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Aaronovitch, David


Adams, John

Adams, John Quincy

Adenauer, Konrad

adversarial political interviews


affect phase, of advertising

After Virtue (MacIntyre)

Ahmadinejad, Mahmoud

alazoneia (boastfulness)


Ali, Ayaan Hirsi

alliteration, in rhetoric

Ambler, Tim

American Dialect Society

American exceptionalism

American Medical Association

American National Academy of Sciences

American Right


anacoenosis (rhetorical question)

analytical journalism

Andreotti, Guilio

Animal Farm (Orwell)

antilingua (nonlanguage)




anti-vaccine movement

antiwar movement

anti-war rhetoric


aporia (moment of acknowledgment)

Areopagitica (Milton)

argument for gullible masses. See argumentatum ad captandum vulgus

argument without character

argumentatum ad captandum vulgus (argument for gullible masses)




amplification for

on deliberative rhetoric

on democracy


on enthymemes

on epidemic rhetoric

on forensic rhetoric

on public language

on public speakers

rhetoric and

Armstrong, Neil

Art of Rhetoric (Aristotle)

assassinations. See Charlie Hebdo, assassinations at

asymmetric wars

Attlee, Clement

Austria, Freedom Party in

authentic rhetoric, authenticism and. See also anti-politicians

of Hitler

morality and

Orwell on

politicians and

rationalists and

simplicity of language and

Tea Party and

totalitarianism and

in Western politics

Ayers, A. J.

Bachman, Michele

Balls, Ed

Basic English

BBC. See British Broadcasting Company

The BBC and Climate Change: A Triple Betrayal (Booker)

Beard, Mary

Behemoth (Hobbes)

Being and Time (Heidegger)

Bell, Tim

Berger, John

Berlusconi, Silvio

Bernays, Edward

Bertinotti, Fausto

Bhatti, Gurpreet Kaur

Bhutto, Benazir

Big Conversation

Bin Laden, Osama


Birt, John


Blair, Tony

Big Conversation

communication strategy of

confrontations with public

February Dossier and

“Feral Beast” speech

Good Friday Agreement and

Helmand expedition under

on impact journalism

masochism strategy of

on modern media

Nudge Unit and

political marketing strategies by

September Dossier and

triangulation political strategy

war rhetoric of

on WMDs

Bloomberg, Michael

BNP. See British National Party

boastfulness. See alazoneia

Boehner, John

Booker, Christopher

Borger, Julian

Boylston, Nicholas

Boym, Svetlana


Braun, Eva

Breakfast Time

Brexit campaign

British Broadcasting Company (BBC). See also television news; specific programs

doctrine of impartiality

editorial decisions of

election coverage by

left-wing bias of

political news programming for

Question Time

RATs at

reform of news divisions

Thatcher’s relationship with

British Left

British National Party (BNP)

broadcast media. See also television news organizations

Brown, Gordon

Brown, Michael

Bruni, Frank

Bryan, William Jennings

Buchanan, Pat


bunga bunga

bureaucratic state

Burnham, Andy

Bush, George H. W.

Bush, George W.

Bush, Jeb

Butler, Rab



Cable News Network (CNN)

Callaghan, James

Calvino, Italo

Cameron, David

campaign finance reform

Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND)

Campbell, Alistair

Camus, Rémi

Cantor, Eric

Carlyle, Thomas

Carroll, Lewis

Carson, Ben

Carson, Rachel

Carter, Jimmy

Catesby, Robert

Cato the Elder

Cato the Younger

Cavallari, Kristin

censorship. See also freedom of expression

Challenger space shuttle explosion

Charlie Hebdo, assassinations at

Chatel, Luc

Checkland, Michael

Cherwitz, Richard A.

