3. There You Go Again
1. http://germanhistorydocs.ghi-dc.org/docpage.cfm?docpage_id=3194.
2. Winston Churchill election broadcast, June 4, 1945.
3. Letter from Eisenhower to William Phillips, June 5, 1953, Box 25, Ann Whitman file, DDE Diary Series, Eisenhower Presidential Library.
4. Thomasina Gabriele, Italo Calvino: Eros and Language (New Jersey: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1996), p. 40 ff.
5. Nelson Mandela, “I Am Prepared to Die” speech, April 20, 1964, www.nelsonmandela.org/news/entry/i-am-prepared-to-die.
6. www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/politics/daily/may98/goldwaterspeech.htm. It is still widely believed that the words are a paraphrase of a passage in one of Cicero’s In Catilinam speeches, but no such passage exists. There is a passage in one of Cicero’s letters to his son Marcus, which is itself a paraphrase of Aristotle, which might have indirectly inspired the speechwriter.
7. Denis Healey, House of Commons, June 14, 1978.
8. Like several other members of her cabinet, Keith Joseph was Jewish, a fact that did not go unnoticed by the British establishment or media. Veiled anti-Semitism, and the pointed presentation of Jewish public figures as somehow “other” remains a reality in the British media.
9. TV-AM interview with David Frost, December 30, 1988, www.margaretthatcher.org/speeches/displaydocument.asp?docid=107022.
10. Comic Relief, BBC Television, 2009, www.youtube.com/watch?v=sfkjvagVsRI.
11. Margaret Thatcher, speech to the Conservative Party Conference, October 10, 1980, www.margaretthatcher.org/document/104431.
12. Holli A. Semetko, Jay G. Blumler, Michael Gurevitch, and David H. Weaver, The Formation of Campaign Agendas: A Comparative Analysis of Party and Media Roles in Recent American and British Elections (Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1991), p. 119.
13. Richard Nixon, State of the Union address, 1970, millercenter.org/president/nixon/speeches/speech-3889.
14. Ronald Reagan, “A Time for Choosing,” October 27, 1964, www.reagan.utexas.edu/archives/reference/timechoosing.html.
15. Ibid.
16. Ibid.
17. Carter-Reagan presidential debate, October 28, 1980, www.debates.org/index.php?page=October-28-1980-debate/transcript.
18. www.nationalarchives.gov/presidential-libraries/events/centennials/nixon/images/exhibit/rn100-6-1-2.pdf.
19. Ronald Reagan, address to the nation on the Challenger disaster, January 28, 1986, history.nasa.gov/reagan12886.html.
20. www.gallup.com/poll/116677/presidential-approval-ratings-gallup-historical-statistics-trends.aspx.
21. http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2013/11/22/cnn-poll-jfk-tops-presidential-rankings-for-last-50-years/.