

(Pond Island Light)

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Geographic coordinates: 44° 27' 19" N 67° 50' 00" W

Nearest town: Milbridge. Located on Pond Island in Narraguagus Bay.

Established: 1853. Present lighthouse built: 1853. Deactivated: 1934.

Height of tower: 31 feet.

Present optic: none.

In the nineteenth century, the little town of Milbridge was an important shipping point for lumber coming from the Narraguagus River. Established by order of President Franklin Pierce in 1853, on the east side of Pond Island, the Narraguagus Light Station originally consisted of a short tower and lantern on top of the keeper’s dwelling.

In 1875, a new dwelling was built, and much of the original house was removed from around the tower. In 1894, the lighthouse was reinforced with a new layer of brick. The 31-foot granite tower was connected to the keeper’s house by a workroom built in 1887.

The station had a single keeper and his family until 1899, when assistant keepers were assigned. Access to the station was difficult, requiring a half-mile walk across the island. A boat slip was built near the lighthouse in 1900 but was for emergency access to the island only and was not used by the keepers.

The light was discontinued in 1934, and the property was sold at auction; it remains in private ownership. The lighthouse is best viewed by boat. Robertson Sea Tours Adventures (207-546-3883 or 207-483-6110, offers a scenic island cruise and a lighthouse cruise, both of which include this lighthouse. Downeast Coastal Cruises (207-546-7720,, departing from Milbridge, offers a variety of options for charter cruises.


Narraguagus Light circa 1860s

Fascinating Fact Images

An inn and clubhouse were built on Pond Island in 1878, and the three-story Pond Island House continues in operation today. A golf course was added to the island in 1920.