Chirac, Jacques

Christakis, Erika

Christakis, Nicholas

Christian Democratic Party

Churchill, Winston. See also World War II

war rhetoric of

civic education

Clapper, James

Clark, Alan

Clark, Joseph


climate change

Clinton, Bill

Clinton, Hillary

CND. See Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament

CNN. See Cable News Network

commercial messaging. See also advertising; marketing


compliance culture

Comte, Auguste

concrete object

Conservative Party. See also Thatcher, Margaret

conviction politicians

Cook, Robin

Corbyn, Jeremy


Coulibaly, Amédy

Coupe, Nigel

Criado-Perez, Caroline

Criminal Justice and Immigration Act

critical audience

critical persuasion

Cruz, Ted

cultural sensitivity, freedom of expression and

culture of suspicion

Cuomo, Mario



cyberspace sovereignty

The Daily Mail

Damazer, Mark

Dasein (individual and collective being)

Day, Robin

The Death of Klinghoffer

death panels

death tax

deductive reasoning

deliberation, rhetoric and

deliberative rhetoric


democracy, democracies and

Aristotle on

collapse of

components of


freedom of expression in

modern media’s influence on

public deliberation as central to


in Russia

demonstrative rhetoric

Derrida, Jacques

dialectical discourse


diction. See pretentious diction

digital technology

broadcast media and

democratization of media through

as feedback loop

howlround and

journalism and

news cycle influenced by

newspapers and

political marketing through

direct democracy

disputational approach, to journalism

doctrine of impartiality, at BBC

Dole, Robert

Dollfuss, Engelbert

doxa (opinion)

Dr. Strangelove

Duarte, Nancy

“Dulce et decorum est” (Owen)

Dunkley, Christopher

dying metaphors

Dyke, Greg

Edelman Trust Barometer

Eden, Anthony

eironeia (excessive understatement)

Eisenhower, Dwight

Eliot, T. S.

Emanuel, Ezekiel

emotional rhetoric

empathetic discourse

empirical feedback

empty rhetoric

English Defence League


enumeratio (reasons for going into war)

epideictic rhetoric. See also demonstrative rhetoric

episteme (true knowledge)

Erdoğan, Recep Tayyip

Erickson, Erick

Esquivel, Yolanda


anti-politicians and

broadcast media and

NHS and

Reagan’s mastery of


European Exchange Rate Mechanism

European Union (EU). See also specific countries

exaggeration, in spin

excessive understatement. See eironeia



fairness, language of

Farage, Nigel


February Dossier

feedback loops

“Feral Beast” speech

Ferguson, Niall

fighting words

Fo, Dario

Foot, Michael

forensic journalism

forensic rhetoric


Francis (Pope)


freedom of expression. See also Charlie Hebdo; Rushdie, Salman

under Criminal Justice and Immigration Act

cultural sensitivity in conflict with

hate speech and

Hobbes on

legal protections of

non-sovereign threats and

restraint and

risks of

in Russia

sovereign threats and

suppression of

in Western democracies

Freedom Party

French Front National Party

Friend, Bob

Frost, David

Fry, Christopher

Fukuyama, Francis

Fulbright, J. William

Gaitskell, Hugh. See also Butskellism

Garsten, Bryan


gay marriage. See same-sex marriage

genetically modified foods (GMOs)

George, David Lloyd

Gerede (Heidegger)


Gilligan, Andrew

Gingrich, Newt


Gleichschaltung (Nazification of Germany)

global warming. See also climate change

Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF)

GMOs. See genetically modified foods

Goldwater, Barry

Good Friday Agreement

Good-Bye to All That (Graves)

Gorbachev, Mikhail

Gore, Al

Gorgias (Socrates)

Gott, John William

Gould, Diana

Gould, Philip

Graham, Lindsey

Graves, Robert

Great Britain. See also Blair, Tony; Thatcher, Margaret

British Left in

Butskellism in

Labour Party in

membership in EU

New Labour Party in

NHS in

One-Nation Tories in

SDP in

social policy making in

Third Way centrism in

The Great Global Warming Swindle

Great Society

The Great War


Greek Golden Dawn Party

Green, Stephen

Greer, Bonnie

Greer, Germaine

Griffin, Nick

Grillo, Beppe

guilt by association tactic

Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

Gulf Wars

The Guns of August (Tuchman)

Gutmann, Amy

GWPF. See Global Warming Policy Foundation

Haig, Douglas

Hain, Peter

Haldeman, H. R.

