
Absolute Smile, The 57f

Achebe, Chinua 359

Acorn, Milton 65, 141, 176, 309

Acta Victoriana 19

Allan Quatermain 36, 50ff, 52

Alger, Horatio 142f

Alphabet 20, 24f, 90–96, 143

Anatomy of Criticism 94, 399

Anna Karenina 421

Aquin, Hubert 136

As For Me and My House 132

At The Edge of the Chopping There Are No Secrets 310

Atwood, Jess 301

Austen, Jane 178, 218f, 225, 260, 377f

Avison, Margaret 21ff, 65, 86, 142

Ayesha; or The Return of She 53f

Aylward, David 66

Baird, Irene 147

Bambera, Toni Cade 359

Beattie, Ann 366ff

Beckett, Samuel 381

Belford, Ken 81

Bell, Alexander Graham 383

Bell Jar, The 318

Bellamy, Edward 274

Belyi, Andrei 34

Berryman, John 311

Berton, Pierre 373f, 424f

Best ofLeacock, The 185

Bethune, Norman 294

Bible, The 156, 354, 410

Bird in the House, A 176

Birney, Earle 136

Bissett, Bill 64f, 81, 92, 140

Black and Secret Man 59

Black Night Window 115

Blais, Marie-Claire 19, 25, 259–67

Blake, William 159, 232–36, 249, 408, 410, 417

Blasted Pine, The 132, 183

Blew Ointment 65

Blithedale Romance 230

Blok, Aleksandr 33f

Bloodflowers 320f

Blown Figures 164ff, 271

Boatman, The 407–11

Bodily Harm 424f

Bowering, George 80, 136, 408

Boys’ Own Paper 185

Brautigan, Richard 301

Brave New World 143

Breakfast for Barbarians, A 69–77

Bronte, Charlotte 225

Bronte, Emily 225f, 347

Bronte sisters, the 194, 225

Brown, Jim 79, 81

Brown Waters and Other Sketches 232–36

Browning, Elizabeth Barrett 225

Buckler, Ernest 133, 136

Burroughs, Edgar Rice 36

Butler, Samuel 54

Butterfly Plague, The 291

Byron, Lord 86, 98, 200, 225, 377

Call My People Home 141

Callaghan, Barry 131

Callaghan, Morley 146

Canada First 79

Canada In The World Today 378f

Canadian Forum 86, 404

Canterbury Tales, The 220

Carrier, Roch 136, 260

Carter, Dyson 147

Cather, Willa 314

Cave, The 115

Chaucer, Geoffrey 143, 177f, 340

Chilly Scenes of Winter 366

Churchill, Sir Winston 85, 95, 376

Circuit 132

Civil Elegies 140

Clarissa 420

Cocksure 132, 183, 185

Cohen, Leonard 136, 200

Cohen, Nathan 291

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor 50, 159, 215, 401, 411

Collected Poems 141

Consider Her Ways 274

Copperfield 64f

Coupey, Pierre 82

Creeley, Robert 299

Cruising Auk, The 27ff

Crystal Age, A 36, 274

Culture of Narcissism, The 367

Curnoe, Greg 94f

Dali, Salvador 172f

Damned Whores and God’s Police 306

Dance of Death in London Ontario, The 152

Darwin, Charles 415

Davey, Frank 408

Davies, Rebecca Harding 315

Davies, Robertson 232, 240f, 246–49, 295

Dawn 42–46, 49f, 52

de Beauvoir, Simone 370

Defoe, Daniel 419

Delta 86

Devaux, Alexis 359ff

Dewdney, Keewatin 66

Dickens, Charles 53, 143, 178, 223, 330, 340, 419, 421

Dickinson, Emily 200, 225, 278 401

Disney, Walt 229, 377

Distortions 366

Diviners, The 226, 353

Diving Into the Wreck 160–63, 206

Doctorow, E. L. 325–28

Donne, John 342

Dostoevsky, Feodor 333, 347

Double Hook, The 234f

Drew, Wayland 249ff

Ducharme, Réjean 260

Dudek, Louis 31

Dunstan, Don 299

Eddy, Nelson 388f

Edible Woman, The 369f

Egoist, The 421

Eliot, George 94, 178, 194, 218, 225, 333, 347, 377, 422

Eliot, T. S. 28, 90, 220, 399

Engel, Marian 218

Englishness of English Art, The 143

Execution, 32, 294

Fabre, Henri 415

Faerie Queene, The 37

Falling in Place 366ff

Far Point, The 63f

