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Abbott Laboratories, 297, 345

Abbreviated New Drug Application (ANDA), 17–18, 22, 415

    “first-to-file” incentive, 22–25, 274

    Ranbaxy’s atorvastatin (ANDA 76–477), 17–21, 23–24, 26–27, 115, 273–87

    Ranbaxy’s version of Provigil, 24–25

Acadia National Park, 13

Accum, Frederick, 47

Accutane, 27–30, 112, 153, 415. See also Sotret

Active pharmaceutical ingredient (API), 97, 109, 166, 284, 415

Adulterated food, 47–48, 233–34

Affordable Care Act of 2010, 250

Africa, and AIDS drugs, 81–91

    Big Pharma and pricing, 86–90, 93

    Bush and PEPFAR, 88–90, 92, 124, 129, 130, 138, 418

    Clinton and Clinton Foundation, 36–39, 83, 86, 89, 121–22

    Gavini’s inspection of plants, 134–35

    Hamied and Cipla, 81–90

    McNeil’s New York Times story, 85–87

    racism and, 340

    Ranbaxy and, 36–37, 38–39, 90, 92, 122, 123–25, 129–30, 134–35, 138, 340

        ARV study, 63–65

Africa, pharmaceutical problems in, 337–53

    Baker’s India inspections, 339–41

    dual-track manufacturing, 340, 343–51

    Graham and LaGray, 345–47

    “Lazarus Effect,” 344

    Lukulay and CePAT, 351–53

    Mulago Hospital and Westerberg, 337–39, 341–42

    Runnels and, 343–44

Agila Specialties, 321–22, 323, 324–25

Agrawal, Atul, xxii, 294–96, 360–62, 364–68, 373–74

AgVar Chemicals, 77–78, 121–22

AIDS drugs, 81–91. See also Africa, and AIDS drugs

    Ranbaxy and, 36–37, 38–39, 90, 92, 122, 123–25, 129–30, 134–35, 138

        ARV study, 63–65

AIP. See Application Integrity Policy

ALCOA (Attributable, Legible, Contemporaneous, Original and Accurate), 53

Alcock, Patricia, 190–91, 192

All India Drug Action Network, 343

Altruism, 36

American Chemical Society, 132

American Civil War, 176, 315

American Enterprise Institute, 382

American India Foundation, 37

AmeriSuites Hotel, 161, 163

Amlodipine, 270–71

Amodiaquine, 342

Amoxicillin, 339, 342

Amoxyclav, 65

ANDA. See Abbreviated New Drug Application

Anthrax attacks of 2001, 37–38

Antimicrobial resistance, 350–51

Antitoxin, 48

Appiah, Anita, 344

Application Integrity Policy (AIP), 44–45, 415

    Ranbaxy, 186–87, 211–13, 276–77

    Sherman Pharmaceuticals, 44–45

Area under the curve (AUC), 97–98, 415

Arlington Memorial Bridge, 315–16

Art of War, The (Sun Tzu), 151

Aseptic manufacturing, 293, 323–24

AsiaMoney, 195

Assize of Bread, 47

AstraZeneca, 112

    Toprol XL, 238, 262, 359–60, 419

Ativan, 263

Atorvastatin, 273–89, 418

    FDA approval of Ranbaxy, 287–89

    Mason’s findings on, 382–83, 456n

    Ranbaxy ANDA for, 17–21, 23–24, 26–27, 273–87

Attaran, Amir, 382–83

Aurangzeb Road, 151–52

Autor, Deborah, xxi

    Mylan case, 283, 325, 328–29

    Ranbaxy case, 187–89, 192, 204–5, 209–10

AZT (azidothymidine), 81–82

Baker, Peter, xxii

    at Abbott Laboratories, 297

    background of, 296–97

    FDA Investigator of the Year Award, 371–72

    foreign inspections, 297–98, 403–8

    India inspections and reports, 299–309, 339–41, 342, 351, 366–68, 372, 374–75

        Fresenius Kabi’s plant, 299–302

        HPLC machines, 303–4

        Mylan’s Bangalore plant, 323–24

        Ranbaxy’s Toansa plant, 293–96, 365–66

        Wockhardt’s Chikalthana plant, 359–62, 364

        Wockhardt’s Waluj plant, 1–6, 304–7, 397

    post-traumatic stress disorder of, 375

    update on, 395–96, 403–10

Bangalore plant, 323–25

Bangli Medical Products, 460–61n

Barbhaiya, Rashmi, xx

    at BMS, 11–12

    departure from Ranbaxy, 61–62, 140

    at Ranbaxy, 11–13, 61

    Sotret and, 27–28, 91–92

Barton, Joe, 226–27

Batamandi plant, 193–94

“Batch-production record,” 52–63

Bate, Roger, 382

Baxter Healthcare, 227–30

Bayer, 37–38

Beardsley, Kate, 164, 165, 187–88, 199–200, 203, 208

Beato, Andrew, xx

    background of, 175–76

    Ranbaxy case, 174–78, 252–53, 396

        advice on wife Sonal, 252–53, 255–56

        first conversation with Thakur, 174–75

        first meeting with Thakur, 177–78

    Ranbaxy settlement, 312–14, 316–17

    update on, 396–97, 399

Beck, Anne, 227

Benazepril, 270–71

Berman, Stuart, xxiii, 245, 250, 279–80, 317–18

Bhagavad Gita, 390

Bhai Traders and Financiers Pvt. Ltd., 74–75

Big Pharma, 22, 326–27, 386

    AIDS drugs and, 83, 86–90

Bioavailability, 261

Bioequivalence, xiv–xv, 97–98, 261–62, 267, 270, 415–16, 432–33n

Bioequivalence curves, 97–98, 261–62

Biologics Control Act of 1902, 48

Birth control, 72–73

“Black box” warning on labels, 29

Bombay Legislative Council, 71

Boston University, 350

Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), 132

Bowker, Gretchen, 224, 231

Brar, Davinder Singh “D.S.”, xix, 386

    Clinton visit, 38, 39

