11. The Abolition of Public Language

  1. . NUS Connect, www.nusconnect.org.uk/blogs/blog/aaronkiely/2012/09/19/Redefining-NUS-No-Platform-Policy-would-weaken-the-fight-against-fascism-amp-how-it-is-possible-to-/.

  2. . Mark Thompson, “Keeping Nick Griffin off Air Is a Job for Parliament, not the BBC,” Guardian, October 21, 2009, www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2009/oct/21/question-time-bbc-bnp-griffin.

  3. . www.theguardian.com/politics/2009/oct/19/peter-hain-bnp-question-time. Peter Hain’s claim that it was “unlawful” was based on a legal technicality concerning the BNP’s registration as a political party. The BBC was advised that this issue did not affect the BNP’s fundamental status or its ability to field candidates at the next election—the key questions for us.

  4. . Janice Turner, “No Garlic and Silver Bullets Are Needed for Nick Griffin,” Times of London, October 17, 2009.

  5. . www.standard.co.uk/news/when-bonnie-greer-met-nick-griffin-6768790.html; www.theguardian.com/music/2011/nov/23/bonnie-greer-nick-griffin-opera.

  6. . Yale Herald, November 6, 2015. The article was removed from the Herald’s Web site, apparently at the author’s request, shortly after it was posted, but it is viewable at therightscoop.com/yale-student-writes-the-most pathetic-demand-that-students-be-sheltered-from-reality/.

  7. . Steven Morris, “Germaine Greer Gives University Lecture Despite Campaign to silence Her,” Guardian, November 18, 2015, www.theguardian.com/books/2015/nov/18/transgender-activists-protest-germaine-greer-lecture-cardiff-university.

  8. . www.ipetitions.com/petition/reconsider-the-smith-college-2014-commencement.

  9. . Michael Bloomberg, Remarks at Harvard University’s 363rd Commencement Ceremony, May 29, 2014, www.mikebloomberg.com/index.cfm?objectid:4D9E60A5-5056-9A3E-D07D6B773CAD46E4.

  10. . Assorted comments on Tyler Durden’s guest post, “Niall Ferguson Shatters Paul Krugman’s Delusions,” Zero Hedge, October 23, 2013.

  11. . Alasdair MacIntyre, After Virtue: A Study in Moral Theory, 3rd ed. (Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 2007), p. 6.

  12. . Ibid., p. 10.

  13. . John Taylor, Works of John Taylor, the Water Poet, vol. 1 (Manchester: Spencer Society, 1870), p. 4. I have reversed the italic and roman text of the original for ease of reading.

  14. . Jenny Wormald, “Gunpowder, Treason, and Scots,” Journal of British Studies 24, no. 2 (April 1985): 141–68.

  15. . Bryan Garsten, Saving Persuasion: A Defense of Rhetoric and Judgment (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2006), p. 30, quoting Hobbes’s Behemoth.

  16. . Ibid., p. 37, quoting Hobbes’s Leviathan.

  17. . Christopher Hitchens, Hitch-22: A Memoir (New York: Grand Central, 2010), p. 268.

  18. . Jimmy Carter, “Rushdie’s Book Is an Insult,” New York Times, March 5, 1989.

  19. . The World Tonight, BBC Radio 4, January 7, 2015. I have condensed Arzu Merali’s language very slightly (her remarks were made during a live radio discussion) but without changing the meaning.

  20. . Ibid., again with minor condensing of David Aaronovitch’s response.

  21. . Quoted in Anne Barnard, “New Charlie Hebdo Cartoon Stirs Muslim Anger in Mideast,” New York Times, January 14, 2015.

  22. . Joint declaration of the ministers of the interior, Paris, January 11, 2015, www.ambafrance-uk.org/Charlie-hebdo-joint-statement-of.

  23. . Associated Press, January 27, 2015.

  24. . Theresa May, November 24, 2014, quoted in the Guardian, www.theguardian.com/politics/2014/nov/24/terror-bill-requires-universities-to-ban-extremist-speakers.

  25. . Communications Act 2003, Section 127, www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2003/21/section/127.