Chapter 8

Earlier, Josh had watched from the other side of the parking lot as the woman carried their belongings to the Explorer. Two duffel bags, dog dishes, and what looked like her purse went inside, then she returned to the building.

Josh had seen her that morning as she filled a tray full of food and coffee and took it to their room. That was when he made a dash for the Continental breakfast then sat outside, where he enjoyed his meal with coffee in an area that the detective had no reason to notice. The parking lot was clearly visible from his location. Josh had showered earlier, put on his new clothes, and taken everything out to the car once he knew he wouldn’t cross paths with McCord.

Looks like you’re about to leave, and I’ll be right behind you. Whatever you’re expecting this little trip to be, McCord, it won’t go the way you’re hoping. You’ll have a vacation all right—a vacation straight from hell.

Josh wiped his hands on the paper napkin and tossed his breakfast waste in the trash can. He headed to the Corolla and climbed in. Even though he had a partially obstructed view of the Explorer, he would see the detective clearly as soon as they walked out of the hotel’s front door. Josh needed to be ready to go when McCord and his companions left.

Researching the park on his phone last night, he learned that the busy season didn’t officially begin until after Memorial Day. The place would be nearly dead, and he’d be able to choose any campsite he wanted, but he had to be cautious. With fewer people there, he could easily be noticed.

I need to find a secluded campsite where I’ll have a good view of the detective but he won’t see me.

Josh rubbed his hands together vigorously. “It’s been a long time since I’ve had a vacation, and this one will be the best one yet.” Seconds later, he caught a glimpse of McCord, the woman, and the dog as they exited the building and headed for the SUV. “Here we go.” He craned his neck and followed them with his eyes as they wove between cars until they reached the one with the canoe on top. “Ah, looks like the little lady has decided to drive.”

Josh started the car and waited until the woman turned right out of the parking lot before he shifted into Drive. He pulled out and followed several car lengths behind them. With that canoe on top of the SUV, towering over the other cars on the road, keeping them in sight would be easy.

Five minutes into the drive, the Explorer turned right in to a gas station.

“Time to fill up, huh?”

He glanced at his gas gauge and saw he still had half a tank, but as long as they were there, he’d fill up too. Luckily, the gas station was large, and by pulling in at the opposite end of the station, he could go unnoticed. Between the vehicles, Josh saw the detective climb out of the SUV and grab the gas pump. Once McCord’s back was turned and he was preoccupied with filling the tank, Josh could go inside, prepay for the gas in cash, and get the hell back out to the car. He crossed the pavement quickly and entered the building.

He tipped his head at the attendant. “Twelve on pump six.”

“Sure thing. Anything else?”

“Just my change.” Josh handed the man a twenty, collected his change, and headed for the door. Through the glass, he saw the detective and the woman coming his way.

Son of a bitch!

He turned and ducked into the third aisle. Peering between the magazine racks, he saw them walk in then heard the woman say she was going to use the facilities.

“Do you want a coffee, too, babe?”

“Yes, please.”

Josh looked around for a side exit and saw one, but he would have to pass the detective, who was standing at the coffee counter. He held his position until the woman walked out of the restroom and approached McCord. With their focus on each other, Josh made a dash for the door. He still had to top off the tank and be ready to go once they walked out.

Damn, that was close, but who knows if he’d even recognize me after twelve years. I’ve gotten a lot bigger since then.

Josh smirked as he squeezed the gas pump handle and watched the dollars add up on the digital readout.

I could crush his ribs with one hand tied behind my back.

A minute later, with the gas pump returned to its place, Josh turned over the ignition and followed the SUV out of the lot. Back on the interstate, he settled in for the two-hour drive.

He frowned. “Damn it, I should have gotten a coffee too.”