Geographic coordinates: 44° 01' 30" N 68° 51' 44" W
Nearest town: Vinalhaven. Located at the southern end of Green’s Island, off the south coast of Vinalhaven, eastern entrance to Hurricane Sound.
Established: 1854. Present lighthouse built: 1854. Automated: 1982.
Height of tower: 30 feet. Height of focal plane: 92 feet.
Earlier optic: Fifth-order Fresnel lens. Present optic: 300 mm.
Characteristic: Fixed red with a white sector.
Fog signal: One blast every 30 seconds.
This light station was established on 400-acre Green’s Island to help guide mariners heading for Vinalhaven’s Carver’s Harbor. The 30-foot brick tower was attached to the keeper’s house, also constructed of brick.
An 1890 report revealed that five people had died in the keeper’s house, apparently because of unhealthy conditions. Insufficient mortar had been used in the building’s construction, leaving it damp and leaky. The keeper’s house was rebuilt in 1895; the 1854 tower remained and was attached to the new house.
In April 1989, an electrical fire broke out in the empty keeper’s house, and the building was badly damaged. In November 1993, the Coast Guard agreed to hand over the station to the Island Institute of Rockland ( The institute in turn leased the property to a private party who successfully restored the house.
There’s a wilderness camp on the island; see for details. The periodic lighthouse cruises offered by the Isle au Haut Company in Stonington (207-367-5193, pass close by.
Fascinating Fact
In the early 1900s, a dog named Nemo was taught by Keeper Levi Farnham to bark loudly when he heard the horns of approaching boats. When Nemo retired, he was replaced by a new “fog dog” named Rover.