“You’re going down,” Monty yelled as he picked up his pool cue.
Nicole and Angelica laughed. “Do you have to say that every time you pick up the cue?” Angelica asked.
“Yes, I do,” he said. “Otherwise, you might think I’m going to take it easy on you and let you win. Since that’s not going to happen, I felt it best that I remind you how manly I can be.”
“Yeah, babe. You’re so manly.” Angelica and Monty may have been doing their usual back and forth banter, but Nicole read between the lines.
They were all gathered at Kendrick’s condo for pool night. The moment Nicole walked into his condo, she was taken aback by the gray, black and white decor. For the past few days, they’d been cooped up in her apartment, which wasn’t exactly conducive to intimacy, considering Nicole shared an apartment with Kyra since they were there temporarily. After Kyra had walked in on them in the living room in an undressed state, Kendrick had suggested they go to his place even though it was farther into the city.
Once they’d arrived, Kendrick had forgotten that he and Monty had plans, so instead of making it a guys’ night, Monty and Angelica had both come over for a night of pool instead.
“So, what’s going on with you and Monty?” Nicole whispered when Monty was out of earshot. “We haven’t gotten a chance to talk much since we got back from Lake Tahoe.”
“That’s because you and Kendrick have been in your own love cocoon,” Angelica teased. “And the only reason I know that is because Monty and I have been in our own.”
Nicole squealed. “I knew it.”
“Hey,” Monty said. “The least you can do if you two were going to talk about me while Kendrick gets food is to not make it so obvious.”
“Sorry, babe,” Angelica said. “I was just telling Nicole how great you are in the bedroom.”
“Oh,” Monty said as he stood a little taller. “If that’s the case, then squeal away.”
Nicole shook her head and turned her attention back to Angelica. “How do you feel? What does this mean? Are you officially dating? Is the sex really that amazing?”
Angelica laughed. “One, amazing. Two, we’re still figuring that out. Three, yes. And four, hell, yes!”
“I’m so happy to hear that,” Nicole said. “You two are great together.”
“Thank you. It’s been a long time coming. And speaking of being great together, how are things with you and Kendrick? You both haven’t stopped smiling all night.”
Nicole grinned. “Things with Kendrick are better than I’ve ever imagined. He’s such a gentleman, but then again, he’s also got that edgy swag that I can’t help but drool over every time he walks into a room. I hate to say it, but it’s almost like I’m waiting for something bad to happen because everything is so good.”
“I know the feeling,” Angelica said. “After my divorce, I swore that it was the last time I’d open up my heart to a man. I didn’t expect to meet someone like Monty, who not only understands me, but has gone through the same heartache that I have.”
“It’s funny how that works,” Nicole said. “When your heart is broken and you don’t foresee yourself ever healing from the experience, you never imagine that you will find a partner who has undergone exactly what you have. We know that thousands of people experience heartache every day, but it doesn’t stop us from being caught up in our own situation.”
Angelica nodded. “Then suddenly, someone walks into your life and gives you a new perspective on love, and before you can pinpoint the exact moment that it happened, you’re ready to open up your heart again.”
“And risk it all for the possibility of embarking on a once in a lifetime romance,” Nicole finished. Both women grew quiet, each caught up in her own thoughts.
“The approaching holiday must be getting to us,” Angelica said, breaking the silence.
“Either that, or these men have gotten us wrapped around their fingers.”
“Shh,” Angelica said, placing a finger in front of her lips. “Monty has ears like an elephant, so don’t say that too loud.”
“I heard every word,” Monty said on cue. Both women laughed as Kendrick walked in with the food. He still takes my breath away. Tonight everyone was dressed casual and comfortable, so Kendrick was wearing black jogging pants and a white T-shirt. Simple, yet still sexy.
He walked over and placed a gentle kiss on her lips that quickly escalated to a more passionate one.
“Uh, did y’all forget we’re here?” Monty asked.
“Just didn’t care,” Kendrick said.
“Yeah, we got that,” Monty said. “Man, quit kissing Nicole and come take your turn.” Giving her one last kiss, he grabbed the pool cue.
“Have you guys talked about his ex?” Angelica whispered.
“Which one? Veronica or Amanda?”
Angelica raised her eyebrows. “He told you about both of them? Wow, he must really like you.”
