Chapter 4

“And cut. Folks, that’s a wrap for this commercial. Let’s set the stage for the next one. Filming will begin tomorrow morning.”

“Good job, Nick,” Kendrick said to the director after Nick had given instructions to the crew for tomorrow.

“Thanks, man. You too.”

As he had been doing for the past four days, the minute Kendrick was out of his chair, he headed to his right and out the side door. Typically, he would chat with Angelica, Monty and some of the other crew. However, since he had to see Nicole every time she came on set to touch up makeup for the actors and actresses, he’d gotten out of there.

Unfortunately, today was also the day that Angelica decided to intervene with his new routine.

“Oh, no, you don’t,” she said, following him. “Tonight a few members of the crew are going to the bowling alley down the street. You have to come.”

“I have plans tonight.”

Angelica placed a hand on her hip. “Plans with who?”

“Bryant,” he said, thinking quick on his feet. Anyone else who he normally hung out with lately was part of the crew that he assumed was going bowling.

“That’s funny,” Angelica said, waving her iPhone in front of Kendrick. “Because I texted Bryant a little while ago, and he said you didn’t have plans with him tonight.”

Kendrick shook his head. “I should have never introduced Bryant to you and Monty.”

“Kendrick, you are putting forth so much effort to avoid Nicole. Don’t you think that is a little silly? Monty and I really like her, and so does most of the crew.”

“I’m not avoiding her.”

Angelica quirked an eyebrow. “Oh, really? Is that why you’ve slipped out this side door every day?”

He shrugged. “I have things to do.”

“Liar. It doesn’t matter anyway because you have to go. The production manager isn’t going and said you’d buy a round of drinks for everyone.”

“The assistant director isn’t going?”

“Nope! Neither are any of the producers, so you can stop thinking about the hierarchy of who else could cover a round of drinks’s you...and you’re coming. So, man up! Most the crew is there and the rest of us are headed out soon.”

She’s right, man, he thought after Angelica went back inside. You’re acting ridiculous. He definitely wasn’t behaving like a thirty-five-year-old man, but more like a teenager who was avoiding a woman he had a crush on for fear that he wouldn’t be able to hide his attraction.

Mind made up, Kendrick went back inside to join the remaining crew headed to the bowling alley.

* * *

“Men against women,” someone yelled as they put on their bowling shoes.

“Game on,” another yelled. Nicole laughed at the smack talk going on around her. The television crew had blocked off two lanes at a local bowling alley, and she was honored when Angelica and Monty had invited her to join them.

She was almost finished with her first week with the crew. Although leading the makeup and hairstyles for the commercials and ensuring the actors and actresses were camera-ready had been going amazingly well, she’d been making a conscious effort to be more of an extrovert.

It wasn’t that Nicole didn’t like meeting new people, but oftentimes, she was a little awkward around new people. It was something she’d been working on for years and had only recently gotten better at.

“Ladies, our team captain has finally arrived,” Monty said to the group. Nicole glanced up after she finished tying her shoes. Kendrick. She’d seen him on and off set all week, but he’d barely made eye contact with her since they’d started working together.

As he dapped fists and exchanged hugs with the crew, Nicole took the time to observe him in a way she hadn’t been able to all week. He was wearing dark jeans and a beige long-sleeved button-up that would look simple on any other man, but not Kendrick. On Kendrick, the simple outfit looked a lot better than it should.

She didn’t think it was possible, but he looked even sexier than he had the first night they’d met. And apparently, a lot of the women in the crew felt the same way. She’d walked in on several conversations in the kitchenette of women discussing how great Kendrick looked in his rugged, yet classic, style. Or how easy he was to talk to about their man problems, and that his advice was extremely helpful. It seemed that everyone liked being around Kendrick, and he was friends with most of the crew. Except me... Her feelings would probably be more hurt if another reoccurring topic people discussed about Kendrick wasn’t the fact that he strict rules about dating anyone in the television and film industry. Apparently, quite a few women had tried to get him to change that rule and failed. So instead of being the guy every woman set their sights on dating, every woman aimed to at least maintain a friendship with him. Too bad she couldn’t get anything past a “hello” or “goodbye.”

“Are you doing okay?” Angelica asked as she approached.

“Yeah, I’m doing good. Thanks for inviting me.”

“Anytime,” Angelica said. “Do you like bowling?”

“Actually, I’m pretty good at it. I was in a bowling league in high school and college. Even a little after college before I decided to focus on my career. I have my own bowling ball and shoes, but I left them back home in Miami.”

“You’re a bowler,” Angelica said enthusiastically. “As in, you were in leagues and therefore really great at it?”

Nicole squinted her eyes. “Um, yeah. I guess that’s what I’m saying.”

Angelica rose from her seat. “Don’t be so confident, boys.” She pulled Nicole from her seat so fast that she almost tripped over one of her shoes that she’d just changed from. “We have a semipro on our hands. Nicole is going to be our team captain, and I hope you know that you’re going down!”