    Deshmukh and, 26

    family fight at Ranbaxy, 78–79, 80

    at GVK Bioscences, 386

    Ranbaxy’s “Garuda Vision,” 25

    Sotret and, 27–28, 30, 386

    steps down at Ranbaxy, 60

Bresch, Heather, xxi, 94, 99, 226, 322–23, 326–27

Bristol-Myers Squibb (BMS), 9–12, 57, 103, 104

    Barbhaiya at, 11–12

    Pravachol, 10, 166, 236

    Thakur at, 9–12, 14–16

British colonialism in India, 70–71

Brooklyn College, 77

Brown, Cedric, 241–43

Brown, Regina, xxii, 152–54, 284–85, 286, 287

Budeprion XL, 262–70, 419, 445n

Buehler, Gary, xxii, 260, 262, 265–70

Bulk drugs, 226, 416

Bupropion, 262, 265, 419

Burns, Patrick, 380

Burroughs Wellcome, 71, 82, 264

Bush, George W., 86–87, 88–90, 121

Business Standard, 369

Cadila Pharmaceuticals, 409–10

Calmpose, 75

Cambridge University, 71

Cameron, David, 348

Campbell, Douglas A., xxii

    background of, 182–83

    Ranbaxy case, 179–82, 205–6, 210, 284, 288–89, 313, 320

        AIP, 186–87

        whistleblower Sunny emails, 188–90, 191

    update on, 400

Canon of Medicine (Ibn Sina), 46

Carrier Corporation, 15, 155

Carvedilol, 237, 416

Caudron, Jean-Michel, 347–48

Ceftriaxone, 337–39, 341–42

Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER), xxii, 132, 143, 185, 186, 187–88, 204–5, 206, 209, 229–30, 246, 260, 282, 283, 359, 372, 407, 416

    Division of International Drug Quality, 313, 372, 396

    Office of Compliance, xxii, 181–82, 187–88, 278–79, 283, 287, 372

Center for Pharmaceutical Advancement and Training (CePAT), 351–53

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 81, 227, 341–42, 350, 358

Central Drugs Standard Control Organization (CDSCO), xxi, 368–69, 378

Cephalon, Inc., 24–25

Chang, Charles, 222–23, 224

Changzhou SPL, 227–30

Chattaraj, Dipak, 125

Chaudhry, Paresh, 36–39

Chemistry, U.S. Division of, 47–48

Chikalthana plant, xxiv, 359–62, 364, 454n

China, xiii

    adulterated food imports, 233–34

    heparin adulteration of 2008, 227–30, 234–35, 298

Chromatograms, 185, 189, 281, 282, 300, 373, 416

Cipla Limited, xx, 69–73

    AIDS drugs and, 81–90

    Clinton visit to Goa plant, 39

    history of, 69–73

Ciprofloxacin, 38, 180, 317

Citizen Kane (movie), 13

Civil War, 176, 315

Cleveland Clinic, 233–43, 268, 359, 382, 401–3

Clinton, Bill

    AIDS work, 36–39, 83, 86, 89, 121–22

    India visits, 36–40, 122

    Lewinsky scandal, 174

    presidential library opening, 121–22

Clinton Foundation, 38–39, 88, 121–22, 383

Co-amoxiclav, 126

Code of Federal Regulations, Title 21, 1–2, 41, 42

Colliers’ Weekly, 48–49

Colonial India, 70–71

Company culture, xiv

ConsumerLab, 264–65, 268–69

Cooper, Cynthia, 174

Cooperman, Tod, 264–65, 268–69

Coreg, 237, 416

Cornell University, 20

Corrective Action and Preventive Action, 45–46

Cosgrove, Thomas, xxii, 333, 400, 407–8

Counterfeit certification, 234

Counterfeit drugs, 83, 90, 342, 349–50

Country culture, xiv

Couples counseling, 254–55

Coury, Robert, 94, 99, 327

Crawford, Lester, 142–43

CSPC Zhongnuo Pharmaceutical, 341–42

Cuffe Parade, 71

Curium, 132

“Current good manufacturing practices” (cGMP), 2, 5, 46, 52, 98, 287, 416

Daiichi Sankyo, xx, 196–203, 210–17

    deal with Ranbaxy, 203, 207–8, 210–11

    FDA’s AIP, 211–13

    guilty plea, 318–19

    interest in stake in Ranbaxy, 196–98

    meetings with Ranbaxy, 202–3

    meeting with Giuliani Partners, 214–15

    meeting with Justice Department, 216–17

    resignation of Malvinder, 215–16

    SAR and Malvinder, 198–201, 208, 213–14, 318–19, 398, 439n

    settlement offer from Justice Department, 312–13

    update on, 398–99

Dalian plant, xxiv, 405–6, 460n

Dangerous Doses (Eban), xii

“Data points,” xiv

Defense contractors, 176

Delhi Republic Day parade, 384

Delhi Transport Corporation, 150

Demadex, 236, 416

Deshmukh, Jay, xx

    AIP and, 211–13

    ANDA for atorvastatin, 23–24, 26–27

    background of, 26

    Daiichi Sankyo deal, 199, 200, 201–3, 208, 211, 213–14, 398

    FDA investigation, 172

    FDA meeting, 163–64

    Kumar and, 113–14

    resignation of, 213–14

    SAR and, 165–66, 199, 200, 201–3, 208, 211, 214, 398

    update on, 399–400

    Valentine’s Day raid, 170

Dewas plant, xxiv

    AIDS drugs, 125–26, 129–30

    drug testing, 125–26

    FDA import restrictions, 209–10

    FDA inspections, 147, 153–54, 189–93

    whistleblower fraud claims, 398

DHL Express, 306

Diazepam, 344

Diethylene glycol, 50

Dilantin, 260

Dinesh S. Thakur v. Union of India, 391–92

Dingell, John, 223–25

Diovan, 408–9

Diphtheria epidemic of 1901, 48

Dissolution tests, 29, 63, 97, 106, 238, 281

Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories, 240–43, 270–71, 316, 402–3, 409–10, 446n

