel
On Terminology
1: Are People the Problem?
The Population Bomb
The Closing Circle
Head to head
2: Varieties of Populationism Today
“Let the people just starve”
PJP: “A progressive, feminist approach”
Optimum Population Trust: “Reduce the number of climate changers”
Lovelock: “Defend climate oases”
Jeffrey Sachs: “High fertility rates are deleterious to development”
SPA: “Reduce population or face chaos”
3: Dissecting Those “Overpopulation” Numbers
Correlation versus causation
Population where?
Problems with per capita
The IPAT illusion
Malthus with a computer
4: Is the World Full?
5: The Bomb That Didn’t Explode
6: Too Many Mouths to Feed?
Where’s the food?
Will food destroy the earth?
7: The Populationist War against the Poor
Population control as official policy
The patient is expendable
War against the poor
Incentives and repression
An imperialist chapter
8: Control without Coercion?
Contradictory strategies
Gradations of coercion
The “Cairo Consensus”
Too little, too late
9: Lifeboat Ethics
Guarding the American lifeboat
“The world can’t afford more Americans”
The greening of hate
Greening the anti-immigrant right in Canada
The immigration wedge
10: Allies, Not Enemies
Environmental justice
Protecting plunder
Our fight is global
11: Too Many Consumers?
Confusing two kinds of consumption
Ignoring inequality in the North
The real superconsumers
12: The Myth of Consumer Sovereignty
The manipulated market
Hiding the facts
The throwaway economy
The case of the car
The limits of choice
13: The Military-Corporate Polluter Complex
The case of Ira Rennert
A question of power
Business as usual
The world’s worst polluter
14: A System of G rowth and Waste
The growth imperative
A system based on waste
15: Populationism or Ecological Revolution?
Getting to the root
A movement to save the planet
Appendix 1: The Malthus Myth
Appendix 2: Donella Meadows Reconsiders IPAT
Appendix 3: - Eugene V. Debs on Immigration
Appendix 4: Climate Justice and Migration
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