Geographic coordinates: 44° 04' 59" N 69° 05' 46" W
Nearest town: Owl’s Head. Located at the southwest corner of Rockland Harbor.
Established: 1987. Present lighthouse built: 1987.
Height of focal plane: 44 feet.
Optic: Fifth-order Fresnel lens.
Characteristic: Flashing yellow every 2.5 seconds.
Dr. Bruce Woolett’s love of lighthouses began when he was a boy. Years later, the Maine dentist had a house built in Owl’s Head, with his own lighthouse included. The Coast Guard recognized the light as an aid to navigation marking dangerous Seal Ledge. In 1989, a fifth-order Fresnel lens from the Doubling Point Range Lights was installed.
John J. Gazzola purchased the property from Dr. Woolett in May 1998. According to Mr. Gazzola, “Much of the location has been extensively renovated including the lighthouse: new exterior wood shingle siding, combination storm sash with shutters, new doors both entrance and light level to exterior platform, also landscaping, interior first floor reading room, second floor bedroom, two watch bunks within tower to light level, new electrical wiring, insulation, interior and exterior painting, and other changes.” The light is maintained as a private aid to navigation.
Visitors are welcome to visit the grounds near the lighthouse but are not allowed inside without permission. To reach the lighthouse from Route 73 between Thomaston and Rockland, turn right onto North Shore Drive. Drive for 0.6 miles (past Ash Point Road on the right) and turn left at a sign marked Shearmans Lane Prvt. Bear right at a fork into the driveway. As you enter the property, there is a small parking area to your right. Be sure to respect the privacy of the residents, and do not drive on the lawn when entering or leaving the property.
Fascinating Fact
Dr. Bruce Woolett was inspired to build this lighthouse when, while staying at his adopted grandparents’ home, the flash of Rockland Breakwater Light entered his room each night.