Christmas had been everything Rachel had hoped for and so much more. It was the day after Boxing Day and Tom came whizzing across the field on his quad, stopping right beside Rachel who was cracking ice on the water trough. She’d been around the fields where the sheep were, doing the same thing on repeat, to ensure they could still get some fresh water. Her next job was to go and get a trailer load of sugar beet to scatter for the flock; they’d need the extra nutrients in this cold spell.
‘Here you are; I’ve been looking all over for you. I called at the farmhouse, and I’ve been driving around all your fields. Come on, jump on the back. We need to get going,’ Tom announced.
‘Why, what’s the rush?’ Rachel’s curiosity was piqued, but she had a lot to do on the farm yet too.
‘Now, that would spoil it. Just wait and see.’
‘Hmm, very curious.’
‘Just something I need to show you,’ he added with a grin. ‘No time to lose!’
Rachel perched behind him on the quad, wrapping her arms around his waist, breathing in his delicious aftershave scent in the frosty air as they set off. The December morning blasted chilly around them as they sped towards Tom’s farmland, crossing several fields. They seemed to be heading down towards the stream that ran through the valley. There was still a little freezing fog down there and it looked strangely beautiful in the soft glow of the morning light.
‘Not far now. I spotted it on my farm checks and just knew I had to show you.’ Tantalisingly, he wasn’t saying what.
They drove down to the lower pasture, and he pulled to a stop beside the winding stream where there was a copse of trees. The mist hung lightly in the air as the sun tried to break through, in golden-white shafts of light.
‘Off we get, just a short walk.’
They headed towards the stream. The overnight frost had been hard, with every blade of grass crunchy underfoot and fronds of bronze bracken blanketed in icy-white crystals.
Tom took her hand and led her towards the stream where he paused and pointed. Just then, a shaft of winter sunlight beamed through the bare branches of the trees on the other side of the bank; some of the smaller trees in the copse stood out in a glisten of magic sparkles. It really was like the fairy glen of Maisy’s books; as if each tree and every branch had been touched with an icy wand, making crystal droplets on each tiny twig. The sunlight lit each globe with a spectrum of colours. It was stunning, truly magical – a real winter wonderland.
‘Oh, Tom, it’s beautiful. Amazing.’ Rachel’s voice was filled with wonder. She’d worked outside on the land most days since she was seventeen years old, yet she’d never seen anything quite like this.
‘I’m so glad it’s still here, that it’s not melted away yet. I think the mist has kept the temperature down.’
They stood gazing at the sparkling frosty scene – every twig, every blade of grass, every mossy ridge had frost or ice crystals. Nature could be spectacular at times.
‘I’ll have to take a picture,’ said Rachel after gazing, taking it all in for a while. ‘Though I don’t think my phone camera will do it justice. But I’ll have to show Maisy how her Fairy Glen has been made all sparkly and magical.’ Little Maisy was at Eve’s and Rachel knew the frosty scene couldn’t last.
‘Yes, she’ll love that,’ agreed Tom warmly.
Rachel took a few shots, capturing the image as best she could, catching at least some of the coloured sparkle. She looked at Tom. ‘Thank you for coming to find me.’
‘You’re welcome.’ He smiled; his dark eyes lit with warmth.
Rachel sighed happily, touched by his thought, that he knew she’d find it beautiful, and that he wanted to share it with her. In fact, it was one of the most romantic things anyone had ever done for her. Simple but stunning, and all totally natural.
What felt totally natural, too, was to turn and kiss this gorgeous man who stood next to her, now holding her hand. She turned, smiled, and moved her head and her lips towards his. He was ready and waiting, welcoming her mouth against his. It was tender, and passionate, and with a myriad of sparkly frosty gems around them, it was a kiss and a moment to remember for all time.