Despite our tendency to think of great leaders as being big, strong, and imposing figures, the reality is they come in all shapes and sizes. The actual physical size of an individual doesn’t seem to play a particularly important role in whether or not a person stands out as a great leader. A weak person who happens to have a commanding presence isn’t going to become a successful leader. Conversely, a small person with a big heart can become one.

Certainly, Pope John Paul II doesn’t quite fit our image of a great leader. He is small and frail, almost delicate to the point that when he’s in the midst of a huge crowd, we tend to worry about his safety. In those situations, he reminds us of a flower caught in a dangerous whirlwind.

But if ever there was a case where appearances are deceiving, this is it. While Pope John Paul II may be getting up in years, and he may be small in stature, the fact is he’s as tough and courageous and steadfast as any great leader in history. And like those leaders, he is a man who stands firmly on the principles, ideals, and traditions in which he so passionately believes.

Being a religious leader is a much different proposition than being a political leader, or any other kind of leader, for that matter. Religious leaders are bound by tradition, by certain tenets that have been handed down to them through the years. Strict adherence to doctrine is at the very heart of any religious organization. Without it, no church can survive.

As head of the Roman Catholic Church, Pope John Paul II is the spiritual leader to millions of people throughout the world. He is their beacon of light, their ray of hope. It is through him that their prayers flow.

When you stop and think about it, the challenges facing the pope are unlike those faced by any other leader. For one thing, his followers literally cover the globe. And they are vastly different in so many ways. A Catholic in Ireland isn’t at all like a Catholic in Argentina. Virtually nothing about them is the same. Language, way of life, traditions. . .all completely different. They may as well live on different planets. And yet, a common thread links them and that thread is the Roman Catholic Church.

No pope lives in static times. Things are always changing and most of the time, those changes come swiftly. Think about how the world has changed just in the past twenty-five years. It’s mind-boggling. Some of the changes have been for the better, some haven’t been. Many, especially in the medical field, have been controversial to say the least.

Because of these changes, Pope John Paul II has been forced to deal with situations and face challenges that none of his predecessors could have imagined. Birth control, legalized abortion, artificial fertilization, euthanasia, the death penalty. . .these are issues that have really only come to the forefront of public debate in the past quarter century. And almost without exception, the voices on either side are loud and, all too often, violent.

That Pope John Paul II has weathered so many storms while consistently becoming more and more beloved by his followers is a remarkable tribute to the man and to his abilities as a leader. Most leaders, regardless of how strongly their constituents feel about them, sooner or later tend to wear out their welcome. Or they are discarded when the times change and their ideas are no longer embraced. Not so with Pope John Paul II. His popularity grows with each passing year.

Why? As someone fortunate enough to have met Pope John Paul II, I can say that a big reason is because he is a person who inspires confidence in people. When you walk away from him, you feel better about yourself and your own faith. That’s because his faith flows through him and into you. You are lifted on his shoulders. It’s a rare gift when a leader can do that.

Another reason why he’s such a successful leader is his great ability to communicate his message. He’s obviously a very intelligent man, but being intelligent wouldn’t be enough if he lacked the ability to clearly articulate his theological message. Pope John Paul II possesses that ability in abundance.

What’s particularly impressive is the way he can inspire people of all ages. You would think that, because of his advanced age, young people might tune him out. They don’t. In fact, the opposite is true. Pope John Paul II is extremely popular with younger Catholics. That is due in no small part to his charm and charisma. Even when you disagree with what he says, you like him.

Few world leaders in this century have demonstrated more courage, compassion, and conviction than Pope John Paul II. This is a man who had the courage to stand his ground against the mighty Soviet Union and back the Solidarity movement in Poland at a time when communism was still a world threat. His bold stance helped bring down the wall of Communist tyranny. For that, he will be go down as one of the twentieth century’s most important figures.

Compassion? He visited the man who shot and almost killed him. How many of us could be that magnanimous, that compassionate toward someone who tried to end our life? I doubt that many of us could find it in our heart to be so forgiving. But he could, and it was an act of great significance.

Pope John Paul II is by far the most-traveled pope of all time. That’s another thing that endears him to so many people. It’s one thing to sit in the Vatican and say you understand the plight of people in Third World countries, but it’s another thing to actually visit them and see up close what the situation is.

But of all the traits that make Pope John Paul II a great leader, none is more important than his conviction. He knows in his heart what is right and wrong and nothing is going to persuade him otherwise. He not only has conviction, he also has the moral and spiritual courage to follow those convictions. He simply will not bend to the wishes of angry dissenters or to what is currently popular or “in.”

And make no mistake, some of his decisions are unpopular, especially in this country, where he’s taken real flack on the issues of abortion, birth control, and the ordination of women priests. But no matter how loud the protests are, he refuses to back down. His conviction is matched by his fearlessness.

Pope John Paul II has had to navigate some choppy seas during his years as head of the Roman Catholic Church. He has been tested to the limit, spiritually and physically, and he has never once wavered or faltered. His love and his inner strength are boundless.