3. There You Go Again

  1. . http://germanhistorydocs.ghi-dc.org/docpage.cfm?docpage_id=3194.

  2. . Winston Churchill election broadcast, June 4, 1945.

  3. . Letter from Eisenhower to William Phillips, June 5, 1953, Box 25, Ann Whitman file, DDE Diary Series, Eisenhower Presidential Library.

  4. . Thomasina Gabriele, Italo Calvino: Eros and Language (New Jersey: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1996), p. 40 ff.

  5. . Nelson Mandela, “I Am Prepared to Die” speech, April 20, 1964, www.nelsonmandela.org/news/entry/i-am-prepared-to-die.

  6. . www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/politics/daily/may98/goldwaterspeech.htm. It is still widely believed that the words are a paraphrase of a passage in one of Cicero’s In Catilinam speeches, but no such passage exists. There is a passage in one of Cicero’s letters to his son Marcus, which is itself a paraphrase of Aristotle, which might have indirectly inspired the speechwriter.

  7. . Denis Healey, House of Commons, June 14, 1978.

  8. . Like several other members of her cabinet, Keith Joseph was Jewish, a fact that did not go unnoticed by the British establishment or media. Veiled anti-Semitism, and the pointed presentation of Jewish public figures as somehow “other” remains a reality in the British media.

  9. . TV-AM interview with David Frost, December 30, 1988, www.margaretthatcher.org/speeches/displaydocument.asp?docid=107022.

  10. . Comic Relief, BBC Television, 2009, www.youtube.com/watch?v=sfkjvagVsRI.

  11. . Margaret Thatcher, speech to the Conservative Party Conference, October 10, 1980, www.margaretthatcher.org/document/104431.

  12. . Holli A. Semetko, Jay G. Blumler, Michael Gurevitch, and David H. Weaver, The Formation of Campaign Agendas: A Comparative Analysis of Party and Media Roles in Recent American and British Elections (Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1991), p. 119.

  13. . Richard Nixon, State of the Union address, 1970, millercenter.org/president/nixon/speeches/speech-3889.

  14. . Ronald Reagan, “A Time for Choosing,” October 27, 1964, www.reagan.utexas.edu/archives/reference/timechoosing.html.

  15. . Ibid.

  16. . Ibid.

  17. . Carter-Reagan presidential debate, October 28, 1980, www.debates.org/index.php?page=October-28-1980-debate/transcript.

  18. . www.nationalarchives.gov/presidential-libraries/events/centennials/nixon/images/exhibit/rn100-6-1-2.pdf.

  19. . Ronald Reagan, address to the nation on the Challenger disaster, January 28, 1986, history.nasa.gov/reagan12886.html.

  20. . www.gallup.com/poll/116677/presidential-approval-ratings-gallup-historical-statistics-trends.aspx.

  21. . http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2013/11/22/cnn-poll-jfk-tops-presidential-rankings-for-last-50-years/.