Foreword by Noam Chomsky

Introduction: The People’s Historian

by Timothy Patrick McCarthy


Part 1: The People’s History

Columbus, the Indians, and Human Progress

from A People’s History of the United States

The Colorado Coal Strike, 1913–1914

from Three Strikes

The New Abolitionists

from SNCC

Carter-Reagan-Bush: The Bipartisan Consensus

from A People’s History of the United States

Interlude: Who Controls the Past Controls the Future

Part 2: The Politics of History

What Is Radical History?

from The Politics of History

“My Name Is Freedom”: Albany, Georgia AND Selma, Alabama

from You Can’t Be Neutral on a Moving Train

The Politics of History in the Era of the Cold War: Repression and Resistance

from The Cold War and the University

A Yellow Rubber Chicken: Battles at Boston University

from You Can’t Be Neutral on a Moving Train

Interlude: How Social Change Happens

Part 3: Protest Nation

Bunker Hill: Beginnings

from Postwar America


from A Power Governments Cannot Suppress

The Ultimate Power

from Passionate Declarations

Interlude: The Future of History

Part 4: On War and Peace


from The Politics of History

Vietnam: The Moral Equation

from The Politics of History


from Vietnam

The Case Against War in Iraq

from The Boston Globe

Interlude: Resistance and the Role of Artists

Part 5: Marx in Soho: A Play on History

Afterword by Alice Walker