Fatherless Sons 147

Faulkner, William 179, 347, 419

Fear of Flying 222

Ferguson, Max 132

Ferron, Jacques 136, 260

Fiddlehead 86

Fiedler, Leslie 418

Fielding, Henry 220

Fifth Business 132

Findley, Timothy 12, 290–95

Fitzgerald, F. Scott 142

Flying 210–14

For Coloured Girls Who Have Considered Suicide When the Rainbow is Enuf 297

Franklin, Benjamin 142

Freud, Sigmund 68, 19

5 Friedan, Betty 370

Fruits & Vegetables 167ff

Frum, Barbara 13

Frye, Northrop 19, 93, 136, 152 156, 305, 398–406

Fulford, Robert 83f, 89

Fuseli Poems 59

Games People Play 58

Garber, Lawrence 132, 230

Garneau, St Denys 136

Gaskell, Elizabeth 226

Germinal 418

Glassco, John 137

Globe and Mail, The 13, 292

God Is Not a Fish Inspector 320

Godfrey, David 140

Golden Bowl, The 142

Gone With The Wind 424

Gordimer, Nadine 363ff

Gordon, Walter 387

Gotlieb, Phyllis 65

Grant, George 136, 146

Grapes of Wrath, The 327

Graves, Robert 45, 68, 224, 294 401

Great Gatsby, The 142, 327

Greene, Graham 296f

grOnk 65f

Grove, Frederick Philip 142

Gutenberg Galaxy, The 94

Haggard, Rider 35 -54, 75, 220

Half-Lives 167–74

Haliburton, Thomas 140f, 146

Hamlet 421

Hard Times 132

Hardy, Thomas 314, 377

Harvard Educational Review, The 358

Harvest Yet to Reap, A 283–86

Hawthorne, Nathaniel 53

Heart of Darkness 422

Hebert, Ann 136

Heine, Heinrich 181

Hemingway, Ernest 36

Hiebert, Paul 180, 187f

Hine, Daryl 20, 24

Hitler, Adolph 85, 158, 414

Hodges, Frenchy 359

Homemakers’ Magazine 281

Honey man Festival, The 218

Hopkins, Gerard Manley 314

Huckleberry Finn 179

Hudson, W. H. 36, 274

Hulcoop, John 79f

Huxley, Aldous 143

Hyphid 64

Incomparable Atuk, The 132, 180, 183f

Innes, Harold 405

Intercourse 64

Is It the Sun, Philibert? 136

Ivanhoe 51

Jack, Donald 292

James, Henry 26, 142, 421

Jaws 351

Jess 51ff

Johnny Panic and the Bible of Dreams 316–319

Johnson, Samuel 206f

Johnston, George 27ff

Jonas, George 57f, 142

Jones, D. G. 55ff, 59, 136

Jones, Gayle 359, 361

Jong, Erica 167–74, 222

Joshua Doane 147

Journals of Susanna Moodie, The 20

Journeyings and the Return 66

Joyce, James 337, 340

Jude the Obscure 314

July’s People 363ff

Julian the Magician 74, 241, 245

Jung, Carl 68, 410

Jungic, Zoran 79f, 82

Kangaroo 304

Kearns, Lionel 80

Keats, John 225, 330, 372, 377

Kennedy, John F. 383

Kildeer, The 157

King of Egypt, King of Dreams 245

King, William Lyon Mackenzie 231f, 252, 389

Kinnell, Galway 297f

Kipling, Rudyard 29, 35f, 64

Klein, A. M. 86, 176, 405

Knight, Jackson 410

Kroetsch, Robert 222

Ladies and Escorts 268–71

Lady Oracle 14

Lampman, Archibald 31, 140, 146

Lane, Patrick 81

LaRue, Danny 213

Lasch, Christopher 367

Last of the Crazy People, The 291

Laughing Stalks 132

Laurence, Margaret 136, 176, 226

Lawrence, D. H. 222, 304

Lay ton, Irving 19, 24, 31, 64, 136, 200, 231

Leacock, Stephen 140, 146, 180 186ff

Leaves of Grass 208f

Lee, Dennis 36, 140

Lee, Hope Arnott 24

Le Guin, Ursula 365

Le Pan, Douglas 136

Lies 115

Life 85

Life Before Man 422

Life In The Iron Mills 315

Ligeia 53

Lilith 36

Lincoln, Abraham 391

Literary Lapses 186

Livesay, Dorothy 135, 140, 146

Living in the Open 272–78

Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth 82

Looking Backward 274

Loon Lake 325–28

Love and Death in the American Novel 143, 418