Doctors Without Borders, xv–xvi, 84, 85, 86, 347, 384

Document forgery, 102, 106–7

Documentum, 60

Dog meat, 43, 46

Donnir, Gordon, 344–45

“Dose dumping,” 264–65

Dressman, Jennifer, 342

Drug Controller General of India (DCGI), 105

Drug Price Competition and Patent Term Restoration Act. See Hatch-Waxman Act

Drug recalls, 52, 209, 227, 237, 238–39, 240–41, 294, 402, 408

Drug resistance, 348–51

Dual-track manufacturing, 340, 343–51

Duffy, Paul, 20

Duke University, 80, 152

Eastern District of New York, 247–48

Eckard, Cheryl, 380

Economic liberalization in India, 78

Economic Times, 203

Edward VIII, 70

Efavirnez, 180

Eli Lilly and Company, 89

Elixir Sulfanilamide, 49–50

Emcure Pharmaceuticals, 400

Enron, 109, 157

EpiPen, 326–27

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), 372

Ergometrine, 345

Eschenbach, Andrew von, 226–27

Ethex, 238–39

European AIDS Conference, 84–85

European Journal of Tropical Medicine and International Health, 348

European Medicines Agency, 384–85, 406

Excipients, 72, 97, 261, 416

Express Scripts, 270–71

Fabiano, Vincent, 169

False Claims Act, 176, 315

FDA (Food and Drug Administration)

    AIDS drugs approval, 89–90

    background history on, 47–49

    “batch-production record,” 52–63

    “black box” warning, 29

    CDER. See Center for Drug Evaluation and Research

    “current good manufacturing practices” (cGMP), 2, 5, 46, 52, 98, 287, 416

    defined, 417

    Division of Manufacturing and Product Quality (DMPQ), 182–83, 278

    Form 483, 44, 133, 367, 417

    functions of, 45

    generic drug approval, 12–13, 21–23

    generic drug manufacturing process, 96–98

    generic drug scandal of 1980s, 222–31, 259–60

    Generic Drug User Fee Amendment (GDUFA), 322–23

    the Graedons and, 259–71

    headquarters of, 45

    history of, 47, 49–53

    import alerts, 228, 372, 417–18

    inspections, 44–45. See also FDA, India inspections below

        announced, 3–4, 54, 132, 190

        China imports, 227–30, 233–34

        K&K Seafoods, 41–44

        Sherman Pharmaceuticals, 44–45

        unannounced, 3, 43, 53–54, 132, 190–91, 364–65, 366–68

    investigators, defined, 417

    legal authority of, 247

    list of individuals at, xxi–xxiii. See also specific individuals

    “mutual recognition” strategy, 369–70, 455n

    “mutual reliance” strategy, 370–71

    Mylan and, 400–401

        Chang and, 222–23, 224, 322–23

        filing of lawsuit, 282–83

        warning letters, 324, 331–32

        whistleblower, 328–29, 333–35

    Office of Criminal Investigations (OCI), 144, 156–57, 163, 185, 246, 277, 373

    Office of Generic Drugs (OGD), 125, 180, 223, 238–39, 242, 260, 269–70, 277, 283–84, 285

    Office of Manufacturing Quality (OMQ), 333

    Office of Pharmaceutical Quality (OPQ), 359–60

    Office of Pharmaceutical Science (OPS), xxii, 274

    Ranbaxy case. See FDA, and Ranbaxy case below

    Ranbaxy’s atorvastatin ANDA, 17–21, 23–24, 26–27, 273–87

    Ranbaxy’s atorvastatin approval, 287–90

    Ranbaxy’s Sotret. See Sotret

    review system of, 45–46

    shared exclusivity, 24–25

FDA (Food and Drug Administration), and Ranbaxy case, 124–27, 246–51

    AIP, 186–87, 211–13, 276–77

    Campbell and, 179–82, 188–90, 205–6, 288–89

    new get-tough stance, 204–6, 209–10

    November meeting, 163–66

    settlement, 312–14, 316–17

    Thakur pseudonymously reaches out to, 142–47, 161–62

    theory of the case, 249–51

    Valentine’s Day raid, 169–71, 221–22, 247

    warning letters, 154, 180, 181, 198, 209, 210

    whistleblower Sunny emails, 188–90, 191

FDA (Food and Drug Administration), India inspections, 130–34, 298–99, 303–4, 362–65, 372–74, 396

    of Baker, 293–309. See also Baker, Peter

    Lal and, 357–59, 362–68, 370–74

    list of individuals, xxii

    Mylan Laboratories, 93–94

        Bangalore plant, 323–25

        Nashik plant, 329–32


        Dalian plant, 405–6, 460n

        Zhejiang Hisun plant, 403–5, 408

    pilot program, 364–65, 366–68, 409

    Ranbaxy, 152–54

        Batamandi plant, 193–94

        Dewas plant, 153–54, 189–93

        Mohali plant, 111, 280–81

        Paonta Sahib plant, 130, 134–35, 152–53, 154, 166–67, 193

        Toansa plant, 284–85, 286, 293–96, 365–66

    “regulatory tourism,” 362–63


        Chikalthana plant, 359–62, 364, 454n

        Waluj plant, 1–6, 304–7

Federal Trade Commission (FTC), 176

Fever 104 FM, 151

“First-to-file” incentive, 22–25, 274

Fluconazole, 180

Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FDCA), 41, 42, 46, 50

    Kefauver-Harris Amendment, 51–52

Food additives, 47–48

Food adulteration, 47–48, 233–34

Food and Drug Act of 1906, 49

Food and Drug Administration. See FDA

Forbes (magazine), 150

Form 483, 44, 133, 367, 417

Fortis Healthcare, 399

Fortune (magazine), xiii, 274, 318, 319

Fraud (magazine), 388

Freedom of Information Act (FOI), xviii, 240

Fresenius Kabi, xxiii, 299–302

Frieden, Thomas, 350

Friedman, Martin, 236

Furosemide, 236, 239, 417

Gabapentin, 145, 181–82, 184, 210, 317, 417

Gandhi, Indira, 72–73

Gandhi, Mahatma, 70, 71, 73, 92–93, 99, 351

Garnier, Jean-Pierre, 87

Gates Foundation, 383

Gavini, Muralidhara B. “Mike,” xxii

    background of, 131–32

    India inspections, 130–34, 298–99, 363

        Lal and, 372–74

        Ranbaxy’s Paonta Sahib plant, 130, 134–35

    Ranbaxy’s guilty plea, 320

    Thakur divulges fraud at Ranbaxy, 144

    update on, 400

Gemcitabine, 339–41

Generic drugs, xi–xvi. See also India generic drug companies; and specific drugs and drug companies