“Oh, no no no no,” Nicole stammered. “I’m not a semipro. Not even close. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a good bowler, but I don’t need to be team captain.”

“Relax,” Angelica said. “This is all in fun and games, but if you must know, the women have lost to the men the past three times we’ve bowled, and they won’t let us forget it. I’m not trying to pressure you, but we could use a win or at the least give them a run for their money.”

Nicole followed Angelica to where the other women were standing. They all looked at Nicole expectantly.

“Okay,” Nicole said with a sigh. “I’ll be team captain, but first we need to strategize the order we list the players.”

Angelica gave her a wide-eyed stare. “Picking the order of players takes strategy?”

“Yes, it does. For example, we may want a midlevel bowler to go first to start us off right. Then our weaker players in the middle. Our closers—meaning those who bowl well—will be at the end. So, who’s on what level?”

Nicole glanced around at the other women, who were wearing the same look on their faces as Angelica.

“Okay,” Angelica said. “I’m midlevel, so I’ll go first. And you’re our pro, so you go last.” The other women nodded in agreement.

“Okay, that works. Does anyone know how to throw a good hook?” Nicole asked.

“I do,” said Britt, one of the writers for the commercial series. “I take self-defense classes, and one of the first things they teach you is how to throw a good left or right hook.”

Nicole laughed. “I meant a bowling hook. It’s a technique you use to bowl the ball.”

“Oh,” Britt said in disappointment. “I can’t even throw a curve ball. I once tried and ended up knocking down pins two lanes over.”

“No worries. Anyone else have any bowling skills?”

Each woman sheepishly looked to the floor. Although Nicole took her bowling games seriously, all she could do was laugh. She was sure it sounded like she was speaking a foreign language.

“We’ll make it work,” Nicole said. “Before we start, I’ll give each of you a few pointers.” She couldn’t turn them into good bowlers in ten minutes, but she could at least teach them the basics.

* * *

She’s beating me, Kendrick thought as he waited for Nicole to bowl on her lane before he took his turn on his. Even though she was beating him only by fifteen points, she was still winning, and that fact only made him more intrigued.

“Staring at my ass isn’t going to help you bowl better,” Nicole said with her back still to him. The laugh he released was so loud, he was sure he drew the attention of the rest of the crew. Hell, he and Nicole were practically the entire show since they were the only true bowlers on both teams.

“I beg to differ,” he said, ignoring the warning bells he’d been hearing all week when it came to Nicole. “I think staring at your ass will definitely help me bowl better.”

She glanced at him over her shoulder with a sneaky smirk on her face. They were on the seventh frame, and both were the last to bowl on each team. Until now, they had been shooting discreet glances at each other, but neither had voiced anything aloud. As they neared the end of the game, it seemed all bets were off.

“Try not to look,” she said quietly so only he could hear. He would have asked her what she meant by that, only he found out seconds later when she bent over a little farther than necessary, giving him a great view of her butt in her jeans. He shouldn’t have been staring, but he was a man, after all, and when a man saw a nice ass, he looked. Period.

“Your turn,” she said after bowling a strike. She unzipped the crop jacket she’d been wearing, revealing her tight tank and beautiful round breasts. Shit. He knew she had a pair of delicious breasts, but he had yet to see them on display the way they were now. He didn’t even have to look back at the other men to see if they were admiring her figure, as well.

That wasn’t the only thing that caught his attention. Nicole had three visible tattoos, one of which was on her breast.

“That’s it, girl. Show him what you’re working with,” Angelica yelled from her seat. Nicole laughed, the sound tickling his ears in the best way. Despite her best attempt to distract him, he bowled a strike.

“She’s still ahead,” Monty whispered when he and Nicole were almost up again. “You have to find a way to distract her because she’s only hitting strikes and spares.”

Kendrick glanced at Nicole and caught her staring at him. She raised her drink, obviously satisfied with the fact that she was beating him. Damn, she even looks good sitting there doing nothing. Her curls were pulled up on both sides and flowing down her back in the middle. The curly Mohawk style fitted her personality and tonight she was sporting a bright purple lipstick that matched a design in the jacket she had taken off. Kendrick had never really paid attention to lip colors before, but Nicole’s lips commanded his undivided attention.

When Monty announced that it was time for them to go, Kendrick had a thought. If she likes tats, maybe it’s time I show off a couple of mine. One thing Kendrick rarely did was show off his tats in a work setting. However, this was technically a gathering of friends he happened to work with. Besides, he’d been to a pool party with a few of them before, so it wasn’t anything they hadn’t seen.

Before he stepped up to the lane, he removed his button-up, leaving him in a white short-sleeved tee. May not seem like much, but he had a couple tattoos that were known to get a lot of attention, especially from others in the tattoo community. Just as he’d predicted, Nicole’s eyes roamed over his arms in admiration.

