
Although the authors own all rights, with many of the contributions from work in progress, the following acknowledgements are due:

Mariana Dimópulos’s story was first published in Spanish as ‘Puente, ponte, Brücke’ by Alfaguara/Random House, Argentina, in the anthology Pasaje de ida (Buenos Aires, 2018).

Siri Hustvedt’s ‘I Will Remember This Hand’ (the first of her three texts) was first published in Spanish as ‘Recorda esta mano’ in #Nodos, ed. Gustavo Ariel Schwartz and Víctor E. Bermúdez (Pamplona: Next Door Publishers/Donostia International Physics Center, 2017).

Pedro Mairal’s ‘Road Trip’ was first published in Spanish in 2001 under the title ‘Hoy temprano’ in an anthology of the same name (Buenos Aires: Clarín Aguilar, 2001); its English translation, under the title ‘Early This Morning’, was published online in 2017 in The Short Story Project.

Samanta Schweblin’s story was first published in Spanish in Siete casas vacías under the title ‘Mis padres y mis hijos’ by Editorial Páginas de Espuma (Madrid, 2015). It will be republished by One World in UK and Riverhead in US.

Anna Kazumi Stahl’s ‘A Japanese Tango Dream’ was first published as ‘Sueño tanguero de un japonés’ in Catástrofes naturales (Buenos Aires: Editorial Sudamericana, 1997).

The publication of the Spanish-language works in English translation has been made possible by the generous support of the authors and their translators as well as the ARC Other Worlds research project.

The publication of graphic work has been made possible by the generosity of the creative artists in donating their images for publication, as well as the Art Gallery of New South Wales and the family of David Coetzee.

Texts originally written in English—and, in the case of Antjie Krog’s contribution, in Afrikaans—were also generously donated. Thanks to Michiel Heyns for advice about rendering the latter in English.

Roger Palmer’s work was made in association with Fife Contemporary, and was photographed by John C. McKenzie. Jennifer Rutherford’s writing was facilitated by a research fellowship from the Humanities Research Centre at the Australian National University. A version of Carrol Clarkson’s essay, entitled ‘Placing Coetzee’, was presented at the conference, ‘The Works of John Maxwell Coetzee in Latin America’, hosted by the Cátedra Coetzee: Literaturas del Sur at UNSAM (Universidad Nacional de San Martín) in Buenos Aires, 12–13 September 2017.

Kai Easton would like to thank Roger Palmer and Sharon Zwi for their generous advice and assistance with image design.

Besides Nicholas Jose and Michael Heyward of Text Publishing, already thanked in her prefatory note, Dorothy Driver would like to thank Anna Kazumi Stahl for help with Latin American connections, Alice Whitmore for general assistance on Spanish-language matters, and Samantha Forge at Text Publishing for her patience and good cheer during the various stages of the production of this book.