    benefits of, xv–xvi

    business model of, 95–96

    defined, 417

    “first-to-file” incentive, 22–25

    the Graedons and, xii, 259–71

    harm of, xi–xiii

    Hatch-Waxman Act, 21–23, 83, 222, 223–24

    manufacturing process, 96–98

    quality issues, xiv–xv

Generic Drug Enforcement Act of 1992, 225

Generic drug scandal of 1980s, 222–31, 259–60

    Mylan Laboratories, 222–23, 224–26

Generic Drug User Fee Amendment (GDUFA), 322–23

Generic Pharmaceutical Industry Association, 21–22

Gentamicin sulfate, 225–26

Gettysburg Address, 315

Ghalib, 75

Ghana Food and Drugs Authority, 345

Giuliani, Rudolph, 215

Giuliani Partners, 214–15

GlaxoSmithKline, 65, 87–88, 324, 380

    Coreg, 237, 416

    Wellbutrin XL, 262–67, 269–70, 419

Glenmark, 236–37, 407, 443n

Glimepiride, 145

Global Fund, 383

Globalization, xiii, 31, 55, 182–83

Glossary of terms, 415–19

Glover, R. Derek, 331

Gone with the Wind (movie), 13

“Good manufacturing practices” (GMP), 46, 95, 98, 107, 297, 366

GoogleTalk, 144

Gottlieb, Scott, xxi, 90, 96

Government Accountability Office (GAO), 134, 226

Graedon, Joe, xvi, xxiii, 225, 259–71

    doubts about FDA and generic drugs, 260–62, 270–71

    as patient advocate, 259–60

    seeks author’s assistance, xi, xii

    Teva’s Budeprion XL, 262–70

    Thakur and, 382, 386

Graedon, Terry, 225, 259–60, 263–65

Graham, Alexandra, 345–47

Grand Hyatt Hotel, 379–80

Grassley, Charles, 191

GRID (gay-related immune deficiency), 81

Gujarat earthquake of 2001, 37, 86

Gurgaon, India, 31–33

GVK Biosciences, 385–87, 456–57n

HAART (highly active anti-retroviral therapy), 82–83

Haddad, William F., xxiii, 21–22, 83–84, 86

Haldol, 344

Haloperidol, 344

Hamburg, Margaret, xxi, 370–71

Hamel, Warren, 215, 216–17

Hamied, Khwaja Abdul “K.A.”, xx, 70–71, 72, 73

Hamied, Yusuf Khwaja “Yuku,” xx, 69–73, 351

    AIDS drugs, 81–90, 92

Haryana Urban Development Authority, 31–32

Hatch, Orrin, 22–23

Hatch-Waxman Act, 21–23, 83, 222, 223–24

Health & Human Services (HHS), 190, 358

Heparin, 417

    Chinese heparin adulteration of 2008, 227–30, 234–35, 298

Hernandez, Jose, xxiii

    background of, 42

    domestic inspections, 41–46, 132

        K&K Seafoods, 41–44

        Sherman Pharmaceuticals, 44–45

    foreign inspections, 53–55

        Ranbaxy’s Batamandi plant, 193–94

        Ranbaxy’s Paonta Sahib plant, 166–67

        whistleblower Sunny emails, 183–85

    update on, 400

High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), 189, 300–301, 303–4, 330, 417