Hamann, Johann Georg



Hanfstaengl, Ernst

hate crimes

hate speech

HBR Guide to Persuasive Presentations (Duarte)

Healey, Denis

Health and Social Care Act 2012 (UK)

health care, reform of. See also Obamacare

McCaughey’s public response to

NHS and

under Obama

privatization of

Romney and

in US

in Western countries

Heidegger, Martin

Helmand expedition

Herder, Johann Gottfried

Heren, Louis

hermeneutics of suspicion

Heseltine, Michael

Hilton, Steve

hip-hop. language of

History of the Peloponnesian War (Thucydides)

Hitchens, Christopher

Hitler, Adolf

authentic rhetoric of

Dasein and

Hussein compared to

public language of

use of false pretexts for war

Hobbes, Thomas

Hoffman, Dustin

Hogben, Lancelot

Holland, François


Hoskins, Brian

Howard, Philip K.

Howe, Geoffrey


Hughes, Ted

Huhne, Chris

Hume, David

Hussein, Saddam

Hussey, Marmaduke

Hutton, Brian

“I Have a Dream” (King)

“I Vow to Thee, My Country”

Iannucci, Armando

Igarashi, Hitoshi

imagery. See staleness of imagery

impact journalism

impartiality. See doctrine of impartiality

An Inconvenient Truth

individual and collective being. See Dasein

industrialization, of warfare

information goods

informed public

Ingraham, Laura

institutions. See journalism; modern media; newspapers

Interglossa: A Draft of an Auxiliary for a Democratic World Order (Hogben)

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)

internationalism. See utopian internationalism

Internet, negative behaviors on

interpretation, as art

IPCC. See Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

Iraq War

Italy. See also Berlusconi, Silvio

It’s Even Worse Than It Looks: How the American Constitutional System Collided with the New Politics of Extremism (Mann and Ornstein)

James, P. D.

Japan, postwar reconstruction in

Jay, Peter

Jenkins, Simon

Jerry Springer: The Opera

Jobs, Steve

Johnson, Boris

Johnson, Lyndon

Jones, Steve

Joseph, Keith

journalism. See also newspapers; television news organizations


biases in

digital technology and

disputational approach to


impact journalism

moral risks in

in popular culture


war rhetoric and, role in

Joyce, James

Judd, Ashley

Julius Caesar (Shakespeare)

justified wars


Kahan, Dan

Kasich, John

Keating, Roly

Kelly, David

Kennedy, John F.

Kennedy, Robert F.

Khomeini, Ruhollah (Ayatollah)

Kiely, Aaron

King, Martin Luther, Jr.

King Lear (Shakespeare)

Kinnock, Neil

Klein, Morton

Klinghoffer, Leon

Krugman, Paul

Kubrick, Stanley

Labour Party. See also Blair, Tony

The Lady’s Not for Burning (Fry)

Lagarde, Christine

language. See public language; rhetoric

Language, Truth, and Logic (Ayers)

Language and Society in a Changing Italy (Tosi)

Lansley, Andrew

Lansleycare. See also National Health Service

Laski, Harold

Lavrov, Sergei

Lawrence, D. H.