“We’ve talked about some pretty serious topics, but I’m glad we did. I’ve opened up to him in ways I never have to any man before, and I think he feels the same way about me.”
“What are you and Kendrick going to do about the fact that you live in Miami?” Angelica asked.
“I’m not sure,” Nicole said with a sigh. “We’re done filming in a few days, and we haven’t even discussed the fact that in another week or so, we’re closing up the Bare Sophistication pop-up and I’m going back to Miami.”
“You need to talk about it,” Angelica whispered. “I get the feeling that Kendrick expects you to stay, so if he hasn’t brought it up, you should bring it up to him.”
“How do I even bring that up?”
“Easy,” Angelica said with a shrug. She glanced at the men to make sure they were still engrossed with the pool game before continuing. “I’d start with ‘Kendrick, I’m falling for you and if you want to continue this relationship, I’d love to stay in LA for a while longer.’”
“I didn’t even tell you I was falling for him.”
“Girl, please.” Angelica rolled her eyes. “It’s written all over your face. Just like I’m sure how I feel about Monty is written all over mines. It’s nothing to be ashamed of. Kendrick’s a great guy, and Monty and I have waited years for him to find someone like you. And we don’t want you to move back either. I’m not saying you have to uproot your life for a man, but based off our conversations, I know you love it here and wouldn’t mind staying. Now that you guys have found one another, don’t let fear hold you back.”
Nicole looked at Kendrick, knowing that everything Angelica was saying was true. Even so, she was still nervous to tell him how she felt. Just remember...no more being scared. Regardless of how he felt about her, she owed it to herself to tell Kendrick how she really felt. Best-case scenario, he’d tell her that he felt the same way and ask her to stay in LA so that they could take their relationship even further. Worst-case scenario, she’d tell Kendrick how she felt only to realize that he wasn’t feeling as strongly about her and as she was about him.
But even if that’s the case, think about how much you’ve gained from being with a man like Kendrick...if even for a short time. Mind made up, she knew she had to open up. Exposing herself to rejection wasn’t an easy thing to do, but she’d regret it even more if she went back to Miami having never shared her true feelings.
* * *
You’re such a chicken. Monty and Angelica had been gone for a half hour, and Nicole still hadn’t worked up enough courage to tell Kendrick how she felt.
All you have to do is get over your fear of starting the conversation. The words will just come after that. She’d been repeating the same thing in her mind since halfway through the pool game, but no matter how easy it sounded in her mind, saying it aloud was entirely different.
“Are you okay?” Kendrick asked as he gathered the empty cups and walked them over to the kitchen.
“I’m fine,” she said as she followed him with the remaining buffalo sauce. “I just have a few things on my mind.”
“Really? Can I help with anything?”
Yeah, you can tell me how you feel first and put me out of my misery. “No, not really,” she said instead as she turned toward the refrigerator to place the sauce inside.
Chicken. That was your chance and you missed it! She froze. If she was going to agonize over it all night, she might as well just own up to her feelings and lay her heart on the line.
“Actually, I do have something to say.” She turned around quickly, ready take full advantage of her newfound courage and slammed into Kendrick’s chest.
“Oh, no,” she said as the buffalo sauce went all over his white shirt and jogging pants. “I’m so sorry!” Ignoring the sauce that spilled on her clothes, she grabbed a towel and tried to help him clean it up only to slip on the spilled dip and fall on hard tile of the floor.
“I’m starting to see a pattern,” Kendrick said with a laugh as he helped her up. “First the drinks in the bar. Now buffalo sauce in my condo? If you want my attention, all you have to do is ask.”
“Ha-ha, very funny.” She glanced down at her buffalo-sauce-covered clothes. “I guess I just had my mind on something else.”
Kendrick placed his hand under her chin. “Are you sure there isn’t anything I can do to help ease that racing mind of yours?”
Nicole grinned. “Well, now that you mention it, I’d love to get out of these messy clothes.”
His eyes sparked. “That can be arranged.” Without warning, he bent down and lifted her into his arms. She squealed as her arms wrapped around his neck.
“Where are you going?”
“You’ll see,” he said as he walked up the stairs with her still in his arms as if she weighed nothing at all. Too sexy. Once they were at the top, he carried her to the master bedroom, only putting her down once they were standing in front of the bathroom.