Hisun-Pfizer Pharmaceuticals, 403–5

Hitler, Adolf, 70

HIV (human immunodeficiency virus), 81–82

Holi, 61

Horan, Robert, 152–54

Hospira Healthcare India, 372

House Committee on Energy and Commerce, 221, 223–25, 226–27

House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, 327

Hubbard, William, 225, 233–34, 234

Hubley, Bonnie, 230

Hubley, Leroy, 230

Hubley, Randy, 230

Husain, M. F., 84

Husain, Zakir, 70

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), 235, 236–37, 239

Ibn Sina, 46

Impax Laboratories, 262–63, 269

Import alerts, 228, 372, 417–18

India generic drug companies, xii–xiii. See also specific companies

    AIDS drugs, 81–91

    Baker inspections, 293–309

    Cleveland Clinic and Lever, 233–43, 268

    “Gandhian innovation,” 92–93, 99

    the Graedons and, xii, 259–71

    history of, 69–80

Indian Drug Manufacturers’ Association (IDMA), 72–73

Indian independence, 71

Indian Independence Day, 141

Indian Patents Act of 1970, 73

Indian Pharmaceutical Alliance, 392

Indian Supreme Court, 390–92, 399

Indira Gandhi International Airport, 17

Infosys Technologies, 155–56, 157, 162

Inter American University of Puerto Rico, 42

Internal Revenue Service (IRS), 157

International Court of Arbitration, 217, 319, 398–99

Isotretinoin, 184, 415. See also Accutane; Sotret

Jamia Millia Islamia, 70

Japan, pharmaceutical industry in, 196–97. See also Daiichi Sankyo

Jasim House, 71

Joe A. Callaway Award for Civic Courage, 319, 389

Johnson, Brian, 403–4

Johnson & Johnson, 98

Jones, Christine, 237

Jordan, Kristy, 402–3

Joshi, P. S., 115

Journal of Clinical Lipidology, 382–83

Journal of the Patent and Trademark Office Society, 26

Jugaad, 99, 231–32

Juneja, Sandeep, 129

Jungle, The (Sinclair), xv

Justice Department, and Ranbaxy case

    consent decree, 249–51, 287

    Daiichi Sankyo and, 198, 200, 202, 209, 210, 211, 212, 216–17

    filing of motion, 204, 207, 221

    guilty pleas, 317–20

    jurisdiction, 246–47

    list of individuals at, xxiii. See also specific individuals

    “Princeton Headquarters” spreadsheet, 248–49

    settlement efforts, 278–80, 287, 312–14

    settlement hearing, 314–18

    settlement offer, 245–48

    theory of the case, 249–51

Kalyani plant, xxiii, 299–302

K&K Seafoods, 41–44

Kantipudi, Manni, 387

Kaposi’s sarcoma, 81

Kasowitz, Benson, Torres LLP, 399

Kasthuril, Dinesh, 16, 58–59, 60, 108–9, 156

Kefauver, Estes, 21

Kefauver-Harris Amendment, 51–52

Kelsey, Frances, 51

Kennedy, Ted, 89

Kevadon, 51

Khanna, Tejendra, 115, 171

Khorakiwala, Habil, 421–22n

Kobe Steel, 395–96

Kohlberg Kravis Roberts, 386

Kolar, Kevin, 53, 93–94

Komfo Anoyke Teaching Hospital, 344

Kumar, Arun, xx

    AIDS drugs, 124–25, 126, 129

    Thakur and preliminary findings of fraud, 102–5, 433–34n

Kumar, Rajinder “Raj,” xx, 62–65, 316

    background of, 62

    board presentation of fraud (SAR), 115–17, 146, 165–66, 171, 172, 318–19

    FDA investigation, 172, 281

    findings of fraud and ARV drugs study, 63–65

    lawyer meeting about fraud, 113–14

    preliminary report of fraud, 108–10, 113, 114–15

    resignation from Ranbaxy, 116–17, 145

    Thakur and, 62–65, 108–10, 114–15, 145–46, 171, 316

Kumar, Vijay, 34–36, 141

KV Pharmaceutical, 238

Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, 344

Kytril, 128

Lachman Consultant Services, 110–11

LaGray Chemical Co., 345–47

Lal, Altaf, xxii

    at FDA India office, 357–59, 362–65, 370–74

    India pilot program, 364–65, 366–68, 409

    “mutual reliance” strategy, 370–71

    “Statement of Intent,” 370–71

    termination of, 373–74

    update on, 399–400

Lamivudine, 82–83, 129, 134–35

Lartey, Paul, 345–46

Lasix, 417

Lasker Award, 10

Lauwo, Jackson, 342

“Lazarus Effect,” 344

Lead paint poisoning, 226

LeBlaye, Olivier, 63–64, 385, 387

Lever, Harry, xxiii, 233–43, 262, 268, 359–60, 382, 401–3

Lewinsky, Monica, 174

License Raj, 74–75

Lincoln, Abrahm, 315

“Lincoln Law” (False Claims Act), 176, 315

Lincoln Monument, 315

Linhardt, Robert, 228

Lipitor, xiii, 19–21, 418. See also Atorvastatin

    Ranbaxy ANDA for, 17–21, 23–24, 26–27, 199, 273–87

    Ranbaxy atorvastatin approval, 287–90

London & Mead, 200, 208–9

Love, Jamie Packard, 84, 87

Loveland, Douglas, 144

Lukulay, Patrick H., 55, 340–41, 351–53

Luminal, 50

McCain, John, 89

MacLean, Emi, xv

McNeil, Donald G., Jr., 85–87

Mad cow disease, 132

Madoff, Bernie, 380

Mahabharata, 139

Majeedia Hospital, 58–59

“Make in India,” 384–85

Malaria, 71, 349, 358, 400

Malik, Rajiv, xxi

    at Matrix, 92, 93

    at Mylan, 93, 94–96, 98–99, 321–22, 324–25, 326, 328, 332, 334–35, 400

    at Ranbaxy

        departure, 92

        reverse-engineering, 28, 91–92

        Sotret testing, 28–30, 91–92

    update on, 400–401

Manchin, Joe, 94, 322, 327

Mandela, Nelson, 83, 87

Marine Hospital Service, 48

Markopolos, Harry, 380

Marks, Linda, xxiii, 248–49, 280

Maryland U.S. Attorney’s Office, xxiii

    consent decree, 249–51, 287

    filing of motion, 204, 207, 221

    jurisdiction, 246–47

    settlement efforts, 278–80, 287, 312–14

    settlement hearing, 314–18

    settlement offer, 244–48

    theory of the case, 249–51

Mashelkar, Raghunath Anant, 92–93, 99, 231

Mason, Preston, 382–83, 456n

Matrix Laboratories, 92–93, 94–96, 147

Maximum City: Bombay Lost and Found (Mehta), 231–32

Max India, 77–78

Mead, Christopher, 200, 208–9

Medicaid, 242, 246, 315

Medicare, 402–3

Mehrauli-Gurgaon Road, 33–34, 35, 141

Mehta, Suketu, 231–32


    Corrective Action and Preventive Action, 45–46

    EpiPen scandal, 326–27

Merkel, Angela, 386

Merrell, William S., 51

Metoprolol succinate, 2–3, 238–39, 359, 402, 419

Michigan State University, 352

Middle Ages, 46–47

Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, xxi, 377–79, 393

Modi, Narendra, 384–86

Mohali plant, xxiv, 111, 280–81, 288–89, 398

Morphine, 49

Motz, J. Frederick, 317–18

Mulago National Referral Hospital, 337–39, 341–42

“Mutual recognition,” 369–70, 454n

“Mutual reliance” strategy, 370–71

Myers, Jeffrey, 19–21

Mylan Laboratories, 93–96, 321–35

    acquisition of Agila, 321–22, 323, 324–25

    acquisition of Matrix, 94–96, 147

    ANDA for Provigil, 24–25

    Chang and FDA, 222–23, 224

    EpiPen scandal, 326–27

    FDA inspections, 93–94

        Bangalore plant, 323–25

        Nashik plant, 329–32

    FDA warning letters, 324, 331–32

    filing of lawsuit against FDA, 282–83

    generic drug scandal of 1980s, 222–23, 224–26

    list of individuals at, xxi. See also specific individuals

    manufacturing plants, xxiii

    Morgantown plant, 93–94, 98, 330, 332–33, 400–401

    reputation of, 93–96, 99, 322–23, 326

    update on, 400–401

    whistleblowers, 328–29, 333–35

Nashik plant, xxiii, 329–32

National Catholic Health Service, 344

National Chemical Laboratory (Pune), 99

National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT), 399

National Highways Authority of India (NHAI), 140–41

National Institutes of Health, 48, 358

National Medal of Technology and Innovation, 10

National Public Radio, 233, 259–60

Nazi Germany, 70

NDMA, 408–9

Nelson, David, xxi, 221–23

    heparin scandal, 228–30

    Mylan case, 222–23

    Ranbaxy case, 221–22, 231–32, 396–97

Nevirapine, 82–83, 85

Newark Airport, 17, 18

Newton, Paul, 349

New York Herald Tribune, 21

New York Times, 85–87

Nichols, Roann, 280

Nickerson, Jason, 341–42

Nissen, Steven, 268

No Action Indicated (NAI), 44, 135, 418

Norton, Marci, xxi, 284–87

Novartis, 238

Obama, Barack, 250

Official Action Indicated (OAI), 44, 285, 333, 407, 409, 418

Ofori-Kwakya, Kwabena, 344

Ohm Laboratories, xxiv, 111, 277

Olanzapine, 344

Out-of-specification (OOS), 181

Oversulfated chondroitin sulfate (OSCS), 228–29

Oxytocin, 345

Pant, Abha, xx, 103, 172

    AIDS drugs and, 125

    ANDA for atorvastatin, 18

    ANDA for Provigil, 24–25

    FDA meeting, 163–65

    Self-Assessment Report (SAR), 165–66, 208–9

    Sotret investigation report, 30, 170–71

    Thakur and, 103, 256–57, 388–89

    undeclared drugs and customs, 127

Paonta Sahib plant, xxiv, 18

    AIDS drugs, 129–30, 134–35, 138

    AIP against, 186–87, 211–13, 276–77

    FDA import restrictions, 164, 194, 205, 209–10

    FDA inspections, 130, 134–35, 147, 152–53, 154, 166–67, 193, 277

    FDA warning letters, 198

    whistleblower Sunny emails, 183–86, 188–90, 191

“Paragraph IV certification,” 19

Parexel Consulting, 164–65, 179–80, 188, 204, 210, 211

Parnell, Kevin, 239–40

Par Pharmaceutical, 238

Patent laws, 12, 72–73, 96

    Hatch-Waxman Act, 21–23, 83, 222, 223–24

    Indian Patents Act of 1970, 73

    “paragraph IV certification,” 19

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010, 250

Patriot Act, 127

Paxil, 62

Pentagon fraud, 176

People’s Pharmacy, The, xi, xii, xvi, 225, 259–60, 262–63, 264, 359, 382

PEPFAR (President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief), 88–90, 92, 124, 129, 130, 418

Pfizer, xiv, 273–74, 324

    Dalian plant, 405–6, 460n

    Lipitor. See Lipitor

    manufacturing plants, xxiv

    Ringaskiddy plant, xxiv, 20, 284

    tetracycline, 21

    Zhejiang Hisun plant, 403–5, 408

Phadke, Anant, 343

Pharmaceutical industry in India. See India generic drug companies

Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association of South Africa, 83

Pharmacopoeia, 47, 49

Pipi de chats, 37–38

Pisani, Elizabeth, 350

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 327

Plavix, 10, 12

Pliva, 236

Pravachol, 10, 166, 236

Pravastatin, 154, 166–67, 236–37, 418

Prescription Drug User Fee Act (PDUFA), 460n

Preservatives, 47–48

Presidential election of 2016, 326

“Princeton Headquarters” spreadsheet, 248–49

“Process validation,” 53

Prograf, 241–42, 402, 418

Provigil, 24–25

Puskar, Mike, 93

Quad Pharmaceuticals, 224, 230–31

Quality Institute, 350

Quinine, 71

Quintiles Consulting, 277–78, 279

Qui tam, 176

Racism, 340

Radha Soami Satsang Beas (RSSB), 149–50, 152

Radithor, 49

Ramachandran, Raju, 391–92

Ramayana, 139

“Ranbaxy Family Feud,” 151–52

Ranbaxy Laboratories

    acquisition by Sun Pharmaceuticals, 398–99

    AIDS drugs, 36–37, 38–39, 90, 122, 123–25, 129–30, 134–35, 138

        ARV study, 63–65

    ANDA for atorvastatin (ANDA 76–477), 17–21, 23–24, 26–27, 115

    ANDA for Provigil, 24–25

    Barbhaiya at, 11–13, 61–62

    Clinton and, 36–39, 121–22

    Daiichi Sankyo merger. See Daiichi Sankyo

    FDA and

        AIPs, 186–87, 211–13, 276–77

        Campbell and, 179–82, 188–90, 205–6, 288–89

        new get-tough stance of FDA, 204–6, 209–10

        November meeting, 163–66

        sense of crisis, 207–12

        theory of the case, 249–51

        Valentine’s Day raid, 169–71, 221–22, 247

        warning letters, 154, 180, 181, 198, 209, 210

    FDA inspections, 152–54

        Batamandi plant, 193–94

        Dewas plant, 153–54, 189–93

        Mohali plant, 111, 280–81

        Paonta Sahib plant, 130, 134–35, 152–53, 154, 166–67, 193

        Toansa plant, 284–85, 286, 293–96, 365–66

    first-to-file applications, 23–25, 26–27, 274

    “Garuda Vision,” 25

    global sales, 12, 122

    guilty plea of, 317–20

    Gurgaon campus of, 31–32, 33–34

    history of, 73–80

    illegal ferrying of drugs, 126–28

    Justice Department case. See Justice Department, and Ranbaxy case

    Kumar’s board presentation of fraud (SAR), 115–17, 146, 165–66, 199–201, 208–9, 212–13, 215, 318–19