Lawson, Nigel

Le Pen, Marie

Lee, Stewart

Leon, Richard

“let it happen on purpose” (LIHOP)

Leviathan (Hobbes)


Liebovich, Mark

LIHOP. See “let it happen on purpose”

Limits of Growth

Lincoln, Abraham

Lisbon Treaty

Lloyd, John


The Logic of Scientific Discovery (Popper)


Lucas, Caroline

Luntz, Frank

MacIntyre, Alasdair

Macmillan, Harold

Maeseele, Peter

Magee, Joseph Gillespie, Jr.

magnification, in war rhetoric

Maher, Bill

Major, John

“make it happen on purpose” (MIHOP)

Mamet, David

Mandela, Nelson

Mann, Thomas E.

The March of Folly (Tuchman)

Mariam, Mengistu Haile

marketing, language of. See also advertising; political marketing

amplification in

competition in

empirical feedback in

grouping of customers

information goods

intensification in

persuasion in

predictive audience models and

product decontextualization in

public language and

social anthropology and

social psychology and

telegrams in

urgency in

Martin, James L.

Marx, Karl

masochism strategy


May, Theresa

M’bala, Dieudonné M’bala

McCarthy, Jenny

McCaughey, Betsy

McGuinness, Martin

McKinley, William

McLuhan, Marshall

McNamara, Robert

The Meaning of Meaning (Richards)

meaningless words

media. See modern media

Merali, Arzu

metaphors. See dying metaphors


Midnight’s Children (Rushdie)

MIHOP. See “make it happen on purpose”

Miliband, Ed

military rhetoric. See war rhetoric

Miller, Henry

Milne, Alasdair

Milton, John

minor rhetoric

Miranda, Lin-Manuel

misogyny, on Internet

Mitterand, François

MMR-autism claims

modern media. See also journalism

advertisers and

Blair on

democracy and, failure of

doxa in

investigative journalism and

public language and

reality television

moment of acknowledgment. See aporia

Moore, Jo


Morning Joe

Morris, Chris

Morris, Dick

Mountbatten, Louis (Lord)

Murdoch, Rupert

Murray, Andrew

Muslim Council of Great Britain

Mussolini, Benito

narratives. See political narratives

Nasser, Gamal Abdel

National Front

National Health Service (NHS)



Nazification of Germany. See Gleichschaltung

Nesin, Aziz

Netanyahu, Benjamin

New Labour Party

“New Words” (Orwell)

The New York Times

news cycles

news organizations. See television news



declining use of

digital versions of

global warming coverage in

Internet as influence on

investigative traditions for

length of articles in

in UK

in US

NHS. See National Health Service

The Nicomachean Ethics (Aristotle)

The Nine O’Clock News

9/11 attacks

Nineteen Eighty-Four (Orwell)

Nixon, Richard

nonlanguage. See antilingua

Noonan, Peggy

Northern Ireland

Nott, John

Nudge (Sunstein and Thaler)

Nudge Unit

“O Valiant Hearts”

Obama, Barack

dual rhetoric for

health care reform under

political marketing by


death panels under

Republican opposition to

objective rationality

Ogden, C.K.

Oh! What a Lovely War

Oliver, John

“On Nature” (Parmenides)

O’Neill, Onora

One-Nation Tories

open societies


opinion. See doxa

Ornstein, Norman J.

Orwell, George. See also “Politics and the English Language”

on authentic rhetoric

Laski and

nativism of

objective ranking of language

on public language

on public persuasion

on rhetoric

on totalitarianism

on utopianism

Osborne, George

Owen, Wilfred

Palin, Sarah




Pasolini, Pier Paolo

Paterson, Pat


Pavlov, Ivan

Pavlovsky, Gleb

Paxman, Jeremy

Peiser, Benny




persuasive hierarchy

Peston, Robert

Philosophical Investigations (Wittgenstein)