Love in a Burning Building 97–102

Lowry, Malcolm 142

Lowther, Pat 82, 307ff

MacArthur, Peter 147

Macbeth 421

MacCaig, Norman 304

Macdonald, George 36

MacEwen, Gwendolyn 58, 67–78, 132, 136, 159, 240–46

Mackenzie, William Lyon 85

MacLennan, Hugh 141, 146

MacPhail, Agnes 228

Macpherson, Jay 24, 86, 407–11

Mad Shadows (La Belle Bete) 25f, 260

Madame Bovary 421

Mahaptra, Jayanta 303f

Maltese Cross Movement, The 66

Mandel, Eli 58ff, 86, 136

Mango Tree, The 302

Mansfield, Katherine 315

Manticore, The 232, 246–49

Manuscripts of Pauline Archange, The 259

Marlatt, Daphne 80, 408

Marquez, Gabriel Garcia 347

Marriott, Anne 140, 146

Mather, Cotton 332, 383

Mathews, Robin 129–50

Matthews, J. P. 30ff

Mayne, Seymour 81

McCarthy, Joseph 85

McClelland, Jack 111, 292, 320

McClung Nellie 135, 283, 285

McDougall, Colin 132, 294

Mclntyre, James 92

McKinnon, Barry 81

McLuhan, Marshall 59, 66, 405

Medvedev, Pavel N. 34

Melville, Herman 53, 314, 340, 347, 402, 417

Meredith, George 53, 421

Middlemarch 422, 424

Midnight Birds 358–62

Mill, J. S. 13, 321

Miller, Henry 36, 222

Miller, Perry 391

Millett, Kate 210–14, 418

Milton, John 347, 399

Mitchell, W. O. 140, 146

Moby Dick 304f, 327, 340, 404

Modest Proposal, A 183

Moll Flanders 421

Montcalm, Louis Joseph Marquis de 85

Moore, Brian 142

More Poems for People 141

More, Thomas 275

Morris, William 274

Morrison, Toni 359, 362

Moving In Alone 115

Mrs Blood 164, 271

Ms Magazine 195

Munro, Alice 136, 226, 322

Murphy, Richard 298, 300, 305

Murray, John Middleton 315

National Dream, The 292

National Lampoon 188

Neruda, Pablo 309

New: American and Canadian Poetry 64

New York Times, The 292

New Yorker, The 317, 362

Newlove, John 64, 81, 114–28, 136

News from Nowhere 274

nichol, bp 66

Night-Blooming Cereus 157

Nihilist Spasm Band 92

Nin, Anais 153

Nobody Owns Th Earth 140

Noman 132, 241–47

Nonsense Novels 186

North of Summer 60f

Northern Blights 132

Nosferatu 410

Nowlan, Alden 64, 136, 290

O Canada 259

O’Connor, Flannery 179, 397

Of Woman Born 254–58

O’Hagan, Howard 235–38, 244

Olsen, Tillie 313–15

Olson, Sig 65

Ondaatje, Michael 142

Orwell, George 347, 396, 422

Owen, Wilfred 294

Ozick, Cynthia 195

Page, P. K. 96, 238ff, 244

Pamela 420

Parker, Gilbert 147

Pater, Walter 36

Peter, John 24

Peter Pan 276

Phillips, David 79, 81

Phrases from Orpheus 55

Pickering, Joseph 65

Picnic at Hanging Rock 303

Piercy, Marge 272–78

Pierre 53

Plath, Sylvia 200f, 226, 289, 316–19

Playboy 64

Plink Savoir, The 144

Poe, Edgar Allen 36, 53, 200, 225, 251

Poems 151

Poems, Selected and New 205–9

Poems Twice Told 407–11

Poetry 20

Pogo 121

Poor Richard’s Almanac 142

Portrait of a Lady 421

Power Politics 20

Pratt, E. J. 86, 133, 136, 321, 405

Praz, Mario 36

Préfontaine, Yves 136

Princess Daisy 352

Prochaine Episode 136

Punch 176ff

Purdy, Al 60ff, 64, 97–102, 136, 154

Pygmalion 178

Pynchon, Thomas 301

Queen’s Quarterly 86

Quiller-Couch, Sir Arthur 197

Radcliffe, Ann 220

Ragtime 325f

Rankin, Jennifer 298

Reaney, James 20, 24f, 86, 90–95, 135f, 143, 151–59

Red Dust 320f, 323f

Red Heart, The 152f

Red Shoes, The 224, 226f

Reeve, F. D. 33f

Reid, Jamie 80

Rich, Adrienne 12, 160–63, 205–9, 254–58, 311, 342

Richard Feverel 421

Richardson, John 137–40, 146

Richardson, Samuel 420f