    Lachman audit, 110–11

    lies and efforts to conceal, 122–30, 207–8

    list of individuals at, xix–xx. See also specific individuals

    Malvinder as CEO, 149–52, 195–203

    manufacturing plants, xxiv. See also specific plants

    Parexel audits, 164–65, 179–80, 188, 204, 210, 211

    Patient Safety Department, 110–11

    preliminary findings of fraud, 101–9, 114

    preliminary report of fraud, 108–10, 114–15

    records retention policy, 59–60

    refrigerators, 123–24, 135, 152–53, 154, 164–65, 284

    settlement efforts, 278–80, 287

    settlement hearing, 314–18

    settlement offer, 244–48

    Sotret and. See Sotret

    Spreen’s findings of fraud, 112–13

    Thakur’s efforts to transform culture of, 57–62

    Vimta audit, 63–65, 115–16, 123

    whistleblowers, 363, 398

        Sunny emails, 183–86, 188–90, 191

        Thakur pseudonymously divulges fraud, 141–47

Ranbaxy World, 122

Rao, Rama, 82

Raokheri warehouse, 190, 192

Rapid Action Force (RAF), 196

Raymond, Christopher, 349–50

Reagan, Ronald, 23

Recombinant human insulin, 1–6, 304–7

Reddy, Konduru Narayana, 385–86, 456–57n

Reddy, Prashant, 391–92

“Regulatory tourism,” 362–63

Religare Enterprises, Ltd., 399

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 228

Reverse-engineering, 28, 91–92, 96–97

Rhoades, Bob, 278

Rifampicin, 350

Ringaskiddy plant, xxiv, 20, 284

Riomet, 112

Risperidone, 344

Ritalin, 260

Rivera-Martinez, Edwin, xxii

    assignment memo to begin investigation, 146–47

    Campbell and, 181, 182

    Justice Department files motion, 204

    November meeting with Ranbaxy, 164

    Ranbaxy’s Dewas plant inspection, 190–91

    Thakur and, 154

        pseudonymously reaches out to FDA, 143–47

Robertson, Debbie, xxiii, 396

    background of, 157

    Justice Department and, 246–49

        theory of the case, 250–51

    “Princeton Headquarters” spreadsheet, 248–49

    Ranbaxy ANDA, 274, 278, 281

    retirement of, 311–12

    Thakur and, 156–57, 171, 251, 311–12, 317–18

        meetings, 161–63, 173–74

    update on, 399

    Valentine’s Day raid, 169–71

    whistleblower Sunny emails, 185–86, 188–90, 191


    Accutane, 27–30, 112, 153, 415

    Demadex, 236, 416

    Valium, 75

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 49

Rosa, Carmelo, xxii, 313, 372, 396

Rosenstein, Rod, 319–20

Roxane, 239

Royal Bank of Scotland, 253

Royal College of Surgeons, 62

RPG Life Sciences, 299

Runnels, Sean, 344

Sabarmati Ashram, 70

Safe Medicines Coalition, 383

St. Louis Children’s Hospital, 227

St. Louis Health Department, 48

Samtani, Lavesh, 216

Sandoz, 19, 238, 242

San Francisco State University, 297

Sankyo Company, 196

SAR (Self-Assessment Report), 115–17, 146, 165–66, 199–201, 212–13, 215, 419

Sawhney, Arun, xix, 288

Sciformix, 252, 313

S.E. Massengill Company, 50

Search warrants, 189, 247–48

    Ranbaxy Valentine’s Day raid, 161–62, 170, 171, 172, 184, 200, 245

Secret Service, U.S., 36, 37

Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), 361–62

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), 104, 380

Seife, Marvin, 23, 223–24, 441n

Self (magazine), xii

Senate Anti-Trust and Monopoly Subcommittee, 21

September 11 attacks (2001), 15, 37–38

Shah, Dilip, 231

Shah, Dipesh, 360–62, 365–66

Shanghai Desano Pharmaceuticals Co., 346–47

Shared exclusivity, 24–25

Sharma, K. L., 393

Shepherd, Raymond, 208

Sherman Pharmaceuticals, 44–45, 425n

Shiv Sena, 214

Shkreli, Martin, 326–27

Shoda, Takashi, 197

Simons, Bright, 345, 351

Sinclair, Upton, xv

Singh, Analjit, 77–78, 151–52

Singh, Bhai Mohan, xix, 73–79, 151

Singh, Gyanendra Nath “G. N.”, xxi, 368–69, 371, 386, 391, 397

Singh, Malvinder, xix, 246–47

    AIDS drugs, 122, 123–24, 126

    Daiichi Sankyo merger and, 196–203, 207–8, 210–14, 439n

    death of father and, 79–80

    Deshmukh and, 199, 200, 201–3, 208, 211, 213–14, 398

    education of, 149–50

    FDA meeting, 161, 163–66

    guilty plea of, 318–19, 397

    Kumar’s board presentation of fraud (SAR), 115–17, 165–66, 199–201, 208–9, 215

    lies and efforts to conceal, 113, 128–29, 171, 202, 207–8, 217

    role as CEO, 149–52, 195–203

    sense of crisis at Ranbaxy, 207–8, 210–12

    Tempest as CEO, 60–61

    update on, 398–99

Singh, Manjit, 77–78

Singh, Nimmi, 149–50, 151–52

Singh, Parvinder, xix, 75–80, 149

    company portrait of, 33–34, 63

    Deshmukh and, 26

    education of, 75–76

Singh, Shivinder, 79, 150–51, 196, 203, 398–99

Skype, 144

SmithKline Beecham, 62

“Smoking gun theory,” 281–82

Sobti, Atul, xix, 278

“Soluble and Immobilized Catalase” (Thakur), 13

Sotret, 27–30, 209–10, 415

    FDA inspections and findings, 153, 154, 165, 170–71, 185, 209–10

    launch of, 28–30

    Malik and failed tests, 28–30, 91–92

    Pant and investigation report, 30, 170–71

    Ranbaxy fraud and settlement, 317

    Spreen and failed data, 112–13

    whistleblowers on, 185

South Africa, AIDS drugs, 63–65, 83, 87–88

Spreen, Kathy, 112–13

Stability testing, 109–10, 123, 124, 125, 126, 135

Starling, Randall, xxiii, 240–43, 402–3

Stavudine, 82–83

Stearn, Douglas, 279

Stein, Jacob, 174

Stein, Mitchell, Muse & Cipollone LLP, 174–75, 176, 252–53, 312, 399

Stotland, Nada, xii

Stouffer, Carla, 270–71

Substandard drugs, 115, 341–50, 419

Sulfanilamide, 49–50

Sulfathiazole, 50

Sun Pharmaceuticals, 398–99

Swaminathan, Venkat, 16, 58, 60–61, 109, 117

Synthroid, 260