Philpott, Mick

phronesis (practical wisdom)


political correctness

political marketing

by Blair

through digital technology

historical development of

Luntz and

by Obama

segmentation in

sentiment analysis in

to soccer moms

through social media

Wheeler on

political narratives

Political Order and Political Decay (Fukuyama)

political populism. See populism

political pragmatism

politics, public trust in

“Politics and the English Language” (Orwell)

authentic metaphors in

dying metaphors

lack of precision in

meaningless words


pretentious diction

staleness of imagery in

totalitarianism threats and

politics of extremism


Popper, Karl

populism, political

positivism, in public language

practical wisdom. See phronesis

prebuttal. See procatalepsis

pretentious diction

pretext, for war

military language in

political context for

for Vietnam War, US involvement in

privatization, of health care

procatalepsis (prebuttal)

propaganda, political

in advertising

by Conservative Party

in slogans

spin and

proscription, as counterproductive


public language. See also rhetoric

as agent of change

anger in

Aristotle on

about climate change

crisis in

crisis of public trust in

demagoguery and

distortions of

euphemism in

failures of

as feedback loop

historical importance of

of Hitler

in Italy

marketing language and

modern media and

morality and

for Orwell

of Palin

in “Politics and the English Language”

positivism in

puns in

revitalization of

satire in

for science

transformation of

of Trump

Trump Test for

public persuasion

public speaking, public speakers and

public trust

in government

in politicians

in public language

Putin, Vladimir


Question Time


micro-aggressions and


rationalists, rationalism and

authentic rhetoric and

RATs. See research assistant trainees

Reagan, Ronald

cultural context for

ethos and

pathos and

political history of

public popularity of

rhetorical logic of

on small government

Thatcher and

Reagan Democrats

reality television

reasons for going into war. See enumeratio

reciprocal altruism

Redford, Robert

Reformation period

Reid, John

religious extremism

Charlie Hebdo assassinations as result of

Jerry Springer: The Opera and

repetition, in rhetoric

representative democracy

research assistant trainees (RATs)

restraint, in freedom of expression

rhetoric. See also anti-war rhetoric; war rhetoric

amplification in

in ancient cultures


apophasis and

argumentatum ad captandum vulgus

Aristotle and


bewilderment and

critics of


deliberation and


dialectics and



enthymemes and


ethos and

fables in


guilt by association tactic

in Italy

logos and

maxims in


of Obama

in open societies

Orwell on


pathos and

in political narratives

procatalepsis and

of Putin

of Reagan

Sophists and

syllogisms and

for Thatcher

of Trump

rhetorical question. See anacoenosis

rhythm, in rhetoric

Rice, Condoleezza

Rice-Davies, Mandy

Richards, I. A.

Ricœur, Paul

Rome, ancient

Romney, Mitt

Roosevelt, Franklin

Royal Society (RS)

RS. See Royal Society

Rubio, Marco

The Rule of Law and Its Enemies (Ferguson)

The Rule of Nobody (Howard)

Rumsfeld, Donald

Rushdie, Salman


Saatchi, Charles

Saatchi, Maurice

Safire, William


Sambrook, Richard

same-sex marriage

Sanders, Bernie

Sarkeesian, Anita

Sarkozy, Nicolas

Satanic Verses (Rushdie)


Saving Persuasion (Garsten)

Scarborough, Joe

Schuurman, Dimitri

science. See also climate change

advocacy approach to

BBC approach to, as doctrine of impartiality

deductive reasoning and

logic and

public ignorance of

public language for

scientific argument approach to

special status for

scientific socialism

SDP. See Social Democratic Party

segmentation, in political marketing

Seldon, Anthony

sentiment analysis

shadow wars

Shakespeare, William

Sharry, Frank

Silent Spring (Carson)

Siroker, Dan


Smith, John

Smith, Wendell R.