“How about we get you clean,” he said as he cut on the light, revealing a breathtaking stand-up shower with a whirlpool tub in the corner of the bathroom.
“It’s beautiful,” she said, getting a closer look. “But you know I’m not supposed to get my tattoo wet. It’s still healing.”
“A little water won’t hurt,” he said. “Besides, I have a mist option, so you’ll be fine.”
“In that case,” she said as she lifted her shirt over her head. “Let’s get clean.”
Kendrick shook his head, his eyes glued to her breasts. “I don’t think I’ll ever get used to seeing you naked. It hits me right in the gut every time.”
“Flattery will get you everywhere.” She removed his shirt next and then hers. Once they were both naked and the temperature of the water was perfect, they both stepped in the shower.
Before she could even get a good lather going on the washcloth he provided, he was already placing kisses along her spine.
“I thought the point was to get clean,” she teased. Instead of stopping, he moved his kisses to her neck.
“I figured we could get dirty before we get clean.” He ran his fingers along her side, the movement giving her goose bumps all over. It wasn’t until she was squirming from his touch that she realized he was outlining the tattoo he’d done on her.
“I can’t stop looking at it,” he said. “I can’t wait to finish the job.”
She turned to face him. “I loved everything about the experience.” She placed a kiss on his neck and was rewarded with an appreciative groan. Will it always be like this? she wondered. One kiss. One touch. One look is all it takes to turn my heart to mush around him. Even in her mind, she felt like she was sounding like a broken record, but in some ways, she still couldn’t believe how their relationship had escalated.
She met his eyes. “Kendrick, I... I...” Great, now I’m stuttering. She was failing at this whole tell him how you really feel thing. Luckily, Kendrick decided to put her out her misery.
His lips collided with hers at the same time that he pushed her toward the bathroom wall. Unlike the soft kisses he’d been giving her all night, this kiss was all-consuming and touching her heart in ways it had never been touched.
Her thighs rose on their own accord into Kendrick’s awaiting palms. Only then did she notice he’d managed to put on protection. Oh, he’s good. The problem was, he wasn’t just good at one thing. He was good at so many things, she could barely keep track anymore.
When she felt his shaft rub against her core, Nicole adjusted him so that he was positioned directly in front of her entryway. Slowly, he slid into her, both of them moaning as he did. Nicole closed her eyes. I’ll never get tired of how this feels.
When he was buried deep within her, all she wanted was for him to be even deeper. Being with Kendrick just felt so right. It felt like she’d waited her entire life to experience a moment like this. It was pure unrestrained bliss, and she was loving every minute of it.
That’s because you’re in love with him. Her eyes opened and landed on his as the importance of this moment crashed over her in constant waves. Had she suspected she was in love with him? Yes. Did she suspect that he cared for her too? Definitely. Had she planned on telling him tonight that she wanted to stay in LA? For sure. Was she still surprised that now—with him buried inside her to the hilt—that the only word floating around in her mind began with an L, ended with an E and was four letters? Damn right she was.
Being in love with a man like Kendrick wasn’t the frightening part. The scary part was the act of being in love and what that represented. It’s scary because what if he doesn’t love you back? It was obvious that he cared for her, but love? Love had the ability to strengthen or damage relationships, and there was a very strong possibility that telling Kendrick that she wanted to stay in LA to see where their relationship would go was enough to send him running in the other direction.
True, she’d known that if given the chance, she’d stay in LA anyway to pursue her career and discuss with her colleagues the possibility of keeping the pop-up shop open longer, but Kendrick had been through hell and back with women from his past. He had every right to be apprehensive. But you don’t even know if he’ll be apprehensive. What if he’s receptive to the idea?
As Kendrick continued to stroke her into a powerful orgasm, the truth behind her fear had finally reared its ugly head. She wasn’t just afraid of telling Kendrick how she felt because she was worried that he didn’t feel the same way. She was afraid of telling Kendrick how she felt and realizing that he felt the exact same way. If that was the case, she’d have to own up to the fact that despite all her growth, the only thing she found more terrifying than allowing herself to fall in love was allowing herself to fall in love with the person who could be her future. That took courage... Courage that she wasn’t sure she had.