Richler, Mordecai 84, 180, 183–6

Riel, Louis 85, 294

Rising Fire, The 70, 77

Roberts, Charles G. D. 136

Romantic Agony, The 36

Roosevelt, F. D. 86

Roosevelt, Theodore 376

Ross, Sinclair 133, 136

Rossetti, Christina 200, 225

Ruskin, John 143

St Lawrence Blues (Un Joualonais, Sa Joualanie) 259–67

Sarah Binks 132, 180–83

Sartre, Jean-Paul 381

Saturday Night 83

Schroeder, Andreas 82

Scobie, Stephen 81

Scott, Duncan Campbell 140, 143

Scott, F. R. 135, 140, 176, 183, 232

Scott, Sir Walter 51, 404, 423, 426

Season in the Life of Emmanuel, A 259

Second Sex, The 143

Secrets and Surprises 366

Selah 68f, 72

Self-Portrait in Letters, A 287ff

Sentimental Journey, A 421

Separations 81

Service, Robert W. 29, 31, 232

Seton, E. T. 136

Sexton, Anne 226, 287ff

Sexual Politics 210, 213, 418

Shadow Maker, The 70, 73, 75ff

Shakespeare, William 98, 143, 178, 340, 377

Shange, Ntozake 359

Shaw, George Bernard 178

She 35–54

Shearer, Moira 224

Shelley, Percy Bysshe 98, 225, 377

Silences 313–15

Sir Charles Grandison 420f

Smith, A. J. M. 32, 183

Song of Myself 214

Songs My Mother Taught Me 164

Souster, Raymond 31, 86, 159

Spenser, Edmund 178

Stevenson, Robert Louis 35, 427

Stilt Jack 309–12

Stone Diary, A 308f

Story of O, The 185

Stowe, Harriet Beecher 226

Studhorse Man, The 222

Suit of Nettles, A 152

Sula 262

Sun and the Moon, The 157, 238–40

Sun is Axeman, The 55

Sunshine Sketches of a Little Town 132, 180, 186f

Surfacing 20, 105f

Survival 14, 19, 106, 129–50

Swift, Jonathan 183

Swinburne, Algernon 36

Tamarack Review 86

Tay John 235–38

Tell Me A Riddle 313

Ten Green Bottles 268–71

Tennyson, Alfred Lord 54, 177

Tess of the D’Urbervilles 421

Thackeray, William M. 178, 220

This Magazine 129, 140

Thomas, Audrey 164ff, 268–71

Thomas, Dylan 200f

Thompson, John 308–12

Thoreau, Henry David 391

Time Magazine 83, 184

Tish Magazine 79

T.O. Now 79

Tolkien, J. R. R. 274

Tom Jones 421

Toronto Life 356

Toronto Star, The 84, 388

Tradition in Exile 32, 143

Traill, Catharine Parr 284

Tristram Shandy 153

Twain, Mark 178

Twelve Letters to a Small Town 152

Typescapes 66

University of Toronto Quarterly 381

Valgardson, W. D. 320–24

Van Stolk, Mary 257

Vanity Fair 368

Virginian, The 179

Vonnegut, Kurt 301

Wabeno Feast, The 249ff

Wacousta 137ff

Walker, Alice 359

Wallace, Joe 147

War and Peace 424

Warkentin, Germaine 91, 159

Wars, The 12, 290–95

Washington, Mary Ellen 358

Waste Land, The 399

Watson, Sheila 234f

Welcoming Disaster 408ff

West Coast Seen 79–82

West, Nathaniel 142

White Goddess, The 68, 224, 401

White, Patrick 299

White, Paulette Childress 359

Whitlam, Gough 302

Whitlam, Margaret 302

Whitman, Walt 214, 278

Who Has Seen the Wind 302

Why Shoot the Teacher 302

Wild Grape Wine 61f

Williams, Sherley Anne 359

Williams, William Carlos 347

Wilson, Edmund 259

Wind Our Enemy, The 141

Winter Sun 21ff

Wiseman, Adele 226

Wister, Owen 179

Witches’Head, The 46–54

Wodehouse, P. G. 143, 178

Wolfe, General James 85

Wolfe, Tom 301

Woodcock, George 20

Woolf, Virginia 314, 347

Woman on the Edge of Time 272–76

Words 79

Wordsworth, William 92, 159, 377, 411

Wuthering Heights 180f, 426

Wyndham, John 274

Yates, J. Michael 79

Yeats, W. B. 34

Yonnondio: From the Thirties 313

Zola, Emile 417

Zwicky, Fay 304