12. Keep Calm but Don’t Carry On

  1. . http://yougov.co.uk/news/2014/10/29/political-disaffection-not-new-it-rising-and-drivi/.

  2. . Onora O’Neill, A Question of Trust: The BBC Reith Lectures 2002 (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2002), p. 18.

  3. . http://yougov.co.uk/news/2014/10/29/political-disaffection-not-new-it-rising-and-drivi/.

  4. . Jane Merrick, “Labour Needs an Angry Leader: It’s Time for Ed Miliband To Go to War,” Independent, February 1, 2015; Polly Toynbee, “As Osborne Plans More Austerity, It’s Time for Labour Outrage,” Guardian, March 17, 2015.

  5. . Daily Telegraph, February 28, 2014, www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/eu/10668242/Europe-David-Cameron-cant-match-Nigel-Farages-simple-message.html.

  6. . Remarks by Boris Johnson reported by the Guardian, February 21, 2016, www.theguardian.com/politics/blog/live/2016/feb/21/cameron-marr-boris-johnson-eu-referendum-camerons-interview-on-the-marr-show-as-boris-johnson-prepares-to-declare-his-hand-politics-live.

  7. . Quoted by Tom Kington in the Observer, March 2, 2013, www.theguardian.com/world/2013/mar/02/beppe-grillo-dario-fo-italy.

  8. . “Falling Star,” The Economist, December 9, 2014.

  9. . See Leonardo Tarán, Parmenides: A Text with Translation, Commentary, and Critical Essays (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1965), pp. 210ff. Interpretations of the passage vary widely and, in cases like mine, probably tell you more about the intentions of the translator than about what Parmenides himself had to say. In the lecture series he delivered about Parmenides at Freiburg in 1942–1943, Martin Heidegger translated this same sentence as follows: “There is, however, a need that you experience everything, both the stable heart of well-enclosing unconcealment, as well as the appearing in its appearance to mortals, where there is no relying on the unconcealed.” This translation from the German appears in Parmenides by Martin Heidegger, translated by André Schuwer and Richard Rojcewicz (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1992).

  10. . Eminem, “Words Are Weapons,” first released on Funkmaster Flex, 60 Minutes of Funk, Volume 4: The Mixtape (2000).

  11. . Public Enemy, “Fight the Power,” Motown, 1989.

  12. . www.instagram.com/p/rkrM8xS1Mk/?modal=true.

  13. . Killer Mike, “Pressure,” from the album I Pledge Allegiance to the Grind II, 2008.

  14. . Hamilton, music, lyrics, and book by Lin-Manuel Miranda. Hamilton premiered in 2015.