Snowden, Edward

soccer moms

social anthropology

Social Democratic Party (SDP)

Social Democrats

social media. See also Twitter

social psychology

socialism. See scientific socialism

socialized medicine



sound bites



exaggeration in

The Spirit of Compromise (Gutmann and Thompson)

staleness of imagery

Stalin, Josef


Stevenson, Adlai

Stewart, John

Stop the War Coalition (STWC)

Strasma, Ken

strategy presentations

Straw, Jack

structural racism

STWC. See Stop the War Coalition

Suez crisis

Sunstein, Cass R.





tabloid journalism

Tate, Catherine

Taylor, Peter

Tea Party

Tebbit, Norman

technocrats, technocracy and

television news organizations. See also British Broadcasting Company; Cable News Network

anti-vaccine movement coverage

brief expositions for

editing style for


Iraq conflict coverage of

news cycles for

after 9/11

public confidence in

sound bites in

in UK compared to US

Tested Sentences That Sell (Wheeler)

Thaler, Richard

Thatcher, Margaret

advertising imagery and

comic style of

as conviction politician

deregulation strategy

oratory of

public disenchantment with

public response to

Reagan and

relationship with BBC

rhetoric for


Third Way centrism

Thomas, Richard

Thompson, Dennis

Thompson, Dorothy

Thompson, Fred



Tosi, Arturo


Toynbee, Polly

Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus (Wittgenstein)


triangulation political strategy

tricolon crescens (three victory clauses)


true knowledge. See episteme

Trump, Donald

as anti-politician

anti-vaccine movement and

parataxis by

public language of

public perception of

rhetoric of

truth-telling of

Trump Test

truth and virtue

Tsipras, Alexis

Tuchman, Barbara


2008 financial crisis

Tyndall, John

Tyrie, Andrew

UK. See United Kingdom

UK Independence Party (UKIP)

Ulysses (Joyce)

United Kingdom (UK). See also Great Britain

antiwar movement in

Brexit campaign in

CND in

Criminal Justice and Immigration Act in

decline in public trust in

freedom of expression in

Health and Social Care Act 2012 in

Health and Social Care Bill in

in Iraq War, war rhetoric for

membership in EU

military response to Taliban

newspapers in

postwar political consensus in

public confidence in media in

public opinion on global warming

public trust in government in

during Reformation

religious extremism in


television news coverage in


United States (US)

campaign finance reform in

civic education on

decline in public trust in

exceptionalism of

freedom of expression in

Great Society in

health care reform in

newspapers in

Obamacare in

political populism in

political pragmatism in

postwar political consensus in

pretext for Vietnam War involvement

public trust in government in

Reagan Democrats in

soccer moms in

Tea Party in

television news coverage in

War on Poverty in

Universal Declaration of Human Rights

urgency, in marketing language

US. See United States

utopian internationalism

utopian rationalism

vaccines. See anti-vaccine movement

Vakratsas, Demetrios

van Gogh, Theo

victory clauses. See tricolon crescens

Vietnam War

Volf, Miroslav

Wakefield, Andrew. See also anti-vaccine movement

Walker, Henry

Wall Street Journal

Wallace, David Foster

Wallace, George

War on Poverty

war rhetoric. See also anti-war rhetoric

alliteration in

amplification in

anacoenosis in

antiwar movement’s use of

of Blair

of Churchill

“Dulce et decorum est” and

enumeratio in

February Dossier and

for Iraq War involvement

journalistic role in

magnification in

pretext for war in

rhythmical language in

September Dossier and

tricolon crescens in

WMDs in

during World War I

during World War II

Ware, John


industrialization and

military technology and

Warsi, Baroness

weapons of mass destruction (WMDs)

Weber, Max

Welby, Justin

Weltanschauung (worldview)

What the Media Are Doing to Our Politics (Lloyd)

Wheeler, Elmer. See also marketing

nudge principle

on political marketing

on strategy presentations

urgency for

Wilders, Geert

Williams, Shirley

Wilson, Harold

Wittgenstein, Ludwig

WMDs. See weapons of mass destruction

Words That Work (Luntz)

The World Crisis 1911–1918 (Churchill)

The World Tonight

World War I, war rhetoric for

World War II

worldview. See Weltanschauung

Xi Jinping

Yeltsin, Boris