Syracuse University, 15

Tacrolimus, 193–94, 240–43, 402, 418, 444n

Taj Mahal, 39–40, 362–63

Taj Mahal Palace (Mumbai), 333–34

Takahashi, Karen, xxii, 144, 163, 273–79, 281–82, 289, 313

Tave, Steven, xxi, 249, 250–51, 279

Taxpayers Against Fraud Education Fund (TAFEF), 173–74, 380

Taylor, Paige, 280

Tempest, Brian, xix, 121

    AIDS drugs, 39, 63, 64, 124–25, 126

    Kumar’s board presentation of fraud (SAR), 115–17, 146, 200

    lies and efforts to conceal, 128–29, 217

    preliminary report of fraud, 109–10

    promotion to CEO, 60–61, 149

    Sotret launch, 27–28

Temple, Robert, xxii, 260, 263–70

Tetanus, 48

Tetracycline, 21

Tetzlaff, Ron, 164–65

Teva, 19, 24

    Budeprion XL, 262–70, 419, 445n

Thakur, Dinesh, xx

    appearance of, 9

    Beato and, 174–78, 274, 312–14, 396

        advice on wife Sonal, 252–53, 255–56

        first conversation with, 174–75

        first meeting, 177–78

    at BMS, 9–12, 14–16

    challenges of living in India, 32–33

    childhood of, 13, 138–40

    consulting work of, 138, 155

    drunk pedestrian incident, 35–36, 141

    education of, 13–14, 138–40

    efforts to reform India drug industry, 377–79, 382, 383–84, 387, 389–93, 397

    at Infosys, 155–56, 157, 162

    moral dilemmas of, 139–40, 141

    Pant and, 103, 256–57, 388–89

    police registration in India, 32–33

    at Ranbaxy, 11–13, 16, 32–33, 36, 61–63

        Arun Kumar and, 102–5, 433–34n

        ARV drugs study, 63–65

        Clinton visit, 38, 39

        efforts to transform culture, 57–62

        findings of fraud, 101–9, 114, 117–18, 137–38

        Raj Kumar and, 62–65, 108–10, 114–15, 145–46, 171, 316

        records retention policy, 59–60

        resignation, 117–18, 137–38

    Ranbaxy settlement, 312–14, 377–78

    Ranbaxy settlement hearing, 314–18

    as Ranbaxy whistleblower, 173–74, 176–78

        awards for, 319, 379–81

        meetings, 161–63, 173–74, 177–78

        pseudonymously reaches out to FDA, 141–47, 161–62

        seeking a lawyer, 173–74

    Robertson and, 156–57, 161–67, 171, 251, 311–12, 317–18

        meetings, 161–63, 173–74

    Sciformix, 252, 313

    Sonal and family life. See Thakur, Sonal

Thakur, Ishan, 15, 32, 34, 65, 118, 155–56, 314, 381, 390

Thakur, Mohavi, 154–55, 171, 253, 314, 381

Thakur, Sonal Kalchuri, xx

    education of, 14–15

    marriage and family life, 14, 107–8, 138, 154–56, 252–57, 319, 381–82, 387–89, 397

    Ranbaxy case, 117, 171–72, 252–53, 255–56, 313, 397

Thalidomide, 51

Thomas, Mathew, 410

Title 21 of the Code of Federal Regulations, 1–2, 41, 42

Toansa plant, xxiv, 286, 289, 398

    FDA inspections, 284–85, 286, 293–96, 365–66

Tobias, Randall, 89

Toprol XL, 238, 262, 359–60, 419

Torsemide, 236, 416

Treatise on Adulterations of Food, and Culinary Poisons (Accum), 47

TRIPS (Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights), 83

Une, Tsutomu, xx, 196–203, 210–13

    deal with Ranbaxy, 203, 210–11

    FDA’s AIP, 211–13

    guilty plea, 319

    interest in stake in Ranbaxy, 196–98

    meeting with Giuliani Partners, 214–15

    meeting with Justice Department, 216–17

    meeting with Ranbaxy, 202–3

    SAR and Malvinder, 197–201, 213, 214, 319, 398

UNICEF, 123–24, 129, 347

Unitech World Spa, 256–57

United States Pharmacopeia (USP), 49, 55, 238, 340–41, 345, 349–50

University of Arkansas, 131

University of Cincinnati, 242

University of Dundee, 62

University of Michigan, 75–76

University of New Hampshire, 13

University of Papua New Guinea, 342

University Teaching Hospital of Kigali, 343

U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), 141–42, 192–93, 345

Vaish at Rivoli (New Delhi), 150–51

Valium, 75

Valsartan, 408–9

Vardhan, Harsh, xxi, 377–79

Varis, Agnes, 77–78, 83–84, 121–22

Venable LLP, 208, 215–17

Vimta Labs Ltd., 63–65, 115–16, 123, 385

Virus-Toxin Law of 1902, 48

Voluntary Action Indicated (VAI), 4, 44, 333, 407, 419

Wall Street Journal, 87, 269

Waluj plant, xxiv, 1–6, 304–7, 397

Warning letters, 297, 419

Washington Guest Suites Hotel, 314, 316

Waxman, Henry, 22–23

“We Are the Champions” (song), 318

Wellbutrin XL, 262–67, 269–70, 419

Westerberg, Brian, 337–39, 341–42

West Virginia University, 327

Whistleblowers, 140–41, 308

    False Claims Act, 176, 315

    GVK Biosciences and Reddy, 385–87, 456–57n

    Mylan Laboratories, 328–29, 333–35

    Ranbaxy “Sunny” emails, 183–85, 188–90, 191

    Satyendra Dubey case, 140–41

    Thakur and, 173–74, 176–78, 319, 379–81

        pseudonymously reaches out to FDA, 141–47, 161–62

Wiley, Harvey, 47–48, 49

William J. Clinton Presidential Library and Museum, 121–22

Wilmering, Karen, 236–37, 443n

Winthrop Chemical Company, 50

Wire, The, 397

Wockhardt Ltd., 397, 402

    FDA inspection of Chikalthana plant, 359–62, 364, 454n

    FDA inspection of Waluj plant, 1–6, 304–7, 309

    manufacturing plants, xxiv

Woodcock, Janet, xxii, 209, 229–30, 359, 456n

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 131–32

WorldCom, 174

World Health Organization (WHO), 72–73, 89–90, 124–25, 141–42, 343

    Vimta Labs inspection, 63–65

World Spa West, 381–82, 387–89

World Trade Organization (WTO), 83

World War II, 71, 74

Wyden, Ron, 223

Wyeth, 112, 352

Young, Frank, 223

Zaman, Muhammad, 350

“Zero Defect, Zero Effect,” 384–85

Zhejiang Hisun plant, xxiv, 403–5, 408

Zhejiang Huahai Pharmaceuticals, 408–9

Zidovudine, 134–35, 144–45

Zydus, 237