Final Word

‘I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country… Corporations have been enthroned, an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money-power of the country will endeavour to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until the wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed.’

Abraham Lincoln [1864]

Congratulations. You’ve made it!

It is my sincerest hope that this book has inspired many of you to become active in the push against toxic chemicals in our everyday lives.

If you are feeling absolutely overwhelmed with all the information on these harmful chemicals and how they affect you, your family and our environment, this is totally understandable. It is a lot of information to digest in a short period of time.

The simplest and easiest thing by far, would be to do nothing. We can carry on with our lives just as we have done for years and hope that a bad situation will not get worse, or we can take action today.

We must realise that we have the power to change this situation. We can say ‘NO’ to all these chemicals by voting with our pockets.

Every time we shop, we have the opportunity to support an industry that promotes the health and wellbeing of all, and one that respects and values our environment; or we can choose to continue to support an industry that sees profits as its primary objective.

Through the years, we have allowed the proliferation of chemical substances by corporate entities whose motivation is for increased market share and massive profits at the expense of our health and environment.

If you find yourself questioning the role that you play in making any significant difference, you must remind yourself that by supporting the organic industry every time you shop, you are saying ‘NO’ to the dangers associated with these chemicals.

There is overwhelming evidence to support action against the use of these chemicals, however, those producing these chemicals will always argue in favour of their use. How long are we willing to gamble the health of our children, the environment and our future?

Together, we can say ‘NO’ to harmful chemicals in our lives.

Dr Esther Lok

PS: Our website will provide you with additional resources and information to assist you in your journey towards a chemical-free life. Also, we’d love to hear and receive your letters or emails if you have been inspired by any of the stories or information in this book, so please contact us with your feedback.