Kendrick stepped up to the lane and bowled another spare, so his only hope in catching up to Nicole was if she didn’t bowl a strike or spare. He turned around in time to catch her biting her lower lip as she continued to observe him. Got her, he thought as he walked toward her.

Leaning close to her ear, he lowered his voice. “Try not to drool too hard, sweetie. You wouldn’t want to slip and fall when you take your turn.”

“Boy, please,” she said, slapping his arm. “You’re not all that.”

“Oh, really, I’m not?” He met her eyes. “Because just a few seconds ago, you were undressing me with your eyes. Unless I imagined it, you bit your bottom lip in a way that proved you liked what you saw.”

“I bit my lip because I was contemplating my next move, not because I was admiring you. I’m surprised you didn’t trip over that big ego when you took your turn.”

Instead of responding, his eyes dropped to her lips. “That color looks nice on you. Some women can’t pull off bright lipstick, but you make it look sexy.”

She gasped, apparently caught off guard by the compliment. “Uh, thanks. It’s one of my favorites.”

He lifted her chin, bringing her lips closer to his eyes. “I can see why. It’s hard not to stare at your lips when they look so delicious. Reminds me of cotton candy.”

“That’s funny,” she said, a little breathless. “Because this happens to be flavored lipstick and the flavor is cotton candy.”

Crap. Time to backpeddle. “You shouldn’t have said that.”

She smirked. “You shouldn’t be standing this close.”

“You shouldn’t have given me a reason to be this close.” His hand dropped from her chin.

“You shouldn’t have been checking out my ass or my chest.”

His eyes briefly dropped to her breasts. “You shouldn’t be wearing those jeans or a shirt cut so low if you didn’t want me to look. But you know what I think?”

“What do you think?” She crossed her arms over her chest, then dropped them to the sides when she saw his eyes drift there again.

“I think you remembered what I said at dinner last weekend about not dating people I work with and decided that you’d test my restraint by flirting with me without saying anything.”

Her eyes widened. “As I said during dinner, I understand your rule about not dating people you work with. And for your information, I don’t flirt. I’ve never been good at it.”

“I don’t believe that,” Kendrick said, shaking his head. “You’ve been doing a damn good job all night.”

“That’s maybe because I know we’ll never go there.”

“Go where?” he asked.

“You know what, never mind.” She picked up her bowling ball. “It’s time for me to bowl.”

Kendrick lifted his hands in a way to let her know he wasn’t going to stop her anymore. He didn’t miss the last glance she gave of the tats on his arms before she bowled.

“It’s a split,” Monty yelled after Nicole had bowled her first ball.

“There’s no way you’re getting that,” Kendrick challenged. “Be prepared to lose your lead.”

When Nicole looked his way, she exuded confidence. “Watch me work,” she said before bowling the perfect hook and landing a spare.

“Damn,” Monty said. “There’s only two more frames left. We’re going to lose to the women, and they will be gloating for weeks.”

“You’re damn right,” Angelica said with a laugh. Nicole brushed past him with a look of satisfaction on her face.

“Don’t worry, Kendrick. Next time, I’ll try to go easy on you so I don’t embarrass you in front of your friends and completely whoop that ass.”

Kendrick quirked an eyebrow. “Is that so?”

Instead of responding, she just smiled and joined the other ladies. After the last frame, Nicole had beaten Kendrick by twenty-one points and secured the women’s win.

“Man, how could you have let them win?” Monty asked. “We always beat the women.”

“Nicole’s on their team now, so we better get used to more competitive games.”

“Now I have to clean Angelica’s condo after work for an entire week.”

Kendrick laughed. “That’s what you get for always making bets with her. Even if it wasn’t bowling, you always lose to her. Wouldn’t it be easier to just tell her how you feel instead of losing all the time?”

“I don’t know, man,” Monty said with a shrug. “Angelica is used to dating those actor types who have starring roles in action movies. She’s not going to date a cameraman.”

“You never know unless you tell her how you feel. You can’t be afraid of entering a relationship with her based off what-ifs. Yeah, it may not work out, but what if it did? What if you miss out on something good because you were scared to make a move and take a chance?”

Monty stood up from his seat and turned Kendrick’s body toward where Nicole sat unlacing her bowling shoes and laughing at something Angelica said. “Seems to me like you need to be taking your own advice,” Monty said. “A lot of the guys like Nicole, and if you don’t make a move, someone else will.”

Kendrick spent a few more seconds observing Nicole before he began removing his bowling shoes, as well. Monty may have had a point, but Kendrick wasn’t sure it was a good idea. Remember what happened last time, man. You can’t afford a repeat of that. Too much is at stake this time. As long as he remembered what he’d gone through with his ex, he’d keep things in perspective.

But Nicole isn’t Veronica or Amanda. Maybe you need to date a woman like her instead of letting your past relationships define how you handle the future.

After all these years, Kendrick had learned that it was easy to let past relationships affect future relationships. The hard part was learning from that lesson and not letting it define your future. He was still working on the latter.